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Un-rêve 03-14-2013 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Quinetiam (Post 238517)
I just want to know how to pronounce it.

Haha funny guy.. don't toy with me you fuck!

Panther 03-14-2013 08:42 PM

Very good post Jenny :clap:

Fall 03-14-2013 09:00 PM

Come on guys, we can disagree with other people without using that language, regardless of the... well, language.

Also, that was a great post Jenny, don't be afraid to post like that :)

Quinetiam 03-14-2013 09:09 PM

Don't let these waffles slag down the Precious, just do't let em dot it...

Corsaire 03-14-2013 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 (Post 238515)
well that's a surprise... I was scared that you guys would find me really rude.

Jenny, there is nothing to worry about. We all have our own views on the subject and a forum is the right place to share and discuss.

For many, Alizée provides enough of (more than) what they expect in a singer to keep the interest going. Myself, I need more of what Alizée doesn’t seem able or willing to provide. The limitation is not Alizée’s behaviour or personality, the limitation is linked to my expectations. I have no problem with admitting that. Nevertheless, I think this is still an interesting topic. If no one would question any of Alizée’s behaviour or moves, we could close all forums and just visit her Facebook and Twitter for pictures and release dates. A forum is to discuss topics and discussing will inevitably oppose different opinions.

I have always said that the Alizée concept was a very complex matter to me. I would like to understand what makes her so attractive in the first place (and no, for me, this is not only physical). I am struggling to find out what I saw in her and why she is so intriguing to me. Why she is so alluring. That might not be easy to understand, but, although I moderately enjoy her voice and some of her songs, her singing career is not that interesting to me. I had great hopes to find out more about some deeper side to her when UEDS came out because Alizée suddenly publicly showed more maturity. But somehow, that deeper side has been washed away and since the mystery that characterized the early years also vanished, well, I am left with all this superficiality that I don’t really care about. But still, I can’t let go...

I thought I had discovered a strong, mysterious young woman who had the courage to reject an easy path to selling millions of records to maybe accomplish something more fulfilling on her own, but there might just have been an amazingly beautiful singer with a soothing voice. That is more than plenty for most of her fans, but it would be disappointing to me.

Future Raptor Ace 03-14-2013 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 238498)
You pick up on things here and there that point to her being a little brighter than she comes across as. I don't know how many women you are around or interact with daily but there is small group of them, that will intentionally act dingy, clueless and helpless to manipulate other people around them.

Like what, I surely haven't picked up on it? I don't interact with many women ... yes you got me; mind you my major is rocket science and out of the 50 or so people in my graduating class only about 5 are female. However I can tell you that these women are among the smartest people I have ever had the privilege to meet or probably ever will meet. They are much smarter than I could ever hope to be and they DO NOT intentionally act "dingy, clueless and helpless to manipulate other people around them" in the slightest bit! What you just said is insult to all intelligent women in the world and especially towards my colleagues who I have the up most respect towards. The only women ... no scratch that ... the only people who display what you posted are unintelligent people whose only means for survival in this world is to munch off of the talents of others. There is one member on this forum, I wont say her name but everyone knows her, who I can say is extremely brilliant and far wise beyond her years for sure. She definitely does not exhibit what you said; so it must be the women YOU hang around because the brilliant women I see act just like a brilliant person should! Now that that's out of the way lets get down to business here!


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 238498)
There are a whole lot of guys out there that are threatened by a strong woman as well as a highly intelligent woman. There is a lot more upstairs in Alizée's head than anyone is giving her credit for. Sure, she has everyone as you pointed out pulling the strings for her. Or she getting them to do the work she would rather not deal with on a personnel level? She goes shopping or lays on the beach while everyone around her is killing themselves making her look good. So who is the smart one?

Speak for yourself, only weak men are intimidated by and try to put down a strong woman. All of those 5 women I mentioned before are stronger than me and a lot of my classmates and I are proud to say it and tip our caps towards them.
You keep saying "[t]here is a lot more upstairs in Alizée's head than anyone is giving her credit for" very nice; I hear you saying it ... I dont think anyone is doubting that you think it and im not even saying you are incorrect; I am saying you made a statement that "I feel" there is no evidence for and I am asking for evidence and your thoughts as to why you think your statement to be true. Snookie "goes shopping or lays on the beach while everyone around her is killing themselves making her look good. So who is the smart one" .... notice how I took exactly what you wrote and put it in front of an extremely unintelligent and equally horrible human being! So it is with that example I ask whats your point and how does that prove anything?


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 238498)
Lackadaisical, immature, materialistic, add in the possibility of being manipulative and sly as a fox. Alizée has everyone bowing at her feet since she was fifteen and doing what ever they could to please her, do you really think it stopped or she would let it stop if she could help it?

You make her sound like a horrible person, not a smart one! Im not even going to say nor deny she is those horrible things because once again I don't have the evidence to make that conclusion; nor do you. What you are saying is an hypothesis .. no an opinion is a better choice of wording here, and you should make that clear instead of passing it along as fact. Plus I should point out that not EVERYONE is bowing at her feet, I certainly am not, therefore it cant be everyone.


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 238498)
Wait until you get out of college FRA and get a job in the business world you'll soon learn how really crafty some woman can be. You'll see them manipulate others to do their job for them while taking full credit for the work. BTW there are lot of people of both sexes that do this I'm just making the point using women.

Dont make this personal buddy, plus can you really call what I go to school for "college" in that sense; it is very much the real world.
Once again you are going off on a sexist tangent. Im not saying some women dont do that, however some men do it too ... ok you admitted to that too: good. But that doesn't mean someone is intelligent. Hell I think a beautiful woman could get a lot of men to do things they normally wouldn't do; but that is due to ones submission to hormones and sexual desires not the manipulator's intelligence. Same goes with a good looking guy who appears very attractive to women; he can definitely do some manipulation on them. I see these types of people all the time (male and female) and mostly they are the biggest tools you will ever meet in this world. The reason being is the fact that they had everything handed to them their whole lives, everything they achieved was due to their looks and manipulation and not hard work, passion, desire, initiative, or talent and therefore they turn out to be a wasted brain and wasted parasite of a human that somehow is able to feed off of the better half of this world!


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 238498)
Not one of us hangs around her or knows her personally so it is all speculation on everyone's part.

Boom ... there you go! That's all I wanted to hear and that is the only thing you said here that I can agree with!

Euphoria 03-15-2013 01:51 AM

ALS has no respect for women whatsoever. He's making her sound like a fucking sociopath.

Marka 03-15-2013 10:09 AM

Like Jenny, I too fear that I am going to sound rude, as I've in the recent past experienced some very negative "experiences" connected with superficiality of the world around me and as a result I've lost quite a few "friends" of both genders (nowadays I know that my life is better without them and their superficiality), therefore please don't be too hard on me if you consider my post rude.

Like Corsaire, I too have asked myself in the past whether Alizée actually has a deep side, and my experiences are quite similar to his (apart from the fact that he knew about her before the UEDS era).
Anyway, does Alizée have a deep side? Like Jenny said, everyone has a deep side. But what exactly does depth mean? Well, everyone has his own definition of depth, which adhers to his/her worldview, philosophy, what he does in his/her life, ... if we want to search for depth in Alizée, we should at first come up with a definition of depth itself, so that we will know what we are looking for. A definition, which will be invariant to ones gender (and please, don't even mention that females are in general deeper than males, because that is, sorry for my expression, load of shit - depth should not be defined as something connected with emotions, hormones,...!).

Perhaps a very shallow definition of depth (i.e. something that manifests itself when one is in a extreme emotional state) can be extracted from Jenny's post (sorry Jenny, you should've done a better job at explaining what depth actually means for you instead of just linking it to being sad or happy or whatever emotional state someone is in at the moment when one considers depth of his/her character).

My reply to ALS: I join those who consider his post negative. I have similar experiences to Future Raptor Ace, I study computer science and mathematics and I can say that all of my female colleagues are smart, however you define that word, but I would not say that "smart" females deserve my respect more than equally "smart" males - smartness should be considered separately from gender.

SpanishFan 03-15-2013 11:12 AM

Jenny's post is perfect and spot on.
I hope she lets me copy-paste and use it for the next similar discussion about Alizée:D

Jenny_HRO87 03-15-2013 01:04 PM


thank you :) As long as you credit me you can copy and paste it as often as you want lol xD


well you said yourself you have to ask what is the right definition of having a deep side... well yes, I choose "emotions" to explain it... so what is your definition of it then? How should a "deep" person be?

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