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CleverCowboy 01-30-2020 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by RedRafe (Post 268615)
At that point, I was 6’ 3”, weighing 196lbs, which was almost a “perfect” according to contemporary BMI ratings/measurements...

I work in the healthcare industry. The BMI value is no reflection of the fitness of a person and is very misleading. Height and weight are the only two components of the formula. Being that height is a static value when a person reaches adulthood, the only variable is weight. It does not factor in stuff like bone size. The only way I could get into the "normal" BMI range is if I get under 200 pounds. Not going to happen. Ever. My nephew plays defensive end for a major university's football team. He is built like an ox and sometimes posts weight room pictures of him on FaceBook. He has hit 290 pounds of pure muscle, but his BMI would put him in the "Severely Obese" category. :))

RedRafe 02-04-2020 10:27 PM


IG posts?

There might be a couple… :)

So, Alizée and Greg and their team of students, were off "competing", at the weekend… ;)


And “back again”…

Garde rapprochée” roughly translates as “Close Guard

Maggy and some of her “treasures”… :) :) :) :bye:

<“Snaps” off a barrage of cutesy little waves to “babe” and “bébé”>

Hmm, “little” lady is looking rather… “pensive”… :confused:

And, what’s with the “bars”… ;)

Oooo… :bow:

It might have something to do with these… :p ;)

And these… ;)

These were “still” shots cut from an IG story post by "_teamalizeegregoire", so, "kudos" to them for this post. They have an utterly excellent IG page, especially if you are into the more “dance oriented” aspects of Alizée and Greg. Totally worth "checking out", for the very high quality content that they host… :)

Well, my respect for Alizée, that is normally “beyond measure”, now extends into the realms of being “utterly boundless”… :o ;)

It takes “nerve”, beyond “nerve”, to get into a cage full of assorted “Big Cats”… :bow:

Alizée got in there, and did her Lion/Tiger taming thing… :hatsoff: :thumb: :sstruck:


Alizée, your “goddessness”, I salute you… :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :bow:

Unless I had been “ordered” to, I would not be doing it, and then, not without substantial “support” at my back, (as in lots of “heavy shooty stuff”), and I have done some utterly truly insane things, in the name/cause of “duty”, during my military career…

Get into a cage full of “big-assed Kitties”, “just for shits and giggles”? :(

Very “shortened” answer… NO… :))) ;)

<Sigh> :o

Once again, the “little” lady surpasses me, and deals out a large "portion" of “humble pie” in the “passing”… :bow: :D

Love it, and “adore” her… :) :) :)

Can I have some more please!? :D :)))

<Sigh> :)


Y’all take care, be safe, “wrap up”, and please, stay warm. Looks like we have some “severe” weather incoming… :D

CleverCowboy 02-05-2020 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by RedRafe (Post 268659)
It takes “nerve”, beyond “nerve”, to get into a cage full of assorted “Big Cats”… :bow:

Alizée got in there, and did her Lion/Tiger taming thing… :hatsoff: :thumb: :sstruck:


Alizée, your “goddessness”, I salute you… :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :bow:

I believe they were taken in 2016

RedRafe 02-12-2020 09:40 AM


IG posts?

Looks like the guys are taking a trip…

To Warsaw, of all places?! :)

I wonder? :confused:


Hoping they stay “warm”, and “safe” on their travels… :)

Interesting… :) ;)

Silencio 02-12-2020 11:13 AM

As the next story affirms, Alizée is going to take part at some Polish TV show.


questions to ask Alizée are being collected. You may try to ask your question. (I don't know if the account really relates to the TV show.)

CleverCowboy 02-12-2020 11:24 AM

Also the one Alizee posted earlier today. Seems like whatever they are doing up there, it got on TV. I'm pretty sure it is dance related.

Also, I noticed there is no indication that Maggy is with them. That is why it is nice when your father and mother live in the same town - free babysitting! ;) If this is the case, then it shows that Alizee is willing to travel and that her career plans, whatever they may be, are still intact.

I'm sure being away from Maggy, even for a short time, is still driving Alizee crazy.

Aragorn97 02-12-2020 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy (Post 268723)
I'm pretty sure it is dance related.

Are you still sure about that? :P

CleverCowboy 02-12-2020 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Aragorn97 (Post 268727)

Yes, I stand corrected. I posted in stephen's new thread. :)

Who could have seen this coming???

RedRafe 02-16-2020 09:57 PM


IG posts?

Apart from what we’ve already seen, not really… ;)

But, y’know me, I just can’t resist it… :D

I know we’ve seen this one, but, the “little” lady was looking so good, I just couldn’t help myself… :o :)

Simply “stunning”, as always… ;)

I would have given a “lot”, something “very, very precious”, if need be, just to be “there”, and see that, in person… :o :p ;)

Although it was a bit of a “shock”, wasn’t it… :)))

Jeez, now I know how Napoleon felt… ;)

They did not “break”… :confused:

They just “ran off” to check the “interwebs” to try and find out when Alizee was “appearing” on that tv program, and get their DVR’s set to record it… :)))

Sweet little lady, both of them… :o :)

“Job, was a good ‘un”, “home” and back to “normal”… :)

Pictures, can be so good for the “heart” and “soul”… :)


Belated “G’night:, “babe” and “bébé”…

<Little wave, or two, on the “way past”> :)

What is there to say…

I see nothing but “love”, there… :)

So sweet, just…

“Awwwwwwwww”… :o

“Happy Valentine´s day ❤@gregoirelyonnet”.

Sort of says it all, doesn’t it…

Lucky, lucky guy…

A really cute pic, from Jo…

Kind of looks like me, first thing in the morning, before meh Coffee… :o :)))

Maybe after my Coffee, too, if I’m going to be honest… :)))

Ya’ll take care, be safe, and, be patient… :D ;)

Silencio 02-16-2020 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by RedRafe (Post 268771)
Apart from what we’ve already seen, not really… ;)

Yes, the phrase "not really" best describes what happened last week, regarding highly anticipated comeback. :)))

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