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Piblokto 12-01-2007 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Toc De Mac (Post 79476)
Ca serait cool quand même d'avoir un forum francophone. ;)

There are already so many french fan sites an blogs. And making an effort for understanding a foreign language is good for my french neurones. So stick to English.
Even though I don't participate very much, I really apreciate reading you all for many reasons, one of them is that I love considering new points of view on things too familiar to me. It makes them like new.
For example, for me lilly (lili ?) was only another cute pop singer, a little more talented than others, but it's when I saw what she could do to people all around the world - including the US -, that I realized how big was her talent.
Actually Sakozy should name her Ambassador at the UN and les Champs Elysées have to be renamed Champs Alizée...
PS : although I live 10 mn away from the Champs' virgin megastore, I won't be there on monday because I'm working late. Tant pis...

fsquared 12-01-2007 03:55 PM

I think they're only asking that things like "Post Reply", "Quote", etc. (the "controls" of the site) be switchable to French, not that there should be a Francophone forum.

cocoroa 12-01-2007 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by fsquared (Post 79522)
I think they're only asking that things like "Post Reply", "Quote", etc. (the "controls" of the site) be switchable to French, not that there should be a Francophone forum.

that´s right fs

cocoroa 12-01-2007 04:15 PM

if all the forum was in french i wouldn´t understand a thing

Matrix 12-01-2007 04:33 PM

By asking this you are putting Brad in a very difficult situation. How does he reply without offending anyone? Look, we already have a website on the internet that is doing what you are asking for.

This website of Brads is fine the way it is...don't change it Brad. We all deeply appreciate the french translations and are forever indebted to those who have devoted unselfishly their time and sweat helping us non-speaking french understand :) ... it can't be said enough, merci french linguists

By providing alternative language forums on this website you now will alienate the english speaking people and make it just that much harder to navigate here and at the same time giving you more of a headache controlling it.

If Alizée wants to come here to visit and leave a message she can regardless if we have a french forum or not. Jessica came here (fee clochette)

It's a tight little unit you have here Brad, don't congest it by doing what the OP asks for and your sanity will be thankful for it

garçoncanadien 12-01-2007 04:35 PM

ok please let me rephrase my request
can you give us a French version of VBulletin, so we can choose which language to display our VBulletin in? that way everybody has the option.

Abstract Being 12-01-2007 04:50 PM

Yes, that would be a good idea, like a ComboBox with some languages (or just English and French) just to read Controls. We are not talking about posting in French, are we?
I wonder if the servers would be capable of supporting more bandwidth.

espire 12-01-2007 07:04 PM

Though not the original idea, why not have a single forum for discussion in French?

marik 12-01-2007 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by espire (Post 79577)
Though not the original idea, why not have a single forum for discussion in French?

yeah!,why not have a new French section in here??:blink:

fsquared 12-01-2007 08:56 PM

We had a thread to talk in French already. We can revive it. Matrix misinterpreted the original request. I think multiple language options for the controls are great and do not bother anyone.

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