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lefty12357 04-19-2009 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by HRO87 (Post 128205)
thx Ruroshen for your translation and google translater is better than nothing... interesting what she told about her next album... maybe we will hear some new songs soon... I hope it will be out in fall...

about that train accident... I don't know... it's just a rumour... but it's better that she was crying about this instead of crying about personal problems... okay, that's sounds harsh but I feel really sorry about all that people who were involved in this...

btw - I found a lot of pics on alizee latino but I can't post the link 'cause I don't have 5 posts! gosh! - but I see Ruroshen was faster... thx ;)

I agree, HRO87 and I understand how you feel. That interview Ruroshen posted actually cheered me up a bit. I repeat that I don’t want Alizée to be unhappy or stressed, but at least the interview sounds like she has been working on continuing her career and she has no intentions of giving up. I don’t know what caused the tears, but there is a danger that we can end up making more out of it than there really is.

I guess we all just want so strongly for Alizée to succeed that we have become fearful for her, thus we tend to focus on the negative a bit. But let us not forget to also accentuate the positive here. In spite of everything, she went to Mexico and performed. She shows every sign of continuing her career, and she showed courage in what appeared to be an emotional time for her. I hope we get some more hard information about this, but I until we do, I still think there is at least something in it all to be positive about. And I'm glad that Alizée has so many people here that care about her well-being.

puffyrock2 04-19-2009 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Toc De Mac (Post 128206)
Can we really trust Matrix? :rolleyes:

While Matrix has posted a couple bogus vids in the past, this seemed plausible to me. If Alizée was in good enough condition to perform or do an interview in the first place, how serious of a personal emergency could she have had? Hopefully we'll find out soon.

Srbski-kralj 04-19-2009 01:21 PM

Like most of u said its sad to see her cry period. Who knows why she was crying it could be many things, and not realy healthy on our side to speculate and say its this or that untill we have something solid ot link all this to. I dont care who you are but singing right after landing a long flight is rought (Jet lang and all) Im not a singer or anything but when i went back to serbia to visit my relatives, 14 some hours of flighing, and also 8 hrs of waiting in germany for our plane, When we got to my relatives i wasnt tired but when i got there I colapsed and sleept for about 10-13 hours.

Alizée,Angel of Ajaccio.. 04-19-2009 02:41 PM

Hi, guys sorry I've not posted, been a little tied up.

Alright, I hate to add to the speculation, but I must.

Personally, I do not think she was crying (at least not exactly). What I believe may have occurred was that she was overheated and perspiring profusely. While what AIF said about the temperature in the venue was correct, which was that it was fairly comfortable, I think Alizée may not have been able to enjoy the same conditions. I was able to get a good glimpse of the backstage setup and there was a separate "Hospitality" type of tent set up for the performers. I have every reason to believe that inside the tent the temps could have been much more uncomfortable. So while I can't say with 100% certainty, I think what happened was that she was simply in the tent getting overheated, then got on stage and perspired heavily. Her face was totally soaked as if she had been misted with a spray bottle. Which is another reason I don't think she was crying, because her face was wet in areas where the gravity of standing up would not have allowed.

Now we will have to get help from our beloved female forum members, but I'm pretty sure that the sweat combined with make-up could create a scenario that would make your eyes water and burn pretty badly. So what I think we had was a sort of cascading affect.

Now with regards to what AIF said about the darkness, personally I think that the house spotlights were not as hot as normal, so I think it was just a lighting issue. When you add the black dress (which I think looked good), it probably did add to the "dark" affect.
Ultimately, I think she looked great and performed well. The video cameras got some great close-ups which were shown on the three big screens. The stage had a runway down the middle that came to a T intersection. This allowed for the Angel to come out all the way to the boundary of zone A and zone B and then go pretty far to the right and left. I was, for an all too brief moment within 2 or 3 feet away of the Angel. The set up was cool as it gave many more audience members an opportunity to experience a front row effect.

I'm still not able to see any Youtube vids here, so I don't have the benefit of viewing the aforementioned yet, but I will later.

Gotta go, more later.

Alizeeinternationalfan 04-19-2009 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Alizée,Angel of Ajaccio.. (Post 128220)
Hi, guys sorry I've not posted, been a little tied up.

Alright, I hate to add to the speculation, but I must.

Personally, I do not think she was crying (at least not exactly). What I believe may have occurred was that she was overheated and perspiring profusely. While what AIF said about the temperature in the venue was correct, which was that it was fairly comfortable, I think Alizée may not have been able to enjoy the same conditions. I was able to get a good glimpse of the backstage setup and there was a separate "Hospitality" type of tent set up for the performers. I have every reason to believe that inside the tent the temps could have been much more uncomfortable. So while I can't say with 100% certainty, I think what happened was that she was simply in the tent getting overheated, then got on stage and perspired heavily. Her face was totally soaked as if she had been misted with a spray bottle. Which is another reason I don't think she was crying, because her face was wet in areas where the gravity of standing up would not have allowed.

Now we will have to get help from our beloved female forum members, but I'm pretty sure that the sweat combined with make-up could create a scenario that would make your eyes water and burn pretty badly. So what I think we had was a sort of cascading affect.

Now with regards to what AIF said about the darkness, personally I think that the house spotlights were not as hot as normal, so I think it was just a lighting issue. When you add the black dress (which I think looked good), it probably did add to the "dark" affect.
Ultimately, I think she looked great and performed well. The video cameras got some great close-ups which were shown on the three big screens. The stage had a runway down the middle that came to a T intersection. This allowed for the Angel to come out all the way to the boundary of zone A and zone B and then go pretty far to the right and left. I was, for an all too brief moment within 2 or 3 feet away of the Angel. The set up was cool as it gave many more audience members an opportunity to experience a front row effect.

I'm still not able to see any Youtube vids here, so I don't have the benefit of viewing the aforementioned yet, but I will later.

Gotta go, more later.

I sure hope you are right; I have been questioning my observations since the moment I was making them, but can't escape what I saw. I considered, even then, that it was just sweat, but it didn't seem to me like the kind of moisture that a mist or sweat would produce. Her eyes were puffy and at times glistening. Maybe its the excessive makeup (and the haircut, with the black outfit...don't like it..almost gothic). I did have a few drinks (:blink:), but others there with me saw it too and at the table, we had that stunned feeling, looking at each other, a feeling of horror watching what was going on. Could I have been wrong? Just so hard to believe. We were up close, with the big screen that had all the close-ups right in front of us. Adding to it was that I did not sense she was into it; it was not a great peformance (I mean, NOTHING like JEAM in the famous video or the ML performances, nothing like En Concert, not even like the Monterrey concert I went to). So, the combination of the tears, the lack of real energy/practiced routines, the dark, ghoulish look, the stumbling on her lyrics (I think I caught it once and someone else on the forum wrote they saw it at the end), other fans that thought she was in tears also...all of it, just makes me think what I saw, in fact, did happen. We need the close-ups of when she was in ML and the others that her face was streaked. She did seem to be at least trying to shake the sadness and perform, and there were certainly smiles and some fleeting attempts at energy (but sort of like you telling your Mom the Pozole she made for dinner was great when it sucks)...

rcs 04-19-2009 05:40 PM

I don't know what to think about the tears, but the JEAM performance, musically speaking, sounded similar to her recent performances of the same song (post MF & LB). Also, it's hard to judge without being at this performance this time and being able to "feel" the energy, or lack thereof. Only time will tell. Hopefully, more video will surface.

In the past when Lili teared up, you at least understood why. But now, this absolutely kills me not to know. Hopefully, we will get an answer. Please just let it be jet lag or something minor like mentioned earlier. :(

Jordy 04-19-2009 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by rcs (Post 128232)
In the past when Lili teared up, you at least understood why. But now, this absolutely kills me not to know.

Exactly what I feel.


Originally Posted by rcs (Post 128232)
Please just let it be jet lag or something minor like mentioned earlier. :(

We can only hope, that it is the reason, it would be the best solution in these circumstances :(

Roman 04-19-2009 08:35 PM

Well, I will say that certainly if she was feeling that way it was brave to go up and try to sing. wow. I wonder because usually if a person is crying they can hardly talk let alone sing. Maybe she was able to power through it and maintain that much control at least until she calmed down later. I suppose she can't let us know, but like everyone, I feel for Alizée and want to know what's going on though I certainly don't really expect any explanation. someone post what other people at the concert said. thank you.

mavsluver41 04-19-2009 08:37 PM

Until we hear something more, I'm going to go along with AAA's makeup-in-the-eyes theory. And by the way, Jordy your Lili-hiker sig is amazing :).

johnkim2222003 04-19-2009 10:27 PM

EVERYBODY, Cheer it up.

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