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User22 05-02-2012 06:51 AM

Alizée's Tattoos
As of now Alizée is getting another tatoo at Tin-Tin's according to her tweet...

Karin 05-02-2012 06:55 AM


Bigdan 05-02-2012 07:36 AM

Someone do something !:facepalm:

Karin 05-02-2012 07:43 AM

molotov cocktail into tattoo studio :gun2:

Euphoria 05-02-2012 08:20 AM

Why? I don't get it.

Uroboros 05-02-2012 08:40 AM

Let's just hope it's a discrete one, like the others :13:

lalorocks 05-02-2012 08:43 AM

Getting a tattoo is normal, but many tattoos is a problem of mental disorder.

Euphoria 05-02-2012 08:44 AM

Oh well, you can't force people to do something they don't want to do. She's a grown woman, and she knows full well what she's doing.

Rictor 05-02-2012 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by lalorocks (Post 225205)
Getting a tattoo is normal, but many tattoos is a problem of mental disorder.


Either a mental disorder or perhaps an attempt to gain entry into a heavy metal band? Which I guess amounts to the same thing.

Uroboros 05-02-2012 09:07 AM

As long as she doesn't cover her entire arm with a tattoo or make one around her neck or in the face, it won't be so ugly :13:

ALS 05-02-2012 09:40 AM

Well if she is at Tin Tin's then she is back in Paris for the day. Must be studio time again otherwise that is one very expensive tattoo with the plane fare.

Euphoria 05-02-2012 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Uroboros (Post 225209)
As long as she doesn't cover her entire arm with a tattoo or make one around her neck or in the face, it won't be so ugly :13:

A chest tattoo would probably make me throw in the towel. I seriously can't stand tattoos on chicks and that would just be the nail in the coffin for her.

Uroboros 05-02-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 225211)
A chest tattoo would probably make me throw in the towel. I seriously can't stand tattoos on chicks and that would just be the nail in the coffin for her.

The one on her ankle and the "Forever Young" on her arm are nice. Small tattoos are nice.
But if she make a tattoo of a peacock that goes from her legs to her neck, then it would be awful :(

Scruffydog777 05-02-2012 12:19 PM

Say it isn't so!

texasguy 05-02-2012 12:22 PM

What the heck is this now? Wonder Woman??? This is going to look awful.

Karin 05-02-2012 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by texasguy (Post 225214)

What the heck is this now? Wonder Woman???

sailor moon

Uroboros 05-02-2012 12:41 PM

Is that her leg?

Karin 05-02-2012 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Uroboros (Post 225216)
Is that her leg?

right arm, you can see there little Anilly tatoo

ALS 05-02-2012 12:49 PM

Another five years of this addiction and she is going to look like the the Tattooed Circus Lady. :(

texasguy 05-02-2012 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 225218)
Another five years of this addiction and she is going to look like the the Tattooed Circus Lady. :( which point I will have pulled all my hair out in frustration.

Uroboros 05-02-2012 01:32 PM

She is such a beautiful woman, there's no need to cover up her body with so many tattoos! Doesn't she know that? :(

Jake04 05-02-2012 01:45 PM

May be if we all tell her on twitter how we feel, she might have a second thought about getting more tattoos in the future.

BrianO1 05-02-2012 01:56 PM

Well, now we have a better idea of where the peace sign comes from.

I would rather see her smile like sailor moon then duckface when she does it though :p

Cruzier 05-02-2012 02:04 PM

Wow another tattoo yup well it a shame, her nice good looking body going down the drain you know. well here my concerns my opinion tho somthing is wrong,a hobby or ummmm addicted to them who knows tho but 8 years of being a fan a long time i still like her and music.

MasterSprtn117 05-02-2012 02:23 PM

So what options does she have if she ever decides that she has too many tattoos?

Bigdan 05-02-2012 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by MasterSprtn117 (Post 225225)
So what options does she have if she ever decides that she has too many tattoos?

There is a laser technic supposed to remove your tattoo but that leave a scar...:(

User22 05-02-2012 03:28 PM

All of you are pushing yourselves way too far over the edge. This is simply another tatoo that we won't notice during performances and concerts. Remember the Sidaction 2012 performance with Amel and Adamo just a few weeks ago? None of you were complaining about her tatoos or being able to see them then. She is smart and knows that she only has so much space she can fill up before they start being on her front and being highly visible. I know you all will still be around for a new just take a deep breath, relax, and know that only good things are to come, and that tatoos won't stand in your way of liking her music and stage presence. And be glad she is on Instagram showing us these few tatoos now than all at once, cause that would've ruined images of her really fast.

ALS 05-02-2012 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Bigdan (Post 225226)
There is a laser technic supposed to remove your tattoo but that leave a scar...:(

Also it is a very painful process. The laser literally boils the ink out of your skin.

DrSmith 05-02-2012 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Bigdan (Post 225226)
There is a laser technic supposed to remove your tattoo but that leave a scar...:(

It shouldn't leave a scar. Google pics of tattoo removal—it can be pretty effective.

BrianO1 05-02-2012 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 225227)
This is simply another tatoo that we won't notice during performances and concerts.

While I myself am not against the tattoo, I will say that I'm pretty sure this tattoo will be visable most of the time. If it is in fact on her right arm, and that is the Annily tattoo that we see on the inside of her arm, that means this new tattoo is on the outside of her arm, or rather the front of it. As in the side that faces the camera. If she is wearing a sleeved shirt, you will still see the feet of the tattoo. If she wears a dress, you will see most, of not all of it. So if she did in fact get the tattoo on the front of her arm, then this tattoo will be visible almost always.

Still think she needs an "AAm" tattoo. :p

Uroboros 05-02-2012 04:19 PM

I dunno, but I'm quite sure that's not her arm. That seems to be the leg where she has a salamander tattoo... :13::13:

Most likely that's the backside of that leg (on the calf muscle area), a common place for tattoos :13:

melovelily 05-02-2012 04:35 PM

Where ever this tattoo is (seems like her arm) it looks very big ...meh
ALIZEE Y U NO stop getting tattoos :(

Euphoria 05-02-2012 05:41 PM

That's gotta be her upper arm, near her bicep. Looks like she got a shoulder tat.

Karin 05-02-2012 05:41 PM

i think on 99,9% its her right arm... easily you can see there her Annily tattoo...

Euphoria 05-02-2012 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Karin (Post 225236)
i think on 99,9% its her right arm... easily you can see there her Annily tattoo...

I don't see anything else on her arm, but it looks like she's taken the pic at a weird angle. Pretty sure that's the sleeve of her sweater and she appears to have gotten quite a large shoulder/upper arm tat. Disappointing.

Karin 05-02-2012 05:50 PM

we know she has on her arm, tatto of Annily... on the left arm (upper part) she has tattoo of bird... so if its arm (of course it is), its right arm...

and weird angle... put your right arm in front of you, take foto... it will be the same position... :cool:

Azhiri 05-02-2012 05:52 PM

Can you really get addicted to tattoos?


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 225233)
That's gotta be her upper arm, near her bicep. Looks like she got a shoulder tat.

That's what it looks like to me.

It's true, it's her body, her decision, etc., but it's getting excessive. I've read about artists having to get their tattoos covered for shows and interviews, shouldn't she be more considerate of that? My opinion on this is that so many tattoos on one person is tacky and off-putting. Even without the look of being plastered with tattoos, there's still a matter of personal responsibility to be considered, whether it's tattoos, piercings.. everything should be taken in moderation.

As for the tattoo itself, I wouldn't get a tattoo with such bright colors personally, or a cartoon character. I think the only tattoo I like of hers is the salamander on her ankle, I think that one is really cute.

BrianO1 05-02-2012 06:03 PM

Well we know she love Japanese anime. Hence the anime style Annily tattoo she had done. I figured it was only a matter of time before she got one of her favorite characters tattooed. So maybe she really like Sailor Moon? Maybe she watches it with her daughter.

And yeah it is possible to get addicted to having tattoos done. Some get addicted to the pain of getting the tattoo. Some get addicted to being able to make artistic, permanent changes to their bodies. Some just simply love tattoos, and once you get one, you want another.

I would guess that Lili is among the last group, she simply loves tattoos, but I don't know her personaly. :p

Tattoos are becoming more and more popular every year. There was a big article about it on news website I saw the other day. It used to be for "rebels", but now a days, more and more people use them to express themselves, and more and more people, don't stop at one.

Maybe Lili is doing the same thing? A lot of people thought the bird she had done, was to symbolize freedom, maybe from her marriage. But to me, the bird always looked cartoony, more like the twitter bird even. Either way, I'm sure each one has a special meaning to her.

I knew a girl once who got a new tattoo Everytime she had a major event in her life. Breaking up with a longtime boyfriend, getting a new job she really wanted, stuff like that. Was just a way for her to be reminded of things that make her, her.

Euphoria 05-02-2012 06:16 PM

It's such a big tattoo, though. That's definitely the second largest one, the Tinkerbell being the biggest. Honestly, I think she's having some sort of identity crisis. Seems like she's really trying to hold onto her youth and it's not working out so well.

User22 05-02-2012 06:22 PM

Thank goodness these are all just opinions of her and we'll never know the real reason...(until an interview)...

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