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failax 02-24-2021 07:13 AM

TVP Polish tv, a show is coming?
Alizée according to her instagram profile is in Warsaw and she is chosing dresses..Maybe something new is coming soon.

BroKenSkullDG 02-24-2021 07:54 AM

Maybe "Jaka to Melodia" again? They haven't announced anything yet. But with the amount of wardrobe it's probably more than a simple Interview which is promising. Poland most likely means she's about to sing. Let's hope it's not being taped two months in advance again. ;)

Ben.Daly 02-24-2021 09:26 AM

Here's what she's posted from Warsaw so far, the first block is from the night of the 23rd:

And these on the 24th...

I know this may be more appropriate for the Social Media thread usually but I think it's relevant putting it here just in this case.

Scruffydog777 02-24-2021 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by failax (Post 272767)
Alizée according to her instagram profile is in Warsaw and she is chosing dresses..Maybe something new is coming soon.

Great news and thanks for posting failax!


Originally Posted by Ben.Daly (Post 272769)
Here's what she's posted from Warsaw so far, the first block is from the night of the 23rd:

I know this may be more appropriate for the Social Media thread usually but I think it's relevant putting it here just in this case.

It's fine here and thanks for posting all of them!

Ben.Daly 02-24-2021 04:35 PM

From alizeefanpageuk:
Alizée back on Polish TV featuring on “Jaka To Melodia” tonight singing both “Moi...Lolita” & “Ella Elle L’a”

Ben.Daly 02-24-2021 11:21 PM

Another picture from the recording

BroKenSkullDG 02-25-2021 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Ben.Daly (Post 272774)

This is a nice picture. Gonna be interesting to see how these new performances compare to last years. It may be a few weeks until we get to see them.

Fingers crossed she finally uses the original Instrumentals for "Moi... Lolita" again?


Even ske_leton is already having a joke about having to wait a full month, let's hope not.

According to Rafal Brzozowski, he's singing a duet with Alizée on one of the recordings. (...not sure if I'm delighted by this, but you never know...) Wonder how many there are this time? At least we're gettin' somewhere again.

RJ45 02-25-2021 03:02 PM

https :// / 5s0w7n


Aleksandra Marciniak:
Kobieta z Francji będzie gwiazdą naszego wieczoru. Alizee przypomni swoje największe przeboje, a my przypomnijmy "Moi... Lolita"

Piosenka która w mig stała się piosenką na skalę światową „Moi… Lolita” otwierała wszystkie imprezy. Alizee po raz pierwszy zaśpiewała ten przebój mając zaledwie 16 lat.

To piosenka od której wszystko się zaczęło. To ten utwór rozpoczął moją karierę która trwa do dziś.

Marek Sierocki:
Ta naturalna młodzieńczość Alizee sprawiła, że utwór błyskawicznie stał się hitem całej Europy.

Hitów jest więcej, polska publiczność uwielbia Alizee z wzajemnością.

Jestem bardzo szczęśliwa kiedy dowiaduję się, że moje piosenki są tak popularne i chętnie słuchane w Polsce.

Dlatego mamy dla Państwa niespodziankę. Alizee zaśpiewa podczas konferencji ramówkowej prezentującej wiosenne nowości telewizji polskiej.

Alizée-Nederland 02-25-2021 03:19 PM

Aleksandra Marciniak:
A woman from France will be the star of our evening. Alizée will recall her greatest hits, and we will recall "Moi ... Lolita".

The song that quickly became a song on a global scale, "Moi ... Lolita", opened all the events. Alizée sang this hit for the first time when she was only 16 years old.

This is the song that started it all. It was this song that started my career that continues to this day.

Marek Sierocki:
This natural youthfulness of Alizée made the song an instant hit all over Europe.

There are more hits, the Polish audience loves Alizée with reciprocity.

I am very happy when I learn that my songs are so popular and eagerly listened to in Poland.

That's why we have a surprise for you. Alizée will sing during a scheduled conference presenting spring news on Polish television.

Scruffydog777 02-25-2021 11:36 PM

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