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CleverCowboy 09-27-2018 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 262582)
As for Greg signing the picture, he didn't sign it, so I think she was chastised and it wouldn't be the first time he's done that......

I don't think Alizee would respect a man who was a pushover. She is very expressive of her emotions, so I assume at times she shows some of her Sicilian temper. Greg would have to stand his ground at times as well. It works for them.

Scruffydog777 09-27-2018 05:24 PM

Here is another video from the report on the autograph session in 2010 where you can hear my voice. My 15 minutes of fame.....
It's at about the 7:20 mark.



Originally Posted by AlizeeRulezzz (Post 262584)
Could you please add video of her signing autographs and this photo? Thank you!



Scruffydog777 10-05-2018 09:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I sent Alizée and Gregoire separate thank you notes today. On the card for Alizée, the round part of the tutu on the card had a light pinkish very sheer material around it with like sequins on it. It was a nice card I think she'll like.

I basically apologized for both appearances I made and tried to explain why I felt it was important to make the second one and of course I thanked her.

In the card for Gregoire, I did pretty much the same, but I again mentioned Les Enfoires in a last desperate attempt to get them to appear on the show, though I feel it's probably too late at this point.

Attachment 2250

CleverCowboy 10-05-2018 10:27 AM

Great gesture Scruffy!

Rev 10-07-2018 01:57 AM

Yes, great idea.

Translation? :)

Scruffydog777 10-07-2018 05:07 AM

"Dear Alizée;
Thank you again for so graciously greeting me when I interrupted your dance class and again I deeply apologize for coming back the next day. The main reason for that was after seeing me posting a couple of pictures on Facebook, the gentleman who runs AIFC asked for an autographed picture for him and one for the members. I knew it would mean a lot to all those members and so I went to your studio a second time, knowing you might lose patience with me, yet again, you were as charming and gracious as you were on the first day and it is that inner beauty that has kept me and so many fans devoted to you for so many years.
Thanks again and good luck in Mexico!"

ALS 10-07-2018 11:14 AM

That was a nice thought Dave.

Scruffydog777 10-07-2018 12:25 PM

Thanks ALS.

Rev 10-07-2018 10:00 PM

Yes. very nice. :)

Bamagirl 10-09-2018 12:56 PM

I was so impressed by your video! Alizée was so charming. I particularly noticed how intently focused she was on you--she genuinely wanted to be sure to sign everything exactly how you wanted. She seemed unhurried and completely at ease and, as you put it, outstandingly "gracious." Really, she was the epitome of how someone as talented and famous as she is ought to be but unfortunately often is not. I have met celebrities who stare through you with a phony smile and have been left feeling let down, even though I had been initially so excited to meet them. Your experience with Alizée just proves that she is really different. I am so glad it worked out so perfectly for you!

CleverCowboy 10-09-2018 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Bamagirl (Post 262702)
I was so impressed by your video! Alizée was so charming. I particularly noticed how intently focused she was on you--she genuinely wanted to be sure to sign everything exactly how you wanted.

Now that you brought it up, that is a good observation. Lots of eye contact, listened carefully. My favorite part is when she signs my picture! :)

I know that Scruffy was apprehensive about just walking in off the street like that uninvited, and for good reason. I was so impressed on how she received him.

Scruffydog777 10-16-2018 07:39 PM

Does anyone know the name of the song that they were playing at the time?

Bamagirl 10-16-2018 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 262834)
Does anyone know the name of the song that they were playing at the time?

Scruffy, I believe it is “5 Seconds of Summer” by Youngblood.



Originally Posted by CleverCowboy (Post 262705)
Now that you brought it up, that is a good observation. Lots of eye contact, listened carefully. My favorite part is when she signs my picture! :)

I know that Scruffy was apprehensive about just walking in off the street like that uninvited, and for good reason. I was so impressed on how she received him.

When I first saw the video it was before I had read the whole story of how it all came about. I assumed this was a planned autograph session. That is how truly classy Alizée showed herself to be. She was as composed, relaxed, concientious and, yes, gracious as though she herself had requested this encounter. It just goes to show so much of her character. She didn’t act the “celebrity” one whit. Instead, her natural loveliness and charm shone through. Very delightful to see!

CleverCowboy 10-17-2018 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Bamagirl (Post 262836)
When I first saw the video it was before I had read the whole story of how it all came about. I assumed this was a planned autograph session. That is how truly classy Alizée showed herself to be. She was as composed, relaxed, concientious and, yes, gracious as though she herself had requested this encounter. It just goes to show so much of her character. She didn’t act the “celebrity” one whit. Instead, her natural loveliness and charm shone through. Very delightful to see!

I can pretty much talk to anybody one on one and have something to say, but I think I would be very nervous in anticipation of talking with Alizee for the first time in my life if I ever had the chance to meet her. :sstruck: Even when I know she would put me at ease after the first ten seconds. Still, I can imagine that Scruffy's heart was beating pretty quickly as he walked up those stairs to the studio door!

The picture below is one of my favorites of Alizee. I don't know where she is or what she is doing. She is dressed very casual and looks like she didn't spend much time putting on makeup. She just tied her hair back and put on a headband and she was done. She looks content and unpretentious, and definitely approachable.

The world is a better place because she is in it.


The other day I did a screen capture of Alizee in a Les Enfoires skit where she sings in English. But what I get a kick out of is her facial expressions. It is a mock rugby game between men and women. The way she interacts with the other performers shows that they were very comfortable interacting with a very playful Alizee.

Here is a link to my Google drive to view. It's about two minutes in length.

A picture from it...

Scruffydog777 10-17-2018 09:54 AM

Thanks Bamagirl for coming up with the name of that song. Someone who made a comment on the video wanted to know and I myself wanted to know.

Here is a clip from that same Les Enfoires show CleverCowboy mentioned where Alizée steals Pascal Obispo's hat.

When I walked up those stairs and looked over the short wall towards the counter, she looked over at me and then she looked back down at what she was doing and smiled. It was either because, when I asked the hotel to call, they may have left a message, so she may have had a strong feeling a fan might show up or what I think is more likely, she recognized me from our other meetings and maybe it pleased her that a fan from the USA would 'still' come all this way to see her.

CleverCowboy 10-17-2018 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 262840)
When I walked up those stairs and looked over the short wall towards the counter, she looked over at me and then she looked back down at what she was doing and smiled.

I like this.


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 262840)
what I think is more likely, she recognized me from our other meetings and maybe it pleased her that a fan from the USA would 'still' come all this way to see her.

This may be very likely. In all the videos I have seen of her autograph sessions, she makes a lot of eye contact. She may not have been able to name the places and times that she had met you, but there could have been a familiarity of your face that she recognized.

Bamagirl 10-17-2018 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 262840)
Thanks Bamagirl for coming up with the name of that song. Someone who made a comment on the video wanted to know and I myself wanted to know.

Here is a clip from that same Les Enfoires show CleverCowboy mentioned where Alizée steals Pascal Obispo's hat.

When I walked up those stairs and looked over the short wall towards the counter, she looked over at me and then she looked back down at what she was doing and smiled. It was either because, when I asked the hotel to call, they may have left a message, so she may have had a strong feeling a fan might show up or what I think is more likely, she recognized me from our other meetings and maybe it pleased her that a fan from the USA would 'still' come all this way to see her.

You're very welcome, Scruffy. I am glad I was able to help. I have to say, I am so glad you had the presence of mind to record the autograph session. It really is good to see and I think it shows so much of Alizée's personality.
And thanks for sharing that clip from the Les Enfoires show. Alizée has a good sense of humor!


Clever Cowboy,
I like that picture of Alizée. One of the things I admire about her is that it is really impossible (even for a woman!) to tell how much makeup she does or does not use. That is because if she IS made up, it is done so tastefully that it just enhances her appearance without distorting it. So many women, unfortunately, have no idea how to apply makeup. They way overdo it. Of course, Alizée is young and some people would say that is why she looks so good without a lot of makeup. I disagree. It is true, of course, that she is naturally very pretty. But I believe her beauty is the kind that will last as she ages. And she obviously knows how to let her natural attractiveness show and is able to use makeup as an aid but not as some kind of mask. I wish more girls and women would take a leaf from her book!

Scruffydog777 10-17-2018 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Bamagirl (Post 262844)
You're very welcome, Scruffy. I am glad I was able to help. I have to say, I am so glad you had the presence of mind to record the autograph session. It really is good to see and I think it shows so much of Alizée's personality.
And thanks for sharing that clip from the Les Enfoires show. Alizée has a good sense of humor!

I wanted to do something along the lines of the 'three hypothetical interviews' I did several years ago but then I kept putting it off and decided to go with what little I had.

CleverCowboy 10-17-2018 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Bamagirl (Post 262844)
Clever Cowboy,
I like that picture of Alizée. One of the things I admire about her is that it is really impossible (even for a woman!) to tell how much makeup she does or does not use. That is because if she IS made up, it is done so tastefully that it just enhances her appearance without distorting it. So many women, unfortunately, have no idea how to apply makeup. They way overdo it. Of course, Alizée is young and some people would say that is why she looks so good without a lot of makeup. I disagree. It is true, of course, that she is naturally very pretty. But I believe her beauty is the kind that will last as she ages. And she obviously knows how to let her natural attractiveness show and is able to use makeup as an aid but not as some kind of mask. I wish more girls and women would take a leaf from her book!

Thanks for the comment. Thanks for being here on this forum. I for one appreciate the female perspective and I'm sure others as well.

You made some excellent points that many of the younger members maybe would not think of. I'm not a young guy, so I have been my share of long term relationships with women and a very long marriage. I have never liked makeup that looks like cake icing, and we are talking about young women that do it, who are otherwise pretty. Their face becomes a different color than their neck and the rest of their body.

I'm sure that Alizee applies daily makeup to some extent, but does so tastefully as you say. I know already that she loves long eyelashes and mascara :) She also has a natural beauty that can put Revlon out of business!

As Prince once sang:
Closin' time, ugly lights, everybody's inspected (Everybody's inspected)
But you are a natural beauty unaffected (Unaffected)

Bamagirl 10-17-2018 09:19 PM

That was very well done, Scruffy. But I have to say I don’t agree with the part about you...I don’t think Alizée would be so cruel to you! She proved that recently in Corsica!

Scruffydog777 10-18-2018 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Bamagirl (Post 262848)
That was very well done, Scruffy. But I have to say I don’t agree with the part about you...I don’t think Alizée would be so cruel to you! She proved that recently in Corsica!

I've been one of her biggest critics over the years. After cutting ties with Mylene Farmer, she came out with her first album over 3 years later in 2007 and I thought her first concert in Moscow was a real amateur effort and I warned there would be trouble for her if she didn't make big changes. Others were critical too, but in a very mild way. They were too afraid of hurting her feelings. So little was changed and though she did have some success in Mexico, she was unable to hold a concert in her home country.

Her next album wasn't much better. It was bad enough for her to lose the great songs of MF/LB, but what I think she needed most was there management skills. I was very critical during this period too. Maybe I just couldn't accept anything less than the perfection that MF/LB gave us.

So the criticism of mainly the first, but partly the second album too was what prompted me to feel she might want to do me grievous harm if she ever met me, though I felt the criticism I offered was something I thought she needed.

I was also very critical of her in things that came later after I made that video and that was the tattoo stage. In 2013, after separating from her husband, she got a rash of tattoos on her arm in quick succession, that was just killing me to see someone as beautiful as her, destroying her beauty inch by inch. I actually cussed her out at the time. So how Alizee would react to me on different occasions was something I wondered about at the time, that's if she was even aware of them.

But based on my recent experience, she either was never aware of them or if she was, maybe she knows I meant well even though my methods left a lot to be desired.

Bamagirl 10-18-2018 09:07 PM

Well, constructive criticism might not be appreciated at the time it is offered, but often when people look back they are able to see that it means a lot that someone cared enough to be “critical.” Just the fact that you were paying enough attention to form strong opinions might have done more for her than you realize. Celebrities are so often surrounded by only sycophants and “yes men.” After awhile they lose perspective and don’t see reality—and don’t know who they can trust. That can lead to terrible choices—both personally and career-wise. I think you’ve proven your true dedication over the years. Alizée is most likely wise enough to value your opinions and understand the concern and respect that motivated your expression of them.

Shepherd 10-19-2018 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Bamagirl (Post 262844)
Clever Cowboy,
I like that picture of Alizée. One of the things I admire about her is that it is really impossible (even for a woman!) to tell how much makeup she does or does not use. That is because if she IS made up, it is done so tastefully that it just enhances her appearance without distorting it. So many women, unfortunately, have no idea how to apply makeup. They way overdo it. Of course, Alizée is young and some people would say that is why she looks so good without a lot of makeup. I disagree. It is true, of course, that she is naturally very pretty. But I believe her beauty is the kind that will last as she ages. And she obviously knows how to let her natural attractiveness show and is able to use makeup as an aid but not as some kind of mask. I wish more girls and women would take a leaf from her book!

I believe her makeup in these photos was applied by a cosmetologist, who applied it so delicately that it's difficult to tell that Alizée has a fair amount on her face. Most of it is the base which appears invisible. I'm sure Alizée picked up quite a few tips from the professionals.

CleverCowboy 10-19-2018 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Shepherd (Post 262859)
I believe her makeup in these photos was applied by a cosmetologist, who applied it so delicately that it's difficult to tell that Alizée has a fair amount on her face. Most of it is the base which appears invisible. I'm sure Alizée picked up quite a few tips from the professionals.

With Alizee, less is more. Her natural complexion is remarkable.

Shepherd 10-19-2018 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy (Post 262863)
With Alizee, less is more. Her natural complexion is remarkable.

The art of cosmetics is to create the illusion of "less is more." Alizee has the advantage that most of the photos we have of her are when she was very young, so she didn't need much. Even so, I wouldn't underestimate the power of the cosmetic industry.



Most of what you see is the base which covers her whole face. The lipstick and eye makeup are final touches. The trick is to select a base that is almost identical to one's natural skin tone and then apply it without it looking like you used a trowel (making it appear pasty). The base covers blemishes and removes the oily shine--the reason women in the good old days were supposedly running off to powder their noses.

CleverCowboy 10-24-2018 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Shepherd (Post 262868)
The art of cosmetics is to create the illusion of "less is more." Alizee has the advantage that most of the photos we have of her are when she was very young, so she didn't need much. Even so, I wouldn't underestimate the power of the cosmetic industry.

Most of what you see is the base which covers her whole face. The lipstick and eye makeup are final touches. The trick is to select a base that is almost identical to one's natural skin tone and then apply it without it looking like you used a trowel (making it appear pasty). The base covers blemishes and removes the oily shine--the reason women in the good old days were supposedly running off to powder their noses.

OK, this is bringing out the science geek in me.

Women have been applying makeup to their faces for eternity, even if it was the juice of red berries on their lips. Biologically, this is probably to enhance the look of being fertile, which is turn attracts the opposite sex more readily.

Makeup is the "great equalizer". I remember reading a study done where photos of many women from 18-25 were shown to a controlled group of men and women, split around 50/50. They were asked to score the women's attractiveness. The women had no makeup applied whatsoever. The highest scoring women had the highest levels of estrogen, which has been shown to have a direct link to how attractive a woman is. The women that were ovulating at the time had the highest scores overall, when estrogen spikes. Biology at work.

The next set of photos shows had women with no makeup and ovulating, so estrogen was very high, along with lower estrogen women (that would score low with no makeup), but with makeup applied. There was no noticeable difference in attractiveness scores between the two types of women. So, makeup does do what it supposed to do.

Just to make things even here, I'm going to pick on us guys, where it's more about virility. Men with facial hair score higher among women than those without. If you are good looking with a well groomed beard, you will do well with the ladies ;) What was kind of bizarre was that men's photos were shown posing next to automobiles. The same man standing next to a pickup truck scored higher in attractiveness than him standing next to a Chevy Volt, for example. I don't know if this study was funded by Ford or not. :)

Shepherd 10-24-2018 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy (Post 262926)
OK, this is bringing out the science geek in me.

Women have been applying makeup to their faces for eternity, even if it was the juice of red berries on their lips. Biologically, this is probably to enhance the look of being fertile, which is turn attracts the opposite sex more readily.

Makeup is the "great equalizer". I remember reading a study done where photos of many women from 18-25 were shown to a controlled group of men and women, split around 50/50. They were asked to score the women's attractiveness. The women had no makeup applied whatsoever. The highest scoring women had the highest levels of estrogen, which has been shown to have a direct link to how attractive a woman is. The women that were ovulating at the time had the highest scores overall, when estrogen spikes. Biology at work.

The next set of photos shows had women with no makeup and ovulating, so estrogen was very high, along with lower estrogen women (that would score low with no makeup), but with makeup applied. There was no noticeable difference in attractiveness scores between the two types of women. So, makeup does do what it supposed to do.

Just to make things even here, I'm going to pick on us guys, where it's more about virility. Men with facial hair score higher among women than those without. If you are good looking with a well groomed beard, you will do well with the ladies ;) What was kind of bizarre was that men's photos were shown posing next to automobiles. The same man standing next to a pickup truck scored higher in attractiveness than him standing next to a Chevy Volt, for example. I don't know if this study was funded by Ford or not. :)

I took biology in high school and never realized it could be so sexy. If I had, I would have paid more attention.

As for guys and their cars: I have five sisters. When we were younger they impressed on me how important it was to have money. They took every opportunity to point out that rich guys have more beautiful girlfriends. At the time I thought my mother had put them up to this to get me to work harder on my grades.

My youngest sister, when she was in her mid-twenties and been around the block a few times, made the argument that guys with money are more intelligent and much more fun to be with. If I were a woman, I'm sure I would think that.

I read somewhere that women are biologically attracted to money and strength more than looks as a survival mechanism. Darwin, don't cha know.

As a teenager, it seemed the biggest assholes got the most beautiful girls despite the girls insisting they were looking for nice guys. Listening to the women, you would think there were no nice guys for miles around. On the ground that didn't compute. The nice guys were all standing in the corner, wearing woeful expressions.

I also noticed that dogs have an unfair advantage with women even though dogs aren't very smart and have no money. None of them have a driver's license let alone a car. And their social behavior is downright gross. Yet, I have never heard a woman lament "Why aren't men more like a dog?" It seems to go the other way around. Sometimes there's no pleasing women.

Scruffydog777 10-24-2018 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Shepherd (Post 262927)
I took biology in high school and never realized it could be so sexy. If I had, I would have paid more attention.

As for guys and their cars: I have five sisters. When we were younger they impressed on me how important it was to have money. They took every opportunity to point out that rich guys have more beautiful girlfriends. At the time I thought my mother had put them up to this to get me to work harder on my grades.

My youngest sister, when she was in her mid-twenties and been around the block a few times, made the argument that guys with money are more intelligent and much more fun to be with. If I were a woman, I'm sure I would think that.

I read somewhere that women are biologically attracted to money and strength more than looks as a survival mechanism. Darwin, don't cha know.

As a teenager, it seemed the biggest assholes got the most beautiful girls despite the girls insisting they were looking for nice guys. Listening to the women, you would think there were no nice guys for miles around. On the ground that didn't compute. The nice guys were all standing in the corner, wearing woeful expressions.

I also noticed that dogs have an unfair advantage with women even though dogs aren't very smart and have no money. None of them have a driver's license let alone a car. And their social behavior is downright gross. Yet, I have never heard a woman lament "Why aren't men more like a dog?" It seems to go the other way around. Sometimes there's no pleasing women.

I've known a few single guys in my time who went out and got a dog just because they are babe magnets.

CleverCowboy 10-25-2018 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Shepherd (Post 262927)
I took biology in high school and never realized it could be so sexy. If I had, I would have paid more attention.

As for guys and their cars: I have five sisters. When we were younger they impressed on me how important it was to have money. They took every opportunity to point out that rich guys have more beautiful girlfriends. At the time I thought my mother had put them up to this to get me to work harder on my grades.

My youngest sister, when she was in her mid-twenties and been around the block a few times, made the argument that guys with money are more intelligent and much more fun to be with. If I were a woman, I'm sure I would think that.

I read somewhere that women are biologically attracted to money and strength more than looks as a survival mechanism. Darwin, don't cha know.

As a teenager, it seemed the biggest assholes got the most beautiful girls despite the girls insisting they were looking for nice guys. Listening to the women, you would think there were no nice guys for miles around. On the ground that didn't compute. The nice guys were all standing in the corner, wearing woeful expressions.

I also noticed that dogs have an unfair advantage with women even though dogs aren't very smart and have no money. None of them have a driver's license let alone a car. And their social behavior is downright gross. Yet, I have never heard a woman lament "Why aren't men more like a dog?" It seems to go the other way around. Sometimes there's no pleasing women.

I give you a +1 on your response :)

My best friend in high school and college was an average looking guy, had average success with girls, and they tended to be average looking as well. Let's call him Mr. Average. He was be one that you would call a nice guy. One night we went to hit the clubs, and just for fun, he said he was going to act like a jerk to girls all night. He didn't smoke but went and bought a pack of Marlboros (this was back in the day when you could smoke in clubs). I went to mingle for a while and came back to the table and there were three very good looking girls sitting with him. Mr. Average was smoking, yammering it up with the ladies like I had never seen before. He was loud and cracking jokes and threw out what I considered insults. He was like an actor playing a role. This continued all night. Later I see him kissing on some girl. At the end of the night he ended up with two or three phone numbers. We got a good laugh out of it, but I did notice he changed up his game after this night when we went out. I could never do it because I found it hard to be somebody other than myself. I would make a lousy actor.

I have read that women prefer to marry and have children with the nice guys, even guys whose attractiveness levels are below what they could easily get. Reason is because they are less likely to stray and leave for another woman. Biology again.

But, we live in a different world now where gender roles are blurry and sometimes switched. Women have great careers now and are making bank and don't need a man to bring home the bacon. Many are well armed and know how to use a weapon so don't rely so much on men for protection. Men know how to do their own laundry now and cook their own dinner. Soon come the robot spouses and no need to ever date. This is progress? :13:

eru777 10-25-2018 04:31 PM

Thanks for sharing your trip with us Scruffy, your dedication is amazing.

Scruffydog777 10-26-2018 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by eru777 (Post 262943)
Thanks for sharing your trip with us Scruffy, your dedication is amazing.

Thanks eru777! So much could've went wrong, but luckily, things, especially timing worked out really well.

Scruffydog777 10-31-2018 02:44 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Sometimes I'm slow on the uptake. I'm pretty sure I hadn't mentioned this before. One of the pictures I asked to be autographed was a picture of her and Greg at the split second before they won DALS. I wondered if she'd take notice of it. Well when I gave her the pictures, she shuffled through them and didn't really take any particular notice of any, that is except for Silvia's which brought a smile for her face.

But then she took that picture with her to have Greg sign it and as she walked out from behind the counter, she looked down at it and smiled and I guess it's because she finally fully realized what it was.

Attachment 2302

Attachment 2303

When I looked through this thread to make sure I hadn't mentioned it before, I noticed Fall questioned something on the counter that said 'Police Department' on it. I wasn't sure at first what he was talking about, then I realized it was the folder I brought the pictures in. I thought there might be a possibility I might be doing this in front of a lot of young, probably female dancers and I figured it would be a great ice breaker. I don't think Alizee took notice of it.

Attachment 2304

Bamagirl 10-31-2018 04:44 PM

I love that!

CleverCowboy 10-31-2018 10:20 PM

By all that you are sharing here, I'm sure that this was a visit from a fan that Alizee and Greg talked about that night. Good stuff! Thanks for being our AAm ambassador. :)

Scruffydog777 11-01-2018 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy (Post 263010)
By all that you are sharing here, I'm sure that this was a visit from a fan that Alizee and Greg talked about that night. Good stuff! Thanks for being our AAm ambassador. :)

I think it must've made her feel good to think her fans still want to travel all the way from the U.S.A. to see her and seeing the response on YT and Fb makes her realize there are many more out there. The fan base is still there......waiting for her.

Scruffydog777 11-06-2018 03:10 PM

I mentioned before when I was walking up the stairs and made eye contact with her, she looked down and smiled. I got the impression she knew I was coming. Now I'm not sure if the hotel might have left a voice message about a guest wanting to stop by the studio, but I was just thinking, is it possible a registered member here tipped her off, because I was keeping the forum updated of what was going on via chat. Now a few years ago, we had a member who was from Ajaccio. Is it possible we have more than one?

CleverCowboy 11-06-2018 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 263080)
I mentioned before when I was walking up the stairs and made eye contact with her, she looked down and smiled. I got the impression she knew I was coming. Now I'm not sure if the hotel might have left a voice message about a guest wanting to stop by the studio, but I was just thinking, is it possible a registered member here tipped her off, because I was keeping the forum updated of what was going on via chat. Now a few years ago, we had a member who was from Ajaccio. Is it possible we have more than one?

While anything is possible, I tend to take her reaction at face value - that she is warm and friendly, even to strangers walking into her studio.

kulli 11-17-2018 05:05 PM

Kinda late in posting here but Congratulations on a wonderful trip and it worked out well for you ! The videos are fantastic !:thumb:

Scruffydog777 11-18-2018 04:30 AM

Thanks kulli. Yes things worked out as well as I could've expected.

autumn.leaves 11-18-2018 05:58 AM

My friend was at the concert of Alizée in Warsaw, he recorded some videos, but the organizers of concert forbidden to record later. He said that the concert went well and Alizée began to energy dance at the end, and when he came up to take the autograph for our mutual friend (he is a big fan, guy has health problems) Alizée kindly gave the autograph. He said that Alizée did not have time to talk with him because she and Gregoire had to leave, Alizée told my friend that concert was a special order from one of the local officials (officer).

I can ask him more about Alizée in live.

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