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nate714 06-30-2006 06:32 AM

my friends think I'm a weirdo for listening to French pop music, but they are intelligent enough not to acuse me of being gay haha. I have been called a panzy over the issue though.

Selphi3 06-30-2006 07:33 AM

They are kinda used to me listnening "strange" music, cause i used to lisnen to japanese pop too :P and french is a lot closer to us so they don't really mind it, i just have to be made out for weird every now and then :P

RadioactiveMan 06-30-2006 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by nate714
my friends think I'm a weirdo for listening to French pop music, but they are intelligent enough not to acuse me of being gay haha. I have been called a panzy over the issue though.

See, that is my problem right there. I don't have intelligent friends. :p

nate714 06-30-2006 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by RadioactiveMan
See, that is my problem right there. I don't have intelligent friends. :p

I dont have intelligent friends either, we've been arrested for playing literal hot-potatoe with a flaming soccer ball in the middle of an intersection......

Selphi3 06-30-2006 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by nate714
playing literal hot-potatoe with a flaming soccer ball in the middle of an intersection......

Sounds like fun to me lol :P

nate714 06-30-2006 04:21 PM

it was, we made the local paper.... it was a few years ago so the link is dead but I took a screenshot haha.

Selphi3 06-30-2006 05:46 PM

Haha, way to go :P being in the newspaper by kicking a flaming ball around, what the hell did you guys take to come up with something like that :P
Well, don't want to spoil the fun but once again we're going way off topic :P
(i somehow don't mind since most of us allready told how we learned of Alizée, but still the wrong topic :P)

scameter 07-01-2006 04:42 AM

I first learned of Alizee when searching for French culture on wikipedia, and then after searching for French pop music. But, oddly, the first thing I saw of hers was a concert of Moi...Lolita in Amsterdam. The date wasn't posted on the video, unfortunately; I'm curious of how old she was. I've never seen it anywhere else, including this site. Has anyone else?

cybersoil 07-01-2006 04:56 PM

Alizée in Amsterdam video
Scameter, I wrote a very nice and long reply but unfortunately it didn't take for some reason. So I'll make this one short.

The Alizée video you're referring to was taped during a show put on by TMF (The Music Factory) in Amsterdam in 2000 or 2001. She was, I believe, 16 years old at the time, near the start of her career.

If you know how to do it, you can download many Alizée videos right now, 01 Jul 06, including the Amsterdam video, from the NewsGroups (aka UseNet) in: Someone posted a flood of Alizée videos, many are live performances.

I hope this helps answer your question

- Cybersoil

I've seen on your posting that you're 15 years old, so for you at least it should be ok. But be forwarned, Alizée is extremely dangerous and that's no joke. Over the last year I've seen many of my friends, including myself, fall madly in love with her. So much so that they can do nothing but think of her all day and all night. The more you are exposed to her the worse it will get. After experiencing this myself and actually seeing it happen to many others I can only believe that she is truely a siren. I've never, ever, ever seen a woman have this kind of power and influence over men before, bar none! And believe me, I'm old enough to know.

When I first discovered Alizée I was also warned about her charms and how they would have an effect on me and other men but I didn't believe it. To my emotional peril and great joy also I found that the people who warned me from the beginning, indeed, knew exactly what they were talking about. Before you know it you'll be making websites in tribute to her, and that's only the beginning. So be forwarned! Once Alizée gets her hooks into you it is extremely... extremely difficult to get them out. Time... a long time... seems to be the only hope for cure.

scameter 07-02-2006 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by cybersoil
Scameter, I wrote a very nice and long reply but unfortunately it didn't take for some reason. So I'll make this one short.

The Alizée video you're referring to was taped during a show put on by TMF (The Music Factory) in Amsterdam in 2000 or 2001. She was, I believe, 16 years old at the time, near the start of her career.

If you know how to do it, you can download many Alizée videos right now, 01 Jul 06, including the Amsterdam video, from the NewsGroups (aka UseNet) in: Someone posted a flood of Alizée videos, many are live performances.

I hope this helps answer your question

- Cybersoil

I've seen on your posting that you're 15 years old, so for you at least it should be ok. But be forwarned, Alizée is extremely dangerous and that's no joke. Over the last year I've seen many of my friends, including myself, fall madly in love with her. So much so that they can do nothing but think of her all day and all night. The more you are exposed to her the worse it will get. After experiencing this myself and actually seeing it happen to many others I can only believe that she is truely a siren. I've never, ever, ever seen a woman have this kind of power and influence over men before, bar none! And believe me, I'm old enough to know.

When I first discovered Alizée I was also warned about her charms and how they would have an effect on me and other men but I didn't believe it. To my emotional peril and great joy also I found that the people who warned me from the beginning, indeed, knew exactly what they were talking about. Before you know it you'll be making websites in tribute to her, and that's only the beginning. So be forwarned! Once Alizée gets her hooks into you it is extremely... extremely difficult to get them out. Time... a long time... seems to be the only hope for cure.

Thanks for the site my friend, that indeed does answer my question. :)
And, about your p.s., lol well, to be entirely honest, I know I'm only 15, and have only known of her existence for a little over 2 weeks, but I am already transfixed with her, and have been since I first discovered her; from the first moment, is all I could/can do is think about her, all the time; I've watched every video and read everything I could find of hers and about her, and it has simply increased my infatuation. Actually, I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one that feels this way; at first, and for a long time, I thought that my thinking everything about her was perfect was just limerence, or something odd about me; but, obviously not. I think her voice, her appearance, her creativity, her shyness, her superstitiousness, her French-ness, everything, is perfect, and I have deeply adored her since I first discovered her. I have tried not to say that I love her, mainly because of my age, but... I do think it. It's even hard for me to say it right now, out of fear, again mainly from my age, but also in having a love that I know I will never see, meet, or talk to in any live fashion, whether offline or on. I have tried e-mailing her, but I haven't gotten a reply; I've been checking every day since then for a reply. I would do absolutely anything to meet, or at least talk, to her, but I greatly fear that will never happen. I know this will most likely simply sound like a crush of a 15 year old teenager on a cute, French singer, but trust me, it is much more than that; in fact, my sexual attraction to her is one of the least important things to my transfixation with her.

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