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Neiteio 06-29-2008 02:28 AM

Convertin' the Lili heathens (yeehaw!)
I mentioned this in a PM to Brad (I have a man-crush on our benevolent overlord), and I thought I'd share.

I've noticed my dad borrowing my car a lot lately and today I found out why: he told me he keeps listening to "that French girl" that's been in my car's CD player for a couple years now. I was wondering why I kept finding the CD in the middle of L'Alizé everytime I started the engine.

So I'm going to burn him a copy of the CD, which includes 18 tracks spanning Gourmandises and MCE (I made it before the new album). The best part is he's hooked on Alizée for her MUSIC -- he has no idea how cute she is. Now if only more people would unwittingly stumble upon her music and realize how great music in another tongue can be...

So, has anyone else here witnessed friends and family surrendering to the magic of Alizée? Do tell! In the meanwhile, I got a CD to copy...

TheBarrett 06-29-2008 02:43 AM

Quite, I performed ACC and some other old Alizée songs with my band for the heck of it in a small night bar/club. Surprisingly people did not mind the song being sung in French, and thought it was pretty cool, when we finished our set several people came to me and asked me about the songs. They had no clue the songs were sung by a French female artist a while ago, and they thought they were my songs. Luckily my bassist friend had a laptop, and I showed the ever-so-lucky questioners Alizée's ACC performance on Star Academy, and I got them totally hooked. :D

They like her now, wait til they stumble upon J'en ai Marre, that'll steal their souls for sure. :D

Neiteio 06-29-2008 02:55 AM

That's awesome, Barrett. But now you're obligated to make a vid of your band performing ACC and upload it to YouTube. DO IT! :cool:

(Seriously, I'd like to hear what your band's rendition sounds like).

Ruroshen 06-29-2008 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Neiteio (Post 107997)
That's awesome, Barrett. But now you're obligated to make a vid of your band performing ACC and upload it to YouTube. DO IT! :cool:

(Seriously, I'd like to hear what your band's rendition sounds like).

Man, I totally second this. Do it. DOOO EEEETT!! :D

TheBarrett 06-29-2008 03:18 AM

It's long, it's riffy, and it has way more instrumental solos, and I don't have a camera. Heh

Perhaps when I get one.

Neiteio 06-29-2008 03:25 AM

If you do a real bang-up job, Barrett, who knows? Maybe you'll end up on Alizée's MySpace page. Or in her band.

(Or in her bed ohIwenttoofar).

TheBarrett 06-29-2008 03:27 AM

I'll be happy with band. :D
Even though in my wildest fantasies I dream of being her love interest, I respect Mr. Châtelain, and he can have her. :D

Ruroshen 06-29-2008 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by Neiteio (Post 108008)
If you do a real bang-up job, Barrett, who knows? Maybe you'll end up on Alizée's MySpace page. Or in her band.

Psychedeclips! Psychedeclips!


(Or in her bed ohIwenttoofar).
Heh. A bridge too far, indeed.

Bridge? Music? Huh? See what I did there? Huh? Wocka wocka? :D

Neiteio 06-29-2008 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Ruroshen (Post 108015)
Heh. A bridge too far, indeed.

Bridge? Music? Huh? See what I did there? Huh? Wocka wocka? :D

A Fozzie Bear reference? You, sir, just won the Internets.

TheBarrett 06-29-2008 03:46 AM

Nice Internets, I used to have Internets like that, til my mom got a job...

Ruroshen 06-29-2008 03:49 AM

Ohmigod...hundreds of... 'your mother' jokes...rushing into once...too much! TOO MUCH!

TheBarrett 06-29-2008 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by Ruroshen (Post 108018)
Ohmigod...hundreds of... 'your mother' jokes...rushing into once...too much! TOO MUCH!

Alizée says, "chillax mon"

Neiteio 06-29-2008 03:52 AM

Barrett's response TOTALLY flew over my head like so many pteradactyls in a metal music video. My it's late.

Fixty Sixty 06-29-2008 07:16 AM

I showed the Alizée en Concert DVD to 8 people (3 male and 5 female) and provided written translations of all the songs. Only one, a music professor, didn't like the music (he said the songs all sounded the same to him), but also only one became a fan of her music and that person is now a big MF fan after I showed him the Avant Que L'ombre... concert DVD. The other 6 liked Alizée's music, but not enough to pursue it. All said Alizée's voice was pleasant, but not great. They all thought her stage presence was exceptional for someone so young.

Of 2 people I know that have heard Psychédélices, one (the same guy from above who likes her older music) likes it, and one (who hadn't heard of Alizée before) didn't like it saying it was too rappy.

RadioactiveMan 06-29-2008 12:56 PM

My brother likes her to an extent, but not significantly more than to play a J'ai Pas Vingt Ans remix at parties and to enjoy the new Lili videos that I ask him to watch.

A girl I worked with likes some of her stuff because I'd play it while we worked fairly often. She doesn't pursue more Alizée things either, though.

I'm sometimes working before anyone else gets to the store, so I'll play a few albums in the morning (but always have to turn it off prior to opening. The only time I was allowed to play music when we opened I was playing the new Sarah Brightman album "Symphony" and customers complained about it). I've played a couple of Alizée albums and very frequently played a mix of the covers she's done on TV and her English songs. This was met with resistance based on the language that was equaled only by the dislike for metal.

My parents have heard me playing her often but have no like for the music. When my brother got an LG Shine, I mentioned that Alizée had one. I got a high-five from my brother and groans from my parents.

Finally, my friends have all had Lili force-fed by me whenever I can play her around them, but I only have one friend who doesn't try to make fun of her.

My only success story has been converting Solaris to Quinism, but I'm more than satisfied with that.

espire 06-29-2008 01:17 PM

Complained about Sarah Brightman? The nerve!

RadioactiveMan 06-29-2008 02:07 PM

Yeah, tell me about it. I had always believed that most of what I listen to (that is, anything less heavy than Megadeth) would be accepted by almost anyone. Symphony was specifically chosen for that portion of the playlist. It broke my heart to turn it off because I never imagined someone being so hateful as to search out a manager and complain about what they heard for fifteen minutes while they shopped.

Now that I think about it, I did actually play all of Psychedelices during operating hours once except that there were next to no customers and from staff I received no comments except for a general feeling of dislike.

Alas, I think I'll be a hermit.

TheBarrett 06-29-2008 03:32 PM

Alas, I think I need to lynch the people who shop at that store RAM. :D

And why would they complain, I have nearly every Megadeth album, and that's not even half as what I consider as heavy, in fact if I was you RAM, buy some Finntroll, and boost that for a change.

Rocket 06-29-2008 06:15 PM

I teach 3 - 5 year olds ballet and I often bring along my Alizee albums. We even did a couple of recitials to her music. It was fun even though teaching 3 - 5 year olds to move in unison on stage is like herding cats. :p Anyway, some of the parents requested the albums because they would sit and watch their future divas dance to her songs and rather enjoyed her music.

I've also went to a friend of mine who is majoring in films and he and I have been working together on producing a video of Idealizer. I've already choreographed the dance moves. It will contain ballet and modern dance. We couldn't get a green light for it this year, but will try again in the fall.

lowbeam 06-29-2008 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Neiteio (Post 107993)
In the meanwhile, I got a CD to copy...

Sorry Neiteio, I have to say it. Please don't steal from Alizée, buy more CDs to share.

TheBarrett 06-29-2008 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Rocket (Post 108057)
I teach 3 - 5 year olds ballet and I often bring along my Alizee albums. We even did a couple of recitials to her music. It was fun even though teaching 3 - 5 year olds to move in unison on stage is like herding cats. :p Anyway, some of the parents requested the albums because they would sit and watch their future divas dance to her songs and rather enjoyed her music.

I've also went to a friend of mine who is majoring in films and he and I have been working together on producing a video of Idealizer. I've already choreographed the dance moves. It will contain ballet and modern dance. We couldn't get a green light for it this year, but will try again in the fall.

Maybe you can teach em to do the JPVA dance. :D
I kid, I kid, unless, you take a liking to this idea...:blink:

Chommpers 06-29-2008 06:31 PM

My attempts to convert people have failed. I have shown her to my friends and brothers, but none of them like her. My brother just said he wasn't interested in the sound of her music. One of my friends girlfriend listened to her and said it was not bad, but I don't think she pursued it any farther.

jdfeeley 06-29-2008 06:59 PM

Converting Others
Yeah, I've got one of my friends liking her music, and the other who hasn't had a chance to listen to beyond 30 seconds of her due to his busy job. I've got my brother hooked on MCE. He loves it. Well probably buy the cd for him for his birthday.:)

espire 06-29-2008 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by lowbeam (Post 108058)
Sorry Neiteio, I have to say it. Please don't steal from Alizée, buy more CDs to share.

I started on Alizée through piracy, lowbeam. I wouldn't buy a CD before I knew that I liked it. After I downloaded her music and listened to it for a few weeks, I decided that I really liked it, and I've now bought most of her albums twice, in addition to plenty of singles.

By handing out burned copies of Alizée's CDs, Neiteio is publicizing her. Had this not happened, well, nothing would happen. But now, there are plenty of people who might support Alizée, who otherwise wouldn't have.

Unauthorized copies of intellectual property are usually the wrong thing to do, but at the same time they can be very right. I don't think that anything Neiteio does can Alizée in any way.

TheBarrett 06-29-2008 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by espire (Post 108067)
I started on Alizée through piracy, lowbeam. I wouldn't buy a CD before I knew that I liked it. After I downloaded her music and listened to it for a few weeks, I decided that I really liked it, and I've now bought most of her albums twice, in addition to plenty of singles.

By handing out burned copies of Alizée's CDs, Neiteio is publicizing her. Had this not happened, well, nothing would happen. But now, there are plenty of people who might support Alizée, who otherwise wouldn't have.

Unauthorized copies of intellectual property are usually the wrong thing to do, but at the same time they can be very right. I don't think that anything Neiteio does can Alizée in any way.

To confirm Mr. Boutonnat's point of Alizée's approval/surprisal and odd disapproval and different reception...

"She also commented that piracy in music has two sides "one good" and "one bad" saying that sometimes it's good because her music reaches places that she never thought to reach"

Alizée Wiki

espire 06-29-2008 07:15 PM

Oh, so I'm M. Boutonnat, now, am I? :p

Well, I guess I have no reason to be upset. Alizée and I seem to share a mindset!

TheBarrett 06-29-2008 07:17 PM

Well it's sort of a feeling inside, your avatar just seems to suit you so much I consider you Mr. Boutonnat. :D

espire 06-29-2008 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 108073)
Well it's sort of a feeling inside, your avatar just seems to suit you so much I consider you Mr. Boutonnat. :D

Oooh, did that post make my day!

I'm of to compose something, then.

I didn't say that I was composing music, though. I rarely do that.

lowbeam 06-29-2008 07:33 PM

I understand what you are saying, and you have a good point but I actually hand out Cds that I purchase to any friends or family that are interested, sometimes they are stunned that I just don't burn a copy for them. To answer Neiteio's original question, some of them have become converted but none to my extent:wub:

I certainly won't get angry with Neiteio, that's why I said please :) and it is a complicated subject. It's only that Alizée means so much to me that any hint of real harm to her makes me react and I still believe my way is better for her but that is just my opinion.


Originally Posted by espire (Post 108067)
I started on Alizée through piracy, lowbeam. I wouldn't buy a CD before I knew that I liked it. After I downloaded her music and listened to it for a few weeks, I decided that I really liked it, and I've now bought most of her albums twice, in addition to plenty of singles.

By handing out burned copies of Alizée's CDs, Neiteio is publicizing her. Had this not happened, well, nothing would happen. But now, there are plenty of people who might support Alizée, who otherwise wouldn't have.

Unauthorized copies of intellectual property are usually the wrong thing to do, but at the same time they can be very right. I don't think that anything Neiteio does can Alizée in any way.

TheBarrett 06-29-2008 07:38 PM

That's why when I make copies for friends, I just give them two songs from each album, and if they want more, they can buy it for themselves. I usually include my favorites, Gourmandises, Moi..Lolita, J'en ai Marre, A Contre-Courant, Lilly Town, and Fifty Sixty.

I always carry these in my pockets ready to give out, Alizée means a lot to me as well, and I have cabinets of poetry, songs, and drawings to justificate that point. :D


Originally Posted by espire
Oooh, did that post make my day!

I'm of to compose something, then.

I didn't say that I was composing music, though. I rarely do that.

I'm still trying to fool everyone into thinking i'm Viggo Mortensen.

espire 06-29-2008 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 108081)
I'm still trying to fool everyone into thinking i'm Viggo Mortensen.

Someone would be a fool not to think such.

Neiteio 06-29-2008 08:18 PM

On the topic of converting people to Lili-ism... What songs do you think are best for the job?

I'd have to say Gourmandises. And I say this as a person whose favorite song is probably L'Alizé. When I try to look at Alizée's work as objectively as possible, Gourmandises just strikes me as the song where all gears catch right out of the gate. It's an untested theory, but if I had to show someone unfamiliar with Alizée one of her songs, I'd confidently expect a good reaction showing them Gourmandises.

How about you guys?

RadioactiveMan 06-29-2008 08:32 PM

While I'm happy with showing off any of her music, I try to be a little more logical about it and introduce people to I'm Fed Up, J'en Ai Marre, or La Isla Bonita instead of Abracadabra and L'Effet because they have the best track records.

edit/Forgot to talk about my class.

There was one person in my class who knew of her (I found out from his comments when he sat behind me and always saw me on Alizée America) but his like has never progressed passed downloading gifs from 4chan. The rest of the class has some appreciation for her. At least one has a few of her songs on his iPod and many have used wallpapers that I've distributed (or the screensaver that Brad made a while back). I've had my instructor play her second and third albums and he liked them well enough but again not to the point where he'd get them. He liked France D'Amour's Les Autres much more but that's a different tale.

lefty12357 06-29-2008 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by lowbeam (Post 108080)
I understand what you are saying, and you have a good point but I actually hand out Cds that I purchase to any friends or family that are interested, sometimes they are stunned that I just don't burn a copy for them. To answer Neiteio's original question, some of them have become converted but none to my extent:wub:

I certainly won't get angry with Neiteio, that's why I said please :) and it is a complicated subject. It's only that Alizée means so much to me that any hint of real harm to her makes me react and I still believe my way is better for her but that is just my opinion.

I do the same thing. I'm not made out of money, but I can afford to buy a few extra Alizée CDs so I can hand them out. I have won over 1 person so far. I guess giving a copy to someone who wouldn't have otherwise purchased it has not really cost Alizée anything. And if it might help create a new fan who will in the future buy her CDs, then it's probably worth it. I just feel funny doing it myself, so I will stick to handing out CDs that I have bought.

espire 06-29-2008 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by RadioactiveMan (Post 108087)
He liked France D'Amour's Les Autres much more but that's a different tale.

A totally more AWESOME tale! :p

Fixty Sixty 06-29-2008 09:56 PM

I'm going use these songs to introduce new people to Alizée in this order:

Fifty Sixty
Par Les Paupières
La Isla Bonita
Sound of Silence (live)

lowbeam 06-29-2008 10:04 PM

Someone will hear me playing Alizée's music and express real interest. At my next opportunity I will hand them a new, sealed CD. They immediately will be freaked out (sorry, yes I am old enough to use that expression) and say "why don't you just burn me a copy". I reply "because I don't steal from Alizée" which freaks them out even more and gets me the strangest looks. I enjoy this exchange greatly. But they always listen to the music and report back.


Originally Posted by lefty12357 (Post 108103)
I do the same thing. I'm not made out of money, but I can afford to buy a few extra Alizée CDs so I can hand them out. I have won over 1 person so far. I guess giving a copy to someone who wouldn't have otherwise purchased it has not really cost Alizée anything. And if it might help create a new fan who will in the future buy her CDs, then it's probably worth it. I just feel funny doing it myself, so I will stick to handing out CDs that I have bought.

Scruffydog777 06-29-2008 10:37 PM

Soon after I found out about Alizée, I put 3 of her videos onto a dvd and gave it to another mechanic I work with. He was going on his days off. When I saw him the next week. He said he spent his whole weekend just looking for everything he could find on the internet about her. We're both going to her concert in Paris in October.

After that, I made a dvd with about 14 of her videos on it and played it for all the other mechanics. Several wanted copies which I gladly provided at no charge. I guess you could say this is piracy but most of these guys would never had heard about Alizée if it wasn't for me and several of these guys asked me to get them a copy of her new cd when I went to the autograph session in Paris this past December. So I think it worked out in Lilly's favor.

I've also given copies to just about everyone I know, nephews, cousins, brothers, my barber, guy behind the counter at dunking donut, owner of the nearby liqour store. I think my family thinks I'm a little crazy because they never talk about her but I'm just trying to spread the word! The more popular she becomes here, the greater the chances are that she will come here!

TheBarrett 06-29-2008 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 108120)
Soon after I found out about Alizée, I put 3 of her videos onto a dvd and gave it to another mechanic I work with. He was going on his days off. When I saw him the next week. He said he spent his whole weekend just looking for everything he could find on the internet about her. We're both going to her concert in Paris in October.

After that, I made a dvd with about 14 of her videos on it and played it for all the other mechanics. Several wanted copies which I gladly provided at no charge. I guess you could say this is piracy but most of these guys would never had heard about Alizée if it wasn't for me and several of these guys asked me to get them a copy of her new cd when I went to the autograph session in Paris this past December. So I think it worked out in Lilly's favor.

I've also given copies to just about everyone I know, nephews, cousins, brothers, my barber, guy behind the counter at dunking donut, owner of the nearby liqour store. I think my family thinks I'm a little crazy because they never talk about her but I'm just trying to spread the word! The more popular she becomes here, the greater the chances are that she will come here!

Sweet, you'll be coming to Europe then? Halloa to you then!
Getting the word of her spread in America is what I do all day my good sir, from plagueing other artist's forums passively about Alizée (using Alizée sigs and avs), to boosting around town with Alizée up in volume, performing her music on nightly club gigs, and even illegally attempting to produce fashion merchandise advertising her (Jung n Barrett's Boutique 4life).

jung_adore_ALIZEE 06-29-2008 10:58 PM

well for the first one i was at my uncles doing some finishing touches on my comp and i ended up staying the night there and i just so happened to have en concert playing as my background and he thought it was cool so he put it on his comp before i left that day

for another i went on a short trip with my mom and i figured it would be one of the few artists that i had in my car that she would actually mind listening to and it turns out that she rather likes the music

and for one more the person who actually introduced me to the bliss of Alizée via looking up world of warcraft dance he left it at the first jen ai marre video........ i delved in deeper and am the fan i am today and i seem to have brought him with me to an extent

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