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Fèvier 10-11-2010 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Azhiri (Post 183488)
-I keep forgetting to (attempt to) bake those freaking cookies that are sitting in my cabinet right now! Too bad it's late or I'd go make them now..

Now I'm in the mood for some :p

Azhiri 10-12-2010 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Jalen (Post 183492)
- finding out that your mom didn't properly close the lid to your sister's snake cage, and there's a 99% chance it went downstairs where both your rooms are

One would think closing the lid to a snake's cage would be something you'd do with care and consideration :p

Människöpesten 10-12-2010 12:31 AM

going back after having a 4 day weekend.

Azhiri 10-12-2010 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Jalen (Post 183492)
- forgetting to quote the person you're responding to and your post comes across incorrectly

Oh, but at least we got to see a cute kitten picture. :D

-When you're drinking a passion fruit/guava smoothie and it tastes so amazing that you forget how cold it is and wind up with a HUGE brainfreeze. :(

-When you realize you forgot to check/look up something important and/or cool, and you open up a window and start to type it in.. but then you space out and totally forget what you were about to do.


Originally Posted by Människöpesten (Post 183499)
going back after having a 4 day weekend.

Mine was only three-day but

-On Geoffrey's keyboard, the caps lock and 'A' buttons are WAAAAY closer than they were on my old laptop's keyboard, so almost every time I want to type an 'A' I end up caps locking instead. And then I don't realize till the whole sentence is already typed out. :(

jung_adore_ALIZEE 10-12-2010 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Azhiri (Post 183488)
-I keep forgetting to (attempt to) bake those freaking cookies that are sitting in my cabinet right now! Too bad it's late or I'd go make them now..

The late night is the perfect time for baking, beside we all know you were up for at least an hour after this post xD.



wasabi622 10-12-2010 02:05 AM

Giving up every other Friday evening to the Army. Grrr

user472884 10-12-2010 03:58 AM

*nonchalant arm stretch*week long break next week, gonna chill in California*grunt*

- when you walk around for 12 hours and not have anyone tell you about the cut on your forehead, and the long drip of blood that dried in your forehead.
- procrastinating your homework till 2am, only to find that you didn't actually have any homework today (there goes my good night's sleep)
- (back story: I live in the basement and it's pretty much 'mine' (I'm the only person that goes down here, I'm responsible for cleaning it, etc). My bedroom is on one end of the basement, and my office is on the opposite end, about 80 feet away.)
Going into your office for the stapler and hearing at least 3 big-ass rats running around in the ceiling (they must be huge, I could hear exactly where they were running and each foot pounding down). There's already a fucking snake in the wall just behind my desk, now rats. I hope the snake takes them out before it dies.

DrSmith 10-12-2010 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by DrSmith (Post 183356)
-It's especially infuriating when someone says «Jon and me» in the correct context, then someone tries to correct them. You imbecile, you have no right to be correcting anyone's grammar!

Son of a bitch! I just saw this on Twitter:

You're wrong, Jim Norton, you stupid asshole! What are the odds that I stumbled across this Tweet the next day after I posted here complaining about people who do this? It's rampant! I almost wanted to reply to Jim Norton on Twitter, but the last thing I need to do is start and argument with him. I hate that guy.

AlizéeInspired 10-12-2010 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jalen (Post 183492)
- forgetting to quote the person you're responding to and your post comes across incorrectly

It's ok. My picture still applies. :p


Originally Posted by Azhiri (Post 183500)
Oh, but at least we got to see a cute kitten picture. :D

Yeah! :D

user472884 10-12-2010 05:44 PM

The entire modern school system is an absolute tragic joke. Subjects being taught by unenthusiastic individuals whose goal is a yearly five-figure wage rather than the satisfaction of sharing their passion with their pupils is an absolute joke. Students forced to take classes that will never benefit them in life and deduct time away from other matters that would is a joke. Your intelligence, wisdom, and personality being judged by a fucking letter and accompanying quotient is a joke. I will fight to the death against anyone who disagrees.

(of course, there are those rare philosophical beings that truly love their craft, know it inside and out, and present it in such that their pupils adopt a similar passion. They are rare, and to be treasured)

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