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Topaz 03-10-2010 08:07 AM

[2010] Miscellaneous Articles & Interviews
------ Mod Note: ------

There will probably be many magazine aritlces in the coming months, so I'm making this combined thread for any that don't have their own photoshoot content. This first post will contain an updated index.

-March 10th: Brain Magazine
-March 15th: Clark Magazine
-March 17th: GQ Magazine
-March 21st: Le Matin and 24 hueres
-March 21st: Many Internet Articles
-March 29th: Ouest France
-March 30th: Gente, Metro, and France-Soir
-March 30th: Don't Miss
-April 1st:
-April 3rd: Musik Please, France-Soir, and

------ Original Post ------


Interesting interview where a tour is confirmed. Speaking of Rob:

"J'espère qu'il sera là pour la tournée mais bon, il fait la tournée de Phoenix…et la tournée de Phoenix c'est un peu 365 jours par an, alors on verra."

Merci Alizée 03-10-2010 08:34 AM

Hmm many interesting things to know this month before the album is released.

Thanks Topaz for the update.

Chuck 03-10-2010 02:14 PM

Brain Girl.
Here's the link to the Brain Magazine interview ("Alizee: A Girl In The Wind") - is this a sign that she's gained a new level of credibility? Definitely seems so. But I haven't read it all, yet.

Funny to me was that in the second line, they mention her being a Dental Star in Peru. Click that, and you see what they mean. Do we have to start a thread about Alizée's teeth now? :blink:

March 10, 2010 BRAIN MAGAZINE Interview w/ Alizée

Anyway, must run. I'd say I'll come back to translate this later, but I'm confident one of you folks will beat me to it. :D

ps - I've heard some rumors that the "geeky" aspects of her image (playing videogames, poker, being a mac addict, etc) may be somewhat exaggerated to better appeal to us geeky Americans. But we should take that as a compliment, or at least a very positive sign. ;)

Merci Alizée 03-10-2010 02:45 PM

Well one can see the translated version of the interview <a href= " view%3Darticle%26id%3D3392%3Aalizee-une-fille-dans-le-vent%26catid%3D94%3Aaccueil%26Itemid%3D6&sl=auto&t l=en#submit"> here</a>

It's 1:15 am here and I'm too tired to post the full English translation here. I'll do that tomorrow if no one posts by then.

Roman 03-11-2010 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Chuck (Post 154071)
...- is this a sign that she's gained a new level of credibility?

What? Because she did an interview with this magazine you mean? She's been in all kinds of magazines. If you mean, "a girl in the wind" ... they always say that. ;) I suppose they will never get tired of playing with her name.


Funny to me was that in the second line, they mention her being a Dental Star in Peru. Click that, and you see what they mean. Do we have to start a thread about Alizée's teeth now? :blink:
Maybe you could just tell us what they mean. And I think you mean another thread about her teeth. Everything about her has been talked about before at one time or another. And yeah, you might as well.


ps - I've heard some rumors that the "geeky" aspects of her image (playing videogames, poker, being a mac addict, etc) may be somewhat exaggerated to better appeal to us geeky Americans. ...
Yeah, that doesn't suprise me. Gives them something to talk about. For us? Well, I don't know about that, but you guys are pretty geeky alright.

Thanks for the links and all guys. I can't even read it right now. No time at all.

wasabi622 03-11-2010 12:29 AM

Sweet! Thanks for finding it for us. :D

Chuck 03-11-2010 03:36 AM

To Recap...

Originally Posted by Chuck (Post 154071)
Here's the link to the Brain Magazine interview ("Alizee: A Girl In The Wind") - is this a sign that she's gained a new level of credibility? Definitely seems so. Link to March 10, 2010 BRAIN MAGAZINE Interview w/ Alizée


Originally Posted by Roman (Post 154133)
What? Because she did an interview with this magazine you mean? She's been in all kinds of magazines. If you mean, "a girl in the wind" ... they always say that. ;) I suppose they will never get tired of playing with her name.

No, I meant because it's "Brain Magazine". The press never considered her especially "brainy" before.


Originally Posted by Chuck (Post 154071)
Funny to me was that in the second line, they mention her being a Dental Star in Peru. Click that, and you see what they mean. Do we have to start a thread about Alizée's teeth now? :blink:


Originally Posted by Roman (Post 154133)
Maybe you could just tell us what they mean. And I think you mean another thread about her teeth. Everything about her has been talked about before at one time or another. And yeah, you might as well.

All right, Roman, I'll spill: click the link and it shows a bunch of dentist's signs in Peru that all feature a smiling, young Alizée. Vis à vis:


Originally Posted by Chuck (Post 154071)
ps - I've heard some rumors that the "geeky" aspects of her image (playing videogames, poker, being a mac addict, etc) may be somewhat exaggerated to better appeal to us geeky Americans. But we should take that as a compliment, or at least a very positive sign. ;)


Originally Posted by Roman (Post 154133)
Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. Gives them something to talk about. For us? Well, I don't know about that, but you guys are pretty geeky alright.

Heyyyy! Ouch!! Now my pocket protector fell out!!! :p

Wasabi, you're welcome! I'm still workin on the transulation, cause it's an interesting piece, but the Google translation Merci Alizée posted was still pretty hard to understand. (Just the same, Merci à Merci Alizée!!!)

Edit: >>> okay, here it is. <<<
__________________________________________________ _____

ALIZÉE – Une Fille Dans Le Vent (A Girl In The Wind)
BRAIN MAGAZINE, March 10, 2010.

Alizée was No. 1 around the world
with a hit which pleased even the old men. In Peru, she was a dentistry star (Click here-funny!) and in Mexico, she could not go anywhere without her bodyguards. And then suddenly the little pop singer raised by Mylène Farmer has decided to make music with the producers from Institubes: Chateau Marmont, Rob, David Rubato, Tahiti Boy Tacteel and Para One. The result is the concept album, A Child of the Century, entirely written by Jean-René Etienne, head of the label. If because of her, the Kevins and Sylvies of France begin to throw their panties before Chateau Marmont, we promise to come every day and place a red rose in front of her house.

You've had good reviews on this album?
Somewhat, yes. Especially from people who hadn't listened to me before. It's also pretty cool that some of the music press, I had perhaps not had before, are now interested in this project. In the past, the people who interviewed me did not care about the album. Here the people really speak to me about my album, and when one is an artist it's good to talk about what we do and what we love.

How is that you are now working with the crew at Institubes?
For most of my singles, I asked musicians to remix the title for clubs to have something more to go out to the fans. On my previous album, I had this song Fifty Sixty, which was my second single. My DA at the time at Sony suggested to me a remix by David Rubato, who was at Institubes. David made a version that was really a song in itself. I loved it, and I thought the video was well done and that it would bring something else to the album. That's how I met Jean-René Etienne of Institubes, and Rebecca who made the video for Fifty Sixty - David Rubato version. At that point, I was beginning to think about my new album and I did not know exactly what to do. Jean-René asked me to meet the producers of his label. So I met the Chateau Marmont, Tacteel and all others at the same appointment. It went really well. From there, it was decided to try to do a concept album.

At that point, you knew Institubes?
By name. But no, I did not know what they were doing. And besides, I did not even want to listen before receiving their proposals for my album because I wanted to give them the chance to do something for me, from what I inspired in them and that the story inspired in them. So then, I heard what Institubes does only after listening to their productions for my album.

What were your aims for this album?
Actually, it was an idea of Jean-René to do this album. I just told them I wanted to do something opposite to what I am. My voice, it is like it is. When I listen to someone singing on the radio, I like to recognize them immediately. I wanted it to be a pop album, I did not want to make a trendy album that nobody buys ... I wanted to continue in my thing, make my album and they would bring their ideas, their vision of music. That's how, little by little, each sent me songs and the album was built.

What were your musical references for this album?
I have a few references that are the opposite of what I have done musically. I've always loved Madonna and Michael, Blondie, Aznavour ... Moroder and Blondie, obviously with the Chateau Marmont, it went well with their style of music. According to Rob, his reference was Jeanette, this is not someone I listen to but I know the reference and it did not bother me. David Rubato, his reference was mostly Gainsbourg and I am mega fan of Gainsbourg. They were all, at once trying to adjust to my style while still doing their things.

What are the albums you've listened to most in your life?
All Michael. Madonna, all her first until Mirwais, after that, less. Today, I like Jay-Z, The Killers. I never had a particular favorite style of music, I always liked lots of different things.

This album represents something different from your previous albums?
It's different because I'm twenty-five now and that I may have a certain maturity that I had not before. My last album, I had produced all alone with my husband (Jérémy Chatelain). Here, I am working with talented people who have their own vision, their own ideas. I feel like I was learning a lot, a bit like ten years ago, when Mylène Farmer was teaching me the trade.

Do you feel like you're taking a gamble with this disc?
Yes. But I think the risk was already there since when I separated from Mylene. In fact I'm pretty calm now, I do not think about it too much. Finally, at the same time, we'll see when the album comes out ... I'm not one to ask myself questions, as long as my project pleases me and I took it from A to Z. We'll see how people receive it.

Yes, it is in France ...
Right. Before, I thought much about it. I said to myself: "France is complicated because you can not stray too far from what you do, people are quickly lost." But here I no longer ask myself the question because this disc is a pop album. Unlike Charlotte Gainsbourg, I haven't made an album dedicated to a certain audience. My album, I want it to be popular, I want to continue to sell records and to do les Enfoirés.

There is a dark side to this album ...
More so than before, yes. It is less colorful. And at the same time, I'm twenty-five, I'm not going to do happy stuff all the time. And it's also good to change. But then that's my personality. I love manga stuff and everything bright and colorful, and that's good, you know. But after a while I like the dark stuff and I love to sing without a smile. And then at the same time this is a concept album, this is not just me talking even if I can find myself in the songs and words. That suits me a bit besides the fact that this is a concept album because I'm a little reserved, a bit unsociable, I do not display my life ...

If you had to summarize the conceptual side of the album precisely, what would you say?
It's a novel. If you take a song from its context and listen to it like that, people can like it because it can stand on its own, but at the same time, it makes you want to listen to the whole album to hear the story.

If it does not sell, will it be a real disappointment?
Ouais quand même ouais. * (Alizée: Yeah just the same yeah. )

It's Chateau Marmont that produced half the album. Why them?
Yes, they made the most songs, but it's Rob who has made the album. Rob did 3 titles, Marmont 5. Once the tracks were made, it was Rob who sat in the studio to get the sound of the album so that everything is consistent. I received the songs - unfinished - and I had to decide to accept them or not. But I accepted almost all, I had to decline only 2, maybe 3. Then, the lyrics came. And then there are the choices of mixes.

I'll list 6 producers of the album, and you're going to describe each in a few words. First Rob?
Well Rob is the person with whom I spent the most time. I love Rob because I feel that we love the same kind of music. We hear each other really well. It's rare to agree so well with people with whom you work and you see all the time. He was very important on the album. We were often in complete accord – which is not to say that I disagreed with the others. He appeases, he is always cheerful, he quickly puts you at ease. It is difficult to sing in front of people you don't know at first. It's harder to sing in a room where there are 2 people than in front of 3000 people. Rob is very calming, everything flows, everything is really good. I hope he will be there for the tour but hey, he's doing Phoenix's tour ... and that's just 365 days a year, so we'll see.

David Rubato?
It's with credit to him that the story began. David has lots and lots of talent but he does not show many things. I don't know how much music he has in his computer, but he is never sure things are good when all he does is good. On the other hand, he is the biggest perfectionist of all the producers. He listens to every sound, every syllable, every breath. It's super interesting to work with him.

Chateau Marmont?
They all four have different personalities. They complement each other. And they are super good melodists. After all is said and done, they may be known to most as musicians and producers of music but in melodies, they are really strong, in fact it is they who made my first single. I believe they have a great career ahead. I think people will ask them for a lot of titles and not just from the industry side, but also the popular side. I hope so, because they deserve it.

Tahiti Boy?
He's the one I know the least. I worked with him on Grand Central but he was not there when we went into the studio, it's Tacteel who was there, so I have seen him very little. I do not know him well but I did something with him for a Christmas song ("It's Christmas And It Won't Be The Last") with other friends of his, and it was really good.

I first met him at that first meeting. I had heard a lot about Tacteel with his band at the time (ATK). He, too, as an artist, he will do great things in the future. He really has a lot of talent.

Para One?
Para One came last. He should not have been on the album but he offered me a song that I adored and which really cohered with the album. Such, I have rarely seen. So I spent a whole day with him and it went really well. All these guys are really cool. It's rare that things happen so well and fly so fast.

Which of these is the nicest?
Nicest? It's complicated. I would not say the nicest but the most Zen is Rob.

The most handsome?
The handsomest? Holala! I'm going to say Julian of Marmont.

Le plus sale*? The dirtiest?
Le plus saaaale? (The diirrrtiest?) Ahah! Halala… le plus sale! (Halala ... the dirtiest!) Je peux dire qui mais c'est une joke hein? (I can say who but it is a joke right?) Guillaume des Marmont. (Guillaume from Marmont.) Il va m'en vouloir! (He will be angry!)

Would it make you happy that the industry likes your music or do you not care?
Yes it would please me if they like something popular. Being popular doesn't mean something is not good. I am confident that one can be mainstream and do things of quality.

(fin):o *(asterisks just above because I had to leave her original responses.)

Roman 03-11-2010 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by Chuck (Post 154150)
All right, Roman, I'll spill: click the link and it shows a bunch of dentist's signs in Peru that all feature a smiling, young Alizée. Vis à vis:

Oh wow! Well, sorry, I didn't notice that that was a link. I thought it would be harder to find. That is... I don't even know where to start.

And dude, just 'cause it's called brain magazine... uh, have you looked at what else is on their site? It's not about being brainy.
Still haven't read it all yet, but...

Would it make you happy that the industry likes your music or do you not care?
Alizée: Yes it would please me if they like something popular. Being popular doesn't mean something is not good. I am confident that one can be mainstream and do things of quality.
:( I find this a sad commentary on how perhaps Alizée has seen her previous work. I have heard of someone close to or maybe Alizée herself referring her previous stuff as just crappy pop music or something to that effect and indeed a lot of people think of it the same way people talk about Britney Spears. I know a guy who is a musican and he was like, 'oh yeah, crappy stuff like Britney Spears who can't even really sing that well. I'm a musician. I like real music.' I suppose being on her side of the fence she runs into a lot of musicians who have their opinions about what "quality" music is and find the general public (us) to be a bunch of uneducated saps who haven't a clue what good music is. You know, artistic types. :p Well, and at the same time as I was just kind of joking there, we who are not "artists" (however you care to define that) tend to think they are too much up their ... hoohaas ... about the whole thing. We just care about enjoying what we come across, usually without putting much effort into it. To make a long story short, I thought the first two albums she did were of the highest quality so far, though Psychédélices was certainly professionally produced. Maybe it's just a question of style. However, I get the impression that Alizée may not have or feel much respect for what she's done in the past. If so, I'm afraid she really missed/doesn't understand much of what was so great about it. Just as some people might focus in on solely the idea that she had a lot of children fans and that some of the lyrics were frivolous in nature, I'm afraid Alizée may see it that way as well. I also wonder if another aspect entirely eludes such people, which is that while music is great and we all really are very affected by certain music, the music itself only goes just so far. With Alizée it was everything put together into a great experience, a phenomenon that one can be enthralled by that goes well beyond the simple notes and lyrics. I was really moved by the beautiful notes and meaning of the lyrics in some songs. Somehow it seemed to mean something even if in reality it didn't really mean anything to her. Honestly, that's what's missing now. I don't as much get the feeling that the songs connect up to Alizée (even as a persona) much or that I can relate to them. Maybe that's something that is just out of her control and relates more to the audience than the creator, but that is a difference. And, I think it's a difference that Mylène understood. So, excuse me if I get defensive to criticism of Alizée's earlier work or any suggestion of it. I find it b.s. that they are even talking that way. Good music is that which I like and if there are "industry guys" who are so full of themselves that they think popular music can't be good (presumably because we are all lowly clueless commoners) they can bite me and I'm really sorry that Alizée has had to work amongst such people (or that she has had to face that kind of attitude). Having said that, of course, just because something is popular does not at all make me think it is good and I do understand that sometimes because of marketing and the way attention begets attention things that are mediocre get more popular than better stuff. I've heard good music being played in the halls of the Paris metro.

oops. sorry for the long rant

Chuck 03-11-2010 12:00 PM

"Hoohaas". Roman said "hoohaas"!
Don't be sorry, Roman - great stuff you write there. As you said, just because it's called "Brain" doesn't mean it's brainy. But this interview is a little bit more in-depth than many previous ones. I like that they asked her about the different contributors to the album, and we get to hear her impressions of these guys.

I also like your point about people describing themselves as "artists" and then being too much up their "...hoohaas". I definitely hear you there. I call Alizée an "artist", and I've argued in these pages why I think that. But when she (or anyone) calls her/himself "an artist", like she does in this article, that's when I start to worry about the "artist's" ego. Lady Gaga never hesitates to call herself an artist at every opportunity, but me, I call her a big self-promoter. (and I also call her Lady Gag.)

I guess I'd feel more comfortable about it if Alizée called herself a performer (as Barrett had said she was), or a singer, or something more humble. It seems that it should be up to the public to decide when titles like that are bestowed. At the same time, though, I must admit that being humble only gets one so far. If Lady Gag was humble, we'd never have heard of her at all! The same could be said for Madonna, Britney, lots of people.

Ultimately, then, I'm deciding that I think it's good Lili now calls herself "Artiste". That's definitely a difference from the Alizée of her early years. But I believe it means that she feels she's changed and grown that much. She shows the self-confidence now needed to compete in that pool filled with Brit, Madonna, Lady Gag, Lily Allen, P!nk, Rihanna, Shakira, Beyoncé, Avril, Nelly, Regina, and so many more.

The only question is - is there room in that pool for her to squeeze in? If not, she may have to get even tougher, pull some hair, throw some elbows. What I mean is, she's changed, obviously, but to really succeed internationally, she may have to change even more. :eek:

VVVACCPLPNLY 03-11-2010 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Roman (Post 154161)
Oh wow! Well, sorry, I didn't notice that that was a link. I thought it would be harder to find. That is... I don't even know where to start.

And dude, just 'cause it's called brain magazine... uh, have you looked at what else is on their site? It's not about being brainy.
Still haven't read it all yet, but...
:( I find this a sad commentary on how perhaps Alizée has seen her previous work. I have heard of someone close to or maybe Alizée herself referring her previous stuff as just crappy pop music or something to that effect and indeed a lot of people think of it the same way people talk about Britney Spears. I know a guy who is a musican and he was like, 'oh yeah, crappy stuff like Britney Spears who can't even really sing that well. I'm a musician. I like real music.' I suppose being on her side of the fence she runs into a lot of musicians who have their opinions about what "quality" music is and find the general public (us) to be a bunch of uneducated saps who haven't a clue what good music is. You know, artistic types. :p Well, and at the same time as I was just kind of joking there, we who are not "artists" (however you care to define that) tend to think they are too much up their ... hoohaas ... about the whole thing. We just care about enjoying what we come across, usually without putting much effort into it. To make a long story short, I thought the first two albums she did were of the highest quality so far, though Psychédélices was certainly professionally produced. Maybe it's just a question of style. However, I get the impression that Alizée may not have or feel much respect for what she's done in the past. If so, I'm afraid she really missed/doesn't understand much of what was so great about it. Just as some people might focus in on solely the idea that she had a lot of children fans and that some of the lyrics were frivolous in nature, I'm afraid Alizée may see it that way as well. I also wonder if another aspect entirely eludes such people, which is that while music is great and we all really are very affected by certain music, the music itself only goes just so far. With Alizée it was everything put together into a great experience, a phenomenon that one can be enthralled by that goes well beyond the simple notes and lyrics. I was really moved by the beautiful notes and meaning of the lyrics in some songs. Somehow it seemed to mean something even if in reality it didn't really mean anything to her. Honestly, that's what's missing now. I don't as much get the feeling that the songs connect up to Alizée (even as a persona) much or that I can relate to them. Maybe that's something that is just out of her control and relates more to the audience than the creator, but that is a difference. And, I think it's a difference that Mylène understood. So, excuse me if I get defensive to criticism of Alizée's earlier work or any suggestion of it. I find it b.s. that they are even talking that way. Good music is that which I like and if there are "industry guys" who are so full of themselves that they think popular music can't be good (presumably because we are all lowly clueless commoners) they can bite me and I'm really sorry that Alizée has had to work amongst such people (or that she has had to face that kind of attitude). Having said that, of course, just because something is popular does not at all make me think it is good and I do understand that sometimes because of marketing and the way attention begets attention things that are mediocre get more popular than better stuff. I've heard good music being played in the halls of the Paris metro.

oops. sorry for the long rant

Long rants are fine! And this one was quite interesting. Usually, due to time constraints, I tend to simply skim posts such as this. But this one had me enthralled... Amazing work! Oh, and I don't get the signs at all. Think they are trying to trick people to think that her teeth are THEIR work? Really? Because that is plain idiocy. Alizee has some popularity in Peru, right? It would be like an American dental office with pictures of some popular girl here. I don't know who is popular here, I don't listen to American music.

Fall 03-11-2010 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Chuck (Post 154150)

What were your musical references for this album?
... I've always loved Madonna and Michael...

What are the albums you've listened to most in your life?
...All Michael...

I definitely detected a bit of MJ in some of the Amazon samples and singles, I don't know why. Maybe I'm just imagining things. But either way...


pepelepew 03-11-2010 04:31 PM

I really liked your post Roman. Very inciteful. I'm still not sure that Alizee was commenting on her own previous stuff or popular music in general and making sure that what she puts out is the best she can. I also hope that she is not minimizing her previous work because it was definitely quality and although her early stuff was pre-teen and teen experiences as we all know melodically, vocally and arrangements were pure genious. I think I see how perfectionistic she is and determined to grow as a music artist as most important above commercial success. I respect her for that a great deal. I also heard her say that she does see commercial success as important and that both can be accomplished without sacrificing quality or selling out for pure commercial success. I am also not convinced that anyone she has worked with since MF/LB are as talented as them in any way. To be fair it is hard to make the comparison since her musical style in Psych and especially EDS are quite different. Also my personal bias against electronica probably taints my objectivity. Did you catch her statement about working with professional production crew this time. Kind of sounded like a dig at Jeremy as not being a talented professional. I probably read more into it than was there though.

lefty12357 03-11-2010 04:37 PM

Great posts, guys. And for what it's worth, I'm a musician and I find all Alizée's work from all 3 previous albums to be quite good. I consider her an artist, even if she doesn't play an instrument or write the music and lyrics. She brings something to the music with her voice and how she chooses to use it. And of course there is the way she presents the work in live performance.

On Psych and UEDS, she influences how the music will sound and makes choices about the songs. And I'm sure she's giving her input during the mixing process. She deserves some credit for all that. She has nothing to be ashamed of and everything to be proud of. From what I've heard, UEDS will be quite good too.

Just ask C-4 what he thinks. He's a musician too, and he's been in the business for years.

Edit: I forgot to say, I really liked this interview.

Chuck 03-11-2010 09:26 PM

Lefty, thanks for your comments, I liked this interview a lot, too. Unlike yourself and C4, I'm totally not a musician, but I still get a buzz from hearing how songs and albums came together. :p

Fall06, I was hoping you'd find those Michaels! Glad you did. :p

paintballpdh19 03-12-2010 01:30 AM

thanks for the translation :)

Toc De Mac 03-14-2010 02:00 PM

Alizée in CLARK magazine

Originally Posted by Jipé
Interview d'Alizée dans le nouveau CLARK MAGAZINE (disponible chez le marchand de journaux)


Alizée interviewed in the new CLARK MAGAZINE (available from news agents)

Merci Alizée 03-14-2010 02:22 PM

Well good work TDM, thanks for posting the scans. Waiting for better quality scans and the translations.

Criss_pl 03-14-2010 02:39 PM

Wow, next press article. Hope we get readable scans quickly, but I don't care about translations:p

Deepwaters 03-14-2010 02:41 PM

I don't care about the translation either but not everyone here reads French. Readable scans, then I or someone will translate.

Alex 03-17-2010 10:14 PM

Alizee in GQ Magazine

Fall 03-17-2010 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Alex (Post 154989)

I love the photo! She looks great :D
And I can actually understand a bit of the article as well! My efforts have not been in vain. Thanks for posting it :)

User22 03-17-2010 10:52 PM

hahah just saw this thread and loved the Peruvian Dental Sign with Gourmanalizée on it hahaha

Merci Alizée 03-21-2010 12:26 PM

New Interviews
Two new interviews have been posted on websites.

First interview is posted on "Le" website.

The second interview has been posted on 24 hueres website.

In the first interview she says that she wants to keep all her fans with her. She also talks about her daughter, how she met with her new team, Mylene, Mexico and Les Enfoires.

The second is bit different than the usual ones. Of course the topics can't change, but the questions are asked in different manner.

I'm not posting the translation here as I my French is not so good. All I can do is to understand the things. So, waiting for someone to post good translations of both interviews especially the second one.

Deepwaters 03-21-2010 12:37 PM

Neither of those links worked.

Merci Alizée 03-21-2010 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Deepwaters (Post 155302)
Neither of those links worked.

oops!!! can't understand this thing. Both the links work for me. This has happened earlier too when a link posted by me doesn't work. :confused:

ALS 03-21-2010 12:52 PM

First interview Google Translate:

Alizée: "I hope to keep my side People"

Image © DR Image © DR

Who knew? Alizee is a star in Mexico. It is no coincidence that on this disc is a title sung in Spanish

Ten years ago, she played the lolitas. Today, she is surrounded by the cream of Parisian underground for "A Child of the Century", a new album under the sign of Andy Warhol. And is one of the trendy magazines

Karine Vouillamoz - March 20, 2010, 19h37
Le Matin Dimanche

"Excuse me, that's racing!" Launches Alizée to explain his slight delay. "I try to manage my daughter. I've never had a nanny, because I always wanted to take care of it. I juggle a bit but I'm doing, "she said, laughing. It is Alizee, 25, made famous in the world with "Moi, Lolita", a song written by Mylène Farmer measure.

Since the young woman was emancipated. She became a mother and chose the path of independence. And then she was surrounded by the cream of Parisian underground - the artists of independent label Institubes, Chateau Marmont to Rob via Tahiti Boy - a concept album about the life of Edie Sedgwick, muse-new York who lived in the shadow of Andy Warhol. "A Child of the Century" presents a new facet of Alizee, a voice sometimes childlike, sometimes with accents "farmériens" balance of pretty words on sheets of very captivating 1980s. A true success.

You're the One "Technikart" gay magazine "Tetu" would you became the new face of trendy? I do not care a bit. I just know I'm pretty mainstream, consumer, was also the aim of covering Technikart. I hope to keep my side while people around me every time people with whom I want to work.

For "A Child of the Century", how did you come into contact with Institubes?
On my previous album had a song called "Fifty-Sixty". As with all my singles, I'm remixing songs for clubs. I came across a man Institubes. His work gave me so much that I met the boss of the label. We then thought of making an album just around the conceptual theme of the Factory of Andy Warhol. It must be a mini-album 5 or 6 titles. I met people like Chateau Marmont or Tahiti Boy, who are also producers, and it went so well that the songs came and multiplied.

This album is a way to get rid of the label of Lolita?
We do not call me like that long ago. Already with psychedelic, people saw that I had grown up, that things have evolved, only 25 years, it is not the same as 15.

Why are you a star in Mexico?
I had the chance to go to Mexico to ten times since my last album was released there. I went to tour. I'm very lucky to be able m'exporter while singing in French. Moreover, on this album, there is "The Candida", a title in Spanish is a little wink to the loyal audience that loves what I do.

The public popularity of your site resembles that caused by Mylène Farmer ...
It's different, Mylène fans are fanatics. In Mexico, people love music they are fans of artists. It's different.

You've never regretted leaving the duo Boutonnat-Farmer?
Oh no, not at all, I think if I had not met them, I could not produce my albums. I learned a lot and today I am happy because I blossom more.
I like more what I do.

In the meantime, you take the Mylène Farmer on tour Enfoirés ...
Yes, I am very proud!

Participate Enfoirés is a way to stay popular?
If I make the Restos du Coeur, this is really not for my personal career, it is primarily for the good cause. We are happy to do that, it all really means, we love to return every year to a new city and forget a little that we are. At the same time, we would like not having to revisit every year, there are more people in the street.

Merci Alizée 03-21-2010 12:55 PM

New links

For the first one :

and for the second interview :

Hope that they work now.

Deepwaters 03-21-2010 01:27 PM

Yes, that worked. Thanks! :)

Alex 03-21-2010 04:21 PM

I don't know if this is the proper Thread, so if someone knows a bteer place, please let me know; Thanks

Articles from France and Italy




Roman 03-22-2010 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Merci Alizée (Post 155299)
Two new interviews have been posted on websites.

Thanks to all, but especially this. Actual interviews are always more interesting than simply comments about her. So, it's interesting, on the second one they said the album is called « Une fille du siècle ». That pretty much translates the same, but it's not technically the name of the album, yet they gave enough time to do an interview with Alizée. I wonder how busy she is with various interviews and stuff like interview proposals that never happen. We never see the entirety of it.

Originally Posted by Chuck (Post 154183)
Don't be sorry, Roman - great stuff you write there. As you said, just because it's called "Brain" doesn't mean it's brainy. But this interview is a little bit more in-depth than many previous ones. I like that they asked her about the different contributors to the album, and we get to hear her impressions of these guys.

I also like your point about people describing themselves as "artists" and then being too much up their "...hoohaas". I definitely hear you there. I call Alizée an "artist", and I've argued in these pages why I think that. But when she (or anyone) calls her/himself "an artist", like she does in this article, that's when I start to worry about the "artist's" ego. Lady Gaga never hesitates to call herself an artist at every opportunity, but me, I call her a big self-promoter. (and I also call her Lady Gag.)

I guess I'd feel more comfortable about it if Alizée called herself a performer (as Barrett had said she was), or a singer, or something more humble. It seems that it should be up to the public to decide when titles like that are bestowed. At the same time, though, I must admit that being humble only gets one so far. If Lady Gag was humble, we'd never have heard of her at all! The same could be said for Madonna, Britney, lots of people.

Ultimately, then, I'm deciding that I think it's good Lili now calls herself "Artiste". That's definitely a difference from the Alizée of her early years. But I believe it means that she feels she's changed and grown that much. She shows the self-confidence now needed to compete in that pool filled with Brit, Madonna, Lady Gag, Lily Allen, P!nk, Rihanna, Shakira, Beyoncé, Avril, Nelly, Regina, and so many more.

The only question is - is there room in that pool for her to squeeze in? If not, she may have to get even tougher, pull some hair, throw some elbows. What I mean is, she's changed, obviously, but to really succeed internationally, she may have to change even more. :eek:

Well, if one actually has a vision and molds it into creation in some medium, then I guess one can call one's self an artist. I'm not really sure if Alizée is doing that or not, but yeah, I do feel like she's being a bit more aggressive this time around. I suppose she realized that she must. Then again, it's always hard to tell what is strategic, who's idea (or demand) something is, or what. It's not like she posts in a blog saying, so and so called me today and pitched this idea, but I told him no, let's do this instead, bla bla bla. She has talked a bit about who did what and how things have happened in various interviews, but I suppose it's all about 1/100th of what has happened.

Criss_pl 03-22-2010 09:40 AM

Thanks for all these links, men. Nice to read all those news. They are concerned mainly on new single and Her return with something new and different. I'm a bit tired of reading again and again interviews when they ask about Mylène, their collaboration, their split etc. Maybe it's interesting but a lot of people already know it. There are many more interesting things at this time.

Nice fail with that "fille du siècle":p I doubt in professionalism, especially when they talk a lot about this album.

Merci Alizée 03-22-2010 10:03 AM

If you want to read the latest articles about Alizée on the web, then you can create a Google Alert about for the desired words and they will send you a mail about all the new articles. I have been using it and get a lot of blog entries and web entries everyday.

Bigdan 03-29-2010 08:09 PM

not bad...:cool:

lefty12357 03-29-2010 08:31 PM

Thanks Bigdan ! :)

Plaz 03-30-2010 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by nidalizee

Tel est la représentation que se font les mexicains d'Alizée suite à l'invitation qui leur a été faite au showcase de Paris, à la suite du quel la "Une" du journal "Gente!" du 25 mars est consacré à Alizée.

Une immense photo inédite en prime qui risque de donner à cette article le statut d'"incontournable" aux affectionnados de presse alizéene.



Such is the representation that the Mexicans are Alizee's response to the invitation which has been made to showcase in Paris, as a result of what the "A" journal "Gente!" March 25 is dedicated to Alizee.

An unpublished photo huge bonus that could give this article the status of "essential" to affectionnados Press alizéene.



Originally Posted by nidalizee
Le showcase a porté ses fruits !
Le quotidien Metro (edition Française) consacre sa "Une" à Alizée ! A retenir dans l'article (en page 12) :

- Une tournée pour la rentrée
- Un album addictif à plusieurs écoutes

(scann en HQ ce soir)


The showcase has borne fruit!
The Daily Metro (French edition) devotes its "A" to Alizee! Remember in the article (page 12):

- A tour for school
- An addictive album in several plays

(scanned in tonight HQ)



Alizée change de cap
29/03/10 à 12h23
Elle a déjà dix ans de métier. A seulement 25 ans, Alizée Jacotey mène sa barque avec la poigne et la détermination de celles qui savent où elles vont.

France-Soir. Avec ce nouvel album, vous changez encore d’univers musical…
Alizée. Je reçois souvent des propositions. Quand est sorti Psychédélices en 2007, j’ai reçu un morceau du label Institubes. Ils m’ont alors présenté de jeunes producteurs, je me suis sentie à l’aise avec eux, ils m’ont apporté leurs couleurs et leurs sons.

Si vous deviez définir votre univers ?
De la variété pop faite par des gens qui ne viennent pas de la variété. En France, les gens sont catalogués, mis dans des cases. Moi, j’ai le sentiment qu’il est possible de tout mélanger.

Vous-même êtes cataloguée comme la gamine sexy cornaquée par Mylène Farmer qui interprétait à 15 ans Moi… Lolita…
Cette chanson sortie il y a dix ans a été une formidable chance. Grâce à elle, j’ai commencé en fanfare, j’ai été à la meilleure école.

« Je ne suis pas Britney Spears »

Vous avez commencé très jeune. C’est lourd à porter ?
Je pense avoir bien grandi. Il n’y a pas de secrets, pas de recettes : j’ai toujours été très bien entourée, je me suis mariée, j’ai eu un enfant. Je ne suis pas Britney Spears, nous ne sommes pas aux Etats-Unis. Et le côté paillettes de ce métier ne m’a jamais attirée.

Votre musique remporte un certain succès à l’international…
Oui, au Mexique. Je cherche encore pourquoi exactement. C’est peut-être à cause d’une certaine fraîcheur et de mon côté sexy qui plaît beaucoup là-bas. Le plus marrant est qu’ils ne connaissent pas mon passé, ni Moi… Lolita ni Mylène Farmer. Ils m’aiment pour moi et j’en suis très fière.

Que faites-vous lorsque vous n’êtes pas Alizée ?
Je m’occupe beaucoup de ma fille, je l’emmène et je vais la chercher à l’école. Je passe beaucoup de temps en Corse où je suis née aussi. J’y trouve ma force et mon équilibre.

Un virage réussi

On l’avait laissée en 2007 entre les mains de son mari l’ex-staracadémicien Jérémy Chatelain avec son album Psychédélices. Un quasi-bide en France, mais un vrai succès à l’étranger. La leçon a été tirée : avec cette Enfant du siècle, Alizée vise le marché international. Du mélodique Eden, Eden aux Collines (Never Leave You) en passant par la comptine Mes fantômes, elle se glisse sans accrocs dans un univers électronique de bon ton susceptible à la fois de séduire le public français et d’atteindre les oreilles hors de nos frontières.

Alizée changes course
29/03/10 at 12:23 PM
She has ten years of business. At only 25 years, Alizée Jacotey steers itself with the grip and the determination of those who know where they go.

France-Soir. With this new album, you change again to musical ...

Alizee. I often receive proposals. When Psychédélices released in 2007, I received a piece of label Institubes. They then presented to young producers, I felt comfortable with them, they gave me their colors and sounds.

If you need to define your universe?

From the pop variety made by people who do not come from the variety. In France, people are labeled, packed in boxes. Me, I feel it is possible to mix everything.

You yourself are cataloged as the sexy girl cornaquée by Mylène Farmer who played 15 years Moi ... Lolita ...
This song released just a decade ago was a tremendous opportunity. Through her, I started with a bang, I was the best school.

"I'm not Britney Spears"

You started very young. It is heavy to wear?
I think I have really grown. There are no secrets, no revenue: I was always surrounded by very well, I'm married, I had a child. I'm not Britney Spears we're not in the United States. And the glitter side of the trade has never drawn.

Your music is having some success on the international ...
Yes, Mexico. I'm still looking exactly why. This may be due to a certain freshness and sexiness that I very much there. The funniest is that they do not know my past, nor Moi ... Lolita nor Mylène Farmer. They love me for me and I am very proud.

What do you do when you're not Alizée?

I'm far from my daughter, I took him and I'll look at the school. I spend a lot of time in Corsica where I was born too. I found my strength and balance.

A successful shift

He had left in 2007 in the hands of her ex-husband staracadémicien Jérémy Chatelain with his album psychedelic. A quasi-flop in France, but a true success abroad. The lesson was learned: with this child of the century, Alizée is the international market. From melodic Eden to Eden Hills (Never Leave You) by way of the rhyme My ghosts, it glides smoothly in an electronic fashionable likely both to seduce the French public and reach out to our ears borders.

Merci Alizée 03-30-2010 08:39 AM

Check this:

Alizée's new look has been compared to that of Monica Bellucci! Sounds quite interesting;)

I guess most of us here know about Monica Bellucci.

sumi1 03-30-2010 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Merci Alizée (Post 156770)
Check this:

Alizée's new look has been compared to that of Monica Bellucci! Sounds quite interesting;

I guess most of us here know about Monica Bellucci.

Great compliment for Bellucci :):)

Merci Alizée 04-01-2010 10:38 PM

Alizée quiere hacer disco en español
An article about her on : <a href= " e-facebook-post&"> Click here</a>

PARÍS, Francia 1-Abr .- En el nuevo álbum de Alizée, Une Enfant du Siècle, el tema "La Cándida", que canta en español, refleja el cariño que tiene a sus fans mexicanos.

"Es una canción dedicada a mi público mexicano. La hice pensando en ellos. La canción cuenta una historia de amor, puede ser la mía o la de otra persona, lo que es seguro es que expresa mi historia de amor con el público mexicano", dice a Gente! la joven francesa.

En la suite del Hotel Intercontinental de París Marceau, a unos pasos de la Torre Eiffel, Alizée señala que le hubiera gustado hacer un disco en español, pero, dado que no habla el idioma, le es difícil, porque necesita entender las palabras para sentir la canción.
"No hice un álbum en español pero sí una canción. Es un guiño para mis fans en México", asegura.

El tema, con letra del músico Adán Jodorowsky, hijo del cineasta de origen chileno, Alejandro Jodorowsky, es también un reconocimiento de Alizée a lo que llama la fidelidad de los mexicanos que desde hace algunos años la siguen y le manifiestan su entusiasmo.

La intérprete destaca que su éxito en México todavía la sorprende, sobre todo porque perdura a pesar del paso de los años y del cambio de estilo.

"En Francia me preguntan por qué tengo éxito en México. No sé responder, pero es algo que parece haberse instalado y es de lo más sorprendente", comenta.

"En Francia muchos de mis fans no asisten a los conciertos. En cambio en México es cultural, les gusta asistir, ver al artista en el escenario, en vivo. En México el público también es más abierto, no catalogan a los cantantes como aquí".

It tells about the Spanish song "La Cadida" dedicated to Mexican fans and how much they support her. The pic above is taken at Hotel Intercontinental in Paris Marceau.

Roman 04-02-2010 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Merci Alizée (Post 156770)
Check this:

Alizée's new look has been compared to that of Monica Bellucci! Sounds quite interesting;)

I guess most of us here know about Monica Bellucci.

When I showed my sister the Les Collines video, she thought Alizée looked a lot like Audrey Hepburn. I don't know, but that's what she said.

As for Monica Bellucci, maybe I saw her in some movie before, but as far as I know, my introduction to her was in The Matrix. And then I read Alizée say something about her a few times or once.

Merci Alizée 04-02-2010 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Roman (Post 157648)
When I showed my sister the Les Collines video, she thought Alizée looked a lot like Audrey Hepburn. I don't know, but that's what she said.

I'm confused about how Alizée looked like Audrey Hepburn to your sister. Maybe because she too had hair covering her forehead???:confused::confused:

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