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Lili4ever 03-14-2013 12:10 PM

You make a good point. Maybe she has small circle of interests. But does that mean that she is immature ? I know plenty of mature people who couldn't care less about quantum mechanics or politics. But that doesn't mean that they are immature. They have families, work, spend evenings watching tv or going out. We shouldn't forget, that she did not have the typical childhood and teenage years. She was ripped out of school at the very young age and from then on, all she had to do for living was look sexy and shake her ass. But now we see that she didn't really enjoy that role. She dumped her Lolita image, despite all the money flowing in to her bank account and most professional managers one could dream of. We don't truly know her. Some people have a lot of things in their head but prefer to make small talk about fleeting subjects instead of vomiting their world views all over the place. Even the smartest person in the world could enjoy posting about outfits, pets and self-shots to pass the time. And those who forcefully talk about principles and philosophy can easily turn out to be small minded


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 238481)
She may be immature and a little lackadaisical but she is a lot smarter than many people give her credit for.

Or maybe she just has people who pull the strings for her and give her advices ?

Future Raptor Ace 03-14-2013 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by ALS
She may be immature and a little lackadaisical but she is a lot smarter than many people give her credit for.
I dont understand how that can be said when we have no evidence to prove that statement in even the slightest bit.

ALS 03-14-2013 04:08 PM

You pick up on things here and there that point to her being a little brighter than she comes across as. I don't know how many women you are around or interact with daily but there is small group of them, that will intentionally act dingy, clueless and helpless to manipulate other people around them.

There are a whole lot of guys out there that are threatened by a strong woman as well as a highly intelligent woman. There is a lot more upstairs in Alizée's head than anyone is giving her credit for. Sure, she has everyone as you pointed out pulling the strings for her. Or she getting them to do the work she would rather not deal with on a personnel level? She goes shopping or lays on the beach while everyone around her is killing themselves making her look good. So who is the smart one?

Lackadaisical, immature, materialistic, add in the possibility of being manipulative and sly as a fox. Alizée has everyone bowing at her feet since she was fifteen and doing what ever they could to please her, do you really think it stopped or she would let it stop if she could help it?

Wait until you get out of college FRA and get a job in the business world you'll soon learn how really crafty some woman can be. You'll see them manipulate others to do their job for them while taking full credit for the work. BTW there are lot of people of both sexes that do this I'm just making the point using women.

Not one of us hangs around her or knows her personally so it is all speculation on everyone's part.

Euphoria 03-14-2013 04:09 PM

Why does it matter so much? Because it ruins the fantasy of her?

Jenny_HRO87 03-14-2013 07:08 PM

it's always fascinating how deeply you guys analyse stuff.

ok I just quickly scanned your posts... so here are just me two cents and they might have not much to do with the above.

Yes, she's posting a lot of stuff about clothes, about Corsica, about pretty things, about going out bla bla.

But don't all celebs don't stuff like this? And also - does everyone really has to share his or her deepest thoughts?

Apart from that, instagram is full of random crap. I will never understand why it's so great to instagram your food...

Also - what do you want to see? A happy Alizée who is enjoying herself? Or a sad Alizée, lost in sad thoughts, upset? Before you post something you select. You can't tell they world all your deepest thoughts, worries etc. That's something for your friends, your family. Most times she simply wants to share the brighter side of her life with us. And so she chooses the things she's enjoying and who others might enjoy too, even if it is superficial stuff like clothes, jewellery etc. That doesn't make her a worse, less interesting etc. person. It's just a more "normal" side of her life. And it's the part of her daily life she wants to share with us, she wants her fans to know. How long have we waited for that? For years! And now when she does you aren't happy either...

I'm sure there is a deeper side, I mean everyone has a deeper side! But not everyone wants to share everything. You share a smile with the world. Not the oh-my-god-everything-sucks part. Ok ignore the last 2 sentences. That would be basically me when I would be famous. But I hope you see the point.

It could have been worse. She could be one of these celebs who posts the most embarrassing photos. So be happy that she posts this "superficial" stuff.

Also yes I know you love to speculate about her personality. We all do.

But face facts - we don't know her. We knows parts of a puzzle but not the whole picture. We know what she likes, we know a part of her because of her songs but we don't know the real Alizée. We don't know how she is when she's pissed, what makes her sad when she's alone and thinking about something and feel like you never be happy again. We don't know this part.

But we know how kind she is to her fans. How much she's enjoys the support. How lovely she's around kids. That she supports charity. That she has a big heart. And I don't see anything superficial in this.

Un-rêve 03-14-2013 07:40 PM

Fuck that's a beautiful post Jenny!!! :)

Only a woman could post such a beautiful thing.. well I enjoyed reading this thread but you just killed me with that.

Quinetiam 03-14-2013 07:43 PM

Casse-toi, pauv'con

DrSmith 03-14-2013 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 (Post 238510)
I'm sure there is a deeper side, I mean everyone has a deeper side! But not everyone wants to share everything.


Jenny_HRO87 03-14-2013 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Un-rêve (Post 238512)
Fuck that's a beautiful post Jenny!!! :)

Only a woman could post such a beautiful thing.. well I enjoyed reading this thread but you just killed me with that.

well that's a surprise... I was scared that you guys would find me really rude.



Originally Posted by Quinetiam (Post 238513)
Casse-toi, pauv'con

well that's nice...

Quinetiam 03-14-2013 08:11 PM

I just want to know how to pronounce it.

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