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HelixSix 04-14-2010 09:22 PM

Not trying to blow something up here but this is very suspicious. This is a scaled down image of one of the pictures by titusboy25 on his account,

This is woohoo's picture.

This is a very fine line he is riding. If you compare the bottom half of the image I provided with his the small bright rectangles will lign up near perfectly in almost all the spots. And needless to say the vertical color tones mimic each other.

I technically cant say it's a copy since it has been altered but it appears one or more people did the following. Cut about 40% of the top off. Blurred the image. Faded the bottom into black at different places mostly to clear a spot for the picture of Alizée. And possibly stretched the image in a few places.

I'm almost certain titus is the original designer, but even if he isn't this was copied from somebody whose name was erased from it. However many times this has been copied or altered the people who did it aren't very skilled at ripping off somebody else's work.

What tops the cake is that woohoo has the nerve to put his name on it.

woohoo 04-14-2010 09:42 PM

I just typed "color explosion" into google image and got this

I thought it looked cool and i used it, sorry.
I can put titus' name on it if he wants.

Pm me to work it out.

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-14-2010 09:43 PM

I am very proud that no thread I have started has been locked. Please don't fight. If he copied, take that up wth the original artist.

Originally Posted by docdtv
We now return to our originally scheduled program.

Chuck 04-15-2010 01:16 AM

Woo - Tha Axsents Goin Tha Rong Waie!!

Originally Posted by Beaner360 (Post 160771)
Very great job. just one thing, you forgot an "n" in "Enfant" other than that it's perfect

One more thing - it's Siècle, not Siécle.

Regarding the "original authorship" issue, I'm not so sure Titusboy originated this glittery rainbow image, either. I found it on this site (full of free wallpapers to download), with NO signature on it.

So who's to say?

HelixSix 04-15-2010 02:37 AM

Well the guy made some with and without his name on them. They are on his profile at that site I posted, and he has an account at deviantart that has them too. Either he made them or he is a big time faker that will eventually get punched through his monitor.

Usually when somebody makes nice graphics they will spread all over the place, kind of like music pirating. I can't say if he minds people using some of his graphics in certain ways...but I don't think any artist likes making something and having somebody else claim it as their own. Usually when you put your ID at the top or bottom of an image in small print it means you made it. That's pretty much the problem.

I was looking for wallpapers when I found that picture. Couldn't really stop myself from posting. Basically just a warning to people because if you get caught the author might hit you hard. Of course when you become better with photoshop you won't have to worry about it.

Now if that guy made a tutorial on how to create that graphic then it is an entirely different story.

woohoo 04-15-2010 12:50 PM

This is titus'

and this is the one i used

You can tell some one just croped the second image, so it was originally Titus'.
So i will put that he made the background on my pic.

ok any spelling mistakes or any thing?

And Chuck what is the difference between é and è like what do they sound like?

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-15-2010 01:16 PM

Not really much difference in sound. Except è ís softer than é.

CFHollister 04-15-2010 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY (Post 160901)
Not really much difference in sound. Except è ís softer than é.

That's not true.
é is much closer to an english long A sound. However, the american english long A is actually a diphthong that starts at short e and ends at long E. é is the pure vowel between these two endpoints.

è is the pure vowel that is identical to the english short e. ;)

PS I really wish I could type in the international phonetic alphabet here. Then I could be exact with which sounds I'm talking about.
Edit: This will have to do (the vowel chart from teh international phonetic alphabet)...

é is the non-rounded, close mid, front vowel (looks like 'e')

è is the non-rounded, open mid, front vowel (looks like epsilon, or backwards 3 if you don't know greek)

american english long A is a vowel sound that starts at non-rounded, open mid, front (epsilon on chart), and 'slides' while being pronounced to non-rounded, close (or near close), front (looks like 'i' on chart but in casual pronunciation usually doesn't make it 100% to that end point. So that's why it's close to é ('e' on chart), the long A in american english slides right through its territory). Other dialects of english preserve the pure vowel that is identical to the french é, but not so much with standard american english.

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-15-2010 06:59 PM

Oh, at first I thought you were saying è sounded like 'i' or 'ee' for you anglophiles. Thanks for clarifying, I have been saying si-a-kl instead of si-e-kl. I know about the purer sound thing, my French teacher pounded that into my freaking head for weeks. And I don't have epsilon, but if I press 's' twice really quick, I get beta: ß Lol does that even show up on a computer? Looks kind of like a capital B, but the top is rounded, and the bottom corner does not connect!

CFHollister 04-15-2010 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY (Post 160950)
...And I don't have epsilon, but if I press 's' twice really quick, I get beta: ß Lol does that even show up on a computer? Looks kind of like a capital B, but the top is rounded, and the bottom corner does not connect!

LOL, that's not beta :p
That's the german "double-" or "sharp-s" (german, scharfes-S). It's pronounced that same as double s (or simply an s) and that's why you get it by pressing s twice. There are reasons in the evolution of german spelling why it exists. Its form is partially derived from an alternate form of s that was long-used in english that looked like an f without the cross (and sometimes a curved tail at the bottom). Interesting stuff.

Take a look here:
wikipedia article in english

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-15-2010 07:26 PM

Well, it looked like beta. But that makes sense now as to why it is on s. But. Have my keyboard set to French, so why did a German symbol show up? Just like n twice makes an ñ. That is Spanish. àáâäèéêëùúûüíîïóôößçñ Those are all the accents from French setting. Oddly, there is no connected oe. I am going to set it to different languages, see if there are different accented letters. Also, anybody who has seen the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution should know what the f you mentioned looks like. Having grown up in VA, I took a field trip to dc nearly every year of elementary and middle school. Fall and Aaronius live in northern VA, they probably have too.


The only three languages on this phone are English, which has no accents; French, whose accents are on my last post; and Spanish: éúüíóáãçñ. Wierd, it has far fewer for each vowel, and yet it retans the français ç. I don't know much about Spanish, except ñ is like th n in canyon. Or onion. How is ã pronounced? Also, double s? German? Anybody else find that eerie?

Rev 04-15-2010 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Chuck (Post 160857)
One more thing - it's Siècle, not Siécle.

Regarding the "original authorship" issue, I'm not so sure Titusboy originated this glittery rainbow image, either. I found it on this site (full of free wallpapers to download), with NO signature on it.

So who's to say?

DO NOT GO to the above site. I am getting an UNSAFE SITE warning.

Människöpesten 05-11-2010 11:08 PM

:( manni can has a signature? i've tried to make one... but i'm brain dead at working Photoshop/MS paint

BlackAnthem 08-13-2010 10:21 PM

Signature Help!
I was wondering if anyone would like to take up the job of making me a banner for my sig. I don't mean to be picky but Orange is my favorite color and I would like to incorporate my avatar pic into it if possible. I had a few tries at it but they weren't good. Thanks!!

alizeefan 08-13-2010 10:28 PM

Can you please provide your avatar pic highest quality as possible and any other pictures you may wish to have in it , i will give it a shot .

Plaz 08-14-2010 02:14 AM

i gave away some for the general public not that long ago... peep this thread :)

Människöpesten 08-14-2010 02:28 AM

PLAZ <3 hai!

BlackAnthem 08-14-2010 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by alizeefan (Post 176459)
Can you please provide your avatar pic highest quality as possible and any other pictures you may wish to have in it , i will give it a shot .

Absolutely. Question though: Do you just want me to post a link to Google images? And how big?,r:5,s:0

And this one would be cool too:,r:5,s:0

And then another: How big is the file going to be?

Also disregard the faces! Tee Hee.



Originally Posted by Plaz (Post 176507)
i gave away some for the general public not that long ago... peep this thread :)

And they were amazing.

alizeefan 08-14-2010 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by BlackAnthem (Post 176526)
Absolutely. Question though: Do you just want me to post a link to Google images? And how big?

And then another: How big is the file going to be?

G links are fine , bigger the better for quality .
How big - a normal size for a banner is 486 X 60 like mine ,
but that is more for website advertising . Was there a certain
size you wanted ? See what i come up with , also did you want
specific any texts on it , style , color ?

BlackAnthem 08-14-2010 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by alizeefan (Post 176533)
G links are fine , bigger the better for quality .
How big - a normal size for a banner is 486 X 60 like mine ,
but that is more for website advertising . Was there a certain
size you wanted ? See what i come up with , also did you want
specific any texts on it , style , color ?

I guess just my screen name, Orange and Black would be good. And then the two pictures I posted earlier. A little bigger than yours. Like the size that Aaronius has on his. About 486 x 120 would be fine.

Again thanks for doing this for me. I appreciate it.

alizeefan 08-14-2010 12:17 PM

Funny i guessed the size before you posted . Any changes let me know , the only change i would have liked is to use the French Alizee style text but i seem to have misplaced those fonts . Anyway i think that text style fits well how her face lined up so like it is adoring your ID lol .

BlackAnthem 08-14-2010 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by alizeefan (Post 176536)
Funny i guessed the size before you posted . Any changes let me know , the only change i would have liked is to use the French Alizee style text but i seem to have misplaced those fonts . Anyway i think that text style fits well how her face lined up so like it is adoring your ID lol .

Those are pretty awesome. The changes I would make would be have my name a little smaller. AND the font would great if you could find it!

I will use it for now! Thanks!

alizeefan 08-14-2010 02:00 PM

Let me know which one/s you like -

BlackAnthem 08-14-2010 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by alizeefan (Post 176550)
Let me know which one/s you like -

I like number 2 and 4.

Here is what I made a while ago. I was hoping to further it:

So I want to combine yours and this one.

alizeefan 08-15-2010 12:46 AM

Hows that , again any changes let me know . Not sure your thoughts on combine so took a guess .

Plaz 08-17-2010 06:56 PM

so im willing to lend my talents if your still lookin for a sig....i'm bored and i wanna see if i still got it :)

MarkL 08-17-2010 07:30 PM

Plaz, I'm Lookin for a sig, get it so say Mark in like a nice font and as for the pic collaboration and stuff, you decide! Your the sig maker not me :)

BlackAnthem 08-17-2010 09:28 PM

Plaz that is very thoughtful. With respect to both you and Alizeefan, I will let you give it a shot and I will just rotate sigs between yours, alizeefan, and mine. You can never have too many sigs.

MarkL 08-18-2010 01:17 AM

Requesting a Sig
Yea, I am requesting a sig to be made with a nice font saying Mark (an Alizee one) and a picture ofc lol, so ill put some pictures I like but you guys can pick another if you feel it would work better!

That was a wallpaper made by starman, he said we are free to use it as we will. So this was posted on Alizeeamerica a while ago, I love the design and I would really appreciate a sig to be made from this :D. Either that one or

Marquis<3Alizée 08-18-2010 01:43 AM

I'll be glad to help. Tell you what I'll think about somethin over night, it's kinda late so I'm going to head to bed. So in the morning I'll make you a sig.

Fèvier 08-18-2010 09:50 AM

Sig help!
yeah, I feel like getting a sig too. although mine's going to need some help from the Ewa Farna fans here. I'm looking for a sig of both Alizée and Ewa Farna.
anyone willing to help? :D

alizeefan 08-18-2010 10:32 AM

Upload or point some pics you want on it and if you want any text/style or colors .

MarkL 08-18-2010 11:30 PM

Any word on anything :)?

Marquis<3Alizée 08-19-2010 12:10 AM

I'm so so so sorry I was very busy today and I couldn't get around making the signature for you. I'm hopeing I can get to it tomarrow if I can't I'm truly sorry.

MarkL 08-19-2010 10:36 PM

Uh Sig Issues!
I got my sig now, I put it on but it isnt showing up in the image thing!

woohoo 08-19-2010 10:44 PM

may have to change format or just retry.

User22 08-19-2010 10:57 PM

Ok save the image to your computer, then upload it again where you upload sigs. Or try uploading it to a photo-sharing site and post the URL in the upload box....

MarkL 08-19-2010 11:01 PM

Still nothing, Ive used the image box. Ive uploaded from link, from my computer, using that image buttom..and it wont show up :(

There we go I finally got it working!!! what do you guys think?

alizeefan 08-19-2010 11:23 PM

Very nice !

woohoo 08-19-2010 11:36 PM

thats a cool sig

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