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VVVACCPLPNLY 04-03-2010 02:20 PM

I agree full heartedly, Wasabi. Just look at how 99% of her updates come from fb mobile for iphone! We all know Alizée loves mac, so I honestly believe she does it herself! That is also supported by the fact that her updates are few and far between, because I doubt she gets on very often. I wonder how she would use fb in the way we do, like to keep in contact with family and frends. We don't see Jérémy anywhere on there, or anybody else. That must be one of the negative things about being a celebrity: you can't actually use social networking sites in the normal way. Poor Alizée! But it at least shows she cares to communicate personally with her fans, instead of some exec doing it. So, way to go, Alizée! Thanks for caring, unlike some! *coughcoughrihannacoughcough

ALS 04-03-2010 02:31 PM

Looks like Alizée liked her gifts at the signing. Notice the Alizée America baseball hat our Alizée America letter and the Boston with love Tee Shirt.

Oh I forgot this is from her Facebook.

Sorry I was an hour late.

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-03-2010 02:33 PM

Bit late, als? It's k, though!

Merci Alizée 04-03-2010 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY (Post 157988)
I agree full heartedly, Wasabi. Just look at how 99% of her updates come from fb mobile for iphone! We all know Alizée loves mac, so I honestly believe she does it herself! That is also supported by the fact that her updates are few and far between, because I doubt she gets on very often. I wonder how she would use fb in the way we do, like to keep in contact with family and frends. We don't see Jérémy anywhere on there, or anybody else. That must be one of the negative things about being a celebrity: you can't actually use social networking sites in the normal way. Poor Alizée! But it at least shows she cares to communicate personally with her fans, instead of some exec doing it. So, way to go, Alizée! Thanks for caring, unlike some! *coughcoughrihannacoughcough

Yeah, you're right. She uses an iphone, we saw that in the video posted by Scruffy too. So, it's safe to assume that she does it by herself many times of fb. I don't think she needs to have a social networking account to be in contact with her friends. She is very busy person and probably won't get time for it. Being a celebrity does have some disadvantages. Celebrities do miss few things of a simple person's life, for ex, just wandering at the streets, going to public places and enjoy without being disturbed etc.


I would like to know if you chat on Caramail with the pseudonym Alizée?

I never chat on Caramail or any other chat. I know some people pretend to be me, but unfortunately these are imposters. To avoid this kind of
misunderstanding, I only use my official site. Although, I am aware that there are other sites about me.

Do you have a personal e-mail address I can write to?

The e-mail address to use is the one on the site, The messages I receive at this address are forwarded to me daily.

Can we be sure you will read our messages in person?

Once again, the safest way is to write to me at I regularly spend time reading, sorting and filing my messages. I receive hundreds every week as well as through the post. That's why I can't answer in person, it would be an impossible task. This is where the question-answer idea came from.
That was from one of her old interviews. She has always tried that she is in contact through official links only in order to avoid confusion.


Can you still walk the streets normal these days?

No, in France not anymore. To be exact: my management doesn't allow me to walk the streets alone. Frequently people approach me in a very aggressive way. Especially boys. Usually it begins innocent with asking for an autograph. Afterwards they invite me for a drink. When I say no, because I don't know them, they start to scream, curse and even push! That's the bad side of the business.
Another quote from an old interview. That's a disadvantage of a celebrity life that she mentioned here.

Don't try those email addresses. It won't work now. It was from her pre-Psych era.

FanDeAliFee 04-03-2010 03:15 PM

Use the healthy AAm Web site traffic to help Alizée!

Originally Posted by Merci Alizée (Post 157982)
Oops!!! How come you didn't know about this? She's on fb, myspace, twitter, tumblr blog. She has official youtube channel, page on Wat TV, her Goom radio, if you don't know about all these. Am I missing anything?

The reason is that Ben has not implemented the suggestions I posted on 31 March <a href="">here</a>. And if Edcognito The Inhouse Gumshoe does not know, how do peekaboo driveby visitors learn that stuff?

Scruffydog777 04-03-2010 03:23 PM

Well I should have gone to bed a couple of hours ago, but I thought it was important to strike while the iron was still hot. I've been e-mailing several local news stations, several newspapers with this story, thinking it would be an interesting one for some one. I have to contact them now because a week from now, this story would be ancient history in the eyes of the media. Then to come back here and see pictures of the things I presented her, well that was just overwhelming.

Ruroshen 04-03-2010 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by docdtv (Post 158009)
The reason is that Ben has not implemented the suggestions I posted on 31 March <a href="">here</a>. And if Edcognito The Inhouse Gumshoe does not know, how do peekaboo driveby visitors learn that stuff?

Doc, we do appreciate your suggestions, and a plan to implement this one is in the works. However, I would like to remind you that running the site is not Ben's full time job, nor is it the only thing he has going on in his life at the moment. He's doing the best he can with what free time he does have, and a lot more work goes on behind the scenes than most of us who post here realize.

"Shouting" at him like this doesn't help to get things done any faster. Please refrain from doing so in the future.

Thank you.

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-03-2010 03:35 PM

Yeah, I can't imagine how that must have felt for you! I also hope someone manages to present your story! What a great way for Alizée to get her first American publicity!

sumi1 04-03-2010 03:36 PM

I was not expecting this Thank You pic!!! So nice of her:)

wasabi622 04-03-2010 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY (Post 157988)
I agree full heartedly, Wasabi. Just look at how 99% of her updates come from fb mobile for iphone! We all know Alizée loves mac, so I honestly believe she does it herself! That is also supported by the fact that her updates are few and far between, because I doubt she gets on very often. I wonder how she would use fb in the way we do, like to keep in contact with family and frends. We don't see Jérémy anywhere on there, or anybody else. That must be one of the negative things about being a celebrity: you can't actually use social networking sites in the normal way. Poor Alizée! But it at least shows she cares to communicate personally with her fans, instead of some exec doing it. So, way to go, Alizée! Thanks for caring, unlike some! *coughcoughrihannacoughcough

I know right?! So I guess there is a benefit of being a smaller scale celebrity.

Just to clarify though, I don't mean to imply that Alizée is some sort of D list celebrity, but that unlike the others, she seems be more hands on and the like.



Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 158011)
Well I should have gone to bed a couple of hours ago, but I thought it was important to strike while the iron was still hot. I've been e-mailing several local news stations, several newspapers with this story, thinking it would be an interesting one for some one. I have to contact them now because a week from now, this story would be ancient history in the eyes of the media. Then to come back here and see pictures of the things I presented her, well that was just overwhelming.

Do you have any idea of how unique your story is!? You are literally the first "ambassador" from an American Alizée fan site! (At least, to my knowledge, anyone know anything that contradicts this?) You are special my friend, I suggest you drink Dos Equis. :p

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