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Junkmale 06-28-2012 12:49 PM

I like it. Big thumbs up from me.
It's poppy, catchy.
Well done girl!!

Euphoria 06-28-2012 12:52 PM

Well the truth is, hardcore fans are gonna love it because they're desperate for new material. If this is the vibe of the entire album, it's not going to do well.

Karin 06-28-2012 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 227591)
Well the truth is, hardcore fans are gonna love it because they're desperate for new material. If this is the vibe of the entire album, it's not going to do well.

with so negative meaning of course not...

Bigdan 06-28-2012 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Karin (Post 227592)
with so negative meaning of course not...

She already said that's this not the vibes of all the album.
There is also dancing material, which is the reason why she is training so hard with Dancerman.

Karin 06-28-2012 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Bigdan (Post 227593)
She already said that's this not the vibes of all the album.
There is also dancing material, which is the reason why she is training so hard with Dancerman.

yea, but all people judge new album only by this new song... and sorry, but its stupid to say it will be flop again (example chartsinfrance comments)

Junkmale 06-28-2012 01:02 PM

If the album has 10 (or so) more songs in this vein i'll be more than happy!

ptjmwa 06-28-2012 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Karin (Post 227592)
with so negative meaning of course not...

Well, I think it's better than her UEDS songs.



Originally Posted by Jake04 (Post 227589)
The song will be available at itunes next week! :2_thumbs::2_thumbs::2_thumbs:

Edit: Finally, I was able to listen to this song! Thanks for the youtube link, guys!!! I think it's going to be a great song! I've only listenend to it once just to see how it was. Now, it's already stuck in my head! Usually, it takes me several times of listeneing to a song before I like it just like some of Alizee's previous songs. But, this one, I can definitely say that I LOVE IT! :wub::wub: :wub: I can play it in my head already! :2_thumbs::2_thumbs::2_thumbs:

Where you guys not able to listen to it in her website?



Originally Posted by melovelily (Post 227552)
Alizee's twitter is getting raped lol

haha. I know! I logged onto twitter and it's full of alizee tweets!

JoeNY 06-28-2012 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Jake04 (Post 227589)
The song will be available at itunes next week! :2_thumbs::2_thumbs:

Ugh. I hate that. :mad: I already know I'm going to buy the whole album on a physical CD, but now I feel obligated to buy the single just to support the album and let Sony know I want the rest in Sept. Otherwise, if the single doesn't sell well, they're going to think there's not enough interest in the album. It's not the $1.30 that bothers me; I just don't want to buy the same song twice. Maybe it's not the album version, so that'll make me feel better.

Jake04 06-28-2012 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by ptjmwa (Post 227598)
Where you guys not able to listen to it in her website?

Unfortunately, no. :( It kept on crashing! On the other hand, that's good because it meant a lot of her fans were trying to access her site! :D

I think this song is perfect for her. She shouldn't have a problem singing this song "LIVE!" :aha:


Originally Posted by JoeNY (Post 227603)
Ugh. I hate that. :mad: I already know I'm going to buy the whole album on a physical CD, but now I feel obligated to buy the single just to support the album and let Sony know I want the rest in Sept. Otherwise, if the single doesn't sell well, they're going to think there's not enough interest in the album. It's not the $1.30 that bothers me; I just don't want to buy the same song twice. Maybe it's not the album version, so that'll make me feel better.

Well. if the single does extremely well then, Sony might throw out a bonus, like a MUSIC VIDEO! :aha: If not, then, business is business, Sony will look for ways to cut cost or cut its loss. :p

Future Raptor Ace 06-28-2012 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by melovelily (Post 227500)
There is a new HOOOOOT pic guys post it here i cant my fu#kin iphone wont let me :(
EDIT : lol nvm
I think my iphone heard me bitching :p

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah now thats the stuff! Damm she is smoking hott here!:2_thumbs:

ptjmwa 06-28-2012 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Jake04 (Post 227604)
Unfortunately, no. :( It kept on crashing! On the other hand, that's good because it meant a lot of her fans were trying to access her site! :D

I think this song is perfect for her. She shouldn't have a problem singing this song "LIVE!" :aha:

Well. if the single does extremely well then, Sony might throw out a bonus, like a MUSIC VIDEO! :aha: If not, then, business is business, Sony will look for ways to cut cost or cut its loss. :p

that's too bad. You guys should download the song then because sony is deleting all the youtube videos.

Future Raptor Ace 06-28-2012 02:05 PM

As for the song; sounds ok to me. It sounds like it has a lot of tom-toms and tambourine in it which seems to have a mid-60s Beatles feel. Im just happy she returned to the rock/pop genre.

Jake04 06-28-2012 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 227591)
Well the truth is, hardcore fans are gonna love it because they're desperate for new material. If this is the vibe of the entire album, it's not going to do well.

I know you wouldn't be able to resist to rain on our parade! :)))
Seriously though, she said her new album will be a mixed of pop, ballad,dance, etc. So, I know it's gonna be good...correction GREAT!!! :aha::dance::yahoo:

Future Raptor Ace 06-28-2012 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jake04 (Post 227610)
I know you wouldn't be able to resist to rain on our parade! :)))
Seriously though, she said her new album will be a mixed of pop, ballad,dance, etc. So, I know it's gonna be good...correction GREAT!!! :aha::dance::yahoo:

I hate to say I agree with Euporhia .. but I must say I agree with her. I dont think this album will do as well has her first two sadly based on this song! However I do think this album will do much better than her last though that bar was set very low so its not saying much.

WhiteFeather 06-28-2012 02:22 PM

...Isn't it a little early to be throwing in the towel? She released one song you two didn't care for, and you act as if the entire album is going to tank because of it.

Not saying you have to like it by any means. As stated earlier it just seems you're giving up on it a little early.

Jake04 06-28-2012 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace (Post 227611)
I hate to say I agree with Euporhia .. but I must say I agree with her. I dont think this album will do as well has her first two sadly based on this song! However I do think this album will do much better than her last though that bar was set very low so its not saying much.

Although I wish the very best for her, that's what I expect too. She set the bar very high on her first two albums that very few people really see her topping that. But, based on this song alone, I think the album will sell much better than her last two especially with the help from the social medias like twitter and fb, and most importantly, with this level of support that we're seeing from Sony.
I guess I should added "great but not as great as her first two albums" in my comment.:D

Future Raptor Ace 06-28-2012 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jake04 (Post 227613)
Although I wish the very best for her, that's what I expect too. She set the bar very high on her first two albums that very few people really see her topping that. But, based on this song alone, I think the album will sell much better than her last two especially with the help from the social medias like twitter and fb, and most importantly, with this level of support that we're seeing from Sony.
I guess I should added "great but not as great as her first two albums" in my comment.:D

Yea I agree with everything you said excpet the part about it doing better than Psychédélices ... I honestly highly doubt that though I do wish it! Psychédélices was boosted heavily by her hitus and first two ablums. In the ranking I think this album will just be better than her last but not the other 3

Karin 06-28-2012 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Jake04 (Post 227613)
She set the bar very high...

she? or Mylene?...

BrianO1 06-28-2012 02:45 PM

I too think its a bit silly to make claims that this album won't Do well bassed off the FIRST single which was know....a few hours ago.

Already, the album has had FAR more promotion then her last two. That in itself is a big deal. Sony seems to being paying attention this time. So I think there is a lot of potential for this album.

Merci Alizée 06-28-2012 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by BrianO1 (Post 227616)
Wow! Less then a day and already we have bashing on the new album...that's....not even out yet....

We don't know even name yet. :p

Future Raptor Ace 06-28-2012 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by BrianO1 (Post 227616)
I too think its a bit silly to make claims that this album won't Do well bassed off the FIRST single which was know....a few hours ago.

Already, the album has had FAR more promotion then her last two. That in itself is a big deal. Sony seems to being paying attention this time. So I think there is a lot of potential for this album.

I think Psychédélices had A LOT more promotion than this one!

Toc De Mac 06-28-2012 03:03 PM

My first impression from the intro is that it sounds like music from a movie (almost like some of Benjamin Biolay's stuff), see here-- which is a classy move, I think, as it suits her voice well. And I'm beginning to really get into it, on my second listen. I'm debating whether or not it has the potential to be a big radio hit, but if the whole album is like this, it's going to be great! :D Really, really pleased. If one thing could be different, I think it her voice could be a bit more center-stage, no?

melovelily 06-28-2012 03:08 PM

The song's chorus keeps getting me hooked everytime i hear it

Toc De Mac 06-28-2012 03:13 PM

For me I think I like the intro best... especially that deep guitar bit that kicks in around 15 seconds.

Jake04 06-28-2012 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Karin (Post 227615)
she? or Mylene?...

I guess you can say both! :p

Edit: The thing I like about this song is: It only took me once listening to it to like it. It took me several times of watching and listening to her other songs such as Moi...Lolita, L'Alize, ACC and others before I really liked them. The same is true with Psych and UEDS.
However, with this song, I've only listened to it once and I could play this song in my head already! :)

ALS 06-28-2012 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by ptjmwa (Post 227607)
that's too bad. You guys should download the song then because sony is deleting all the youtube videos.

That was the very first thing I did once it hit the Internet. :D

Toc De Mac 06-28-2012 03:27 PM

Has anyone come up with anything else for the lyrics, especially for the question-mark parts?


Quand les feuilles tombent
dans les rues sombres
sous nos pas

Et quand en plein jour
tout tourne court
et tout s'éteint

Tout va trop vite vers l'amour en fuite
A cause de l'automne je te quitte
Vivre en aquarium me rend triste
Si je fuis, c'est à cause de l'automne, de l'automne
Les couleurs s'effacent et me pardonnent
Les amours se lassent et abandonnent
A cause, à cause de l'autoumne

Je, je n'aime plus par la fenêtre voir cette scène
Si je vagabonde dans la pénombre
Tout comme ???

Tout va trop vite vers l'amour en fuite
A cause de l'automne je te quitte
S'il te plait, pardonne je vais (fais?) vite
Si je fuis, c'est à cause de l'automne, de l'automne
S'il nous cache encore sous des tonnes ???
De mensonges et de torts, c'est en somme
A cause, à cause de l'automne
Here's a rough English translation:

When leaves are falling
in dark roads
beneath our feet

And when in daylight
Everything comes to a stop
And dies away

Everything is rushing off too quickly toward runaway love
I’m leaving you because of the fall
Life in a fishbowl is sad
If I’m running away, it’s because of the fall
Because of the fall
Colors fade and forgive me
Love grows weary and drops off
Because of the fall, because of the fall

I, I no longer enjoy seeing this scene out the window
If I wander in the shadows
Just like ….

Everything is rushing off too quickly toward runaway love
Please forgive me, I move fast
If I’m running away, it’s because of the fall
Because of the fall
If ….
Of lies and wrongdoings, it’s in the end
Because of the fall, because of the fall

Karin 06-28-2012 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Jake04 (Post 227624)
The thing I like about this song is: It only took me once listening to it to like it. It took me several times of watching and listening to her other songs such as Moi...Lolita, L'Alize, ACC and others before I really liked them. The same is true with Psych and UEDS.
However, with this song, I've only listened to it once and I could play this song in my head already! :)

this will say everything what I want to say...


BrianO1 06-28-2012 04:06 PM

Thanks for the translation!

Now, I don't know who or what this song was written about, but I can already see some things in there that could relate to Lili. The talk of lost love, lies and wrong doing? Could be something to do with the marriage that seems to be over.

Life in a fishbowl being sad, could have to do with the time period of JEAM, not have a lot of control over her own life, feeling tapped.

Hehehe it's been so long that we have had a new song to speculate about! :p

lefty12357 06-28-2012 04:11 PM

Well I agree with everyone who says the song has a 60's kind of vibe to it. It definitely is structured that way. Her singing is good and I am so happy she is singing in her deeper register. In my opinion, it's one of her early trademarks. And I'm very happy to hear harmony in the chorus, it adds so much to the song. The quality of the production seems really good. Overall, I like it.

I'm not sure how it would do as a single as far as sales go, but it definitely shows that Alizée has made some changes that I think will benefit her.

ALS 06-28-2012 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by BrianO1 (Post 227629)
Thanks for the translation!

Now, I don't know who or what this song was written about, but I can already see some things in there that could relate to Lili. The talk of lost love, lies and wrong doing? Could be something to do with the marriage that seems to be over.

Life in a fishbowl being sad, could have to do with the time period of JEAM, not have a lot of control over her own life, feeling tapped.

Hehehe it's been so long that we have had a new song to speculate about!:p

Maybe Jeremy was one of those overly controlling men and she couldn't take it anymore.

SpanishFan 06-28-2012 04:38 PM

It does not excite me too much... This song could be sung by a thousand other singers, and I have the feeling that I've heard it before, must be the style.

I look forward for the next single or for the album, I am sure it will have songs that i'll like more than this one.
I agree with Euphoria and FRA.
Good to see that the majority loves it anyway.

Euphoria 06-28-2012 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteFeather (Post 227612)
...Isn't it a little early to be throwing in the towel? She released one song you two didn't care for, and you act as if the entire album is going to tank because of it.

Not saying you have to like it by any means. As stated earlier it just seems you're giving up on it a little early.

I didn't say that, I said if this is the vibe they're giving off for the album, it won't do well. I just hope she delivers with the rest of the album. I wouldn't even say the song is bad, it's just forgettable and kind of generic, imo. I've already completely forgotten what it sounds like and I just listened to it a few hours ago.

Rictor 06-28-2012 05:03 PM

I like this new single, and here's why:

Remember when the previous two albums came out? Or even a step back, how about when the singles came out for the previous two albums? I didn't like Limelight at all when I first heard it. I remember thinking "what the....what's going on here? This sounds terrible." But after a few months, it grew on me and I finally saw what was so awesome about it.

During the Psych era, it was even worse because I was trying too hard to like the songs. It shouldn't be like that. Some of the songs on Psych eventually grew on me (esp Mon Taxi Driver and Par Les Paupieres), but when time is of the essence, you can be damn sure I choose songs off the first two albums to listen to instead.

Right now I can breathe a sigh of relief because I don't have to TRY to like this new song since it already sounds good to me.

Also, I've noticed in past polls on this site that we continually surprise each other when we talk about our favorite or least favorite songs. Some of the ones I figured people would definitely hate are actually loved by some. And vice versa. So who knows? Maybe some of you who don't like it too much now on the first listen might like it more once we hear it along with the rest of the album? Give it a chance! I'm so happy to hear Alizée's voice again. :dance:

SpanishFan 06-28-2012 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rictor (Post 227634)
I like this new single, and here's why:
Right now I can breathe a sigh of relief because I don't have to TRY to like this new song since it already sounds good to me.

I understand why people can like the song that soon... I find it a little bit generic, not like other songs that slowly grow on you and at the end you enjoy listening to them forever.
But I think is a very good idea not to take too many risks with the first single of this album, I think that maybe they pick this song for marketing reasons too, trying not to put off a lot of people.
I am optimistic for the rest of the album songs.

Tiwaz 06-28-2012 06:11 PM

Oh yes, I love this! :wub: Beautiful,, nice retro feeling and finally She's singing at the lower register again, turning Her vocal limitations to Her advantage.


hardcore fans are gonna love it because they're desperate for new material
Haters gonna hate... :yawn:

This is in my honest opinion one of the best songs she made since the MF/LB days.
I don't know if it's about breaking up with Jeremy(?) but it sounds like She's singing with true feelings. That's what counts to me.

User22 06-28-2012 06:25 PM

Like I said back when everyone thought she had died after UEDS...some of her best days are ahead :D just look...Alizée fans like the modern Alizée and not some 18-year-old in their head that doesn't exist anymore! Haha

Karin 06-28-2012 06:26 PM

after 6hours of hearing new single... I describe it so...

music which is continuing from "sad" UEDS melody into more live...
music which throws you with memories back into the Lolita era and then back to current time...

and so it goes many times...

Azhiri 06-28-2012 06:42 PM

The strings make this song <3 I think the song could have done with a nice trumpet feature, though.

I agree that it sounds a bit generic, but after the dark electro from UEdS (which I still adore) it's a breath of fresh air. I'm also very glad to hear her singing in her lower register again, as has been mentioned. It's a little early to judge the entire album just yet, but in terms of being marketable and selling well, this is definitely a step up from our last "first listen" experience from UEdS.

I'm super-excited to see a video and hear the album!! :)

ALS 06-28-2012 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 227642)
just look...Alizée fans like the modern Alizée and not some 18-year-old in their head that doesn't exist anymore! Haha

Oh how she is getting cuter and cuter as she gets older. Got to love those women who are late bloomers. :wub:

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