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Ray4AJ 03-01-2015 02:33 PM

DALS 6 Autumn 2015
Now that DALS 5 is over, it's time to start thinking about Danse avec les stars saison 6!

And yesterday Pure People got a head start on the rumors...


Alizée, Shy'm... Qui pour remplacer M. Pokora dans le jury de DALS ?

La question est sur de nombreuses lèvres ? Qui prendra la place d'M. Pokora - et de Marie-Claude Pietragalla si son départ se confirme - dans le jury de Danse avec les stars 6 sur TF1 ? Totalement accaparé par sa tournée R.E.D Tour, le gagnant de la première édition du concours pourrait par exemple être remplacé par l'une des chanteuses victorieuses qui lui ont succédé...

C'est en tout cas ce qu'ont fait savoir Jean-Marc Généreux et Chris Marques lors d'une interview croisée accordée à nos confrères de Télé 2 semaines, en marge de la tournée 2015 de Danse avec les stars. "Je verrais bien le retour de Shy'm, pourquoi pas ? Ou notre collègue originale Alessandra Martines... Y'a beaucoup de prétendants, ce sont des places convoitées", a commencé Chris Marques, juré mais également directeur artistique du show artistique de la Une. "On a plein de célébrités qui ont vécu l'expérience et qui pourraient continuer avec leur expertise et leur expérience. Je pense à Nathalie Péchalat qui a été jugée toute sa vie en patinage (...) Il y a plein de monde qui pourrait venir. Alizée pourrait venir juger", a ensuite complété Jean-Marc Généreux.

Shy'm, Alessandra Martinez, Nathalie Péchalat, Alizée... La liste est effectivement longue. Cependant, Chris Marques a tenu à ajouter un critère : "On met du temps quand même à prendre un juge sur l'émission. Il est rare tout de même qu'un juge arrive une saison après avoir été candidat dans l'émission". Une façon d'écarter la solution Nathalie Péchalat ?

Rappelons au passage que Shy'm, à l'instar d'M. Pokora, sera en tournée - et donc très prise - à la rentrée prochaine avec son Paradoxale Tour qui, si les dates ne sont pas annulées d'ici là, devrait passer par Bercy les 17 et 18 novembre prochains. Alizée, de son côté, devrait être plus disponible que sa consoeur et a déjà démontré son implication autour du show de TF1.

Alizee, Shy'm ... who to replace M. Pokora in the jury DALS?

The question on many lips? Who will take the place of M. Pokora - and Marie-Claude Pietragalla if his departure is confirmed - in the jury Dance with the stars on TF1 6? Totally monopolized by the RED Tour tour, the winner of the first competition could for example be replaced by one of the victorious singers who followed him ...

In any case what was done to know Jean Marc Genereux and Chris Marques during a joint interview granted to our TV colleagues two weeks on the sidelines of the 2015 tour of Dancing with the stars. 'I would not mind returning Shy'm, why not? Or our original colleague Alessandra Martines ... There's a lot of suitors, they are coveted spots' began Chris Marques, jury but also the artistic director of the art show the One. 'It was full of celebrities who have experienced and may continue with their expertise and experience. I think Nathalie Pechalat which was deemed skating all her life (...) There are plenty of people who could come. Alizée might come to judge, 'then completed Jean Marc Genereux.

Shy'm Alessandra Martinez, Nathalie Pechalat, Alizée ... The list is long indeed. However, Chris Marques wanted to add a criterion: 'It takes a long time still to be a judge on the show It's rare that a judge still happens a season after being a candidate in the show.'. One way to rule out Nathalie Pechalat solution?

Note in passing that Shy'm, like a million. Pokora will be on tour - and therefore very taken - in the coming year with its paradoxical Tour which, if the dates are not canceled by then, should go through Bercy on 17 and 18 November. Alizee, meanwhile, should be more available than his colleague and has already demonstrated its involvement around the TF1 show.

Scruffydog777 03-01-2015 09:28 PM

As far as the comment that "It takes a long time still to be a judge on the show......." Shy'm was a judge and as of the show last year, she was 2 years younger than Alizée will be next year. So I think Alizée being a judge is a very strong possibility.

There's one other thing to consider though. Will Gregoire be a participant next year? If he is, that will probably rule out her being a judge. That could be their first!

ALS 03-02-2015 11:48 AM

I doubt they will pick Alizée due to a conflict of interest with Gregoire.

Jenny_HRO87 03-03-2015 01:50 PM

I doubt it's going to happen because of several reasons:
  1. This entire TF1/Alizée/Grégoire quarrel.
  2. A lot of people have turned against Alizée because of reason No. 1. Her reputation is damaged and I doubt that she would receive standing ovations when she joins the DALS jury.
  3. If she would join I doubt that Grégoire could be one of the dancers. She wouldn't be objective. Who could blame her?
  4. If Grégoire doesn't participate a lot of DALS fans will be pissed again (well to be fair if Alizée won't be a judge and he also won't join the DALS6 crew they will be also pissed).
  5. She's not a professional dancer. Yes Shy'm also wasn't one. But still.
So I think it would be a pretty bad idea.

Also: She would have to spend a lot of time in Paris away from her daughter. I kinda feel like she has done this already a lot during DALS4 and the DALS4 + DALS5 tour and would like to stay at home for a while.

The only pro on my list is that we could see Alizée every week and maybe she could wear some cool outfits like Shy'm, a new one every week. :D

Lucas 03-03-2015 02:55 PM

In the chat I wrote my 4 ways what can happen, so here again...

1. Alizee will be a judge, Greg dancer... but for people it will be not a "fair play" cause their relation
2. Alizee will be a judge, but no Greg as dancer... But Greg fans will be angry
3. Alizee will be not a judge, Greg as dancer... but Greg can leave DALS as last year and people will be angry
4. no Alizee, no Greg - their own decision to not be a part of DALS... and still someone will be angry

and forgotten 5th way:
TF1 will absolutely reject Alizée (and Greg) without thinking, cause the everything what happened in the previous DALS (Greg left DALS in the middle; bad publicity for DALS and TF1; and the thing with the award giving on the finale when Alizée refused to make it without having a dance with Greg)

P♠N 03-03-2015 03:10 PM

I personally don't see this "conflict of interest" playing much of a role. What do you guys think is going to happen?
That Alizée will give a bunch of tens to Greg's dance partner every saturday evening? Please. She is a lot more professional than that : )

The judges have emphasized during some interviews that they are all friendly with each other but when it comes to judging, it doesn't matter and they can remain objective despite their personal relationships. If it comes down to it, the other judges will surely give the new judges excellent advice.

Shy'm was very fond of Maxime and yet she managed it just fine.

Alizée has quickly become a professional dancer.
Two DALS tournees.
Various other dance shows.
I heard she even has a personal trainer!
Alizée now knows more about dance than Shy'm ever did.

Pietra and Matt are leaving the show. If the replacements are Alizée and Nathalie Pechalat, the ratings would go through the roof.

TF1, make it happen! :clap:

Lucas 03-03-2015 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by P♠N (Post 253068)
What do you guys think is going to happen?
That Alizée will give a bunch of tens to Greg's dance partner every saturday evening? Please. She is a lot more professional than that : )

Of course I dont think she would give him always 10. But medias and people can make from ordinary little fly a big "sensation". If Alizée will be a part of judges, I think and I believe, medias will try to find everything possible how to write something about her, most in bad... her comments for the dancers, her face expression and so...

For me was enough to read during DALS4, that everything was prearranged, that TF1 wanted Alizée as a winner. And sorry, but no wonder people believed it, when most time she and Greg were always first. She and Greg were good, thats clear... but still you find someone who will see something hidden.

Ray4AJ 03-03-2015 08:18 PM

Some of my two cents...

I'm not sure that she would even be comfortable judging other people that way, but maybe she would love it.

I think Chris Marques has a lot to do with the production of the television show, and he likes Alizée. And Alizée is a big draw for viewers for that show. They don't all read the tabloids and hear all the negative criticisms that we do as loyal fans.

I think the season five finale show ran under time constraints, and there wasn't time to add in a dance for Alizée and Grégoire.

Would Grégoire even partner with another star again on the show? If not, then there wouldn't be a conflict of interest.

If she was a judge then she'd only have to be there on Saturdays rather than being away from Ajaccio for most of each week.

My call: (Just a guess!) Neither will be on DALS 6.


Originally Posted by P♠N (Post 253068)
Pietra and Matt are leaving the show. If the replacements are Alizée and Nathalie Pechalat, the ratings would go through the roof.



Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 (Post 253063)
The only pro on my list is that we could see Alizée every week and maybe she could wear some cool outfits like Shy'm, a new one every week.

More Alizée is always a good thing!

Rev 03-04-2015 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by Lucas (Post 253067)
... and the thing with the award giving on the finale when Alizée refused to make it without having a dance with Greg

Where did you hear this? Could you please provide more details? :)


I hope one of them gets on the show - I don't have a strong preference either way as to which one. They need the income. :)


Alizée would benefit the most from being on the show. It would really help her career.

Also, keep in mind that a Corsican (Alizée) would then be replacing a Corsican (Pietra).


Also, it would give the remaining judges (who both like Alizée) a chance (or an excuse) to dance with her. :):)

Lucas 03-04-2015 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Rev (Post 253077)
Where did you hear this? Could you please provide more details? :)

It was an article about it too... maybe only rumor, but who knows. But simply, according to the infos - on the finale, Alizée wanted a dance with Gregoire. All previous winners had their time in the previous seasons finale. But cause everything was alredy planned, each minute, there was no time for Alizée and Greg and their dance. So then they just left the studio.

I think the article or some infos from it were posted in some other thread....

Rev 03-06-2015 03:40 AM

Thanks Lucas.


Originally Posted by Ray4AJ (Post 253073)
Some of my two cents...

I'm not sure that she would even be comfortable judging other people that way....

I have wondered the same thing. :)

Ray4AJ 03-27-2015 08:50 PM

Here we go again with the rumors!
Once again we hear rumors that Alizée will be a judge on DALS6.

These articles came out today about it.

ALS 03-28-2015 10:41 AM

Slightly off topic but in the one article you posted it talks about Alizée and Gregoire opening up a dance school in Ajaccio. The problem with that is Ajaccio isn't that big of a town in the first place and there are already a number of established Dance schools already operating in the town. Can Ajaccio support another school opening? You can only slice the pie so thin before very few in the business are making any money.

Ray4AJ 03-28-2015 11:15 PM

A while back in Chatbox we were thinking that opening a school in Ajaccio might be an option for them. But as you said it's not a big place, and I'm sure Alizee is on good terms with the existing ones. I thought one article (Corse-Matin) might have said they were teaching at schools, which I thought might mean they were visiting the schools that are there and doing some classes. It wouldn't surprise me if they were doing it for free.

Still, I'm sure Greg could draw in a lot of students if he opened a Lyonnet studio there. We will have to send someone to Ajaccio to get to the bottom of all this.

Scruffydog777 03-29-2015 02:17 AM

When I visited Ajaccio, it did seem like there were more schools than the area needed and that was before Dancerman 1 opened up his school.

But one of those schools was a large school which I'm sure would have several teachers in their employance (Is that a word?) and they'd probably love to have someone like Gregoire working for them. I'll have to find some pictures I took to see if I can find the name of it.

Went to Google Earth to get the pictures. The school I was referring to is the Ecole Nationale de Musique et de Danse de Corse. I think this is the type of school that Gregoire could be happy in. A school where he could have an impact on students who are serious about their possible dancing careers and where he can make a difference. I can't see him being happy else where, maybe teaching a bunch of screaming rug rats.

By the way, Madam Mufraggi's school is just a short walk away. I wonder if this bigger school is where MM held some of her events????

Lucas 06-29-2015 04:33 AM

Fauve joins the jury for DALS 6

ALS 06-29-2015 10:56 AM

Good choice I like her.

Shepherd 06-29-2015 02:18 PM

I doubt Alizee would be selected to judge if Gregorie were in the competition. I'm sure that if she were a judge with Gregorie dancing, Alizee would judge fairly, but anytime she voted for Gregorie she would come under criticism. Also in a tight decision, she might actually decide against Gregorie to avoid controversy. That would not be fair to Gregorie. If Alizee were invited to be a judge when Gregorie was dancing, I think she'd be wise to turn it down.

If she were chosen as a judge (and Gregorie was not dancing) that would work out nicely for her. I'm sure the money is good and as a judge she wouldn't have to spend her weekdays preparing for the next competition. She could go home and spend the time with her daughter.

On the question as to whether Alizee is a professional dancer or not, I'd have to say she is. She's been earning a living as a dancer for several years now, and is able to draw a paying crowd to events other than Dancing Avec. If that's not professional, I don't know what is.

Ray4AJ 06-29-2015 08:11 PM

Thanks for the link Lucas. :thumb:

Fauve did seem to be awfully conspicuous at the Festival TV interviews and in the clips. I expect she will do a good job as a juror.

Now for the obvious next question... Will Grégoire be on the show this season? If he isn't, some will blame Alizée. If he is, some will still blame her somehow.


Originally Posted by Shepherd (Post 253935)
On the question as to whether Alizee is a professional dancer or not, I'd have to say she is. She's been earning a living as a dancer for several years now, and is able to draw a paying crowd to events other than Dancing Avec. If that's not professional, I don't know what is.

I have suspicions that Grégoire is the actual draw to these dancing clinics. I think most of the attendees are going to see him. Fewer are going to see them dance as a couple, and fewer still are going only because Alizée is there. There was an article somewhere where he was acknowledging his growing celebrity status and he says that Alizée is coaching him in ways to handle it, as she has 15 years of experience.

:13: A good forum poll might be "which of them is currently the bigger celebrity?"

Some info directly from TF1 about DALS6


Dancing with the Stars 6 - Laurent Ournac becomes host, Fauve joined the jury

A new season under the sign of novelty! Starting this fall, the show Dancing with the Stars returns on TF1 screens and welcomes a new leader and a new board member. MYTF1 tells you more!

From September, the show Dancing with the Stars return to the screens for a sixth season. And for this new adventure, the public may be surprised: the TF1 dance contest will offer some new features.

Laurent Ournac presentationNew look for a new job! After losing 47 kilos after surgery, Laurent Ournac landed the position as co-host of the TF1 and dance show will team up alongside Sandrine Quétier. The actor of 'Camping Paradise' succeeds Vincent Cerruti wishing to embark on new adventures. The latter should thus animate some great varieties emissions event live and is also tipped to take command of a new game in the spirit of 'Money Drop' that a pilot should be shot this summer. Ournac Laurent, known for his joviality and good humor, collect impressions of the candidates in the 'Red Room'. No doubt that his experience as a candidate in season 4 of the program will allow it to fulfill this role perfectly!

Fauve Hautot the jury
Also new Fauve Hautot leaves the dance floor to come sit alongside Pietragalla, Jean-Marc Généreux and Chris Marks. The professional dancer partner on the floor of Emmanuel Moire Baptist Giabiconi or Keen'V of previous seasons, and will replace Mr. Pokora, on tour until the end of the year. It will thus have the difficult task of competing note of the season. But viewers can rest assured they will always have the pleasure of seeing ignite the floor of the show at numerous group dances together including other judges.

Finally, as each season, the show will also feature other innovations such as completely new scenery and challenges!

Danse avec les Stars 6 - Laurent Ournac devient animateur, Fauve intègre le jury

Une nouvelle saison placée sous le signe de la nouveauté ! Dès cet automne, l'émission Danse avec les Stars revient sur les écrans de TF1 et accueille un nouvel animateur et un nouveau membre du jury. MYTF1 vous en dit plus !

Dès la rentrée, l'émission Danse avec Les Stars reviendra sur les écrans pour une sixième saison. Et pour cette nouvelle aventure, le public risque d'être surpris : le concours de danse de TF1 proposera quelques nouveautés.

Laurent Ournac à la présentation
Nouveau look pour un nouveau poste ! Après avoir perdu 47 kilos suite à une opération chirurgicale, Laurent Ournac décroche le poste de co-animateur de l'émission de danse de TF1 et fera équipe aux cotés de Sandrine Quétier. Le comédien de « Camping paradis » succède ainsi à Vincent Cerruti qui souhaite se lancer dans de nouvelles aventures. Ce dernier devrait ainsi animer quelques grandes émissions de variétés événementielles en direct et est aussi pressenti pour prendre les commandes d’un nouveau jeu dans l'esprit de « Money Drop » dont un pilote doit être tourné cet été. Laurent Ournac, connu pour sa jovialité et sa bonne humeur, recueillera les impressions des candidats dans la "Red Room". Nul doute que son expérience en tant que candidat lors de la saison 4 du programme lui permettra de remplir ce rôle à merveille !

Fauve Hautot dans le jury
Autre nouveauté : Fauve Hautot quitte la piste de danse pour venir s’assoir aux cotés de Pietragalla, Jean-Marc Généreux et Chris Marques. La danseuse professionnelle, partenaire sur le parquet d'Emmanuel Moire, de Baptiste Giabiconi ou encore de Keen'V les saisons précédentes, remplacera ainsi M. Pokora, en tournée jusqu'à la fin de l'année. Elle aura ainsi la lourde tâche de noter les concurrents de la saison. Mais que les téléspectateurs se rassurent, ils auront toujours le plaisir de la voir enflammer le parquet de l’émission lors de nombreuses danses de groupe aux côtés notamment des autres juges.

Enfin, comme chaque saison, l’émission proposera aussi d’autres nouveautés tels que des décors et défis totalement inédits !

Rev 06-29-2015 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ray4AJ (Post 253937)
Thanks for the link Lucas. :thumb:

Fauve did seem to be awfully conspicuous at the Festival TV interviews and in the clips. I expect she will do a good job as a juror....

I noticed that too. Maybe it was a final "test" to see how she did. She must have passed.

Lucas 06-30-2015 04:29 AM

I think the same what Ray... most people go to see Greg first, and then just them as couple. There are not many fans, who would go there just cause Alizée (cause most Alizée fans are fans of singer, not dancer). But of course when she is there, why nottake chance for the people to take a photo with Alizée or some autographs, but thats all...

The dancer thing... Alizée is dancer, but... dancing in TV and then some events doenst make you a profesional, most when they are dancing +- the same dances. I think she is dancer like everyone else who was in DALS. Greg is pro dancer, choreographer... Alizée is just beautiful flower on his clothes.

regardemoi 07-06-2015 04:48 AM

I had no idea that out of the two of them Greg could be the bigger star. I don't watch any of the Dancing with... shows, and I assumed that the dancers are just dancers and the celebs are the stars of the show. After they won and became a couple, I assumed it was the romance (+Alizée's old and maybe new fans from the show) that kept people wanting to see them.

When do they usually announce the new couples? I'm going to make a guess that neither A or G will be on it.

Lucas 08-10-2015 09:44 AM

Jenny_HRO87 08-10-2015 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Lucas (Post 254113)

Let the shitstorm begin *sigh*

Of course everyone is blaming Alizée now. What else is new? Like it would be HER decision if Grégoire joins DALS6 or not.

But if it's true it's really bad for Grégoire, being a dancer for DALS isn't that kind of job you get every day... and I wonder if this will have any impact on the upcoming DALS tour in 2015/2016...

Scruffydog777 08-10-2015 02:36 PM

Well I guess this is what the item said that Lucas posted,

"The next season of Dancing with the stars is more about her.
If the jury is complete and that the rumors about the star cast is well underway, production is active for the cast of professional dancers.

But al rumor of the day says Grégoire Lyonnet will be replaced by production that still has not digested the stop-season last year.

For the record, the dancer present since the first season had given up during the season when he was 5 Nathalie Pechalat partner.

At the time the rumors indicated that Alizee, his former partner and his girlfriend, jealous of Nathalie Pechalat would have pushed to leave the game.

According Télé Loisirs:
"It's a little hot for Gregory with what happened last year."
New dancers could therefore arrive in the fall on TF1."

That is extremely unfortunate that apparently Gregoire, wont be in this show. As Jenny said, how many gigs like this come along for a dancer? If he is ruled out as a dancer, I doubt very seriously Alizée would participate in any way, but that likelihood I think had already been ruled out.

So if there's no DALS in the offing, at least this year for Greg, what's that mean to them as a couple. I think Alizée has everything she wants in life right now and will be perfectly happy with the little shows I'm sure she will still be seen on such as Les Enfoires.

But the real question mark is what about Greg? What will it take to keep him happy? Would just living a simple life on Corsica, maybe teaching dance be enough to keep him satisfied? I don't think so. I've mentioned before that someone like him, who's experienced the intensity of professional competition, probably wouldn't be happy just teaching? He I'm sure has to work out on a daily basis to stay in dance shape, but now, what is it all for? Right now it looks like he's faced with a major dilemma. How to continue his professional career. Now that he's apparently lost DALS, that will probably mean a lot of travelling and being in a lot lesser competitions to build his reputation back up and that is not the best thing for their new found relationship.

Of course they could be just putting this rumor out there. He is a top dancer. Maybe they want to scare him. Maybe they want him to know how seriously they are looking at what he did last year, made much worse by him doing at the last minute. At least that's what I'm hoping, because if it's not, it will put a big damper on the good times they've been having and will weigh heavily on his mind for a while to come.

Lucas 08-10-2015 02:46 PM

Scruffydog777 08-10-2015 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Lucas (Post 254116)

"Currently in full preparation, the sixth season of Dancing with the stars is revealed gradually. Laurent Ournac was learned that such was to become host of the show, as Fauve Hautot would integrate the jury and that certain stars were sure to come treading the floor of TF1. For the rest, uncertainties remain. And one of them concerns the dancer Gregory Lyonnet, a history of the program, which is still not 100% sure to come back for this new edition. It must be said that the context is somewhat unusual for him last year, he left Dancing with the stars in full competition, leaving Nathalie Pechalat one and forcing Christophe Licata to replace at short notice. A sudden departure, which, according to rumors at the time, was motivated by jealousy on the part of his companion, Alizee.

A priori, this episode is not very well on the side of production. As entrust this week Télé Loisirs one of the other dancers of the show, Christopher Millette, nothing says he will return this year: "It's a little hot for Gregory with what happened the Last year, he explained. I do not think that production takes discipline him, but it is possible that the set aside for a year. " At the corner ?"

This just confirms what was said before.

I can't believe I just got this idea right now. I usually get them when it's too late, but hopefully there is a way we can post enough e mails to TF1 to get them to change their minds. From what the posts said, the decision isn't cast in stone yet. I'll look for an e-mail address!

Through TF1's facebook page, I figured out how to tweet them.

Here's a link.

Scruffydog777 08-10-2015 11:03 PM

Well hopefully I haven't read this all wrong as I've done many times in the past. But reviewing what's gone on today, though it's not at this point a final decision, it looks like Gregoire will not be asked to participate in this years DALS.

Now going on the fact that it looks like the final decision hasn't been made yet, I've contacted AF, though it seems to be a ghost down, they still have a list of thousands of members and I've contacted Alizée France, AIFC and a FB member who belongs to several Alizée fan sites in the hope we can get a bunch of people to tweet TF1 to have Greg in this years show. It's important for Gregoire, which means it's important to Alizée.

Here's a link.

Lucas 08-11-2015 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 254118)
It's important for Gregoire, which means it's important to Alizée.

But there is the same problem again... Most people from forums are fans of Alizée and not Gregoire. We see how hard is the situation with Alizée fans - closed fansites, leaving fans... I think to support Greg, cause DALS, is really the least important thing for them (us). How many people will care if he will be in DALS or not? Except Greg fans really less people from Alizée world.

P♠N 08-11-2015 07:48 AM

The source of this rumour is Christian Millette who said that Gregoire Lyonnet has not been chosen yet, because not all of the stars have been chosen yet. Everything else is speculation.

Scruffydog777 08-11-2015 08:29 AM

I think if her fans really care about her, then they would want to help out Greg.

Hopefully this is all just a rumor as P♠N said and it's just a case of they haven't chosen the dancers yet. But if there might be some substance to this rumor, a few tweets in his favor, certainly wouldn't hurt.

Lucas 08-11-2015 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 254121)
I think if her fans really care about her, then they would want to help out Greg.

I still care about her (however in last time it maybe doesn't look so), but I see no reason why to help Gregoire. If the rumours are true, and TF1 will not choose him cause what happened last year, its only his own fault... Already last year we talked here what his leaving in the middle of the DALS can mean for him in the future. Now we can see possible scenario, and Im not suprised. If TF1 will reject him, it will be cause they are afraid Greg can leave the show again in the middle, and TF1 doesnt want again bad publicity for their show.

ALS 08-11-2015 01:38 PM

We'll have to wait to see how this one works out for Greg.

Rev 08-11-2015 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Lucas (Post 254122)
I still care about her ... but I see no reason why to help Gregoire.

If the rumours are true, and TF1 will not choose him cause what happened last year, its only his own fault... .

By helping him you are helping her.

It is not just his fault. It would not be easy to explain exactly what I believe the dynamic was that resulted in his leaving, but they both are partially at fault. :)

Ray4AJ 08-12-2015 08:56 PM

My totally made-up interpretation, analysis, and predictions.
My totally made-up interpretation, analysis, and predictions.

>Grégoire won't be on DALS6 this season.

>A&G won't participate in the DALS Tour this winter.

>Alizée mentioned something about a show they want to put together.

TF1 hasn't kicked Alizée and Grégoire away from DALS for good, but after last year they need to put some distance between the program and the distracting gossip/rumors. They create enough planned drama themselves for the show. This way the whole fiasco (true or imagined) related to Grégoire dropping out can fade away and the focus can be on the show. Maybe they will bring him back for the following season.

Last year Alizée was able to be on the DALS tour with Grégoire as the former show champion. This year the tour will consist of Rayane and this season's winner. They have to change the show up each year, bringing back Alizée and Grégoire would be stale to the audience. Variety and freshness is important.

Grégoire isn't the most popular DALS pro. I base this on the number of Twitter followers the pros have.


Twitter Followers
Fauve Hautot 390000
Katrina Patchett 177000
Maxime Dereymez 143000
Denitsa Ikonomova 132000
Christophe Licata 107000
Candice Pascal 100000
Gregoire Lyonnet 86900
Silvia Notargiacomo 46800
Christian Millette 47400
Yann-Alrick 24600

Chris Marques 352000
Jean Marc Genereux 264000
Pietragalla 86400
Further exposure via DALS won't get Grégoire any more fans than he already has. The show has a static audience without much churn. People who are interested in him already know him. His family studio seems to be doing well, probably helped a lot by his exposure on DALS. He'll need to find new venues to find new fans and gain further celebrity.

Alizée and Grégoire want to work on their own things. I won't go so far as to say I expect them to make a show that tours but I do think they are going to do dancing things. Alizée has found a renewed love of dance and if they can figure out some kind of show that can sell a lot of tickets, well that's a lot more profitable than selling 3000 iTunes downloads (I'm assuming she won't be releasing physical CDs anymore, just digital music, if any.)

I expect Alizée will still appear on some programs singing, but not as frequently as she had in the past. She is happy and will just do things she enjoys. Her new acting career begins next weekend!

I'm still as big an Alizée fan now as when I first discovered her. I do the little I can to support her every single day. It's a little tough to do that with no idea what she has planned but as always I wish her as much success as she hopes for. Whatever success may mean to her.

Sorry if my ideas aren't all rainbows and lollipops but they are what they are, and subject to change without notice.

Rev 08-13-2015 02:35 AM

A very realistic possible set of scenarios. :)

Ray4AJ 10-23-2015 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ray4AJ (Post 254131)
My totally made-up interpretation, analysis, and predictions.....

Oops. So my predictions seem to have been a tad off. :w:

I'm hearing today that Alizée will be in the opening dance of the DALS6 season tomorrow night along with the other 4 previous winners.

And also Grégoire has announced that he will participate in the show and tour this season as part of the group performance dancers.

From TF1...

Scruffydog777 10-23-2015 11:25 PM

She needs to cut that umbilical cord and do something on her own.

Scruffydog777 10-24-2015 05:20 AM

I guess it makes sense. It would make sense if they had her as a judge or an emcee or something along those line, but to have her there just because of her prior success I felt was wearing out her welcome, but having her with the other winners makes sense as much as it bothered me at first. Who are the other winners? I know Shy'm is one. Matt Pokora I believe is another. That leaves 2 more. Have to look it up.

Season 1
Matt Pokora
Season 2
Season 3
Emmanuel Moire 3. He's a singer and Eclectic artist (?). I'm quite sure he was the one who presented Alizée with the trophy in season 4.
Lorie and Amel Bent , and Chimen Badi also participated. These are singers who have also been on the Les Enfoires show with Alizée.
They had a special Christmas show after the conclusion of the regular season 3 show ended in which Amel Bent won.
Season 4
Can't quite remember................oh was Alizée!
Season 5
Rayane Benseti an actor
The notorious Nathalie Pechalat, came in second.

As I mentioned, when Alizée won, Emmanuel, the previous years winner, presented her with the trophy. I wonder if that happened in the 2 prior years? In season 5 it would have meant Alizée almost would have been in a situation where if she was there, might have had to give the trophy to Nathalie Pechalat if she won (2nd place). For those new to the forum. Gregoire was supposed to be paired up with NP in season 5, but dropped out not long before the competition began and the rumors flew. Nevertheless, Alizée wasn't there and Nathalie came in second.

_♥_ 10-24-2015 01:12 PM

Just for those new to the forum

"For those new to the forum. Gregoire was supposed to be paired up with NP in season 5, but dropped out not long before the competition began and the rumors flew."
Actually he performed on the first four shows with NP and on the fifth show(when they do a partner switch) with Louisy Joseph a singer. And quit at the beginning of the sixth week


"It would make sense if they had her as a judge"
I say The professional dancers should have a problem with that because Three months of intensive instruction with a Pro Dancer not a "judge" let alone an expert make. Or maybe it's just me because they allow it in the French version.(Don't get me wrong, if it were to happen to Alizee I'd be all for it) The tragic part is that such practice opened the door that let in, what i believe to be the the biggest fly in the beautiful soup that is Alizee's participation plus win of DALS4 and might have precipitated GL quitting and the A's no show at the 5 finale.(just my paranoid mind at work)

maybe it is to be a previously recorded segment.
BUT I hope Alizee appears with 'The Fly' in the same show or same shot today but HE seems a very busy boy these days and is to appear on the FR2 show 'Taratata' airing at the same time as DALS tonight so who knows.

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