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puffyrock2 07-21-2009 03:53 PM

One new movie out that looks great is The Story Of Anvil. Anvil are a metal band from the 80's that have been struggling for success for 30 years. When they were kids, the members made a pact to never disband until they made it big.

Unlike Spinal Tap, they are a real band. Nothing is scripted or staged.

TheBarrett 07-23-2009 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Fyrel (Post 135152)
An amazing movie....great combat sequences and Tony Jaa utilizes his own form of parkour to great effect. That guy really needs more international attention.

I'm sure he'll get his.
Jackie Chan has already expressed interest in working with him ever since Tom-Yum-Goong, Jaa's an absolute prodigy!
Working with Chan will indefinitely break him into the Hong Kong attention, and considering his American fame, will break him into the United States as well.

On that note, I watched Ong-Bak 2 again. I also rented The Bodyguard 2 starring Mum Jokmok (with a cameo by our friend Jaa, as an elephant vendor :p)

Fyrel 07-23-2009 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 135386)
I'm sure he'll get his.
Jackie Chan has already expressed interest in working with him ever since Tom-Yum-Goong, Jaa's an absolute prodigy!
Working with Chan will indefinitely break him into the Hong Kong attention, and considering his American fame, will break him into the United States as well.

On that note, I watched Ong-Bak 2 again. I also rented The Bodyguard 2 starring Mum Jokmok (with a cameo by our friend Jaa, as an elephant vendor :p)

I'm not quite sure what to think of Ong Bak 2. The martial arts sequences were well done (as always), but it didn't seem quite coherent enough. He was always switching around different styles, and while I enjoy variety, none of the styles really got to show off. Perhaps it was just the ending that left a bad taste in my mouth.

puffyrock2 07-23-2009 09:35 PM

Just watched a British horror movie called EDEN LAKE. It was cool, think Battly Royale meets Funny Games. Very bone chilling!

Srbski-kralj 07-26-2009 12:47 AM

Lol i cant belive Im saying this lol but i actually went to watch that G-Force movie, it was not that bad. What are ur opinions on the movie GI-Joe The rise of cobra?

TheBarrett 07-26-2009 01:29 AM

What can I say, I love the whole Cyberpunk theme.

CFHollister 07-26-2009 06:26 AM

I just got back from my favorite French restaurant (maybe the framed portrait of Alizée and Alizée posters there have something to do with it ;)), La Crème Brûlée, where I watched a great french film, Angel-A. I don't want to give away anything about the plot. It stars an actor I really like that people that are familiar with Amelie will recognize as the character Lucien. If you like French films, especially ones that take place in the real Paris, I recommend it. :cool:

Nikita 07-26-2009 07:50 PM

Angel-A is a really good film! :D

edgar93 07-26-2009 11:41 PM

Just watched a damn good movie, Gran Torino. The ending might not be the best one or what you expected, but the movie itself is pretty good.

wasabi622 07-27-2009 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by edgar93 (Post 135614)

i freaking loved it! i learned so many new racist asian terms in the movie.. love it.

my friends and i have decided that it'll be a great drinking movie.. everytime a racist term is said, take a shot. ima say that we be hammered before half the movie's through. :p

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