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Roman 04-11-2008 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 98422)
Pose nude? I'd rather she didn't, but if she ever does, it won't be vulgar and it won't be the end of the world. She won't do it to attract fans, she'll do it because its something she wants to do. It would surprise me if we "see" anymore than what we see now.

I also don't think she needs to. These pictures are plenty sexy. Mystery is sexy. Showing it all would ruin that.

I tend to agree. Alizée does actually have a rather nice body and is a very pretty woman, but still, what makes me think so is influenced by an emotion on my part that relates to things other than just her physical sexiness. Even from the first few days after discovering Alizée I found her very "cute", which is one thing, sexy body - absolutely, sexy voice singing JEAM for example - another thing, and then her sweet personality is another, furthermore, I'm looking at photos on my wall right now and even just the photo itself projects a certain kind of personality that is attractive. So, yes, I find her "physically" attractive, but I think my mental image of her personality contributes a lot to thinking that. That is, if you take two women equally physically attractive/sexy in an "objective" way (if that even makes sense) and if I know one and have loving feelings for her, I will be a lot more physically attracted to her.
Hey, if that was not the case in general (which I assume it is) then sex would be much less powerful a bonding agent between a man and woman, yes? I guess that means it can work in reverse though too. Oh well. So, at the same time as all that, I must admit that sex appeal can work to create emotions for someone in the first place too. So, the two circle each other and our species continues.

Having said all that. These new photos are incredible for us, but I don't think she goes too far. She just challenges our ability to handle conciousness. :D Indeed, I think I've always enjoyed that Alizée has a little bit of tease in there (ok, maybe a huge dose) rather than just parading around naked. When she said that she does not intend to play the sexy card (or whatever that was exactly) I'm thinking maybe she meant not in the way some other people would and go around nude or in photos that are "overtly" sexual rather than just screaming the implication by way of tantalizing those of us who find her rather fabulous.

Thing is, photos like the Call me tiger, also show her laughing and project a sense of joy that brings out a lovely spirit from her that has nothing to do with sex and that is also very appealing. I also like Alizée because she is happy and makes people happy and seems to have a good life and there's a spirit of joy that has arisen around her. And, as she might say, I also just like the clothes in this photo shoot. As I told her, I like the colors in that backless dress. (and the fabric. I'd like to feel that. (Ok, go ahead and insert your own fantasy about feeling it with her in it.))
Well, Alizée has totally still got it! My mind can't quite comprehend. :p When it comes to Alizée, maybe it's good to be a little confused. Sometimes she just gives me a stack overflow (and no that is not sexual innuendo!).

bb17 04-11-2008 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Deepwaters (Post 98419)
I don't have a "feud" with bb17. I was simply having fun with him. He's not big enough to have a feud with me.

The only means by which you can quantify whether or not you're 'bigger' than me is your post count. In that case, you're HUGE! :eek: Go on a diet.

Nicolas 04-11-2008 04:22 PM

you're too stressed with this nude thing guys!
Relax! If she wants to do it, she will do it because she's right enough of what she wants! It wouldn't be vulgar in my view, and she doesn't need to pose just to be sexy... She's sexy naturally!

I like the pic because she's beautiful, her smile is beautiful and she's happy!

Just a Guest 04-11-2008 08:53 PM

2 new pics from "Autour de la guitare" with Jean-Félix Lalanne (Paris Casino)
April 10th, posted by Candide (AFC)
It seems that there will be a video registration as well.
Waiting..., waiting..., waiting.... :cool:

Edcognito 04-11-2008 11:26 PM

You guys are all missing the POINT!
You can speculate ALL you want. Won't make any difference! Alizée, for reasons that seem good and prudent to her, will take the steps she feels she needs to take to achieve her goals.

#1 - We do not have a written list of her goals (which could change at
any time)((and are HER goals, not ours...)).

#2 - If she did pose nude, it would be her decision - not ours. Opinions
notwithstanding she could STILL be popular in the USA (IMHO - and
yes, i'm aware of the irony in that sentence....)

#3 - The important point to THIS thread is this: Alizée is back, we have
nice, shiny new pictures of her, we have a new album and we aren't
waiting on any rumour or "fan sighting" from her.

#4 - She strikes the eyes like a supernova...... I am SO glad to see all the
New pictures! TY to EVERYONE who has found/posted new pics of


Deepwaters! Play nice with the littles! :)


fsquared 04-12-2008 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Roman (Post 98431)
Sometimes she just gives me a stack overflow (and no that is not sexual innuendo!).

Yeah, it's a geek innuendo.

;) :p

Roman 04-12-2008 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by fsquared (Post 98478)
Yeah, it's a geek innuendo.

;) :p

Oh yeah, I forgot, fsquared's the only one who will get it.
Crap! I'm not a real geek, I just play one on tv! Hell, I don't even know a codec filter from a frame buffer as Daydream can attest.

And, what ever yall ... Alizée's hot as always! Done.
Except that the photo of Alizée at "Autour de la guitar" is according to UneFille_enFormeDe_Fée Alizée singing La Javanaise again, which is cool for me if we get production video of this thing!

Par mon paupieres 04-12-2008 11:54 AM

For me , it is not a case of maintaining my already high regard for Alizee.Whether she chooses to pose nude in the future is entirely her decision and I would fully respect her choice to do so.There is absolutely nothing wrong or sleazy with this practice and , on the contrary , the female form is aesthetically pleasing and of course Alizee has a nice figure.My wife is a photographer and we have many artistic nudes , which she has taken herself , proudly displayed in our home.

No , my main concern would be how these images would then be misappropriated and taken out of context across the mainstream media.

This has already occurred during the J'en Ai Marre and J'ai Pas Vingt Ans era where the more provocative elements of these performances were freely distributed out of context with the music being performed.Now I know that many of you discovered Alizee through the images and videos available from this time and I'm making no judgements about that.

However , my fear over her posing nude would be the resultant further objectifying of her primarily as the sexy temptress , a Lolita if you will , rather than the deeply talented artist I believe her to be.Her less provocative recent performances lead me to believe this is also the direction she herself wants to take but I don't dare to second guess her own motives.

Consequently , to reiterate , I would have no qualms over her decision but I fear her less apparent gifts would be overlooked once again.That , to me , would be more upsetting than any false prudishness on my part.

Deepwaters 04-12-2008 12:58 PM

PMP, I agree. In an enlightened world, where the diseased siamese twins of puritanism and prurience did not exist, there would be no harm in Alizée or anyone else posing nude. Unfortunately, we do not live in such a world, and you are right: it would be taken up by those who want to snicker at upskirts or at low-cut tops, who separate sexuality from spirituality and make of the former something dirty, smutty and tainted.

And that's why I very much doubt that she will, any time soon, pose nude for public consumption. And I don't think she should.

(On the other hand, if she wants to send me some nude shots, privately, that would be fine. ;))

Ange 04-13-2008 10:49 PM

why are you talking about this?

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