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Bamagirl 06-30-2019 12:30 PM

Jenny, thank you for the video. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I appreciate the translation, Bebert. I only understood a small portion of the French as I listened to it.
She looks so happy and wow, how wonderfully she interacts with the children!

kulli 06-30-2019 04:37 PM

Thx you all. It's refreshing to see something and very interesting insights.
I do not know about you but this video has now finally proven to me that the old Alizee is now history. Comparing her previous life with her present life does not make sense. I think many people are still hoping or thinking she is still the young Alizee and hoping for a comback. I expect nothing new from her. She is happily married to Grégoire, they expecting a baby and run a dance school together. She now lives her life, happy as it seems. That's probably the most important thing.

Scruffydog777 06-30-2019 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by kulli (Post 265760)
Thx you all. It's refreshing to see something and very interesting insights.
I do not know about you but this video has now finally proven to me that the old Alizee is now history. Comparing her previous life with her present life does not make sense. I think many people are still hoping or thinking she is still the young Alizee and hoping for a comback. I expect nothing new from her. She is happily married to Grégoire, they expecting a baby and run a dance school together. She now lives her life, happy as it seems. That's probably the most important thing.

There is a lot of truth in what you said. I prepared a long post in response to what happened with this interview, but I want to hear more replies before posting my opinions.

Mr Coucou 06-30-2019 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by kulli (Post 265760)
I do not know about you but this video has now finally proven to me that the old Alizee is now history.

The 1999-2003 Alizee was a Frankenstein of Alizee's x-factor and Mylene's ambition (this was especially true of 2003.)


Originally Posted by kulli (Post 265760)
She is happily married to Grégoire, they expecting a baby and run a dance school together. She now lives her life, happy as it seems.

I think its the life she had originally envisioned for herself, prior to meeting Mylene.

imverynuts 06-30-2019 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Coucou (Post 265766)
The 1999-2003 Alizee was a Frankenstein of Alizee's x-factor and Mylene's ambition (this was especially true of 2003.)

I think its the life she had originally envisioned for herself.

Yup I kinda think this is how it went along, she tried out a singing thing and had no idea it would turn into a 12-13 year thing.

I think it's easily possible without her success though she wouldn't have been able to afford the life she has now (let alone starting up the dance school). It could've a whole lot more ordinary in ways that aren't so peachy ^^. In the end I hope she has no big regrets. I mean, without her career she wouldn't have met Gregoire :)

I know it sounds funny, but I'm glad she did run into him as I think he's alot like us in as much as our attraction to her, along with him just being a really good, loyal, and dedicated guy. I actually look a bit like him, skinny athletic body and all, except I'm a bit lighter colored, lol.

Anyway, yeah, we might not be getting anymore albums any more, but who knows, you never know! She might still have a big part to play in that musical they were talking about, though.

Mr Coucou 06-30-2019 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by kulli (Post 265760)
I expect nothing new from her.

I think she'll be open to doing small concerts (like Warsaw), but that's all.



Originally Posted by imverynuts (Post 265768)
I know it sounds funny, but I'm glad she did run into him as I think he's alot like us in as much as our attraction to her, along with him just being a really good, loyal, and dedicated guy. I actually look a bit like him, skinny athletic body and all, except I'm a bit lighter colored, lol.

He seems like a calm, easy-going type-- exactly the kind of man that Alizee needs.

I get the feeling that Alizee can be quite temperamental. I see some battleaxe potential-- and I mean serious battleaxe potential. She needs a man who is more patient and calm than most.

imverynuts 06-30-2019 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Coucou (Post 265769)
He seems like a calm, easy-going type-- exactly the kind of man that Alizee needs.

I get the feeling that Alizee can be quite temperamental. I see some battleaxe potential-- and I mean serious battleaxe potential. She needs a man who is more patient and calm than most.

Ha! Now that you mention it, I had a gf that would flip out many times and she once told me she liked me so much because I never flipped back out on her and was always able to calm her down eventually. Surprise! I am Gregoire! (I wish) :))) Also one time I kissed her feet and she flipped out and then was really happy because I didn't find it gross or anything. I think Gregoire is like that too, Alizee was like "even when it's not true!". I think he is a rock and foundation for her and she absolutely feels safe and supported by him. Very nice ^^

Anyway, I have to admit imagining Alizee actually made is kinda cute :D But we better remember she is/was into kickboxing! :-O

ALS 06-30-2019 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 (Post 265748)

Skeleton's recording of last night's show.

Poor Grégoire tho. 3 girls. :lol:

Well at least he has Jon Snow for male bonding. :p

CleverCowboy 07-01-2019 09:57 AM

I am pretty OK with Alizee not singing anymore. It puts me back to where I was a few years ago, before Alizee announced the Mexico concert. I never expected that she would ever sing again back then. What stings is that we got a bit of a teaser last year. It started looking like she was really serious about rebooting her singing career.

What caused her to even go back to singing and announced the Mexico concert anyway? Was it because she missed singing? Financial necessity? She wanted to give something to her fans? After it fell through, maybe she viewed it as a sign that it was a mistake to go in that direction. She is superstitious as you all know.

It looks like she and Greg are cruising along nicely with the dance studio. She is living her dream. She wants to focus on the next generation and not herself and there's nothing wrong with that. :)

Also, I was amazed how mature Annily is for her age.

Aragorn97 07-01-2019 10:45 AM

Months ago I read something interesting: Alizée wanted to focus on dancing, because it has always been her dream and because she wouldn't be able to dance forever. I can't remember if that was something said by Alizée during an interview (probably not) or just a random comment of someone about it but to me it makes sense: Alizée has always said that she likes dancing more than singing but she can't do it forever. On the contrary her wonderful voice will be always ready to sing.

Now she has a dancing school and she going to have a little girl: she's living her dream and probably this will be the only thing in her head for the coming years. But i think that, if her passion reawakens, she will come back. Not soon, maybe 10 years, maybe 20. But she will. Now she has finally found a bit of serenity and it is right that she enjoys it

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