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TheBarrett 06-30-2008 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by Neiteio
On the topic of converting people to Lili-ism... What songs do you think are best for the job?

I'd have to say Gourmandises. And I say this as a person whose favorite song is probably L'Alizé. When I try to look at Alizée's work as objectively as possible, Gourmandises just strikes me as the song where all gears catch right out of the gate. It's an untested theory, but if I had to show someone unfamiliar with Alizée one of her songs, I'd confidently expect a good reaction showing them Gourmandises.

How about you guys?

First, hound out the main point of interest in your subject's musical taste. Hound it out, and there is always an Alizée song he can benefit from in a big way, you just have to know what to pack, and what to prepare for.

If your subject likes Technicality:

This is for the really musical folk, they are probably instrumentalists or have experience in music, or just love it overall, try to show them some catchy Alizée songs, Alizée's play on her voice in Gourmandises can do very well, same with the piano riff on the song. The use of a backtrack vocal on Gourmandises's bridge is very tricky, and it is one of the parts of the song that really hits me hard, it's sort of smart placement, adds to that seducing yet sweet feel of the song, the ever so tricky entendres set to fold by brilliant Mylene Farmer. Moi...Lolita's dark tone and gradual vocal rise can also achieve this, as well as Laurent Bout...I mean Espire's compositions of rich texture in the piece.

If your subject likes Visuality:

Definitely show them a J'en ai Marre dance performance, my preferred performance would be Tubes Du'n Jour on March 8th, 2003. However, if video is not an option, give them a song that presents an image, or creates a visual, something they can work in their troublesome imaginations about, my preferred songs for this have to be A Contre-Courant, J'ai Pas Vingt Ans, and/or L'effet. A Contre-Courant is a very visual song, hearing it can create many images in your head, in the beginning with the solid bassline and the gradual crescendo synthesizer, and finally, the entrance of Alizée's hauntingly beautiful voice spanning three octaves throughout the entire song. In the case that video is available, pack up a J'en ai Marre, and of course her 2003 Gourmandises Performance on Absolument été, and you're set.

If your subject likes a Catch

Show them indefinitely some of her more repetitive and mind-drilling songs. The best for this is again, Gourmandises, however, J'en ai Marre can work too. The poppy catch to this song is Laurent Bout..I mean Espire's use of the 5 violin notes in striking harmony at nearly every verse, the inclusion of the repetitive (almost classical) form of melody. The sound of Alizée's voice on J'en ai Marre is priceless, the tone is rich and the environment rare, the echo at the end of each sentence adds to that "bathy" feel, and it definitely worked for me.

If your subject likes Progressive Experimentation

Then do not hesitate to include whatever song you feel like, people like these tend to look for structure and compositional technique in the song, they enjoy really complex melodies, odd sounds, and genre differences and crossover mixtures. My best bet for these rare bunch is Youpidou, a great use of the baby vocal in the intro, the muffled synth, and the poppy innocence followed by a more thrashy rocker style for a chorus. Another choice would be C'est Trop Tard, it's very rockish, the deepness of Alizée's voice might come off as cute to the person, or seductive, the way the consonant "s" is used in this song is very pronounced, I can hear the "s" ring in my ears everytime she says a word with it, and it's hauntingly exquisite. The bridge of this song is very smart, I believe it is a Continuum or a Mellotron, and the use of the harmonized overdub vocal when she sings "Calamity" always hits me right here. Gourmandises can also fit in this range, the song is what can we say, jack of all trades, it's got a very stylish drum pattern, her voice really just plays the words on the song nicely, everything rolls to the next word and moves in fluid fashion, it seduces one.

Anyways, that's just my five pounds, hopefully this was of any help to you, because I obviously have too much time on my hands to analyze points on anything. :D


Scruffydog777 06-30-2008 11:11 AM

Chanson #1

Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 108164)

If your subject likes Visuality:

Definitely show them a J'en ai Marre dance performance, my preferred performance would be Tubes Du'n Jour on March 8th, 2003. However, if video is not an option, give them a song that presents an image, or creates a visual, something they can work in their troublesome imaginations about,

I agree with the J'en ai Marre selection but I think I'd have to choose the performance on 3/15/2003 on Chanson N°1 France, mainly because of the beautiful smile on her face at the beginning of the performance.

As far as choosing a song with no video and just choosing it because of the beauty of the sound, I'd have to choose Moi Lolita. I don't know how many times I've played this on the cd player in my pick up. I still can't get enough of it.

espire 06-30-2008 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 108164)
The poppy catch to this song is Laurent Bout..I mean Espire's use of the 5 violin notes in striking harmony at nearly every verse, the inclusion of the repetitive (almost classical) form of melody.

Actually, it's five chords. Do you really think I'm such a simpleton?

TheBarrett 06-30-2008 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by espire (Post 108172)
Actually, it's five chords. Do you really think I'm such a simpleton?

Do you have thine holiest tablature to proveth this compositional technique!?
What say you!

espire 06-30-2008 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 108173)
Do you have thine holiest tablature to proveth this compositional technique!?
What say you!

I tend not to write it down, but it's a series of chords, the highest being the G# from the original C#-D#-G#-Fm progression. Why I don't actually know it, and have to figure it out each time I play it, is a most strange mystery.

TheBarrett 06-30-2008 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by espire (Post 108174)
I tend not to write it down, but it's a series of chords, the highest being the G# from the original C#-D#-G#-Fm progression. Why I don't actually know it, and have to figure it out each time I play it, is a most strange mystery.

It's all that acid you've been dropping! :D

lilly 06-30-2008 03:37 PM

Converting ppl isn't as easy as it used to be earlier :(. After the first exposure to lili, it's difficult to make ppl understand that the old Alizée image no longer exist. When I show the new vids or songs, barely anyone is interested.
Also, on the topic of piracy, lowbeam, it's actually quite ok, as long as you buy the legit copy. Actually I have burnt quite a few CDs myself. The Alizée songs on my PC are all pirated versions. Though I have the originals, I keep them on my shelf as some sort of prized possession. Same with the en concert DVDs, I have three legit copies of those two PALs and one NTSC. Still I prefer to rip them and make copies of it!

Scruffydog777 06-30-2008 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by lilly (Post 108178)
Converting ppl isn't as easy as it used to be earlier :(. After the first exposure to lili, it's difficult to make ppl understand that the old Alizée image no longer exist. When I show the new vids or songs, barely anyone is interested.

I've noticed much the same reaction from people who I've played her new material for. Some of her new songs are very good but they just don't have the same magic of her earlier performances. So much has changed. From the way she dresses, the way she styles her hair, the fact that she seldom dances any more to even the small things like the stage background. The music and the lyrics of her new material may be very good but they're still a far cry from what MF and LB provided for her. What is she going to do now to try and win back her French fan base?

Ruroshen 06-30-2008 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by lilly (Post 108178)
Converting ppl isn't as easy as it used to be earlier :(. After the first exposure to lili, it's difficult to make ppl understand that the old Alizée image no longer exist. When I show the new vids or songs, barely anyone is interested.

See, I've actually had the opposite experience. I tried to introduce two of my best friends to Alizée with a clip of a JEAM performance, because that's how I was introduced to her...and they dismissed her out of hand as being just another pop-tart, selling the sizzle instead of the steak. Still haven't been able to get them to come around, despite repeated attempts.

On the other hand, when Decollage showed up in my iTunes playlist while my brother was here helping me paint, he was curious to understand my sudden interest in rapping French chicks (especially since he has a much better grasp on the language than I do). I played Fifty Sixty and Lillytown for him, pointing out references as we went, and he was actually really intrigued. It stuck with him enough that he Googled her on his own a couple of days later, to find out what else she'd done.

(Of course, the very next email I got from him said "Dude, you didn't tell me she was HAWT!!" Ah least I won him over with the music to begin with.)

OGRE 06-30-2008 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Neiteio (Post 108083)
On the topic of converting people to Lili-ism... What songs do you think are best for the job?

How about you guys?

This one:

Follow it up with:


And then throw in some new songs....I don't know what would be best as I'm still sorting them out.

And let your dad know there are plenty of normal guys his age who adore this woman. That smile...the eyes....the voice...the fish....just pure youthful exuberance. There is nothing wrong with watching a beautiful woman, dance, sing, and capture the heart of the world.

I'm 44, and these songs are not only great, but very therapeutic. Some songs are upbeat...some are sad...some are inbetween. Alizée's voice is angelic, and can be very calming and soothing...relieves tension. Seriously.

Scruffydog777 06-30-2008 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by OGRE (Post 108189)

Awesome, awesome selection Ogre! My compliments!

OGRE 07-01-2008 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by OGRE (Post 108189)
And let your dad know there are plenty of normal guys his age who adore this woman. That smile...the eyes....the voice...the fish....just pure youthful exuberance. There is nothing wrong with watching a beautiful woman, dance, sing, and capture the heart of the world.

Oh, and after feasting on a years worth of Alizée, introduce him to Mylène.

MonteCristo 07-01-2008 01:49 AM

I burnt myself in the wrong spot....and dont think nasty
I think i got my dog and goldfish hooked o.O but thats it, i dont really tell anyone what music i like or suggest to them until they actually come up and ask, i think i got one of my buddys fairly interested in Alizee though, but hes a shallow guy, he was probably more attracted by her looks then her songs. I dont like suggesting songs to anyone, because all the music i've ever listened to in my life was by what i felt was a good song/tune or by my present mood.
Anyway, with all that trash said, does anyone know what to do when you pour boiling hot water on the wrong spot of a mans body besides going to the doctor?(I went to the doctor and he gave me an examination and said it wasnt too serious and i just had to put ointment on, but it's still numb!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:)

MonteCristo 07-01-2008 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 108164)
If your subject likes a Catch

Show them indefinitely some of her more repetitive and mind-drilling songs. The best for this is again, Gourmandises, however, J'en ai Marre can work too. The poppy catch to this song is Laurent Bout..I mean Espire's use of the 5 violin notes in striking harmony at nearly every verse, the inclusion of the repetitive (almost classical) form of melody. The sound of Alizée's voice on J'en ai Marre is priceless, the tone is rich and the environment rare, the echo at the end of each sentence adds to that "bathy" feel, and it definitely worked for me.

Or A Contre-Courant, thats really catchy. the [repeat] in Moi Lolita is really catchy too, when the xylophone thingy suddenly bursts into the song.

TheBarrett 07-01-2008 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by MonteCristo (Post 108214)
I think i got my dog and goldfish hooked o.O but thats it, i dont really tell anyone what music i like or suggest to them until they actually come up and ask, i think i got one of my buddys fairly interested in Alizee though, but hes a shallow guy, he was probably more attracted by her looks then her songs. I dont like suggesting songs to anyone, because all the music i've ever listened to in my life was by what i felt was a good song/tune or by my present mood.
Anyway, with all that trash said, does anyone know what to do when you pour boiling hot water on the wrong spot of a mans body besides going to the doctor?(I went to the doctor and he gave me an examination and said it wasnt too serious and i just had to put ointment on, but it's still numb!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:)

You live in West Coast USA? Because apparently my cousin has gone all Alizée Missionary there and sort of converted somewhat of 20 people to the light of Alizée. I think that's the best place to start for conversion! :D

As for your problem, try self-meditation, or of course, ice. :)

MonteCristo 07-01-2008 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 108184)
I've noticed much the same reaction from people who I've played her new material for. Some of her new songs are very good but they just don't have the same magic of her earlier performances. So much has changed. From the way she dresses, the way she styles her hair, the fact that she seldom dances any more to even the small things like the stage background. The music and the lyrics of her new material may be very good but they're still a far cry from what MF and LB provided for her. What is she going to do now to try and win back her French fan base?

I think its because her songs took on the same instruments as any typical band, laurent and mylene had a way of throwing all manners of instruments into the song, and each time you listen to the songs, you feel this very magical sparkle, the instruments she uses now, makes you focus more on mood and expressing feelings. Typical band play eh? :(
I think what gave her an advantage when she was with mylene was the three focus points that were all hit with devastating force in the form of her songs. The sparkle that Farmer was able to put into the sound she produces with the instruments, Boutonnats addicting tune he puts into his lyrics and last of all was Alizee herselfs vocally enhanced voice. While im not really a huge fan of voice enhancement, her ability to tame this huge voice range and ability to move her voice with near perfect accuracy with the tune really won me over. As for what shes gonna do to win back lost fans, i say pass out free cookies, everyone likes cookies:D

fsquared 07-01-2008 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by MonteCristo (Post 108214)
I think i got my dog and goldfish hooked o.O but thats it, i dont really tell anyone what music i like or suggest to them until they actually come up and ask, i think i got one of my buddys fairly interested in Alizee though, but hes a shallow guy, he was probably more attracted by her looks then her songs. I dont like suggesting songs to anyone, because all the music i've ever listened to in my life was by what i felt was a good song/tune or by my present mood.
Anyway, with all that trash said, does anyone know what to do when you pour boiling hot water on the wrong spot of a mans body besides going to the doctor?(I went to the doctor and he gave me an examination and said it wasnt too serious and i just had to put ointment on, but it's still numb!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:)

I remember having good luck with a burn ointment with a lot of Vitamin E (a proven topical healing enhancer) in it one time when I had a rather bad burn from boiling water.

lilly 07-01-2008 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by MonteCristo (Post 108219)
I think its because her songs took on the same instruments as any typical band, laurent and mylene had a way of throwing all manners of instruments into the song, and each time you listen to the songs, you feel this very magical sparkle, the instruments she uses now, makes you focus more on mood and expressing feelings. Typical band play eh? :(
I think what gave her an advantage when she was with mylene was the three focus points that were all hit with devastating force in the form of her songs. The sparkle that Farmer was able to put into the sound she produces with the instruments, Boutonnats addicting tune he puts into his lyrics and last of all was Alizee herselfs vocally enhanced voice. While im not really a huge fan of voice enhancement, her ability to tame this huge voice range and ability to move her voice with near perfect accuracy with the tune really won me over. As for what shes gonna do to win back lost fans, i say pass out free cookies, everyone likes cookies:D

I understand and completely agree with you! My all time favourite Alizée song is Amelie ma D'it. This song has awesome lyrics, music, and also lili sings in a deep soothing voice that is just intoxicating. What I loved about 'Espire's' composition is that usually most composers abuse the use of the synthesizer. Not LB, he has the ability to combine the synth's music with the violin sound like it was made for each other.

On the other hand does anyone have instrumental versions of all Alizée's songs, esp AMD!??

TheBarrett 07-01-2008 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by MonteCristo (Post 108219)
I think its because her songs took on the same instruments as any typical band, laurent and mylene had a way of throwing all manners of instruments into the song, and each time you listen to the songs, you feel this very magical sparkle, the instruments she uses now, makes you focus more on mood and expressing feelings. Typical band play eh? :(
I think what gave her an advantage when she was with mylene was the three focus points that were all hit with devastating force in the form of her songs. The sparkle that Farmer was able to put into the sound she produces with the instruments, Boutonnats addicting tune he puts into his lyrics and last of all was Alizee herselfs vocally enhanced voice. While im not really a huge fan of voice enhancement, her ability to tame this huge voice range and ability to move her voice with near perfect accuracy with the tune really won me over. As for what shes gonna do to win back lost fans, i say pass out free cookies, everyone likes cookies:D

First of all, Mylene wrote the lyrics, and Laur...I mean Espire, wrote the music. :p

As for the last part, I'm not a cookie fan, i've said it, but I really am not a fan of sweet solids, sweet liquids however...that's another story...

OGRE 07-01-2008 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by MonteCristo (Post 108219)
I think what gave her an advantage when she was with mylene was the three focus points that were all hit with devastating force in the form of her songs. The sparkle that Farmer was able to put into the sound she produces with the instruments, Boutonnats addicting tune he puts into his lyrics and last of all was Alizee herselfs vocally enhanced voice.

Yep! Right you are.

Of course, I'm now totally captivated and feel a part of the new adventure. Many years there are to learn the craft, and cast the spell. When it comes, I cannot predict....months...years? In the meantime, we always have what was and is; the magic there will never fade. So we cast or eyes forward with hope and perseverance that somewhere in the future the nexus of tune, and voice, and beauty once more rises to the top of the mountain...and we are ready this time. We are there this time. And maybe...just maybe....we are the catalyst to connect the old world to the new, breaching language and culture, and complete the global conquest.

TheBarrett 07-01-2008 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by OGRE (Post 108224)
Yep! Right you are.

Of course, I'm now totally captivated and feel a part of the new adventure. Many years there are to learn the craft, and cast the spell. When it comes, I cannot predict....months...years? In the meantime, we always have what was and is; the magic there will never fade. So we cast or eyes forward with hope and perseverance that somewhere in the future the nexus of tune, and voice, and beauty once more rises to the top of the mountain...and we are ready this time. We are there this time. And maybe...just maybe....we are the catalyst to connect the old world to the new, breaching language and culture, and complete the global conquest.

Yes guru, I am ready for Alizée's rise, I am ready for true enlightenment.

ImRawdg 07-01-2008 04:50 AM

I hope the people that you guys introduced Alizee to will try to spread the word as well. It all has to start somewhere, and it will just keep multiplying. In another thread I noticed people trying to get her on the radio. That would be a great start.

On the subject of getting introduced to Alizee, for me it was the World of Warcraft dancing video. First I just noticed how hot she was. I downloaded that song, J'En Ai Marre, and my interest just took off from there. I somehow imagine that's how a lot of Americans discover her. So my question is: How else do people DISCOVER her in America? I'm looking for an answer.

TheBarrett 07-01-2008 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by ImRawdg (Post 108232)
I hope the people that you guys introduced Alizee to will try to spread the word as well. It all has to start somewhere, and it will just keep multiplying. In another thread I noticed people trying to get her on the radio. That would be a great start.

On the subject of getting introduced to Alizee, for me it was the World of Warcraft dancing video. First I just noticed how hot she was. I downloaded that song, J'En Ai Marre, and my interest just took off from there. I somehow imagine that's how a lot of Americans discover her. So my question is: How else do people DISCOVER her in America? I'm looking for an answer.

Lots of different ways, coming across her on YouTube isn't rare, heck I remember someone on these forums was introduced to her via a little girl during a doctor/patient checkup.

Me in the UK naturally has more exposure, "Moi...Lolita" was played for a bit in England cause it hit the charts there.

LeFantôme 07-03-2008 03:38 AM

Everyone that I have listen to or watch Alizée generally enjoy it, or maybe moreso tolerate it, but never pursue more than I give them. This pattern has helped me better understand my least favorite part of America: superficiality. I had a poster of Alizée in my dorm room, mostly so that people would ask me about her and we could evolve into conversation. They ask if she's like French Britney Spears, I say Yes, but not gross, they ask how her music is, and by the time I can pull open a music video to show them, it is clear they were never really interested.

And the fact that she's French does not help. First off it means an American will never see her in big media (except WoW :p), and thus she remains very foreign, but moreover Americans have no willingness in or understanding of other cultures. They just see something foreign and assume it is too complicated for them. It reminds me of the Eddie Izzard joke about learing two languages: "Two languages in one head? No one can live at that speed!"


Originally Posted by ImRawdg (Post 108232)
I somehow imagine that's how a lot of Americans discover her. So my question is: How else do people DISCOVER her in America? I'm looking for an answer.

Well, you can't. The only way is to be lucky enough to see some media somewhere, but more importantly determined enough to find more.

I do have good news. I believe a publicity campaign will be launched in the US before Alizée comes here. It would be a mistake to go on tour where she is completely unknown. Also, I told my best friends she would have US concerts in the undetermined future, and they were surprisingly enthousiastic. In all likelyhood though, they would go as an honor to me, not Alizée.

MonteCristo 07-03-2008 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 108243)
Lots of different ways, coming across her on YouTube isn't rare, heck I remember someone on these forums was introduced to her via a little girl during a doctor/patient checkup.

Me in the UK naturally has more exposure, "Moi...Lolita" was played for a bit in England cause it hit the charts there.

H*LL YEAH!!! MOI LOLITA FTW!!! *gives barret a high five*

MonteCristo 07-03-2008 08:48 AM

Im an a**hole

Originally Posted by LeFantôme (Post 108440)
Everyone that I have listen to or watch Alizée generally enjoy it, or maybe moreso tolerate it, but never pursue more than I give them. This pattern has helped me better understand my least favorite part of America: superficiality. I had a poster of Alizée in my dorm room, mostly so that people would ask me about her and we could evolve into conversation. They ask if she's like French Britney Spears, I say Yes, but not gross, they ask how her music is, and by the time I can pull open a music video to show them, it is clear they were never really interested.

And the fact that she's French does not help. First off it means an American will never see her in big media (except WoW :p), and thus she remains very foreign, but moreover Americans have no willingness in or understanding of other cultures. They just see something foreign and assume it is too complicated for them. It reminds me of the Eddie Izzard joke about learing two languages: "Two languages in one head? No one can live at that speed!"

Well, you can't. The only way is to be lucky enough to see some media somewhere, but more importantly determined enough to find more.

I do have good news. I believe a publicity campaign will be launched in the US before Alizée comes here. It would be a mistake to go on tour where she is completely unknown. Also, I told my best friends she would have US concerts in the undetermined future, and they were surprisingly enthousiastic. In all likelyhood though, they would go as an honor to me, not Alizée.

What did you expect? We live in a country ruled by 500 idiots who give rights to another 300million idiots, true, half of them have sense, but those guys generally keep to themselves and have a gun in their backseats(hmm, wonder can i trust them in making wise yet gracefull choices) Americans are concieted fat, and waste 15billion on baseball games...BASEBALL GAMES!!! Then, after walking out of the stadium, we proceed to complain to each other about the recession. Americans keep to themselves until thier lives or something they like is in peril. If thats the case, they secretly crawl into the crowd outside the dumb factory that barely seems like it could stand, let alone run. Our societys have none whatsoever turned to the side of teamwork and friendliness. (btw, im not a socialist, i rather shoot myself) And dont say im prejudice either.....I was born living in that pile of captured fish. However much I despise the U.S. though, it tears me apart to not try to help it...too bad i cant do much really... im in college with barely enough money to run my own life:mad: And that my friends, is why, in spite of the fact that the U.S. is the most wealthiest and fair lifed country in the world, i hold greater respect for a peace loving and friendly nation like France, Switzerland, Great Britian or even Greece. (they have gone through thousands of years of fighting, yet managed to pull out in one piece and learned to turn to the side of happiness, they deserve more respect than any other country, no matter how powerfull)

OGRE 07-03-2008 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by MonteCristo (Post 108451)
too bad i cant do much really

Yes, you can.

ImRawdg 07-03-2008 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by LeFantôme (Post 108440)
And the fact that she's French does not help. First off it means an American will never see her in big media (except WoW :p), and thus she remains very foreign, but moreover Americans have no willingness in or understanding of other cultures. They just see something foreign and assume it is too complicated for them. It reminds me of the Eddie Izzard joke about learing two languages: "Two languages in one head? No one can live at that speed!"

I have noticed that too. I find it very interesting that Alizee has done so much English-language things, likes people like Madonna, etc., while we Americans nearly get offended by foreign language (it seems like). And I remember in the 2001 Stars a domicile video, they had an English song playing on their stereo. Even when I first heard Alizee, I was literally thinking to myself "I can't listen to music that's in French, it wouldn't make any sense to listen to music I can't understand." And I quickly realized that I am definitely a supporter of it. I don't necessarily know of any other foreign musicians or bands yet, but I know that Americans shouldn't limit themselves to their own music, especially the direction that music here is headed, maybe that's why I got into Alizee :p I'll take French pop over...friggin rap....I hate rap.

TheBarrett 07-03-2008 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by ImRawdg (Post 108467)
I have noticed that too. I find it very interesting that Alizee has done so much English-language things, likes people like Madonna, etc., while we Americans nearly get offended by foreign language (it seems like). And I remember in the 2001 Stars a domicile video, they had an English song playing on their stereo. Even when I first heard Alizee, I was literally thinking to myself "I can't listen to music that's in French, it wouldn't make any sense to listen to music I can't understand." And I quickly realized that I am definitely a supporter of it. I don't necessarily know of any other foreign musicians or bands yet, but I know that Americans shouldn't limit themselves to their own music, especially the direction that music here is headed, maybe that's why I got into Alizee :p I'll take French pop over...friggin rap....I hate rap.

Yes, you have heard thousands of foreign music, Led Zep, The Beatles, Stones, they're from Great Britain, heck even most of the old American musicians are somewhat immigrants from other areas. Eddie Van Halen was a Netherlands-born man, etc. Dream Theater is another great example, they have a Korean bassist, an Italian-descended Guitarist, and a Canadian vocalist.
Now, it's not the matter of fact that America doesn't like listening to foreign music, it's the matter of which they are willing to get past their thick heads to TRY listening to foreign music. :)
As for your statement of rap, I support your cause, there is nothing in the world more annoying than having the same backtrack beat that was probably ripped off from Daft Punk or some other band, and having some guy try to speak rhymes too fast or too boring, and aside all that, they have to go look like an idiot with all 50 pounds of gold on their neck and hands. :D


Originally Posted by MonteCristo
What did you expect? We live in a country ruled by 500 idiots who give rights to another 300million idiots, true, half of them have sense, but those guys generally keep to themselves and have a gun in their backseats(hmm, wonder can i trust them in making wise yet gracefull choices) Americans are concieted fat, and waste 15billion on baseball games...BASEBALL GAMES!!! Then, after walking out of the stadium, we proceed to complain to each other about the recession. Americans keep to themselves until thier lives or something they like is in peril. If thats the case, they secretly crawl into the crowd outside the dumb factory that barely seems like it could stand, let alone run. Our societys have none whatsoever turned to the side of teamwork and friendliness. (btw, im not a socialist, i rather shoot myself) And dont say im prejudice either.....I was born living in that pile of captured fish. However much I despise the U.S. though, it tears me apart to not try to help it...too bad i cant do much really... im in college with barely enough money to run my own life And that my friends, is why, in spite of the fact that the U.S. is the most wealthiest and fair lifed country in the world, i hold greater respect for a peace loving and friendly nation like France, Switzerland, Great Britian or even Greece. (they have gone through thousands of years of fighting, yet managed to pull out in one piece and learned to turn to the side of happiness, they deserve more respect than any other country, no matter how powerfull)

You can do a lot, depends on how far your soul is willing to go. One can change America through methods deemed unhumanly, or methods that are generally conceived as wrong. The challenge is changing America through methods that are sane, that is generally appeasing to the spiritual and the physical, in other words, peaceful.
A country like the United States of America has had it too good for a while, compared to other countries that is, right to the point where you, the USA citizens, become a beacon of light for other countries, undeveloped or higher. Gradually the USA has become the own enemy of what it was based on, it doesn't take a lot to change a country, but what it does take is determination, anyone can do anything if they keep believing that they can do something about it.

If you want to do something about your country, then do this, open their eyes...
Do not allow them to focus anymore on their wealth, their power, their troubles, other countries' troubles, just make them, open their eyes, and realize...


Originally Posted by LeFantôme
And the fact that she's French does not help. First off it means an American will never see her in big media (except WoW ), and thus she remains very foreign, but moreover Americans have no willingness in or understanding of other cultures. They just see something foreign and assume it is too complicated for them. It reminds me of the Eddie Izzard joke about learing two languages: "Two languages in one head? No one can live at that speed!"

What an idiotic joke, I live with four languages in my head. :D
The Blizzard corporation obviously have got it right, whether they enjoyed her music and decided to put that dance on, they're helping foreign music get a start. What is needed, is more of the American folk to open up, and re-open their souls, change their lifestyle perhaps, to be a bit more including and accepting.
When one is born is America, I believe that through their childhood they are drilled in their heads on how great their powerful country is, and how many wars the USA won, and all the Charlies they killed, etc.
This obviously leads to the mental state that disapproves of everything else outside the world, or perhaps a natural bias or stereotype towards it. It is what is to be destroyed, or it shall continue.

MonteCristo 07-03-2008 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 108470)
You can do a lot, depends on how far your soul is willing to go. One can change America through methods deemed unhumanly, or methods that are generally conceived as wrong. The challenge is changing America through methods that are sane, that is generally appeasing to the spiritual and the physical, in other words, peaceful.
A country like the United States of America has had it too good for a while, compared to other countries that is, right to the point where you, the USA citizens, become a beacon of light for other countries, undeveloped or higher. Gradually the USA has become the own enemy of what it was based on, it doesn't take a lot to change a country, but what it does take is determination, anyone can do anything if they keep believing that they can do something about it.

If you want to do something about your country, then do this, open their eyes...
Do not allow them to focus anymore on their wealth, their power, their troubles, other countries' troubles, just make them, open their eyes, and realize...

Sorry, im more of a military man, i focus on objectives, goals, effectiveness and efficiency, and none of it actually seems worth while or efficient enough to do. I do have a life i'm running, I will not spend my entire life or even 20 focusing on trying to change America. Although i do wish to change it, its a heavy loss of my time i'm not willing to accept, and i hang my head in shame because of this. Im no Gandhi, Im no Martin Luther King and Im not JFK, they arent people i want to be, or will probably ever become. While im a very determined man when it comes to defending something or when my family/friends ask me to, i dont have enough ambition to lay down my life for a certain thing. That may be my weak point, and i know it all too well, besides, Americans dont look like they want anything changed, especially the upper class, so they shall die in thier own filth, i'll leave once i graduate and head for France....leave this place behind and forget it. And dont get me wrong, Obama will probably be trying his best, but even he is not above the law. He can only go as far as the Senate is willing to throw him. (thats why i rather live in a country with a tyrant)

The Patriot/Mel Gibson:Why should i trade One tyrant 3000 miles away for 300 tyrants 1 mile away?

TheBarrett 07-03-2008 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by MonteCristo (Post 108483)
Sorry, im more of a military man, i focus on objectives, goals, effectiveness and efficiency, and none of it actually seems worth while or efficient enough to do. I do have a life i'm running, I will not spend my entire life or even 20 focusing on trying to change America. Although i do wish to change it, its a heavy loss of my time i'm not willing to accept, and i hang my head in shame because of this. Im no Gandhi, Im no Martin Luther King and Im not JFK, they arent people i want to be, or will probably ever become. While im a very determined man when it comes to defending something or when my family/friends ask me to, i dont have enough ambition to lay down my life for a certain thing. That may be my weak point, and i know it all too well, besides, Americans dont look like they want anything changed, especially the upper class, so they shall die in thier own filth, i'll leave once i graduate and head for France....leave this place behind and forget it. And dont get me wrong, Obama will probably be trying his best, but even he is not above the law. He can only go as far as the Senate is willing to throw him. (thats why i rather live in a country with a tyrant)

The Patriot/Mel Gibson:Why should i trade One tyrant 3000 miles away for 300 tyrants 1 mile away?

Oh, in your case, then.
Move somewhere else and watch America do whatever (no offense:D)
Perhaps come join me and Europe. :D

Ruroshen 07-03-2008 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by MonteCristo (Post 108483)
Sorry, im more of a military man, i focus on objectives, goals, effectiveness and efficiency, and none of it actually seems worth while or efficient enough to do. I do have a life i'm running, I will not spend my entire life or even 20 focusing on trying to change America. Although i do wish to change it, its a heavy loss of my time i'm not willing to accept, and i hang my head in shame because of this. Im no Gandhi, Im no Martin Luther King and Im not JFK, they arent people i want to be, or will probably ever become. While im a very determined man when it comes to defending something or when my family/friends ask me to, i dont have enough ambition to lay down my life for a certain thing. That may be my weak point, and i know it all too well, besides, Americans dont look like they want anything changed, especially the upper class, so they shall die in thier own filth, i'll leave once i graduate and head for France....leave this place behind and forget it. And dont get me wrong, Obama will probably be trying his best, but even he is not above the law. He can only go as far as the Senate is willing to throw him. (thats why i rather live in a country with a tyrant)

The Patriot/Mel Gibson:Why should i trade One tyrant 3000 miles away for 300 tyrants 1 mile away?

TheBarrett 07-03-2008 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Ruroshen (Post 108493)

Congratulations my friend, you have just won the thread. :D

Ruroshen 07-04-2008 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 108496)
Congratulations my friend, you have just won the thread. :D

LeFantôme 07-04-2008 02:57 AM

I'll say this: if the States don't get some changes soon, starting with this upcoming new President, there's gonna be another revolution in America.

How did you know I had a pancake fetish? jk jk :P

ciarac77 07-04-2008 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by LeFantôme (Post 108440)
It reminds me of the Eddie Izzard joke about learing two languages: "Two languages in one head? No one can live at that speed!"

"But the Dutch speak four languages and smoke marijuana."


Originally Posted by MonteCristo (Post 108451)
...And that my friends, is why, in spite of the fact that the U.S. is the most wealthiest and fair lifed country in the world, i hold greater respect for a peace loving and friendly nation like France, Switzerland, Great Britian or even Greece. (they have gone through thousands of years of fighting, yet managed to pull out in one piece and learned to turn to the side of happiness, they deserve more respect than any other country, no matter how powerfull)

I'm not that political or anything and I have no intention of really saying anything further, but the first part of your post (that I didn't include) does raise a lot of questions about the flaws of our society, but to be fair, the U.S. is actually a fairly new country compared to the ones you listed. They've had "thousands of years" to work out the kinks whereas we've only had a couple hundred (and they aren't perfect either, btw). In the grand scheme of things, 200 or so years isn't very long and we're bound as a society to make mistakes until we too work out the kinks...or, you know, totally collapse. Of course, that doesn't bring much solace to us living in a time that seems hopeless, but maybe that adds some perspective.

Back on topic: I don't think I've converted any heathens, btw. But I have talked about Lili enough to some friends that I'm not really allowed to anymore...

Euphoria 07-04-2008 04:16 AM

Most of my friends know that I love Alizee and Mylene Farmer. They think they're both really pretty, but don't really like their music. They're not big on pop. Lately I've been showing my mom some Mylene videos, but she likes Alizee better, she thinks Mylene's voice is too high. I also made her a slideshow of some pictures of me and my brother and his family (his wife and kids) with the translated lyrics to L'effet, and played the song. She cried, haha. Again, she doesn't really like pop though, she thinks its monotonous. I always try and share my love of both Alizee and Mylene with my friends, but none yet ;) really love them.

Key 07-04-2008 07:43 PM

I've tried so many times to get my friends to listen to alizee!! But they all did german in school so it's no use :(
But when I become a french teacher I'm gonna have special classes on how amazing she is :)

jdfeeley 07-10-2008 07:22 PM

I'm going to show my friend some of Alizee's music tonight. I'm pretty hyped.

jung_adore_ALIZEE 07-14-2008 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by jdfeeley (Post 109034)
i'm going to show my friend some of alizee's music tonight. I'm pretty hyped.


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