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Scruffydog777 07-19-2020 04:38 PM

Welcome back RedRafe. Glad to see you made it back safe. It wouldn't have surprised me if you ran into trouble in the cities, but to here you had difficulties outside the city surprises me and worries me.

Ben.Daly did a great job in your absence.

Alex Rien 07-19-2020 05:58 PM

CleverCowboy 07-20-2020 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by RedRafe (Post 270604)
Things were just that little bit… lawless…

Welcome back RedRafe! :bye:

It looks like the Wild West is back. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I'm glad you had the means to protect yourself.


Originally Posted by RedRafe (Post 270604)
<Is it just me, or is the “little lady” just, still, utterly "stunning".>

Not just you. Still stunning. :)

Ben.Daly 07-21-2020 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 270615)
Welcome back RedRafe. Glad to see you made it back safe. It wouldn't have surprised me if you ran into trouble in the cities, but to here you had difficulties outside the city surprises me and worries me.

Ben.Daly did a great job in your absence.

Cheers as always for the kind words Scruffy :beer:


Originally Posted by Alex Rien (Post 270618)

Here's a higher res version of the pic

Alex Rien 07-28-2020 04:37 PM

CleverCowboy 07-28-2020 05:16 PM

Love the long hair! :2_thumbs:

Please, please don't chop it! :pray:

RedRafe 07-28-2020 06:38 PM


I had a “post” prepared, that included a lot about my “vacation”, but “scrapped it”. I came to the conclusion that it was getting just a wee bit too large, and basically, nobody would be interested in it anyhow… :o ;)

Then instead of “vacation part 2”, I ended having to stage a “rescue mission” to Winslow AZ, to drop off my RV for someone very, very "special" to me, and this involved a 16 hour drive “out”, 5 hours sleep, and a 14 hour drive back to Owasso, OK... :(

Haven’t done anything that “vehicularly stupid” in a looong time. The last section from Oklahoma City to home was… interesting. Still don’t quite know how I got home, in one piece, but I made it, somehow… :confused:

So, if this post seems a little bit more, "incoherent" than usual, I plead “mitigating” circumstances…:)))


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy (Post 270631)
Welcome back RedRafe! :bye:

It looks like the Wild West is back. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I'm glad you had the means to protect yourself .

In the end, I will admit, "shamefully", I may add, that I was “armed to the teeth”, which was not my "initial intention", for I dearly wanted to be “traveling light”, due to the distances involved, for, yeah, I'll admit, I'm getting "older", and can't do 30 miles, with 100lbs on my back, carrying weapons, in 8hrs, any more... :(

So, bearing that in mind, this was my idea of a “loadout” for a "little woodland hike”…

My Sig P229 in .40, (isn’t she cute), a small skinning/utility knife, and multiple cans of “Bear Spray”.

“Job’s a good ‘un”, so I thought…

Weeeelllll, when I “checked in” with my friends, (this was "mandatory", for security concerns), before I left on my first “hike” I was told, in no uncertain terms, (that is the very, "polite", version of it), that "my “prep” was woefully inadequate, and I had better be carrying way more "firepower"", before they would let me leave… :confused:

What about the “crazies”, (go watch “Deliverance” again), the “muggers”, BEARS, lots of BEARS, (saw way more than I normally would have been expecting) and all of the “weird shit” that I was going to be looking for. WHAT IF I FOUND "IT"... :)))

Well, I had to admit that they were right, for once, so my “amended” loadout looked something like this…

That was just the “pointy and cutty” stuff, all of it bar the, Tomahawk, concealed, for added surprise… :D

Add to this a FN FAL in 7.62 Nato, and my trusty Sig P226 Tac, in .40, and I was ready to go…

Gods, it kind of “took me back” in time… :(

<Not my "spelling", by the way.>

<Could very easily have been me, waay back. Very accurate rep of the "gear" we used to "wear", and "carry".>

<And the "knee" and "back" "problems", oh yeah, specially in the "winter". :(>

Drop the “helmet” for a “Multicam Boonie”, change the “pack” for more modern lightweight “civvie” gear, and replace the L1a1 (“Precioooousss, one day, you shall be mine, oh yesss!!!” :)))) with a FN FAL, (which is almost the same weapon, FAL has slightly different “furniture” and “sights”, and can go “full auto”, which isn’t as much use as it "sounds" ;)), and that is pretty much how they “allowed me” to go on my “little excursions”…

I’m glad they did that, for there were a LOT of Bears, and “loonies”, everywhere…

The threat of being "doused" in “Bear spray” backed off all of the “human predators”, (imagine a canister of VERY strong “pepper spray”, that can potentially fill a 20ft x 20 ft area”), and, I will admit, there were two very, very “tense”, “instances”, in the forest, on very dark nights, where I thought I was actually going to have to resort to using “something” in the “heavy” and “ very shooty” categories… :p ;)

Very thankfully, I didn’t have to… :p :D


Back to what’s important… ;)


There are quite a IG few posts, and I will get to them, when I can… ;)

Now, in "no particular order"… :D ;)

Firstly, we have this wonderful post from Greg… :o

Hiii Alizée… :wub:

Funnily enough, even though I’m a "total stranger", and we’ve never "met", I think I know just exactly how Greg feels…

< Barrage of “cutesy waves”, “blows kisses”, and “everything else” at the “little lady”>

<Hey, we don’t actually get to see her that often, so I’m “momentarily overcome” with the “wonderfulness” of it “all”.>

<Y’all know I “adore” her, in the “best possible taste”, of course. That “goes without saying”>

<She really, really, suits her hair that long, too.>

As always, total “respect” to Greg, who, as we all know, IS, unquestionably, the “luckiest guy” in the whole, utter, entire, “World”, for this post. I sometimes get the feeling that he “brings her out of herself”, if you know what I mean. When she is with him, she “shines”, so to speak…

Ah me, the “power” of “love”…

Think I’ve heard that word before. I tend to associate it with the phrase, “run the hell away, and fast”. When it is “good”, it’s just “indescribably wonderful”, and, when it’s “bad, “oh Cheese and Rice”, just, shoot me, please. Just one “Silver bullet”…

Cortaderia selloana.

Now she’s talking “my language”. Generic Pampas grass. Just… don’t fall in it, please, beautiful. “Death by a thousand grass cuts”, or, “scratch yourself to death”…

<Ok, chin, up.>

<Much better. Thanks Greg.>


So we usually see a lot of Alizée “footie” shots, which I’m not at all “averse” to, for she has “cute” feet, mhhmm, but they are not "my thing”. The RedRafe does NOT have a “foot fetish”, but, who knows… :o ;)

However, I really do appreciate, how may I put this, without being “offensive”, a “very well turned leg”, which, “herself”, really does have. And then some… :o :wub:


But, let’s face it, shall we, all of her, is just, pretty much “perfect”… :D

Or, again, is that “just me”!?

So, I get the feeling that the guys were “out and about”, on a little bit of an “excursion”, and, to be honest, I wish I was there, because some of these shots are simply just, “breathtaking”… :bow:

See what I mean… ;)

Some well deserved “R&R”, for Greg…

Now, despite the fact that I’m Scottish, I will shamefully admit that I’m not at all into “Golfing”, at all, even though we “invented it”, and we have the most wonderful, most scenic “courses” in THE world, it’s just “not me”. Although I do admit, I usually will just “tag along” to help “caddy” and enjoy the “scenery” and “company”… :)

Again, “lucky guy”, but, y’know, he deserves it. Very “talented”, very, very “hardworking” young man… :)

Now, there are many, many more, and I’ll post them when I can...

However, right now, time is my enemy, and not my friend. So much to do, so little time to do it in… :(

In the "mean time", please go check out Jo's IG page, for he is producing some really "stellar" images right now. REALLY worth perusing, and, while you are at it, check out Johann's IG page too, for again, he is coming out with some really good stuff also...


Y’all please take care, “be wonderful to each other”, and please, pleeaaaseee, keep wearing your masks when you are “out and about”, for “things” ARE taking a “turn for the worst”, again… :( ;)

Don’t want anything happening to any of you… :hatsoff:

Y’all be safe, ‘k… :D

Aragorn97 07-29-2020 05:16 AM

The plants and the shirt make her look so little and cute. She is in amazing shape.
The only downside about Corsica is that there is so much Sun that she always wears sunglasses, that cover her face. :rolleyes:

Ben.Daly 07-29-2020 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by RedRafe (Post 270792)
Now, there are many, many more, and I’ll post them when I can...

However, right now, time is my enemy, and not my friend. So much to do, so little time to do it in… :(

In the "mean time", please go check out Jo's IG page, for he is producing some really "stellar" images right now. REALLY worth perusing, and, while you are at it, check out Johann's IG page too, for again, he is coming out with some really good stuff also...


Y’all please take care, “be wonderful to each other”, and please, pleeaaaseee, keep wearing your masks when you are “out and about”, for “things” ARE taking a “turn for the worst”, again… :( ;)

Don’t want anything happening to any of you… :hatsoff:

Y’all be safe, ‘k… :D

Cheers as always for the updates RedRafe!
There are a lot of things as normal over the past week to cover, have you been able to save all the Instagram stories in that time?

failax 07-29-2020 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Aragorn97 (Post 270801)
The plants and the shirt make her look so little and cute. She is in amazing shape.
The only downside about Corsica is that there is so much Sun that she always wears sunglasses, that cover her face. :rolleyes:

Her legs have come back as we remember, another sign that in the next months something will happen?

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