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Panther 03-28-2013 07:44 PM

I'm really pleased that it has all worked out so well for you Scruff. It's great that all your effort is paying off. Starting to wish I'd made plans to be there myself now.

Plaz 03-28-2013 08:31 PM

sounds like a truly awesome experience so far

Rustlemania 03-29-2013 03:06 AM

Something is always better than nothing, enjoy Paris.

Fèvier 03-29-2013 04:28 AM

Wow! amazing story Scruffy! Glad you're really enjoying yourself in Paris! Hope all goes well today :D

Scruffydog777 03-29-2013 06:56 AM

Jake04 made it in. We went out for breakfast this morning and had a long talk. We then went to see Ray and co-ordinate our plans. I then went back to my hotel and found 3 members of AF waiting for me including Jenny. RMJ wasn't there. I haven't been in direct communication with Sony. All they are expecting in accordance with my letter is 3 members from AAm. When I get there I will talk with Sony and try my best to have these members included.

T minus 4 hours!

Lili4ever 03-29-2013 07:40 AM

i know it is a pipe dream, but if some of you have smart phones and find free wifi, you could set up for all of us a live stream. :omg: I think Ronny has knowledge to pull it off

SpanishFan 03-29-2013 09:24 AM

I would enjoy the moment, I would not distract myself a single second trying to broadcast live:D

Bigdan 03-29-2013 10:50 AM

I see you re having a good time in Paris ! Today is pretty tough day of work for me and I dont know if I will be able to be there before 5pm...
But enjoy anyway and good luck !

ALS 03-29-2013 04:18 PM

Any news from the private autograph session yet?

Karin 03-29-2013 04:58 PM

why I have such weird feeling...

Scruffydog777 03-29-2013 05:12 PM

What a roller coaster day of emotions. we 3 AAm members arrived at fnac shortly after 3. The members of AF were already there. I bought the cds, then we waited for 4pm to roll around and it was a very long hour. Then more long minutes rolled by and no Alizee. They told us she was running late and may not have time to sign the cds. Eventually we had to get in the regular line, but at least not at the very end. Compared to lines in the past it was very slow moving. Of course that made for a long wait, but the advantage was when we got up near the front, we had a lot more time to see her and she really looked great.

So after getting a "couple" of cds signed and leaving the line, a fnac rep said, well actually he said it earlier, that if I gave him my address, sony would ship the cds that Alizee would sign on monday for free.

That wasn't what we hoped for, but we weren't complaining. Then shortly after that a Sony rep named Iris, came up to us and said she recognized me from 2010. She was a beautiful, very pleasent young lady. she said that Alizee might be able to sign our cds after the regular session ended. Well after another agonizingly long wait, the place started to close. Iris came over and said Alizee was too tired. Then she said Alizee might be able to sign them on wednesday on the day I was scheduled to fly back to the states. Well I don't work til thursday, so now I have to see how full the flights look to see if I can stay.

So like I said, it,s been a real roller coaster ride; a ver long day. We haven't gained much ground, but we haven't given up the fight.

I'd just like to add that all the people we've dealt with have been incredibly wonderful and nice to us, something that I think was helped out by the fact we have a great group of people here from both forums.

There will be lots of great pictures and videos coming. I think Jenny filmed enough for a trilogy.

Lili4ever 03-29-2013 05:15 PM

lol. Not surprised at all

Karin 03-29-2013 05:24 PM

so i was right with the weird feelings... eh

awkward Turtle 03-29-2013 05:24 PM

Thanks for putting in all of that time for us, Scruffy!

lefty12357 03-29-2013 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 239580)
What a roller coaster day of emotions. we 3 AAm members arrived at fnac shortly after 3. The members of AF were already there. I bought the cds, then we waited for 4pm to roll around and it was a very long hour. Then more long minutes rolled by and no Alizee. They told us she was running late and may not have time to sign the cds. Eventually we had to get in the regular line, but at least not at the very end. Compared to lines in the past it was very slow moving. Of course that made for a long wait, but the advantage was when we got up near the front, we had a lot more time to see her and she really looked great.

So after getting a "couple" of cds signed and leaving the line, a fnac rep said, well actually he said it earlier, that if I gave him my address, sony would ship the cds that Alizee would sign on monday for free.

That wasn't what we hoped for, but we weren't complaining. Then shortly after that a Sony rep named Iris, came up to us and said she recognized me from 2010. She was a beautiful, very pleasent young lady. she said that Alizee might be able to sign our cds after the regular session ended. Well after another agonizingly long wait, the place started to close. Iris came over and said Alizee was too tired. Then she said Alizee might be able to sign them on wednesday on the day I was scheduled to fly back to the states. Well I don't work til thursday, so now I have to see how full the flights look to see if I can stay.

So like I said, it,s been a real roller coaster ride; a ver long day. We haven't gained much ground, but we haven't given up the fight.

I'd just like to add that all the people we've dealt with have been incredibly wonderful and nice to us, something that I think was helped out by the fact we have a great group of people here from both forums.

There will be lots of great pictures and videos coming. I think Jenny filmed enough for a trilogy.

Like they say, nothing is guaranteed in life. :) Hopefully this will all get worked out in the end.

Thanks for all your efforts. And at least you got to meet her again. Looking forward to all the pictures and videos.

SpanishFan 03-29-2013 05:28 PM

Well done, there is nothing more you could have done, it was all in their hands at that point and it was their call. Glad that people were friendly and the atmosphere was good.
Now I am curious about sales, we did not have any estimation yet.

Lili4ever 03-29-2013 05:37 PM

i feel really bad for Scruffy and everyone else. People come from across the oceans and buy 80 cd's. And they basicaly have to beg Zee to find half hour and sign them. That's like 8000 euro. Ordinary people have to work months to make such money. I admire what strong faith some of you have

SpanishFan 03-29-2013 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Lili4ever (Post 239590)
That's like 8000 euro.

It is a lot of money, but not 8.000 euros, that is for sure:D

Lili4ever 03-29-2013 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by SpanishFan (Post 239592)
It is a lot of money, but not 8.000 euros, that is for sure:D

uuuhh lol you are right. :o

Karin 03-29-2013 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Lili4ever (Post 239590)
i feel really bad for Scruffy and everyone else. People come from across the oceans and buy 80 cd's. And they basicaly have to beg Zee to find half hour and sign them. That's like 8000 euro. Ordinary people have to work months to make such money. I admire what strong faith some of you have

I should believe that bad feeling when she posted about 16h photo on instagram, where she was still at home.

Fall 03-29-2013 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 239580)
What a roller coaster day of emotions. we 3 AAm members arrived at fnac shortly after 3. The members of AF were already there. I bought the cds, then we waited for 4pm to roll around and it was a very long hour. Then more long minutes rolled by and no Alizee. They told us she was running late and may not have time to sign the cds. Eventually we had to get in the regular line, but at least not at the very end. Compared to lines in the past it was very slow moving. Of course that made for a long wait, but the advantage was when we got up near the front, we had a lot more time to see her and she really looked great.

So after getting a "couple" of cds signed and leaving the line, a fnac rep said, well actually he said it earlier, that if I gave him my address, sony would ship the cds that Alizee would sign on monday for free.

That wasn't what we hoped for, but we weren't complaining. Then shortly after that a Sony rep named Iris, came up to us and said she recognized me from 2010. She was a beautiful, very pleasent young lady. she said that Alizee might be able to sign our cds after the regular session ended. Well after another agonizingly long wait, the place started to close. Iris came over and said Alizee was too tired. Then she said Alizee might be able to sign them on wednesday on the day I was scheduled to fly back to the states. Well I don't work til thursday, so now I have to see how full the flights look to see if I can stay.

So like I said, it,s been a real roller coaster ride; a ver long day. We haven't gained much ground, but we haven't given up the fight.

I'd just like to add that all the people we've dealt with have been incredibly wonderful and nice to us, something that I think was helped out by the fact we have a great group of people here from both forums.

There will be lots of great pictures and videos coming. I think Jenny filmed enough for a trilogy.

Oh wow, really sounds like an extremely long day! As lefty said, at least you got to meet her again, and the others, for the first time. All you can do now is enjoy your stay there and hope for the best, maybe you'll meet her again for another private signing before you leave.

I wanted to ask, what became of your gift for her? It's not in the instagram pic of the other gifts :13:

Scruffydog777 03-29-2013 06:20 PM

As far as the gift she took it in big surprise or maybe she didn't know what to make of it. It was a stab in the dark

As far as sales the line was full until closing. Iris estimated 300 people there. Not huge but not bad but when you factor in our 80 probably added up to a good day.

We ran into some of the French Alizee forum and they were well aware of the previous private session....not to mention the radio ads,,.........they were asking me how it all came about

Lili4ever 03-29-2013 06:26 PM

did she look any different from last time ?

Ray4AJ 03-29-2013 06:41 PM

It really looked like we'd get the aam session, then it didn't, then it did again. Eventually we had to get in the regular line. Then we thought we might get a later session, but it wasn't to be. Sounded to me like they should still get signed though. Scruffy really put his all into making this work out.

I had made the trip not expecting us to even get the session, while I hoped we would, I would have been happy to just meet her this one time. And that worked out great. I really wanted to get a lot of pictures to share. I got some and they will come up after I get home. Even a few in 3D.

I can barely remember the encounter, and I walked away in a daze. But as I've suspected, she does ok with english.

What an afternoon! Thanks for everything Scruffy!

Euphoria 03-29-2013 07:33 PM

I hope you won't get stuck with a bunch of unsigned CDs.

Scruffydog777 03-29-2013 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Lili4ever (Post 239597)
did she look any different from last time ?

She looked absolutely gorgeous and coming from know you can take that to the bank.
EDIT: This is my third autograph session and by far she looked her best. With Psych, it looked like someone had ironed her hair. With UEDS, I thought she looked too Hollywood. Some people attributed that to her not feeling well. Here................she looked perfect.


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 239603)
I hope you won't get stuck with a bunch of unsigned CDs.

As we left it, they said the Cd's would get signed by Wednesday, because Alizee has to leave town for the other autograph sessions the next day. She will either sign them by herself and sony will ship them out, or I will be in attendance to witness it and I will put them on a replica viking ship, set it on fire, and cast it off down the Seine.

Karin 03-29-2013 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 239604)
She looked absolutely gorgeous and coming from know you can take that to the bank.

As we left it, they said the Cd's would get signed by Wednesday, because Alizee has to leave town for the other autograph sessions the next day. She will either sign them by herself and sony will ship them out, or I will be in attendance to witness it and I will ship them out.

I must be drunk or I have problem to understand how it is... :D

btw, how long you will be there? just cause, to dont forget the time change on sunday :)

le chat des Etats 03-29-2013 08:19 PM

Scruffy, absolutely awesome; if they still don't get signed despite your work, I would be happy to take a few off your hands, I'll gift them to the local High School French programs. I hope they get signed, but at this point I am very happy you got the chance to see her, and that the trip sounds like a good one. If they do get signed, I'll cherish mine all the more for your efforts.

Scruffydog777 03-29-2013 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Karin (Post 239605)
I must be drunk or I have problem to understand how it is... :D

btw, how long you will be there? just cause, to dont forget the time change on sunday :)

I originally was going to fly to Munich on sunday, for 3 days, l cancelled my trip there in case this happens. I called a co worker and asked him to try and get someone to cover for me Thursday night. So I lose a days pay, but I will stay here until Thursday.

Bigdan 03-29-2013 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Ray4AJ (Post 239599)
I got some and they will come up after I get home. Even a few in 3D.

:omg: I got my glasses !

User22 03-29-2013 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Lili4ever (Post 239590)
i feel really bad for Scruffy and everyone else. People come from across the oceans and buy 80 cd's. And they basicaly have to beg Zee to find half hour and sign them. That's like 8000 euro. Ordinary people have to work months to make such money. I admire what strong faith some of you have

Well you've got to remember that it doesn't take a half hour to sign 80 CD's. if I remember correctly, last time it took an hour-plus to sign just 60 CD's, and that was even before the autograph session. Since Alizée can do whatever she feels like, she indeed got to the regular signing session some 10minutes late according to my estimates. And so after some 2hours-plus of signing for the regular autograph session...I doubt she'd want to spend another 1.5hours signing 80 CD's. i don't blame her at all for saying she was too tired since she'd be there until some 9 or 10 o'clock signing away :))

Also remember that, although its just how this stuff works, Scruffy was only able to get the session finalized just 3 days before the event. So no one can really be blamed in this situation. Some things just don't work out as planned and have to be modified.

Really cool that they would ship the CDs for free though!!!



Originally Posted by Bigdan (Post 239608)
:omg: I got my glasses !

I think he may mean Stereograms, where you have to cross your eyes :D

Jake04 03-29-2013 09:20 PM

Hello everyone! Yes! I finally saw her! :wub: For those who haven't seen her: She looks exactly the same in pictures and videos - drop-dead gorgeous! She sounded the same as well. The only difference that I noticed was she looked smaller/thinner in person.

There were a lot of people at the event. I wouldn't be surprised if they had to turn away some fans. It didn't finish until almost over half-an-hour after fnac closed its doors. It took more than 3 1/2 hours. So, I wouldn't blame Alizee if she said she was too tired already. Plus, the fnac people really wanted to shut down the store, (they closed at 8:00 pm). And, unlike the last signing session, Alizee had no prior knowledge of our request. She actually showed up/ started the session at 5:00.

We met a alot of people there; members from Alizee forum, Alizee France, normal fans as well as us of course. Alizee France members were the first ones on the line. They were the biggest group too. We personally met Cynthia after the event. They were all nice and even invited us to join them for dinner. Unfortunately, we weren't able to join them since we started our day really early and we're all tired already. The Alizee forum members joined them though.

I also recognized Stefany on the line. I'm not really sure if she's a member of any forum but, she shares a lot of pictures and videos as well on a regular basis.

Both the Sony and fnac reps seemed to be very happy with the turn-out. She's going to have another session next week. Let's hope the turn-out is just as good, if not better than this one. If she has a couple more crowd like this one, then we might see a concert in the near future.

I was able to take some photos and a few short videos. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my computer, only my iPad. And it was already too late before I realized I couldn't connect my camera to my iPad. :(

Despite a rough couple of days in Paris (I got lost a couple of time trying to find my hotel, my rental car and a place to park), after the event, I'd say: It's all worth it! I would have done the same thing all over again.

PS: I'm now officially a member of the lucky b@$tard list, no matter how low I may be on that list! :D

Ray4AJ 03-29-2013 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 239609)

I think he may mean Stereograms, where you have to cross your eyes :D

Not this time. My phone has dual cameras and can take true 3D photos. You have to have a way to view .mpo files (Nintendo 3Ds for example) But since not many people have a way to view them that way, swagboy is going to make stereograms from the files, to be viewable by crossing your eyes.

If anyone is interested in the original files let me know. Imageshack won't let me upload them there but I could email them or perhaps swagboy could make a download of them. Of anyone has a Nintendo 3Ds I can explain how to view them using that. Also, all the existing stereograms could be made to work on the 3Ds but I don't know that there is a demand for that.

Wizard 03-29-2013 09:48 PM

Being one of the newest members here, I've been quietly reading all the posts I can muster, and I must say, it feels weird to be listening to Alizée's new CD (which I received today- after Amazon screwed up my order the first time!) while reading this incredible adventure that Scruffy and others are having in France! Looks like everyone had a great time, even though Alizée could not get all those CD's autographed. Thanks to everyone who posted, so that the rest of us could enjoy it vicariously!

LE_LOUP_DES_STEPPES 03-30-2013 12:08 AM

WOW Scruff it sounds like you have had quite a fun journey. Thank you so much Scruff for doing this for all of us.

Bigdan 03-30-2013 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 239609)

I think he may mean Stereograms, where you have to cross your eyes :D

That's ok with me, as I can make it available for red/cyan glasses with Photoshop ! :thumb:



Originally Posted by Ray4AJ (Post 239613)
Not this time. My phone has dual cameras and can take true 3D photos. You have to have a way to view .mpo files (Nintendo 3Ds for example) But since not many people have a way to view them that way, swagboy is going to make stereograms from the files, to be viewable by crossing your eyes.

If anyone is interested in the original files let me know. Imageshack won't let me upload them there but I could email them or perhaps swagboy could make a download of them. Of anyone has a Nintendo 3Ds I can explain how to view them using that. Also, all the existing stereograms could be made to work on the 3Ds but I don't know that there is a demand for that.

Yes, I'm interested in having the right and left images on a file...

Tiwaz 03-30-2013 09:27 AM

If Scruffy can't get the CD's signed or for some reason(?) can't return them to the store, and get stuck with 80 CD's. Everyone how wanted to be on the list should take their responsibility and buy them of him anyway.

I wish you the best of luck on finishing your task.

Marka 03-30-2013 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Tiwaz (Post 239635)
If Scruffy can't get the CD's signed or for some reason(?) can't return them to the store, and get stuck with 80 CD's. Everyone how wanted to be on the list should take their responsibility and buy them of him anyway.

I wish you the best of luck on finishing your task.

I will buy multiple CDs from Scruffy, if needed. Btw, we can already say that those cds were in 1km radious of Alizée, that is enough ;)

ALS 03-30-2013 10:51 AM

You had to ask? There is no way I would ever leave Scruffydog holding the bag on this one or anyone else that put themselves out like this for the members on this board.

Marka 03-30-2013 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 239651)
You had to ask? There is no way I would ever leave Scruffydog holding the bag on this one or anyone else that put themselves out like this for the members on this board.

Maybe Scruffy (and other Alizée fans, who will be nearby) should sign them?! Leaving those cds unsigned would be a sin...

Actually, I find this alternate scenario of Alizée fans signing Alizée CDs for other Alizée fans quite lovely. I mean, if Alizée herself is too tired ... :13:

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