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VVVACCPLPNLY 03-25-2010 01:08 PM

Favorite Album?
So, now that we know what UEDS sounds like, for the most part, I figure it is appropriate to ask for peoples' favorite album. I gotta say MCE, I just love the rock side of it. Gourmandises is second, her voice sounds so sweet here. Psychedelices is third, it is like a party I can't stand to miss. Predictably, Une Enfant Du Siecle is 4th. For everyone who doesn't like it at all (I do happen to like it, just least of the four, but that's like saying Alizee's feet are her worst feature), I do see why you wouldn't, but I think my own disliking of it stems from the fact that I just haven't had enough time to fully appreciate the other three. I'm still in a farely early stage of my fanhood. So I was just beginning to love these three AMAZING works of art, when another is thrust upon me. Yes it is eciting, but slightly overwhelming. Like, getting to know three completely different universes, when another sudenly appears.

Tchaikovsky 03-25-2010 01:24 PM

MCE foh eva!!

Plaz 03-25-2010 01:26 PM

gourmandises hands down...

Alex 03-25-2010 01:34 PM

Mi Corriente Electrica/ My Electric Currents Mes Courants Electriques!

user472884 03-25-2010 04:07 PM

As I've said before, I love each album in their own way... like children.

Emotionally, Gourmandises will forever have a place in my heart.

However, there is not one song on Psychédélices I don't like... while there are one or two songs on the other albums I favor not as much

paintballpdh19 03-25-2010 04:08 PM

its so hard to pick just one

Plaz 03-25-2010 04:14 PM

in oder it would would be Gourmandises, Mes Courants Electriques, Une Enfant Du Siecle, Psychedelices

AlizéeInspired 03-25-2010 05:47 PM

This is a tough one for me. If I had to pick a favorite song it would be ACC but my favorite album...

Maybe i'll vote on this one later depending on how the poll goes lol.

VVVACCPLPNLY 03-25-2010 08:16 PM

Wow, took long enough for Psych to get a vote! And I know it's fairly early to have UEDS on the poll, but according to what I've read, most people probably wouldn't be most peoples' anyways. It is good though, right? Does anyone other than me actually like it at all?

woohoo 03-25-2010 08:31 PM

For me its Mes Courants Electriques.

Deepwaters 03-25-2010 08:33 PM

I still haven't heard all of UEDS yet, but based on what I have heard my preliminary vote would go for the new album.

Ruroshen 03-26-2010 02:52 AM

Allowing that it may be the "new shiny" of it talking...after three complete listens through, I think UEdS just might have my vote. Though I'm still lamenting the lack of an uptempo dance number, this is a SOLID album, beginning to end.

Bigbobo 03-26-2010 06:04 AM

Now, I love Alizee's other albums, my most favourite of those being MCE, but from what I heard of it, I love UEDS the most. I listened to A LOT of Alizee back in 2007. Unfortunately, I eventually strayed away and I listened to hoards of other music, usually electronic/new wave/indie type of music. Well what do you know? UEDS is just that, so for me the choice is simple, UEDS.

VVVACCPLPNLY 03-26-2010 10:28 AM

I gotta say, these poll results are quite surprising so far. I am flabbergasted that Goumandises only has 1 more vote than Psychedelices, and Une Enfant Du Siecle! Neither of those are bad, but I thought Gourmandisess would be where Mes Courants Electriques is now. I saw the results happening more like this: Gour- 40%, MCE- 25%, Psych- 20%, UEdS- 15%. Guess I misjudged the first two the worst! Your dedication to MCE is striking! I am interested to see how long it will keep this mile-long lead!

sumi1 03-26-2010 11:06 AM

Well, I was expecting this kind of response. My personal favorite is also MCE. Though I still have not heard UEDS, I do not think that is going to change. MCE has all time classics like JAM, ACC, JPVA, Amelie, Youpidoo and the videos of ACC and JPVA are just awesome. Lilly at her best.

deanej 03-26-2010 02:54 PM

MCE is my favorite, though UEDS is growing on me from what little I've heard from it.

lefty12357 03-26-2010 04:35 PM

I don't think I can answer this question at this point. UEDS is a really good album. I agree with Ruro, that the only thing it lacks is and uptempo dance number, and I also agree that it is SOLID all the way through.

I like almost all of Alizée's songs. MCE is really my introduction to Alizée, so it does have a special place in my heart, but beyond that, it's hard for me to say I like it best at this point. I think all of the albums have been pretty good. I could possibly see UEDS edging out the others in time.

I guess my indecision is actually a compliment. I like them all enough to not make a choice.

AlizéeInspired 03-26-2010 05:09 PM

I went ahead and voted MCE. I love all the albums but like lefty12357 said

MCE is really my introduction to Alizée, so it does have a special place in my heart
Love them all but MCE just has the slightest one up over the others for me. Plus I really like ACC. I'd have to say thats my favorite song.

puffyrock2 03-26-2010 10:21 PM

MCE will always be near and dear to me. Came along at a great time in my life. Lots of special memories attatched to that album.

VVVACCPLPNLY 03-26-2010 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by AlizéeInspired (Post 156021)
I went ahead and voted MCE. I love all the albums but like lefty12357 said

Love them all but MCE just has the slightest one up over the others for me. Plus I really like ACC. I'd have to say thats my favorite song.

Agree completely with you! And UEdS is growing on me, too, might edge into third. So far it's tied quite nicely with Psychedelices. And Gourmandises is gonna need to work hard to keep second! And if anyone is wondering, I didn't put En Concert because the decisions would be effected by peoples' opinions about the DVD, and my polls are strictly about how the music sounds, with no influence from how she looks, that's what the 'Her -' threads are for.

User22 03-26-2010 11:21 PM

I can't place them in order cuz that is a sin. but i voted for MCE...just love the amazing rockness it has to it with her amazing voice:D

LiL T 03-27-2010 12:33 AM

I loved Mes Courants Electriques but I'm also loving this new album and I hope she continues like this but I'm sure she just takes things as they come and goes where ever her heart leads her.


Songs which are my favourites in no order would be...

Amélie m'a dit
L'e-mail a des ailes
Cœur déjà pris
Lui ou toi
Mon maquis
À quoi rêve une jeune fille
Mon Taxi Driver
Lonely List
Par Les Paupières

I like all the others but these songs I can always listen too over and over again :wub:

Zack -Alizee Lover- 03-28-2010 03:55 PM

MCE for me

Ange 03-28-2010 07:59 PM


wasabi622 03-29-2010 06:40 PM

Well, I'm going to have to hold my judgement until I get the new one! I got an email few days ago saying it was shipped out sooo... can't wait!!!!!

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-03-2010 04:51 PM

Just giving this thread a bump, so new members can find it.

babyblue558 04-03-2010 05:32 PM

I voted MCE because it was the first album of Alizée's I bought and the first song I heard was JPVA.... ahh happy times :wub: ooh did I not mention its also completely amazing to listen to? :p

wasabi622 04-03-2010 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by babyblue558 (Post 158038)
I voted MCE because it was the first album of Alizée's I bought and the first song I heard was JPVA.... ahh happy times :wub: ooh did I not mention its also completely amazing to listen to? :p

High five buddy, you're my new best friend!!

JPVA, best song EVER!!! :wub:

babyblue558 04-03-2010 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by wasabi622 (Post 158044)
High five buddy, you're my new best friend!!

JPVA, best song EVER!!! :wub:

YES sooo with you on that! First Alizée music vid I ever saw too... also amazing! I hope I don't get lynched but UEDS really needs an up-tempo pop number like JPVA :wub: :p

hmm but I guess that could ruin the mood of the album... ahh its a difficult one

wasabi622 04-03-2010 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by babyblue558 (Post 158046)
YES sooo with you on that! First Alizée music vid I ever saw too... also amazing! I hope I don't get lynched but UEDS really needs an up-tempo pop number like JPVA :wub: :p

Heck yeah! You've got to admit it, it's also the best driving song too! That's a legit summer hobby of mine, driving around blasting JPVA to the point that I can literally see my rear-view mirror vibrate. :p

babyblue558 04-03-2010 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by wasabi622 (Post 158048)
Heck yeah! You've got to admit it, it's also the best driving song too! That's a legit summer hobby of mine, driving around blasting JPVA to the point that I can literally see my rear-view mirror vibrate. :p

Oh yes that too! C'est trop tard's great fun for driving as well, and XXL by Mylène, but here's not really the place for that... ahh a rock-orientated album for Alizée would be a dream come true :wub: but she seems kinda settled on the electropop route... not that that's a bad thing!

wasabi622 04-03-2010 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by babyblue558 (Post 158051)
Oh yes that too! C'est trop tard's great fun for driving as well, and XXL by Mylène, but here's not really the place for that... ahh a rock-orientated album for Alizée would be a dream come true :wub: but she seems kinda settled on the electropop route... not that that's a bad thing!

Dude, hellz yea! Though most people don't seem to like it, I also enjoy blasting Decollage. It's kind of rappy but not really. I like it. :D

But the electropop thing was the first thing I noticed. My first thought was "hmm.. blasting this isn't quite the same as JPVA." Though I've yet to get the new album, I shall judge it later whether it blast worthy or not. :p

Eldrick 04-03-2010 06:38 PM

Wow, this is a tough call. At the moment I'd have to say UEDS which is a truly beautiful album. But if I had to pick just one from the full eighteen months I've been a Lili fan I'd have to say Psychedelices, just love every song on that album

babyblue558 04-03-2010 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by wasabi622 (Post 158054)
But the electropop thing was the first thing I noticed. My first thought was "hmm.. blasting this isn't quite the same as JPVA."

Ahh I totally get that... to me at least UEDS doesn't seem half as 'fun' as the other albums... its more toned-down and sophisticated, which is a nice change but does have some issues... mostly that haha ^^ ooh I think I'll go with 'most people' on Décollage, no offense :p although I do love blasting a bit of Lilly Town and l'Alizé on the road :D

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