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mibir 08-29-2007 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by SilentFox (Post 59518)
Mabe she wants to keep her new album quiet, i really dont know, but i am with you on that they should of said somthing about her by now, her new cd comes out next week

I think we figured her single would come out next week, not album.

Bigbobo 08-29-2007 02:11 AM

I am going to use Stadium Arcadium by The Red Hot Chili Peppers as a reference as I was totally psyched about it.

Dani California was released about a month or two before the album. It was the first single as Fifty-Sixty is. The album wasn't really pumped with promotion until the video was out. Sure people knew about it and wasn't kept hush hush but it wasn't promoted highly until after the video.

Also the single isn't the album. The single is just a CD with a song and/or a couple of remixes and/or another b-side track. It's not the full shabang.

Really, all this is saying is don't worry, she's going to promote sooner or later.

Roman 08-29-2007 06:10 AM

[quote=Bigbobo;59588]...The album wasn't really pumped with promotion until the video was out. Sure people knew about it and wasn't kept hush hush but it wasn't promoted highly until after the video. ...
[\quote] Yeah, it's just weird to not have word one about it. Maybe this supposed leak will force them to move up the schedule for doing something, like just having one page for her website with a link to the 1 min. version of the sample. I hope that didn't mess with them too much. It's cool for us to have gotten the sample, but as has been said 500 times here before, they want to wait until they are really ready so that they can create a spike in hype/demand that will get them noticed.
It's like last year when people here were trying to get Alizée noticed on digg. They were saying that if a certain number of people, maybe 50, all dugg Alizée at the same time she might get onto the front page, thus creating a great deal of exposure, while probably 100 people digging in clumps of 5 each week would not have the same effect and the digg would remain obscure (or something like that). We're all on high alert now, though. If a month passes and we still hear nothing, we're going to be pretty darn tweaked out about it. At least, like some people said, this has convinced people who were skeptical about if the album actually even existed.

Martin 08-29-2007 08:53 AM

While 50/60 is good for a starter, I certainly expect much more originality and fresh ideas when the album is out. Alizee is in her best when delivering something more emotional and passionate with her expressive voice. Jeremy is a bit orientated to cool and "lay back" sounding music which is ok but to my ears sounds somewhat souless. Fixty/Sixty could well be his catchier work so far but I will wait for the more varied songs we've been promised, with a deeper sound and more Alizee than generic guitar riffs in them.

Killian 08-29-2007 08:57 AM

I agree with you Martin, it would be nice to see Alizée reach new areas with her music, but remember that LB was a very talented composer with an ability to create new sounding material, while we still don't know if Jéremy has the same gift he had, nor do we know if Jéremy composed all the songs. Heck, we don't know if he was the composer of 50/60.

You are right 50/60 is a good way to ease yourself back into notice, if she came out with something overly original she may not have been embraced, so she did need to do something which is popular to be allowed back into the market.

Martin 08-29-2007 09:17 AM

Yep, 50/60 is good for a return single, just not something to write home about musicaly. I think a lot of thought was put in it, english title, recognisable lyrics, easy going and catchy. Pretty much all the ingredients for a radio hit with the international audience in mind. The rest of the album might come as a pleasant surprise I suspect but for a first(?) single they obviously chose a formula already tried. Should be great in concert though ;)

mal 08-29-2007 09:27 AM

re mylene "good off of your fame its only a game im not twenty" I believe thats what mylene wrote for Alizee to sing. Come ON. that is so obvious. Mylene like so many older women (not all) is jealous of the young and famous.

MesGourmandises 08-29-2007 11:56 AM

I can't stand Mylene...

SilentFox 08-29-2007 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Killian (Post 59648)
I agree with you Martin, it would be nice to see Alizée reach new areas with her music, but remember that LB was a very talented composer with an ability to create new sounding material, while we still don't know if Jéremy has the same gift he had, nor do we know if Jéremy composed all the songs. Heck, we don't know if he was the composer of 50/60.

You are right 50/60 is a good way to ease yourself back into notice, if she came out with something overly original she may not have been embraced, so she did need to do something which is popular to be allowed back into the market.

Ya, would have to agree as well on this, 50/60 is a great way for her to come back.

mal 08-29-2007 12:59 PM

I could totally see an intentional leak to drum up desire for the album. Then when it comes out people clammer for it. Keeping secret after the leak up until sales is important. 50/60 is ok. But omg this is like direct response to "im not twenty". Mylene deserves it. who the hell takes adv of a young dream filled girl. Often the songs the band loves arent the ones which take off. A lot of "b" sides have become hits.

Reuben 08-29-2007 02:09 PM

my dumb friend

Ali 08-29-2007 04:07 PM

Looks like she is dissing Mylene in the song, the relationship between her and Mylene must have gone real sour.

B_M_E 08-29-2007 05:58 PM

Any news concerning the new single ??? I've been away for two days so I don't know.

Cooney 08-30-2007 12:25 AM

Somebody has probably beat me to this punch, but I haven't seen it mentioned, so I'll go ahead and say it too.

People keep bringing up how 50/60 turned upside down is 09/05, a.k.a, September 5th - release day. While it is true that 50/60 turned upside is 09/05, 09/05 is not September 5th to any French person, it's May 9th. The USA is among the countries that read this format as mm/dd/yy. Much of the world, France included, uses the more logical dd/mm/yy format.

That's not to say that Sept. 5th isn't the release date (I've no idea), or that 50/60 isn't some sort of hint, but it isn't as obvious as it has been made out to be.

espire 08-30-2007 12:37 AM

While I might argue that dd/mm/yyyy and mm/dd/yyyy are both equally logical for different reasons, I'm not going to start that in this thread.

Do we know who the actual source of that album art is, save for some fan on AFC? It really is unlikely that the single will be released on September fifth, especially with absolutely no news merely a week before the supposed release, but nous devons avoir l'espoir et l'esprit.

rwd716 08-30-2007 01:48 AM

I use the yyyymmdd format for the mil :D

Unknown 08-30-2007 08:44 AM

Fifty/Sixty or 50/60 is same! i love it! i found that vid in Youtube! nice song Alizée! keep it up! we love you!

Fusoya 08-30-2007 09:40 AM

ooh, I really, really want the single to be released soon !

SilentFox 08-30-2007 03:09 PM

Well it is almost there!

Runner Simon 08-30-2007 03:36 PM

Holy jese! I have been shaking the last few days :D It's thrilling. :D

Fusoya 08-30-2007 05:10 PM

I've been listening to it a lot lately! :)

SilentFox 08-30-2007 06:37 PM

ya i am going to listen to the radio show sometime tonight and see if i can hear anyting about Alizée and her new song

Roman 08-31-2007 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Ali (Post 59748)
Looks like she is dissing Mylene in the song, the relationship between her and Mylene must have gone real sour.

If you mean that Mylène is Andy, ok, but I don't know that that necessarily is dissing Mylène anyway. Hmm. Good point from an analysis perspective, though.


Originally Posted by Cooney (Post 59811)
...09/05 is not September 5th to any French person, it's May 9th. ...

Of course, it is a rather silly idea and would only work out if they happened to be about ready to release the song anyway. I don't think they named the song with that in mind.:p By the way, I don't even think everyone in US uses mmddyy anyway. Maybe now, but I swear, the way I remember it, when I was a kid in Oregon we used ddmmyy.

Rocket 08-31-2007 06:37 AM

This is exactly what I was hoping for from Alizee. This song ROCKS! :D

dospel 08-31-2007 07:41 AM

maybe she uses the "english" date-spelling because after all the title too is english so that would be september the fifth... just a guess.

Shadow 08-31-2007 07:57 AM

whats this Fifty/Sixty all about? is it a new song of Alizée? and y the clip was removed?

neoific 08-31-2007 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Shadow (Post 60078)
whats this Fifty/Sixty all about? is it a new song of Alizée? and y the clip was removed?

Read the f'ing posts dude.

So many of you guys come in the middle of threads too lazy to read.

marik 08-31-2007 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by neoific (Post 60087)
Read the f'ing posts dude.

So many of you guys come in the middle of threads too lazy to read.

their is just a newbie Neofic! although you must encourage them to know what happen to here!

@Shadow Fifty/Sixty is the new coming soon of Alizée's song!
so be active now !

lowbeam 08-31-2007 11:31 AM

Sorry if this has been quoted before but I did do a search. Feel free to delete if it's already been mentioned.


"28th August
In a move which confirms that she has joined Sony, she is listed as an artist on the RCA Music Website (Sony Record label) Click here to see the site."

There is no picture or info but she is listed.

Killian 08-31-2007 11:55 AM

Yes we knew that already lowbeam, but thanks anyway. it qwould seem is a little behind the crowd.

Dospel, mmddyyyy is the American form of writing the date, not the entire English speaking world's way. Britain and Ireland use the European form of ddmmyyyy.

dospel 08-31-2007 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Killian (Post 60117)
Dospel, mmddyyyy is the American form of writing the date, not the entire English speaking world's way. Britain and Ireland use the European form of ddmmyyyy.

ah forgot that... well maybe she learns american english :rolleyes:

SilentFox 08-31-2007 01:56 PM

lol that would be nice so we know when it is coming out for the next time!

Tye 08-31-2007 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by dospel (Post 60120)
ah forgot that... well maybe she learns american english :rolleyes:

I hope not. No offense to my fellow Americans, but American English is not the most dignified form of English. She needs to learn British English, which she is doing, and that is great.

lead2gold 08-31-2007 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Tye (Post 60164)
I hope not. No offense to my fellow Americans, but American English is not the most dignified form of English. She needs to learn British English, which she is doing, and that is great.

I guess if you think that using a "u" when spelling words like color makes a language "more dignified" then yeah.

nurvonic 08-31-2007 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Tye (Post 60164)
I hope not. No offense to my fellow Americans, but American English is not the most dignified form of English. She needs to learn British English, which she is doing, and that is great.

are you talking about american slang? then of course not. believe it or not, america has proper english.

so whatchu talkin' bout, Tye.

p.s. izi nizeed tizo sizee mizy bizitches tizo gizet sizome izof mizy mizoney, izand smizack thizem izup..yo yo checkit.

neoific 08-31-2007 05:57 PM

America is a market that she hasn't entered yet; her new label's parent is Sony BMG Music Entertainment, which is based in the USA.

DDMMYY is what I use, but the American standard is MMDDYY, this might be the hint of an attempt to enter the US market?

nurvonic 08-31-2007 06:02 PM

in the military, we generally use day/month/year. except we spell out the month, or just part of the month. for navy anyway (31 August 2007/ 31 Aug 2007)

but really, who cares?

Killian 08-31-2007 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by nurvonic (Post 60175)

but really, who cares?

I think it was people trying to disprove the 5th of September was the cryptic message in 50/60.
The theory never really made sense anyway.

nurvonic 08-31-2007 06:38 PM

i thought that theory was silly the moment i read it. people need to quit theorizing and listen up for official news.

Sir Wood 08-31-2007 07:23 PM

Shoot! I always miss out on the big news! :( Where's my APB?!? :mad: If ya PM me, it sends me a little e-mail notice. ;) So, how about someone hook me up with a PM of the goods. Please. :D

Nevermind, I got what I needed. Thanks DW!

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