View Full Version : Interview Needs Translation (Addition to site?)

01-06-2007, 12:14 AM
I'm sorry if this is a duplicate thread (I don't want to go digging right now)but I don't know if we have a translation of this interview yet. If not, we should. It also strikes me that as this is a nice, sit-down, Gourmandises/pre-Mes Courants Electriques interview that it would be a good candidate more subtitling and adding to the site since the vast majority of our interview videos are post-Mes Courants Electriques (1H Avec Alizée, Fan de, Lolytop, etc).

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/apyhpWP4-VQ"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/apyhpWP4-VQ" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

01-06-2007, 12:54 AM
Granted, I don't watch every interview...but I don't think I've seen that one before. So thanks!

I'm not sure if the MCE-dominance of this site is intentional or not, but I made a comment a few months ago about not watching the old stuff due to Alizée's age at the time. If I remember correctly, Brad sort of agreed. So maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know...Brad?

It could also be that the newer interviews are just more readily available (and in better quality), but I'm just guessing on that.

01-06-2007, 01:48 AM
Yes, I will admit that I have had a tendency to not upload pre-2002 stuff in the past. I have kinda gotten over that now though.

01-06-2007, 08:41 AM
Hmm, I was able to follow most of it, but I missed most of the part where the host asked Alizée her advice for other young folks who want to be singers or dancers. That's wierd, as usually that's a stock answer I recognize, but she said a whole lot in there before getting to the "above all, stay natural/stay yourself" bit at the end.

Pretty much, it was - Tell us about Star Ac, What was it like meeting Mylène and Laurant, What was your first time in the studio like, Do you have any advice for others interested in being performers, What's a day in your life like, Do you watch TV in your free time, Do you like R and B music, and do you watch cartoons.

I believe at the very end, accompanying that cute little look she does, Alizée was naming her favorite cartoons, which she said she watches with her little brother (though I don't recognize the names of the cartoons themselves). I can't tell, she might have been naming the characters of a specific show.

If people want a rough translation while we wait for the real thing, I can probably crank one out, but it's pretty hard for me in some parts without the written version (it'll have some gaps). If none of our natural francophones want to give it a go, I'll do my best.

01-06-2007, 09:27 AM
I've already seen that interview and I'm pretty sure there were subtitles. Maybe RMJ or Snatcher can provide a link to the version I found (or any other one with subtitles). If I'm mistaken (confounding with another interview maybe) or if they can't, then I'll do the transcription...
(RMJ, Snatcher, anyone else?)

01-06-2007, 10:50 AM
Hmm, I feel like I've seen subtitles for this one too, though when looking through my collection now I can't find any. If anyone else wants to double-check, here's the file info:

01-06-2007, 10:59 AM
Thanks Snatcher for searching...
Subtitles won't give you the French version anyway and since some of you told me they were interested in reading it too, I'm going to do the original transcription right now, at least... Cooney, it should fill all your gaps ;), maybe you can try the translation then? :), I won't have the time to do the translation itself very soon. If you will want any clue about the meaning of some parts, or for anything you're not sure, don't hesitate to PM me!

01-06-2007, 11:18 AM
Good find CFHollister. That was one that I have def never seen before. Thanks for the post.

01-06-2007, 11:34 AM
i remmber seeing it on youtube with subs..

01-06-2007, 11:38 AM
i found a lowRes video with subs in my files... uploading it now


Video with subs here (http://1alizee.com/home/e107_plugins/autogallery/autogallery.php?show=Videos-flv%2FAliz%E9e%20Int.%20with%20M6.wmv)

01-06-2007, 11:55 AM
Thanks Moe for the vid (I haven't verified if the subs are well done though). Anyway, here's the French version. And since subtitles always cut lots of things to fit the video, you still can work on a translation Cooney :D

[Host] Bonjour
[Alizée] Bonjour
[Host] Ça va bien ?
[Alizée] Très bien merci
[Host] On aimerait en savoir un petit peu plus sur toi...
[Alizée] Oui
[Host] ...et revenir sur tes débuts. Donc tu as participé à "Graînes de Star"...
[Alizée] Hmm
[Host] ...et de là, eh ben, qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé ?
[Alizée] J'ai gagné une émission
[Graînes de Star/L.Boyer] Stop!... Alizée viendra défendre les couleurs à Graînes de Star le mois prochain
[Alizée] Et puis après, j'ai su à Paris qu'il y avait un casting. Donc c'était des producteurs qui recherchaient une interprète. Donc j'ai envoyé une cassette vidéo et puis j'ai été prise pour chanter "Moi Lolita".
[Host] Et alors, ça fait quoi ?
[Alizée] (rires) Très très impressionnant comme... déjà quand on arrive la première fois en studio et... très impressionnant aussi de rencontrer Laurent Boutonnat et Mylène Farmer.
[Host] Ton premier clip ? C'est quoi ton, ton souvenir ? Est-ce que c'est pas impressionnant de se retrouver tout d'un coup en plein milieu avec plein de gens autour...
[Alizée] Ah oui c'est, c'est impressionnant surtout d'être devant la caméra, de jouer la comédie, parce que vraiment dans, dans... Moi Lolita, c'était vraiment la comédie. Laurent m'a mis [she should say "mise" :D] en confiance. Donc il m'a dit "t'inquiète pas, on va.. on peut recommencer plusieurs fois s'il y a quelque chose qui te gêne et tout...
[Host] Est-ce que tu participes ou non à l'écriture de tes chansons ?
[Alizée] Euh j'ai parlé beaucoup à Mylène de ce que j'aimais faire, de ma vie, de mon caractère. Et en fait, elle a essayé de s'inspirer de tout ça pour écrire les paroles. Et on dit.. on peut dire qu'elle m'a fait un album sur mesure.
[Host] D'accord. Qui te correspond vraiment ?
[Alizée] Ah oui. C'est vraiment de A à Z ce qui.. c'est ce que je suis.
[Host] Quel effet ça fait de recevoir le premier prix, tu sais, les M6 awards
[Alizée] C'est impressionnant déjà d'être... surtout que la salle était immense. Il y avait cinq mille personnes je crois
[M6 awards]
[Alizée] Un prix venant du public, c'est pas pareil que lorsqu'on reçoit, euh, autre chose. Mais là, venant du public, ça fait vraiment chaud au cœur et, et on l'a bien vu parce que je me suis mise à pleurer, donc euh...
[Host] Tu t'y attendais pas ?
[Alizée] Non, pas du tout
[Host] Est-ce que tu aurais quelques conseils à donner à des enfants, à des jeunes qui voudraient devenir chanteurs ou danseurs et faire partie de ce milieu artistique ? Ils sont là !
[Alizée] D'accord. Ben alors, pour pouvoir réussir, déjà il faut avoir beaucoup de volonté, euh, énormément. Savoir ce qu'on veut parce que des fois on se dit "bon j'aime... je ferai ça, ça réuss... peut-être ça marchera mais ça me plait pas tellement donc il faut vraiment faire ce qu'on aime et euh.. surtout rester très naturel, ce qui est très très dur
[Host] Une journée type d'Alizée, c'est quoi ?
[Alizée] Ouh là là. Ça commence très tôt le matin. Je me consacre une heure au tour de chant, donc je travaille, je fais des vocalises. Je travaille mes chansons euh en dansant en même temps parce que c'est très dur de danser et chanter en même temp. Et je peux avoir une (*) après-midi avec que des interviews toute (*) l'après midi et le soir, émission de télé. Donc à Paris...
[Host] C'est chargé
[Alizée] ...c'est très très chargé, oui.
[Host] Donc là, tu arrêtes les cours ?
[Alizée] Je vais prendre des cours particuliers avec une prof d'anglais. Et euh, je vais prendre des cours de français, donc euh... On va dire que c'est l'essentiel, ce qu'il faut dans ce métier, et puis on verra plus tard
[Host] Et quand tu as un petit peu de temps pour te détendre, est-ce que tu regardes la télé, chez toi ?
[Alizée] Oui, oui...
[Host] Tu regardes beaucoup de dessins animés ou pas ?
[Alizée] Comme j'ai mon petit frère qui a onze ans encore, donc, lui aussi, donc je suis avec lui devant la télé.
[Host] Tu ne rates pas "M6 kid" ?
[Alizée] Eh ben non.
[Host] Est-ce que tu aimes un peu la musique R & B ?
[Alizée] Ouis, j'aime bien ouais
[Host] Parce que juste après nos dessins animés, eh bien, on va retrouvé Craig David [???, British R&B singer] dans une exclusivité, vous allez voir, ça va swinger. Mais tout de suite, je vous propose de regarder vos dessins animés. Ça te va ?
[Alizée] Moi je propose qu'on regarde Kong et Cartouche.
[Host] Pas mal. On y va.

(*) note that she should say "un après-midi" and "tout l'après-midi". Some French invert the gender of that word that is masculine and not feminine. It may be a region thing though, but it's still wrong of course.

01-06-2007, 05:08 PM
i found a lowRes video with subs in my files... uploading it now


Video with subs here (http://1alizee.com/home/e107_plugins/autogallery/autogallery.php?show=Videos-flv%2FAliz%E9e%20Int.%20with%20M6.wmv)

Moe, will that be available for download too?

If we were to add ths interview to the site (which I think would be a good idea ;) ) I wonder if we couldn't do our own subtitles or redo the ones that have already been done to, if nothing else, make the text a bit bigger. Maybe it's just because the version Moe has with subtitles is low-res, but the text is quite small and difficult to read.

Thanks aFrenchie for the French transcript!

01-06-2007, 05:40 PM
yea... do right click save target... on the "Launch in external player (http://1alizee.com/home/e107_plugins/autogallery/showimage.php?img=Videos-flv%2FAliz%E9e%20Int.%20with%20M6.wmv)"

01-06-2007, 05:46 PM
Cool, thanks. That works well.

01-06-2007, 09:11 PM
Thanks for the transcription aFrenchie! I've got to leave for work in a moment, but I'll do a translation and post it in the morning when I get home. Should have it up in, oh, about 12 hours I think.

01-07-2007, 12:14 AM
thanks cooney, check out subtitle workshop (http://moi-alizee.us/forums/showthread.php?t=714). you don't have to use it, but it makes it a lot easier for other people to put the subtitles on the video :)

01-07-2007, 09:44 AM
Alrighty! Here's the translation. There are a couple places where I adjusted a figurative phrase to flow in English, but otherwise I think it's accurate. I'll check out the subtitle workshop thing. Once corrections have been made to the translation, I'll see about making a subtitle file. Is there a higher quality version of this clip? It's a great interview, and I love the grin she has at the end, but subtitling seems almost wasted on a low res if HQ is available.

Host: Hello
Alizée: Hello
Host: You doing well?
Alizée: Quite well, thank you.
Host: We would like to know a little bit more about you...
Alizée: Yes
Host: ...and return to your debut. So you participated in "Graines de Star"...
Alizée: Uh huh
Host: ...and there, so, what happened?
Alizée: I won the show
(Graines de Star clip)
Graines de Star clip: Stop! Alizée will defend the colors on Graines de Star next month.
Alizée: And then after that, I heard there was a casting in Paris. I heard the producers were looking for a performer. So, I sent a tape and was selected to sing "Moi... Lolita"
Host: And that, what was that like?
Alizée: (laughs) Very very impressive like... already when we arrived for the first time at the studio and... very awe-struck as well to meet Laurent Boutonnat and Mylène Farmer.
Host: Your first video? What memories stand out? Were you stunned to find yourself quite suddenly in the middle of it all, with lots of people around?
Alizée: Oh yes. It was more-than-anything awe-inspiring to be in front of the camera, acting, because really in, in... Moi Lolita, that's really acting. Laurent gave me confidence. He told me "don't worry yourself, it'll work. We can start over again and again if something is bothering you...
(Moi... Lolita clip)
Host: Do you participate in the writing of your songs, or not?
Alizée. Umm, I talk alot with Mylène about what I like doing, about my life, and about my personality. She takes it in, and tries to incorporate it all in the lyrics. And we say... we can say she made me an album that's a perfect fit.
Host: Ok. It fits you well?
Alizée: Oh yes. It's really from A to Z. It's what I am.
(L'Alizé Clip)
Host: What effect did it have to receive that first prize, you know, the M6 awards?
Alizée: I was awe-struck already just to be there... mostly the room is huge! There were five thousand people there I think.
(M6 Awards clip)
Alizée: An award from the public, it's not like when one receives, umm, some other thing. But there, given by the public, it really warmed my heart and, and we can see that, because I started to cry, so, umm..
Host: You didn't expect it?
Alizée: No, not at all
Host: Do you have some advice to give to the children and young folks who want to become singers, or dancers, and take up an artistic profession? There they are! (points at camera)
Alizée: Ok. So, in order to succeed, always you have to have willpower, uhh, huge [willpower]. Know what you want, because there are times you say to yourself "Ok, I like it... I'll do that, that'll be successful... Maybe that works, but it doesn't really make me very happy, so I have to really do what I love" and, uhh... above all, stay natural, which is very very hard.
(Parler Tout Bas clip)
Host: A day in the life of Alizée, what's it like?
Alizée: Oh la la. It starts very early in the morning. I dedicate an hour to singing, so I work, I do vocal exercises. I work on my songs, umm, and dance at the same time, because it's very hard to dance and sing at once. And I can have an afternoon with interviews all afternoon long, and in the evening, a television show. So, to Paris...
Host: It's packed!
Alizée: it's very very packed, yes.
Host: So then, you've stopped taking classes?
Alizée: I'm taking certain classes with an English professor. And uhh, I'm taking French classes, so uhh... One can say it's essential, what one needs in one's career, and so we'll find out later.
(L'Alizé clip)
Host: And when you have a little bit of time to relax, do you watch TV at your house?
Alizée: Yes, yes
Host: Do you watch a lot of cartoons, or no?
Alizée: Since I have my little brother, who's eleven, there too, so..., him as well, so I'm in front of the TV with him.
Host: You don't forget "M6 kid"
Alizée: Of course not
Host: Do you like R&B music a little?
Alizée: Yeah, I like it a lot, yeah
Host: Because just after our cartoons, we're going to meet Craig David in an exclusive, you'll see it, it's great. But now, I suggest we watch your cartoons. What do you think?
Alizée: I suggest we watch Kong and Cartouche
Host: Not bad. Let's go.

01-07-2007, 08:32 PM
Good job Cooney! :)

Only two things:
- When she says "Un prix venant du public", that means an award that she's getting from the audience (voting or something, possibly sales, etc) and not from professional people, magazines, etc... (you used "in front of the public", she says it twice)
- In "Comme j'ai mon petit frère", "comme" means "since", or "seeing that" (you used "quand")

At last, it's Laurent Boutonnat. You wrote "Boutonnant" and later "Laurant".

01-07-2007, 08:46 PM
Good job Cooney! :)

Only two things:
- When she says "Un prix venant du public", that means an award that she's getting from the audience (voting or something, possibly sales, etc) and not from professional people, magazines, etc... (you used "in front of the public", she says it twice)

D'oh! That's how I originally translated it. Then I made the mistake of using a dictionary for venant, and changed it :-P

- In "Comme j'ai mon petit frère", "comme" means "since", or "seeing that" (you used "quand")

At last, it's Laurent Boutonnat. You wrote "Boutonnant" and later "Laurant".

Thanks, I'll get those adjusted. I had forgotten about "comme" as "since"... I was only thinking of it as "like."