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joebanana 01-13-2024 10:21 AM

Marshal Davout 01-27-2024 05:42 PM

Rumor is Taylor Swift is Coming to France !
The Rumor is Taylor Swift is coming to France ! And she is selling tickets there; although last I heard there was some trouble or something with the Tickets ?
Back a couple years I listened to a couple of her songs; but sorry to say I didn't quite like them !
She is quite popular with her "Swifties" in the states; which seem to be a lot of young girls. I wonder if she is popular in the EU ?
She is like a Mini-Economy in the states; with all the hotels in the ciites selling out their rooms when she appears ! Someone said she is Biden's actual economy and we don't have one except for her ! Ha !
She is supporting her boyfriend Travis in the AFC Football game here on Sunday; so she maybe flies out after that ! It is the Ravens against Kansas City Mahomes QB against Jackson QB; a sort of "Twilight of the Gods" kind of Conflict !
The Ravens have been sort of up and down all year although in the regular season they are 13-4 ( they gave away one to the steelers, as they rested their veterans, so 1 loss doesn't really count ). Kansas city has been up and down all year; so it is hard to determine how the game will go ? It may be a matter of how the football bounces !
Justin Tucker; the Ravens Field Goal Kicker, is murder, so he can always kill another team with even a 50 yarder field goal ! Interestingly he sings Opera or something in the off season ?
Number 87 Travis the Tight End for Kansas City is her boyfriend. He is a big tight end and Mahomes throws the ball to him a lot ! I'll see if I can find a current song of hers to post a video !

As a Guy; I think she is Cute and Beautiful; though not as much as Alizee ! She is reportedly a nice person who sometimes gives people having a hard time some money ( as I think she is a Billionaire or something )
Here are some of her songs; although I have not listened to her lately !

She seems to be able to come up with a song every month; sort of like Mylene !

Reportedly; if she dates you and you break up; then she writes a Song about You. So I always wanted to date her; so she could write a song about me ( that Crazy Guy Marshal ! ) Ha ! I think she has about 10 breakup songs as she dated a lot of boys who didn't know what they were doing !
Like the songs "I Knew you were trouble" ( But I dated you anyway and I was right ! ) And "Look What You Made Me Do !
I try again with another video from 2019 as the first one is stopped ! This one seems pretty good !

Reportedly; having finished up her Tour in the Tokyo Dome; she is Winging her way across the Pacific for like 17 hours in order to make the Kansas City Chiefs appearance in the Las Vegas Football Superbowl ! She has been lucky for them and Travis her Tight End Beau; as they usually win the games she attends ! Also; the Las Vegas airports are reportedly full, so she may not anyplace to Park her Jet, by the time she gets there; but I am sure that some Hanger will move some stuff around to take her in, Ha ! Not to focus a lot on Taylor, but I did find this....

Marshal Davout 02-11-2024 03:29 AM

Le French Blonde ! Taylor Swifts Favorite Drink at the Moment
Le French Blonde Taylor Swift's Favorite Drink at the moment !

Stumbled across this ( not that I advocate a lot of alchohol )

reportedly; sometimes to get into and out of places surreptitiously, sometimes she is moved into areas by having herself
moved in by workmen in a trunk ! But I have never seen this.

Also reportedly she will get to europe in May 9th in France in La Defence arena; then in other areas of europe and Scotland !

Taylor Swift arrives at the Superbowl from Tokyo; so now we can kick off ! HA !

xMichellex 03-30-2024 06:09 AM

Ghost Dance Macabre

leah northern edge

Kajue 06-10-2024 01:17 PM

French Rap song that mentions Alizee and makes a reference to Alizee

Only really posting this here because it the Title of this rap song is a reference to Alizee's song, and directly mentions her in the lyrics. It's getting alot of views 3.6 million in 3 months.

"Parler tout bas comme Alizée"

Not even much of a fan of the song, but it has that line

Marshal Davout 06-10-2024 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Kajue (Post 277818)

Only really posting this here because it the Title of this rap song is a reference to Alizee's song, and directly mentions her in the lyrics. It's getting alot of views 3.6 million in 3 months.

"Parler tout bas comme Alizée"

Not even much of a fan of the song, but it has that line

Interesting that Alizee is in the Song !

Marshal Davout 06-21-2024 12:37 AM

Another video I make up the story for
Stumbled across this; and it sounds Happy ! Some old people die in the city and region and the lawyers Figure out that the little girl inherits the regions Soccer Team ! So they celebrate her ! She says she won't change the team; although she might change the name to Emilie !

And again the whole region turns out for the girl's Soccer Team !



Originally Posted by xMichellex (Post 277708)

Ah ! Very Nice ! Scorpios would like the first one ! I know because my younger sister was a scorpio and would ask me to take her to movies she wanted to get into. I asked her what the name of the movie was and she said "JAWS" I said that doesn't sound like a movie I want to see ! what is it about ? A Gigantic man-eating shark ! Now I know i don't want to see it ! But I took her anyway !

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