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TheBarrett 07-30-2008 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Camapajama (Post 110743)
Haha! Of all the puns I ever get, they better to continue to be part of Alizee :)

Oh..While I'm here, might as well post as how I became a fan.
It all started on an ominous day. It was rather depressing, but I felt music could cheer me up. So, I jumped on the internet, and started looking at music in general.

Now normally I'm more of a 'Killswitch Engaged,' or,'In Flames,' or,'Breaking Benjamin,' or...Well you get the picture. I'm more of a hard rock kind of person.

Anyway, I looked at some music, and decided,"It's time for a change in pace." So, I started looking at Techno/Dance music (it's basically tied, in favorites, with hard rock).

Nothing really appealed to me, so I figured I would play a game for a while...
While you may have guessed it, I play World of Warcraft every now and then. So, out of just curiosity, I play around with the game for a while, and some how come up with the question: Where did all these dances come from?

So, onto Youtube I went (Comments on that site are dreadful, by the way:eek: ) I typed in,"WoW dances."
So, I watch the most popular video of the origins of the dances, and about mid-way through, I see Alizee. Her beauty caught me, but so did her music.

Now, knowing Youtube, comments about how 'hawt' Alizee is, are seemingly always appearing in the space below the video. Obviously, since there wasn't any other amazingly beautiful women in the video, I came to the conclusion of the obvious: This was Alizee.

So, next step? You betcha, type in Alizee in the Youtube search bar :D
JEAM comes up, and I virtually immediately become entranced by her voice, dance, and overall presence.

I spend about 10 more minuets looking at all the videos with her performances in it, and decide I need to look at other websites.

Now, I spend about 20-40 minuets a day looking at this website, but I never really put in effort to make an account and post.

So a few months go buy, and here I am posting :)

Sheesh, long post :D (at least for me anyway)

Well, thank god you decided for a change in pace.
That seems to be one contributing factor to why you're here right now. :)

pepelepew 07-30-2008 01:15 PM

Edcognito your previous post hits the nail on the head for me. I'm 51, married, children, grandchildren, and you so eloquently described my experiences regarding Alizee, the effect of her whole personna. I too have never been this interested In a music performer like this. Stevie Knicks my first love and Sade a close 2nd. and maybe I would have gone down the same road if the net was available but will never know. Much closer to their age also. It just seems strange re; Alizee being so young. Only Alizee fans understand regardless of age I would bet.


Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 110746)
Well, thank god you decided for a change in pace.
That seems to be one contributing factor to why you're here right now. :)

So simply put but so true.

alizee lover 09-26-2008 09:48 AM

Alizee! How?
I would like to know how you all found out about alizee?:confused:Also what was the very first song you heard from her?:rolleyes:
This is mine i was told about her by my cousin from New York.He came over for christmas and showed me the video of jeam and told me about her. So the first song i heard was jeam and i fell in love with it since:wub:.Although i was brought to alizee by my cousin i am now a bigger fan than him:D

whitey® 09-26-2008 12:53 PM

Someone mentioned her name and had a picture of her on some online forum I forget now ,so I type her name into youtube and saw the music video J'en ai marre.

Bud10 09-26-2008 01:20 PM

I was on a gaming forum and some guy posted a vid of her. It was one of her J'en ai marre performances. I liked it so I looked her up on Youtube, liked her ever since.

TheBarrett 09-26-2008 01:55 PM

I predicted her birth and rise to fame during the Crusades.
Waited ever since.

lefty12357 09-26-2008 06:19 PM

Believe it or not, I first saw Alizée on American TV in primetime back in the Gourmandises era. It was an excerpt from her Parler Tout Bas video. It was shown on some kind of news magazine program talking about teen issues concerning growing up in this day and age. I was immediately spellbound by her, the video and the song. They mentioned her name and that she was French, but by the next day I had forgotten her name and was unable able to find out more about that lovely girl I saw, or her music. But there was something about Alizée’s face and voice and how they appealed to me personally. I’d swear they were hard-coded into my genes, because the first time I saw and heard her there was a sense of recognition, like déjà vu.

Fast forward to 2006 when I saw JEAM on Google videos. I was immediately spellbound again, but it wasn’t until I searched for more of her videos that I found Parler Tout Bas and made the connection and it all made sense to me. I guess I was lucky to get a second chance.

puffyrock2 09-26-2008 07:46 PM

I was browsing through my friends favorite vids on his youtube channel. One was titled simply "alizee", the classic JEAM vid most people see first. I spent the next couple hours watching her vids and the rest is history.

mavsluver41 09-26-2008 11:17 PM

My tale begins on Wednesday, June 4, 2008. I was studying in my room for the the Chemistry SAT II which loomed in the near future. As studying teenagers are wont to do, I began to drift and found myself on a youtube adventure, clicking on the links from one video to the next, regardless of interest, simply for the sake of procrastination. One of these clicks led me to my "hook video," which unlike with the majority of Lili fans, was not JEAM or La Isla Bonita, but strangely "Moi...Lolita" at Festivalbar. I don't know how to explain it, but just the way she moves in that video, combined with the entrancing music was a hell of a drug :wub:.

So, yeah, I watched that video and listened to that song over, and over, and over again, and ,although I feared it would affect my performance on the test that weekend, I couldn't stop (everytime I took the practice tests, the music would inevitably force its way into my brain, making it impossible to read the text, not to mention, think).

Anyway, the night before the test, I couldn't stop thinking about her, and although I went to sleep at ten, it took me four or five hours to get to sleep, and I was tired as hell the next morning.

Oh, and what's funny is that after I watched the video for the very first time, I grabbed a sticky note from the table beside my bed, and scrawled Alizée Jacotey and the date down (I still have that post-it, which is how I knew the exact date of my initiation ;)). It was as if some greater power, some unseen force told me that this girl was special, and I had to remember her name. It was a week before I discovered JEAM and La Isla Bonita and was thrust deeply and irrevocably into Lili fandom.

Thus it was, my story. I remember it as if it were yesterday (and compared to some of you pre-Psychédélices-ers here, it might as well have been :)).

woohoo 09-26-2008 11:33 PM

WoW vids, but it took me three whole days to find her because all i had as evidence were the words TOPS of the POPS so i put those words in Google instead of youtube like i did on the third day. sad but true.

Tchaikovsky 09-27-2008 12:17 AM

I'm not quite sure, but I think I first saw her in a WoW video showing where the character dances came from that showed one of her JEAM performances.

Kaptain Kurse 09-27-2008 05:36 AM

It was in October, 2006 and my wife and I where on holiday in Spain when I discovered Lili. We were actually returning to our resort after a trip to Andorra when our tour guide started playing music videos on the coach TV.

I wasn't really paying much attention as it had been quite a long day but then one video caught my attention. This really cute girl dressed in a black sailor outfit was singing a French song. I had no idea who she was but luckily her name popped up at the end and I memorized it and then looked her up on the internet when we got home. As you know, the song was J'en Ai Marre.

I have been hooked ever since.:D

Idéaliser 09-27-2008 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by puffyrock2 (Post 116125)
I was browsing through my friends favorite vids on his youtube channel. One was titled simply "alizee", the classic JEAM vid most people see first. I spent the next couple hours watching her vids and the rest is history.

+1! :D

Lili hooked me with that classic JEAM video as well. After a while though, I browsed through her En Concert performances and was simply amazed. I started downloading the songs and I guess I've been a fan since then :D

Lerxst 09-27-2008 10:53 PM

My story is the same as most of you.

A couple of years ago, I was on another forum and someone posted a thread called "Hot French girl" (or something to that effect) and it linked to 2 videos. As you can surmise, they were JEAM and La Isla Bonita.

Although her affect on me was immediate, I didn't become totally infatuated right away. It was purely a physical attraction at first and, to be honest, I didn't really take an interest in her music. However, over time, I would find myself going back and watching her videos periodically (and with increasing frequency) because there was just something captivating about her. As I became more and more enraptured by her, the music started to grow on me as well.

...and here I am now.

alizee lover 09-29-2008 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Kaptain Kurse (Post 116151)
It was in October, 2006 and my wife and I where on holiday in Spain when I discovered Lili. We were actually returning to our resort after a trip to Andorra when our tour guide started playing music videos on the coach TV.

I wasn't really paying much attention as it had been quite a long day but then one video caught my attention. This really cute girl dressed in a black sailor outfit was singing a French song. I had no idea who she was but luckily her name popped up at the end and I memorized it and then looked her up on the internet when we got home. As you know, the song was J'en Ai Marre.

I have been hooked ever since.:D

What about your wife does she mind you being so hooked on alizee:confused:
does she ever get :mad:

vercingetorix 10-01-2008 09:07 PM

vercingetorix story
OK well I was going to Iraq on my first tour and I was told half way through training that my unit was actually going to Kuwaitt so when we landed in Iraq on the way to Kuwaitt the commander told me to get off the plane because I was staying in Iraq for the QRF...QRF=Quick Reaction i got off the plane and ended up doing my tour in Iraq after all...Well after a few months I was getting into a lot of trouble and the commander assighned me to the Vanguard outpost this outpost is where they send all the trouble makers and the soldiers they dont like,basically a post out in the middle of nowhere...:mad:...Well before I got sent there I bought a laptop I guess because everybody had one and I never even had a computer growing up so I thought it was cool to have one for gaming and such...Anyways I got there and made friends with another American soldier from CANADA and asked him if he could show me the ins and outs of the laptop I bought...And he did,but while he was doing that he let me go through some files of his on his laptop and I paused on some really cool ones if you know what I mean...And i asked him if he could copy those specific files to my laptop while i went on my mission for the day and he said allright so i was like cool cool...My mission took like 4 hrs and by the time i got back it was still copying and i asked him if it is supposed to take that long and he said well i could not get just those specific files you wanted so i copied all my files to your laptop and i was like what???He then said just go through and delete anything you dont want and i was like cool cool i took my laptop to my bunk and started going through it all and there it was...................................a file that said Alizee moi lolita so i clicked on it and the song moi lolita started playing,there was not even a video to it and i liked it...I played the song for like 30 minutes over and over till i got tired and shut it off and fell asleep...The next night when i had more time i picked up where i left off in the files and found some more Alizee stuff like the Amsterdam video of moi lolita and JEAM video and i was like ''DAMNNN''....The next morning i asked the other soldier who Alizee was and the first thing that came out of his mouth was ''SHES ADDICTIVE ISN'T SHE???...And i was like ''YUP''...From then on i had the lilli syndrome lol...That's basically my story in a nutshell...Oh and i almost forgot...The day i found out about Alizee was on AUGUST 16th 2004...

ImRawdg 10-01-2008 10:08 PM

I had seen the WoW dancing video back in probably early fall 2007, possibly even earlier, and I really liked "that girl" at about a minute into it if I remember correctly. I once in a while would come back to that video just to see her, and it wasn't until probably December 2007 that I actually downloaded J'en Ai Marre. And I was really embarrassed about it (to this day I have barely told anyone). I downloaded a couple more songs that I came across on Youtube, Moi Lolita, Mademoiselle Juliette, and Toc De Mac. I stuck with those four for a while, but then I slowly downloaded more. Before this, I thought the idea of liking foreign music was just plain bad, and I was constantly thinking to myself "there's no way I will become a fan of this, I don't want to be a fan of this." But I started to get more songs. It probably wasn't until spring that I even realized that an album had just come out in December. It wasn't until late May or early June that I found this site, and started watching videos and interviews and really started to find out about her. Then I just went on a downloading spree, and I have almost all of her songs now. I am a bit ashamed to tell you guys I have not bought a single thing yet, but I plan to soon. I found out she was doing some concerts later that month. I was in the middle of work in mid-June and I was like "Gee, it would be fun to try recording my own version of a song." I almost couldn't concentrate at work and when I went home it quickly appeared that this would never work. I ran into some problems at first that almost stopped me from ever doing it to begin with. I wanted to make a song the best I could to make it forum-worthy, and when I got it done the next day, I put it on the forum with doubts. And that's where I was at by the time I first posted. I now don't regret for a second getting into Alizee, even though to this day I am really embarrassed to tell any of my friends about her. Because the people that I have told are really dumbfounded, as this is not the type of music people would expect me to listen to. And my friends at school would probably not take it well, they would do nothing but laugh I'm sure. It's probably because it IS such a big change from what I am used to (Rush, Yes, ELP, Genesis, Jethro Tull). On another note, in June I also got into Axelle Red, and that stuff really is fun to listen to as well. I am big on bass guitar now, and her music is really big on it.

edgar93 10-01-2008 10:25 PM

I discovered her with JEAM, too. I was in a baseball game in Mexico and in the giant screen they played a video, it was JEAM of course. Then I asked who was that girl , and an aunt answered me, the I went to youtube...and you know.

now 4 months later I really can´t stop thinking about her.

And the best, is that somewhere I have the tickets of the match!!! So I know exactly our first meeting!! : )

TheBarrett 10-01-2008 10:25 PM

^^ Prog rock to Alizée is not nearly as embarrassing as (insert sub-genre)Metal to Alizée. :p

I think I was shunned by most of my community until late 2006 when they started listening to her as well. :D
I'm tired of telling the story, but here I go, completely summarized.

October 5, 2001: Football game, heard the song played loud on radio by eccentric man.
October 10, 2001: Remembered the song, attempted to find information on it.
October 11, 2001: Found that the song actually made it to the UK top songs list, which was surprising for a French artist.
October 30, 2001: Got a copy of "Gourmandises"
October 31, 2001: Lost my sanity and my tangible form, what a perfect day too!

March 8, 2003: Started the worst and best period of my life.
March 10, 2003: Completed first Alizée fan art.
March 11, 2003: Completed second Alizée fan art.
March 20, 2003: School grades started the roller coaster period.
March 25, 2003: Watched the Eurobest function
April 15, 2003: Got "Mes Courants Electriques"
April 29, 2003: Started practicing drums
July 12, 2003: Birthday, present was a short trip to Paris.
July 29, 2003: Had an inch-stack of Alizée fan art, some horrible, some viable, some fine.
September 1, 2003: Desired to attend her concert, fell into further insanity with the beautiful ACC performances.
January 7, 2004: Le Zenith

August 1, 2004-July 17, 2005: Emotional period of twists and turns, discovery of Chatelain, suicidal tendencies and occasional spurts of creative power.
July 20, 2005: Listened to Ensiferum's "Iron" album, and kicked off the emotional period.

Present Day: I really don't know.

edgar93 10-01-2008 10:27 PM

now she is the only reason for me to learn a third language xD

Tomtentp 10-03-2008 09:04 PM

My story is short.

Got home from a wonderful world trip in august 2008 with no clue about what I wanted to do in life. Started to work at my dads work to be able to pay off debts and to have anything to do at all. Then one day at work I heard Jeam on the radio.

The music was ok in my ears, but I found the song funny due to some words sounding like a wierd sentence in Swedish. I don't know why but I decided to look it up when I got home from work, and there she was. The YouTube spam period began followed by the craving for higher quality which led me to this site.

I never even thought about the forum until one day when I saw this thread saying "Which WoW character would Alizée play?" or something like that. I thought it to be really funny and started to read some of the threads. I realized there were seemingly normal and grown up people being fans of Alizée, which got me interested. I started to post and made some threads, my journey took me deeper into the fandome of Alizée and branched off into diffrent spores of energy.

I suddenly wanted so much more out of life. I wanted to learn all these kinds of things, all these kinds of ways to express myself. I wanted to compose music, learn to draw, write stories, create games, learn about new languages and cultures, invent all these kinds of crasy stuff I would never had thought of before....
In overall, I recieved this great urge for creating things.

Today, I still don't know which proffession to chose, but unlike before it's because I don't know which one of the many paths to pick.

She did something to me. Call it love, attraction, desire, lust, adoration, respect, inspiration, whatever you wish...
The light she gives to me I will never shun.

MonteCristo 10-04-2008 04:17 AM

I told this story before.....doesnt hurt to post it again i suppose. I was in France in the year 2001 sometime after i accidently told my minions to ram those hijacked planes into some biuldings.....saw Moi Lolita and Gormandises on TV, liked it, bought the CD and put it onto my ipod, left it there for 2 or 3 years, forgot all about Alizée. Searched her up one day after listening to gourmandises, (which to this day remains my most favorite in her name) and found a new album, bought this one too and after a few weeks of her songs and catching up with everything shes done, i became a somewhat devoted fan. After En Concert, i forgot about her again, though she remained at the back of my mind, i searched her up once every one or two months, and somewhere in 2006 i found this site. Came here for news on her and when Alizée came back with Psychédélices, I became a devoted fan once more. Sometime in 2007, i was really depressed and came here to cheer me up, to this day, i dont know what is it on this site that perks me up. But that was what made me decide to join this forum.


Originally Posted by ImRawdg (Post 116568)
. Before this, I thought the idea of liking foreign music was just plain bad, and I was constantly thinking to myself "there's no way I will become a fan of this, I don't want to be a fan of this." .

hehehe....I found that quite funny, i dont know why, probably because im insane:D


Originally Posted by vercingetorix (Post 116554)
OK well I was going to Iraq on my first tour and I was told half way through training that my unit was actually going to Kuwaitt so when we landed in Iraq on the way to Kuwaitt the commander told me to get off the plane because I was staying in Iraq for the QRF...QRF=Quick Reaction i got off the plane and ended up doing my tour in Iraq after all...Well after a few months I was getting into a lot of trouble and the commander assighned me to the Vanguard outpost this outpost is where they send all the trouble makers and the soldiers they dont like,basically a post out in the middle of nowhere...:mad:...Well before I got sent there I bought a laptop I guess because everybody had one and I never even had a computer growing up so I thought it was cool to have one for gaming and such...Anyways I got there and made friends with another American soldier from CANADA and asked him if he could show me the ins and outs of the laptop I bought...And he did,but while he was doing that he let me go through some files of his on his laptop and I paused on some really cool ones if you know what I mean...And i asked him if he could copy those specific files to my laptop while i went on my mission for the day and he said allright so i was like cool cool...My mission took like 4 hrs and by the time i got back it was still copying and i asked him if it is supposed to take that long and he said well i could not get just those specific files you wanted so i copied all my files to your laptop and i was like what???He then said just go through and delete anything you dont want and i was like cool cool i took my laptop to my bunk and started going through it all and there it was...................................a file that said Alizee moi lolita so i clicked on it and the song moi lolita started playing,there was not even a video to it and i liked it...I played the song for like 30 minutes over and over till i got tired and shut it off and fell asleep...The next night when i had more time i picked up where i left off in the files and found some more Alizee stuff like the Amsterdam video of moi lolita and JEAM video and i was like ''DAMNNN''....The next morning i asked the other soldier who Alizee was and the first thing that came out of his mouth was ''SHES ADDICTIVE ISN'T SHE???...And i was like ''YUP''...From then on i had the lilli syndrome lol...That's basically my story in a nutshell...Oh and i almost forgot...The day i found out about Alizee was on AUGUST 16th 2004...

Omg.....i keep multi-posting on things i find funny >.> i like your story most of all

chazkimies 10-04-2008 11:28 AM

well, here's my story...

a year ago my sister had an offer to pursue her studies at mcgill, canada. she accepted it and decided to learn some french since she said that people at montreal mostly speak french(right?). so there's one night when i was watching supernatural while my sister that time was doing something with her laptop and was laughing ecstatically. i felt distracted and decided to see what's going on(i actually can't stand people distracting me while i'm watching my favourite tv series:p). guess what, she found alizee on the internet and she's actually trying to sing jeam but eventually she's just ruining the song, especially when it came to chorus. she just can't get the pronunciation right. i found it pretty funny and i actually joined her:D. it's kinda funny, but hey, we had fun. but the power of alizee really got me. the song jeam kept playing in my head since the first time i heard it. i kept borrowing my sister's ipod and kept tuning to jeam like, 10 times a day. the song's just extremely addictive! my life officially changed when my sister showed me the jeam clip, i found that alizee's pretty cute while my sister thought that alizee's a weird person.haha. so to make the story short, i went to youtube to watch more of alizee videos and stumbled upon her incredible cuteness and amazing personality. she's just awesome!

my alizee madness begins....;)(and i don't see an ending for it...)

KC Kcrooner 03-15-2009 10:01 PM

How I met Alizee
Howdy Picked this up off another thread, I hope Rachalizee dosent mind, and thought it would be fun to travel down memory lane and share our first Alizee encounter.

Have some fun, thanks Rachalizee;)

I actually saw this film at the cinema and I really liked it and , believe it or not , it was through this movie that my Alizée fandom began.As soon as "Moi...Lolita" started playing in the film it seemed so familiar to me but I couldn't place where from.I enjoyed the rest of the film but a nagging thought remained.

Anyway after much investigating and digging around ( i.e. I asked a few friends) I realised it was from a couple of years earlier.It was when I was doing a study exchange in Morocco and one of the girls I was staying with had the song on some mixed CD or other and had played it to death.I found I couldn't get the tune out of my head ( in a good way ) having rediscovered it again so I took a gamble and bought "Gourmandises" on CD.Now hooked , "MCE" followed then "En Concert" on DVD and the rest , as they say , is history.

So thank you Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe for setting me on the journey that has so far taken in Moscow and will in a few weeks time take me to Paris once more.

Rachelizee 03-16-2009 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by KC Kcrooner (Post 126906)
Howdy Picked this up off another thread, I hope Rachalizee dosent mind, and thought it would be fun to travel down memory lane and share our first Alizee encounter.

Have some fun, thanks Rachalizee;)

I actually saw this film at the cinema and I really liked it and , believe it or not , it was through this movie that my Alizée fandom began.As soon as "Moi...Lolita" started playing in the film it seemed so familiar to me but I couldn't place where from.I enjoyed the rest of the film but a nagging thought remained.

Anyway after much investigating and digging around ( i.e. I asked a few friends) I realised it was from a couple of years earlier.It was when I was doing a study exchange in Morocco and one of the girls I was staying with had the song on some mixed CD or other and had played it to death.I found I couldn't get the tune out of my head ( in a good way ) having rediscovered it again so I took a gamble and bought "Gourmandises" on CD.Now hooked , "MCE" followed then "En Concert" on DVD and the rest , as they say , is history.

So thank you Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe for setting me on the journey that has so far taken in Moscow and will in a few weeks time take me to Paris once more.

That's okay.I hadn't seen this thread before and my story fits in very well. :D

Fralizee 03-16-2009 01:59 PM

I first saw Alizee singing JEAM on Best of Metacafe Videos. That was in 2006. Been hopelessly hooked ever since. Bought all 3 albums,Psychedelise, Tout Alizee from Mexico and a double CD from South Korea with La Isla Bonita on it, and I caný wait for the new CD to come out. Alizee is the only music I play in my car. She puts me at ease and in a good mood.

Dark Engine 03-16-2009 02:58 PM

I was trying to download a movie back in 2002, Bourne Identity I think. I guess someone mislabeled the file because I ended up with the vid, Moi...Lolita. I became intrigued with the girl and found out she was an 18 year old french pop singer. I looked up her music and Vini Vidi Vici sounded interesting so I bought the whole album.

I found her music to be very soothing. I had gotten my heart broken by a girl that left me for another guy (typical for my luck with women). The music had really helped me cope, especially since all my closest friends left me high and dry in my solitude. Six months of being brokenhearted with no one to talk too, I damn near went crazy. The sad part is, I had a repeat of this shit while stationed in Korea and that incident was 10 times worse. To this day, I still have trouble trying to get over my former friends, co-workers, and commander trying to destroy my Air Force career; but I digress...

After awhile, I finally decided to rebuild my shattered self esteem. That's when I started getting into body building. I built up the courage to get the hell away from my home by enlisting in the Air Force. Yeah, as funny as it is, Alizée is the real reason I joined the Air Force. Not to try and meet her, I just wanted to meet women from other places. Because of Alizée, I wanted to go overseas and find a foreign wife. :)

Ironically, I'm still single 7 years later. I've had nothing but bad relationships even with women from other countries. Unlike most of her male fans, I do have a grip on reality and don't have fantasies about marrying her. Her music serves as a reminder that there are actually decent women out there even though I seem to only get involved with unfaithful whores. I probably wont even need her music once I find that special someone. I'd be to worried that it would upset my woman, but that's just how I think. :p

I often wonder what Alizée would think if she knew that her music motivated someone to find their better half.:cool:

Alizee=Czech-Princess! 03-16-2009 04:31 PM

Moi Lolita was released at a time where my brother was learning French at school. It came on the music channel for the 1st time & he was watching trying to understand it, and I was watching with no intention of understading as I was 10! I really had a crush on her from watching the video and I'd watch music channels religiously for months to see the video time & time again.
Then family stuff went on, my dad moved to Prague for work purposes & we were stuck in England, obviously the family situation took over...In 2006 I was playing a football (soccer to you guys!) game in a town called Weymouth in England. I was told to warm up during half time when I heard the song that I recognised but couldn't put my hands on what it was. I asked the man working the entertainment & he told me. When the game was over JPVA was playing & I put 2 & 2 together that it was her again so when I returned to Birmingham (UK) I had a mega Alizée searching weekend, and purchased Gourmandises & MCE.

While over-playing both albums I found out about Psychedelices, which was the 1st thing my dad bought for me when he returned to England, which is now 1 of my favourite albums.
Pretty long & boring, but hey!

Srbski-kralj 03-16-2009 06:19 PM

my story is that I came back from working a 12 hour shift, came home I was half dead, took a shower and crashed on my bed. My little brother playes WOW and Iguess they were discussing here JAM dance from one of hte characters, so he looked her up. He then came to my room woke me up, I nearly speared him to the ground for waking me up lol. (evil I know). He showed it to me and at that instance I wasn't tired I went overload on her music and videos. Then joined here couple weeks ago. All this happend like seriously couple weeks ago.

Shoepick 03-16-2009 07:00 PM

Yep, Srb and I have pretty much the same story, also became fans and joined site within a couple days of each other :)

KC Kcrooner 03-16-2009 10:58 PM

You Guys Rock
Wow!! I started this thread 24 hours ago and almost 1500 looks and 69 repies, this is way cool, loved reading the stories of finding Alizee. This is more than a fan site, I would call it a phenom phorum!

Guess I should post my story, Somehow between browsing for Sir Richard Branson and looking at exotic cars youtube decided to offer L' Bonita as a reccomended video, guess those search engines have a soul after all. Of course I clicked on Alizees face and just about fell out of my chair watching, and rewatching. This was the old version she made pre vacation, just her voice 12 strings and drums. Thats all talent needs to shine, next Moi...Lolita at the Olympic and it was over. Hook line and sinker, this fish was hooked and their was absolutely no need to fight. Of course the biker neighbor showed up and said something along the lines of if it aint Led Zeppelin it wasnt for him, hes still fightin it. This all occured last month so as I discover new vids it only strengthens. Just watched the vid where Alizee sings to Jessica in the shoe store, OMG the tears ran down my cheeks to my heart,
folks this is the good stuff................
Been around long enough to know what music can do, have liked all kinds of music from Van Halen to Faith Hill with a little Spice Girls with my daughter thrown in for flavor, we already have witnessed what Alizee has already done, I feel blessed to be able to pull up a front row seat to see whats next.

Lots more but if Alizee came to America she could own the world, nothin here can touch her. :p

Ben 03-16-2009 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by KC Kcrooner (Post 126955)
Wow!! I started this thread 24 hours ago and almost 1500 looks and 69 repies

Most of them are actually older, KC (the dates are on top of each post). I merged this with a couple existing threads on the same subject. Sorry for any confusion.

Anyway, I'm sure I've shared my story before, but couldn't find it at the moment. I first heard Alizée back in 2001 when my bother returned from a summer study-abroad in Germany. He played an mp3 of Moi Lolita for me, saying it was a big club hit there, and we both really liked it. The following summer he went back, and I met him in Paris. We saw the music video for Moi Lolita on TV during that trip, and I thought Alizée was very pretty. I'd always associate her with my first trip to Europe. But that was about it for a few years. I didn't look her up further until summer 2004. I was searching for new music then and remembered the track. Downloaded both albums, listened to Mes Courants Électriques first, and the rest is history. :)

Ali 03-17-2009 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Dark Engine (Post 126930)
I was trying to download a movie back in 2002, Bourne Identity I think. I guess someone mislabeled the file because I ended up with the vid, Moi...Lolita. I became intrigued with the girl and found out she was an 18 year old french pop singer. I looked up her music and Vini Vidi Vici sounded interesting so I bought the whole album.

I found her music to be very soothing. I had gotten my heart broken by a girl that left me for another guy (typical for my luck with women). The music had really helped me cope, especially since all my closest friends left me high and dry in my solitude. Six months of being brokenhearted with no one to talk too, I damn near went crazy. The sad part is, I had a repeat of this shit while stationed in Korea and that incident was 10 times worse. To this day, I still have trouble trying to get over my former friends, co-workers, and commander trying to destroy my Air Force career; but I digress...

After awhile, I finally decided to rebuild my shattered self esteem. That's when I started getting into body building. I built up the courage to get the hell away from my home by enlisting in the Air Force. Yeah, as funny as it is, Alizée is the real reason I joined the Air Force. Not to try and meet her, I just wanted to meet women from other places. Because of Alizée, I wanted to go overseas and find a foreign wife. :)

Ironically, I'm still single 7 years later. I've had nothing but bad relationships even with women from other countries. Unlike most of her male fans, I do have a grip on reality and don't have fantasies about marrying her. Her music serves as a reminder that there are actually decent women out there even though I seem to only get involved with unfaithful whores. I probably wont even need her music once I find that special someone. I'd be to worried that it would upset my woman, but that's just how I think. :p

I often wonder what Alizée would think if she knew that her music motivated someone to find their better half.:cool:

Hey that is an interesting story. Thanks for sharing. Good luck with women.

A Bourne fan I see.

Scruffydog777 03-17-2009 08:28 AM

Hung up!
I'm sure I must've posted this story before, probably under another thread, couldn't find it in this one so I'll retell it.

I found out about Alizée about 2 years ago. I work for an airline and travel fairly often and I like to watch music videos on the flights.

I liked the song Hung Up by Madonna, so I searched for the music video on Youtube. I downloaded her video. Didn't really like the video for the song but I had noticed some other hits for the song. One was a video by a Danish group that someone had dubbed in the audio from Hung Up. I really enjoyed this version so that gave me the idea to look for other versions of videos I already had.

I had just found this one of Madonna's so I figured I'd start with Madonna. Did a search of Madonna. One of the songs that came up was La Isla Bonita. I did another search of this title and that's when I first saw Alizée's picture.
I played the video and was amazed but at the same time I thought, I've seen beautiful artists before with beautiful voices sing other people's songs, but have nothing of their own. So I searched under Alizée and the rest is history.

I watched the Moi Lolita video in Amsterdam first. Mainly because Amsterdam was one of the cities where I spent my honeymoon and I enjoyed it there. What an incredible video. The music, her singing, the setting, her dancing, such poise for a young singer. I didn't realize how young she was until weeks later. I don't know how many times I watched that video that night, but the neighbors probably know (lol)! Watched J'en ai marre (chanson #1) and I was hooked.

I've taken the time to learn the French lyrics to seven of her songs now and I'm working on number eight. Not to bad for someone who only had a couple of years of French way back in junior high school over 30 years ago.

It's kind of ironic how Madonna's "Hung up" led me to Alizée and then she winds up singing that song herself.

johnkim2222003 03-17-2009 05:39 PM

Two years ago, I noticed a group of woman except one, who wore the Chinese style of cloths during their unique dancing. I assumed that what they were dancing and singing must be related to oriental culture. Turned out that the "J'ai pas 20 ans" has everything but oriental culture. She tricked me to catch a common disease among the fans in this board, Alizee addition, but I have been very grateful to have this disease.

Dark Engine 03-17-2009 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Ali (Post 126965)
Hey that is an interesting story. Thanks for sharing. Good luck with women.
A Bourne fan I see.

Bourne ain't got shit on Bryan Mills.
And thanks for the luck, lord knows I need it. I recently made myself look like a week pathetic fool. I maybe a fool, but I'm not week. Everyone around here buries their issues in cigarettes and alcohol, I take it to the gym. Those same idiots have been trying to screw me out of my crosstrain cuz they're jealous that I took the initiative to get out of security forces. I've never been to a place that tries to drag so many people down, I can't wait to leave...

I learned a few things though. Don't flirt with women when stressed from work and dieting. All work and no chocolate makes Rob a dull boy. :)

CWatkins 03-18-2009 08:35 AM

I wish I could say exactly how I discovered Alizée but I can't remember. All I remember is that I was living at my dad's place after graduating from college and I was watching Moi... Lolita on my computer. It wasn't her looks that made me keep watching the clip, it was her voice that captivated me. I don't remember how the video got onto my computer but I'm sure I downloaded it off the internet somewhere. After my computer got wiped out, I lost the video clip and didn't try to find it again.

Last year, I was bored at work and was thinking of my college years because my 10th year high school reunion was coming up. So, I was looking up old friends from college and high school and I looked up Alizée as well. As an aside, I never really knew how powerful the internet was until I started looking up people. It's scary how many people you can find with just a name, location, and some time. Anyways, I found her latest CD, Psychédélices, and started listening to it. I heard a song with Juliet, Roméo, and Shakespeare and I wanted to know what the song was all about so I came here for a translation. Since then, I've been learning French. She has corrupted me. Oh well, I'll just deal with it. :rolleyes:

JEP 03-18-2009 04:40 PM

My Brother-In-Law Downloaded The Jem Video So He Got Me To Watch This Video.I Was Hooked That Was 2 Years Ago. A Year Ago Christmas I Remembered That Video So I Searched U-Tube An Got Hooked On Her Moi Lolita VideoWhich Led To Her Other Videos. Was Able To Buy Her Mes Courants Electriques & Gourmandises At A Local Record Shop. I Plan On Buying En Concert & Psychedelices In Paris.:D

Srbski-kralj 03-18-2009 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by CWatkins (Post 126997)
It wasn't her looks that made me keep watching the clip, it was her voice that captivated me. corrupted me. Oh well, I'll just deal with it. :rolleyes:

Same here, what got me hooked was her voice, smile, and eyes. This might sound corney but when i seen her smile i melted lol. :)

Tiwaz 03-18-2009 05:48 PM

From what I can remember, the first time I heard/saw Alizée was early summer 2006, when two of my mates were watching Moi… Lolita and JEAM (blue dress) live videos and were excited about the upskirt dance. I didn’t really care at the moment and thought it was kind of pathetic trying to get a glimpse of here panties.
Anyway, looked her up later at home, thought the music was good too. Did more or less forgot about her over the years, though I watched the videos I had saved from time to time, and downloaded Psychédélices when it came.

And to make a long story with lack of content short, in august or something 2008 when I felt a bit down, I watched the videos and I don’t know, the famous Alizée Magic® just hit me like a lightning from clear sky and now I’m here.

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