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Euphoria 08-07-2012 11:59 PM

Alizee's Career - what went wrong?
Okay, I didn't want to clog the pictures thread with this, but I had a response. Considering this is a discussion forum, I see nothing wrong with this topic. Anyway, here we go.


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 230481)
When she hooked up with Jeremy, she was one of the hottest singers in Europe and when he was done with her, they didn't even know she was still performing or should I say, trying to perform.

Let's not forget that getting married also ruined Jeremy's career. The both of them were extremely popular before they got together, but both of their images changed and it just didn't work out for them. He was dark and mysterious and wrote music that teens and young adults related to, but then he got with Alizee and started writing more positive lyrics. Ultimately, I think that was the demise of Alizee's fame. She went from young, sexy, and single to being a mom.

One of the reasons Mylene can still sell out stadiums is because she is a French icon. What ultimately set off Mylene's career was going from the conservative 80s look to being sexy and risque (also went through major physical changes), and quite frankly, she pushed the envelope. If you've looked at translations of her music, it isn't very happy. I'd say the majority is very depressing and some is quite dark and sexual. Her career is quite similar to Madonna's. She's not a goody goody, she's a bad gurl and people like that.

Alizee has gone from spicy and vibrant, to being very vanilla, at least career-wise. I don't think the music has ever really been the issue. Jeremy is a great artist and a very successful song writer and producer. UEDS was pretty prententious so I can see why it didn't go over well, but Chateau Marmont kind of left her in a lurch as well. Anyway, you have to think of it from different angles.

People have also been asking me what I meant when I said "you don't know what you're talking about." Okay, so it's not anything super special and I don't know ALL the details. Here is what I do know. This is from another forum and is available for everyone to see.

Regarding the recent split-up/divorce, I do not know the details. All I know is what my source told me a couple of years ago. Alizee did not want to go back into the entertainment industry and Jeremy basically had to force her to record Psychedelices. She was starting to feel very resentful that he made her go back to work when she didn't want to. When the rumors started that they split up the first time, it was true. I thought they might have reconciled since then, but it appears they have not.

alizeefan 08-08-2012 12:21 AM

While for the most part i agree with the stuff you usually say so just two add my two cents .

1 cent - nothing went wrong as per the title here and everything is fine in my honest opinion . people/fans just want what they want or read into things as they see it , i am sure if you sat down with her for a few days and eventually came to the realization from her perspective yours would change completely .

2nd cent - as i ended cent 1 above , the same with her marriage . If you took it from her perspective and not third party you would see things completely differently . While you can point to this or that , interviews and so on they really don't add up the whole picture .

I didn't bother blowing up the clips , without her going into detail talking to me personally it all really means nothing to me , she said , he said . . .

Euphoria 08-08-2012 12:32 AM

Well, she will never talk to you about her marriage personally. I am just giving a little info from the people that are close her, don't shoot the messenger. :p

OGRE 08-08-2012 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 230735)
Alizee has gone from spicy and vibrant, to being very vanilla,

This is common for women in general for the time period under discussion. I suspect that being a celebrity over that time just amplifies the affect. Having a child even more so.

Mon Maquis 08-08-2012 01:01 AM

That all sounds about right to me.

I will give you guys some inside info, when Alizee was in Mexico, Jeremy was there, but would not even be around her. Jeremy is the one who put her band together for the Psychedelices Tour. Alizee wanted nothing to do with the band. She would not even talk to them. She would sit on opposite sides of the room as far away as she could from them. Even when they were leaving Mexico, she did not even say goodbye to them.

They did not like her as well. DJ Karve personally asked me to delete some videos recently because he does not want anything to do with her. I told him that I would not because, its not my problem to cover up the past. I told him, if he was not happy, he should not have been her DJ.

Then as you all remember her concert back in Mexico where it was looking like she was crying the whole times and everyone said it was her make-up getting in her eyes... She did not want to be there back with them, reliving that all over again.

Soooo this problem with Jeremy and her has been going on longer then people think.

alizeefan 08-08-2012 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 230738)
Well, she will never talk to you about her marriage personally.

Never say never , for all you know i am her , maybe Karin is her or maybe you are her . . . Maybe she is my myspace BFF or something like that lol . Perhaps even i am her psychologist . Stars aren't as untouchable as most seem to think . . I mean look at her friends they aren't all these celebs and famous people . Really though my point there is none of this matters to me , the he said she said . If indeed she did talk to me about it then i'd listen . Which as i said i can guarantee you then she would see things and explain her whole life experience as a Cinderella story and not Snow White with a machine gun . Otherwise the Jeremy said this , she said that in a one sentence interview answer . . Her friend said this - meaningless to me .
From what i see here and there it's all got a very jealously lined undertone via third party perspective .


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 230738)
I am just giving a little info from the people that are close her, don't shoot the messenger. :p

Touche' - sorry if and when i do come off harshly i really don't mean to but you people bring it out of me :p so it's really all your faults :fight:

Also not that i mind all this talk so don't stop because i bitch , for the most part that is why i am here interacting cuz i really do enjoy all your company .

EDIT - oh yeah , as for those people claiming to be close to her . They really don't seem to be so close when they sum her up with such brunt statements . See it makes them look bad , her look bad and sad , which surely isn't the case . Then like here gets people talking like spreading stories in school and things get mis-construed

Rev 08-08-2012 02:04 AM

Here are some old thoughts on the topic: :)

Taxi Driver Aaron 08-08-2012 02:47 AM

This is all fan speculation and/or hogwash written by someone that wants to be admired and looked-upon as an individual that is close to Alizée; and not quality information written by somebody who actually is close to or knows Alizée. All of the information is public knowledge mixed with personal pipe dreams. I'm not drinking the cool-aid.

Sorry to burst your bubble Euphoria.

I wish people would quit acting like they know Alizée on a personal level or like they have the "inside" info when they don't. I mean, some of us joke around and stuff and that is cool. But people that try to act like they have special info to leak and they act like it's genuine... they need to take down their Alizée shrine and get a life. Seriously... because it's getting out of hand!

Euphoria 08-08-2012 02:56 AM

Oh please, Aaron. If anyone has an Alizee shrine, it's you. Get over yourself.

Panther 08-08-2012 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by alizeefan (Post 230737)

1 cent - nothing went wrong as per the title here and everything is fine in my honest opinion.

I agree with this.

Of course I understand the sentiment in the thread title but I prefer to see Alizee's career as 'evolving' rather than simply taking a nose-dive following the marriage and the split with MF/LB. We can all speculate as to the reasons for that turning point and I'm sure we all have our preferred version of events. I have mine, I'm happy with it, and everything I've seen or read about her since that time has only served to confirm it. I may be deluded but I'm happy. Ergo, thinking about Alizee makes me happy.

Taxi Driver Aaron 08-08-2012 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Panther (Post 230751)
I agree with this.

Of course I understand the sentiment in the thread title but I prefer to see Alizee's career as 'evolving' rather than simply taking a nose-dive following the marriage and the split with MF/LB. We can all speculate as to the reasons for that turning point and I'm sure we all have our preferred version of events. I have mine, I'm happy with it, and everything I've seen or read about her since that time has only served to confirm it. I may be deluded but I'm happy. Ergo, thinking about Alizee makes me happy.

I, too, agree that nothing went wrong as the title suggests. That's another thing I agree with... when someone evolves or makes career decisions it doesn't mean something went wrong simply because you didn't like it. Some people act as if they represent the entire fan base as Alizée's critic; like something is bad or wrong because they didn't like it.... I like all of Alizée's music and I don't think anything is wrong with it. Just because she didn't go diamond doesn't mean shes a failure.

Euphoria 08-08-2012 12:13 PM

Well, some of us prefer to be realistic rather than idealistic. ;) To be honest, the title was more of an attention grabber, but I had a response to what Scruffy said.


Also, it's not speculation. I won't be giving out anymore of my info though, because it's not appreciated. I could give a lot more details, but what I've given so far isn't even really deserved.

vivealizee 08-08-2012 01:12 PM

There are many pop singers who were 1-2 hit wonders, one of them is Alizée... wonder if other one hit wonders also have forums and fanbases.. hmm...
She was 16-18, MF made profit with her and for her, when she was older she had no use for her so the cooperation ended. That's it.

I just wonder why not the whole world fell in love with her forever.. how can someone see the face at that time say "meh... she looks good"..
How can you forget her?

VVVACCPLPNLY 08-08-2012 01:17 PM

god euphoria, i dont necessarrily agree or disagree with aaron in what... umm... she, right? i think? what they said about you. but... by saying what you just did, i mean, come on, you're just playing into peoples' hands. i mean,

Originally Posted by Euphoria
Also, it's not speculation. I won't be giving out anymore of my info though, because it's not appreciated. I could give a lot more details, but what I've given so far isn't even really deserved.

come one. i'm not doubting you or anything, just, you aren't making a strong case for yourself.

as for my actual opinion on this thread, well, i believe NOTHING has gone wrong with her career, per se. she is going through a strange (but not inherently bad) personal phase that i dont agree with or like (but i dont have to). and, i honestly dont like her newest single. but then, many artists have phases and songs i dont like, even if i generally approve of them. take for instance linkin park. ugh, the emo-chester only days, UGH. hated it. but the rest of linkin park, hell yeah. doesnt mean they had problems in their career cause they made 1 sucktastic song. yeah, they're still not back to what i like, but they may never be. same for alizee. i dont like it, but it will sit right with me eventually.

now, if you wanna see artists having trouble in their career, just go to google and type in ryu hwayoung, t-ara, or core contents media. yeah. try that. lol

SpanishFan 08-08-2012 01:30 PM

I agree. Apart from stop selling albums, stopping to appear in all the european t.v. channels, and not being able to go on tour and perform in front of the crowds anymore, nothing went wrong in her career.:13:

Euphoria 08-08-2012 01:51 PM

Something definitely went wrong in her career. No, she doesn't have to be a mega superstar to be considered successful, but let's face it, Psychedelices would have been a flop if it weren't for Mexico. In fact, I think it would be better if she did more low key stuff, sticking to small venues and such. Yes, her personal life did have something to do with her career issues, but you can't blame that entirely. Jeremy has maintained a very successful career behind the scenes, and he was the other half of that relationship.

Panther 08-08-2012 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 230770)
Well, some of us prefer to be realistic rather than idealistic. ;) To be honest, the title was more of an attention grabber, but I had a response to what Scruffy said.


Also, it's not speculation. I won't be giving out anymore of my info though, because it's not appreciated. I could give a lot more details, but what I've given so far isn't even really deserved.

Well I think my own version of events is very realistic, and it is consistent with the material that you posted in the first screen shot, but I use the word 'speculation' because unless or until I hear it from her personally there has to remain an element of doubt. That's just how I roll. But I would add that I came to these conclusions independently by analysing the basic facts: ie a sudden and dramatic departure from her mentors during a commercially successful period and the simultanious marriage, her whole demaenour during her performances at various times before that point, the nature of Mylene's career and her performances and Alizee's subsequent image and performances, style of dress etc after 2004.

vivealizee 08-08-2012 01:53 PM

It happends to sooo many "stars"...
You could foresee it when she had success that it wouldn't be forever.. there are so many c-lebrities, Alizée is clearly one of them.

ptjmwa 08-08-2012 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 230787)
Something definitely went wrong in her career. No, she doesn't have to be a mega superstar to be considered successful, but let's face it, Psychedelices would have been a flop if it weren't for Mexico. In fact, I think it would be better if she did more low key stuff, sticking to small venues and such. Yes, her personal life did have something to do with her career issues, but you can't blame that entirely. Jeremy has maintained a very successful career behind the scenes, and he was the other half of that relationship.

Even in Mexico she's not as popular as you guys like to think. She's known in Mexico city and a few other places, but she's not well known nationally.

Azhiri 08-08-2012 02:49 PM

It all makes sense to me. How hard is it to believe that there are in fact people here who are personally connected with Alizee? She isn't THAT famous and seems more accessible, especially these days, than huge stars. Now, if someone had posted this exact thing about somebody like Katy Perry or Rihanna, I'd be less inclined to believe them, but it's not like Alizee is so elevated into the celeb life that she has no friends or connections to the real world.

Besides, even if you choose to believe it's all made up, their guess is as good as ours since none of us know her personally either, and for that reason it's pretty hypocritical to criticize and tell other people that they're wrong. None of you can say anything that should get more respect or credibility than anyone else because we're all in the same boat in terms of actually having any "behind-the-scenes" info.

Also, I guess thinking something went wrong in her career is subjective, but personally I think something DID go wrong. She's basically gone into obscurity at this point. The only people who really know or follow her are her core fanbase who have been in it from the beginning.

While I'm still a fan, I believe that the only reason she became successful was because MF picked her up and gave her a costume to step into. The MF-LB Alizee was all an act, she was told how to behave during interviews, what to say or not say, how to perform. It was a very meticulously crafted image. Alizee just gave it a face and a voice. It could have been anyone, it just happened to be Alizee Jacotey. Now that it's over, I don't think "just Alizee" has the drive or personality to become a success again. She's beautiful, yes, but there are a lot of beautiful people in this world. She is basically a model, she can do very well for herself, but only if someone gives her an outfit to wear and calls all the shots for her, including directing her behavior.

vivealizee 08-08-2012 03:15 PM

Sure something in her opinion went wrong..
She don't just do music for fun, she also wants to make money and shes trying to find a style which could make her earn more money. Sure she is also an artist, but it's not like she is spending her talent in selfless music providing.


While I'm still a fan, I believe that the only reason she became successful was because MF picked her up and gave her a costume to step into. The MF-LB Alizee was all an act, she was told how to behave during interviews, what to say or not say, how to perform. It was a very meticulously crafted image. Alizee just gave it a face and a voice. It could have been anyone, it just happened to be Alizee Jacotey. Now that it's over, I don't think "just Alizee" has the drive or personality to become a success again. She's beautiful, yes, but there are a lot of beautiful people in this world. She is basically a model, she can do very well for herself, but only if someone gives her an outfit to wear and calls all the shots for her, including directing her behavior.

Euphoria 08-08-2012 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by vivealizee (Post 230789)
It happends to sooo many "stars"...
You could foresee it when she had success that it wouldn't be forever.. there are so many c-lebrities, Alizée is clearly one of them.

That is true, and honestly I see nothing wrong with not being as popular as you used to be. I mean no one is really a superstar forever. Yes, there are exceptions like Madonna and Cher, Michael Jackson, etc, but I'd say most artists like to maintain somewhat of an even level of fame. I think the thing with Alizee is that she seems to want fame when it's convenient and the entertainment business is just too fickle for that.

Panther 08-08-2012 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 230796)
I think the thing with Alizee is that she seems to want fame when it's convenient and the entertainment business is just too fickle for that.

I think you're spot on there. I really don't think she wants to meet the demands of being a 'superstar' and prefers to strive for a 'better' work/life balance. If that is the case then I approve 100% and if she can pull it off then that is great for her IMO but I get the feeling that a lot of her fans would prefer her to be a 24/7 megastar. There are numerous things she could do if she wanted all the fame and fortune of a megastar - eg living in Paris for a start - but she chooses to live in Corsica and that speaks volumes to me about her core values.

SpanishFan 08-08-2012 03:52 PM

"She does not want to be a megastar"

While that phrase can be true, she could not be a megastar even if she wanted to. So that affirmation is irrelevant, the fact is that she is not a top musician or celebrity, and I think most of us are not bothered because of that, so no problem.
She is a beautiful singer with a lot of charm, but she has no ambition or musical talent. Nothing wrong with that, I think she is the first to know that, otherwise she would act like a diva and behave in very odd ways.

Karin 08-08-2012 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by SpanishFan (Post 230802)
"She does not want to be a megastar"

While that phrase can be true, she could not be a megastar even if she wanted to. So that affirmation is irrelevant, the fact is that she is not a top musician or celebrity, and I think most of us are not bothered because of that, so no problem.
She is a beautiful singer with a lot of charm, but she has no ambition or musical talent. Nothing wrong with that, I think she is the first to know that, otherwise she would act like a diva and behave in very odd ways.

well... she has talent, but must find the right way and the right people

Taxi Driver Aaron 08-08-2012 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by SpanishFan (Post 230802)
"She does not want to be a megastar"

While that phrase can be true, she could not be a megastar even if she wanted to. So that affirmation is irrelevant, the fact is that she is not a top musician or celebrity, and I think most of us are not bothered because of that, so no problem.
She is a beautiful singer with a lot of charm, but she has no ambition or musical talent. Nothing wrong with that, I think she is the first to know that, otherwise she would act like a diva and behave in very odd ways.

She is better than a "mega star" to me and that is all that matters.

vivealizee 08-08-2012 04:07 PM

True that, but that's not the topic.

IMO she wants to be a megastar and tries hard to get back to the top, but she seem to be at one's wits' end, I think she tries the diffrent styles not just because she finds it interesting.

SpanishFan 08-08-2012 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Karin (Post 230804)
well... she has talent, but must find the right way and the right people

If she needs all of that then she is not that talented...

Talented people just need a chance and a little bit of luck imo.
But I don't mean it in an offensive way, I like her. The fact that she does not play instruments, or she does not write her music or her lyrics it is not that important to me.

mzracing76 08-08-2012 04:47 PM

Why do people presume her career is headed in the wrong direction because she chose a path that those people do not agree with? Do we know what her goals were? Do we know what her ambitions were? Do we know for fact that she wanted that Popstar Status symbol? No we dont. She had her plans, and she has stuck to them. If anything, blame the Media for starting this type of topic and/or supposed myth. The Media didnt get what they wanted, and they want to paint Alizee as someone who dont care about her career.

vivealizee 08-08-2012 05:40 PM


Why do people presume her career is headed in the wrong direction because she chose a path that those people do not agree with?
Because it's hard to believe that a 14-16 year old girl who participates in music shows and sends demotapes to MF doesn't want to be succesfull. And also her new albums and changes of styles say "I want to be famous (again)".
Sure, she is artist, but she wants to make money with her work too, and not just a little bit.
Believing something else is just blinded.

Panther 08-08-2012 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by vivealizee (Post 230814)
Because it's hard to believe that a 14-16 year old girl who participates in music shows and sends demotapes to MF doesn't want to be succesfull.

Of course but that was then, when she'd had very little experience of the business and the toll it can take on your personal life. Is it not just possible that once she became 'successful' (2000 - 2004) she found the price of that level of success just too much to bear?

And also her new albums and changes of styles say "I want to be famous (again)".

Yes, but maybe for different reasons and in a different way. I think the new album will be very revealing.

Sure, she is artist, but she wants to make money with her work too, and not just a little bit.
Believing something else is just blinded.

Ultimately this whole discussion / debate rests on definitions of 'success' 'superstar' 'megastar' etc and unless we all agree on the criteria then there can be no real agreement. The point I was trying to make earlier was that I don't think Alizee wants the same level of success that she had back in 2000 - 2004 because I don't think she wants to make the domestic sacrifices that it would entail.

vivealizee 08-08-2012 06:58 PM


Is it not just possible that once she became 'successful' (2000 - 2004) she found the price of that level of success just too much to bear?
That is indeed possible, but it's very unlikely, because there are hundreds storys similar to hers, there are so many one hit wonders, and I think only a little little part of them doesn't want to be famous.
You may believe it, but it's very unlikely. MF just dropped her because Alizée was getting older, and she made enough money with her. They next years would have been more work for MF while earning less money with the product Alizée.

Karin 08-08-2012 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by vivealizee (Post 230818)
MF just dropped her because Alizée was getting older, and she made enough money with her. They next years would have been more work for MF while earning less money with the product Alizée.

like by MCE... sales were lower in compare with Gourmandises... Lolita just growned up

vivealizee 08-08-2012 07:29 PM

And there are also not so many real long-lasting superstars, the media wants and creates new stars every moment it seems.

ALS 08-08-2012 07:36 PM

Euphoria, that article in your first post is what caused me to join the board. I'd been into Alizée since late November early December 2004. On those early forums there was a real animosity for Jeremy and on some other French music boards the woman were slamming Alizée daily for marrying Jeremy. It was pretty ugly back then, with talk of the marriage being nothing more than a publicity stunt or sham. No one was giving it more than six months at most. Then it came out Alizée was pregnant and the haters started to tone down the comments and or left the boards.

The one point I do want to make is if this marriage was in so much trouble from the beginning why would Alizée and Jeremy buy a 4,000 sqft home on a golf coarse in 2008. Then a year or so later in Feb 2009 they go out and buy a commercial building in Villejuif for 180,000 €. The homes on her street in that Golf community are selling for 1.25 million €. The last one sold in less than 90 days.

I'm betting these problems in the marriage started right after the Psychedelices release. The critics panned the album and Jeremy of course had his hands all over that album from the start. Une enfant du siècle's lack of success just turned up the heat on the problems in her marriage and career.

Throw two strong personalities together and I'm betting there is going to be a lot of friction.

As far as the story on the band and her avoiding them I can theorize on that one. Lets see, the word is out that there are problems between Alizée and Jeremy and here are a bunch of sex crazed rock and roller band members.

How many members of that band hit on her while she was in Mexico?
I know guys and this is well with in the possibilities.
If you're a married woman with some family values there is no way you're going to encourage these guys so you're going to keep your distance.
It probably pissed her off and she was distant and not too friendly with any of them. And of course the band thinks she is a stuck up bitch for ignoring them.

As far as the DJ wanting you to take down the YouTube videos of Alizée and him, did you ask why he is upset with her? Anyone remember the fat older guy during that one interview in Mexico asking Alizée when she was going to do a nude spread? I'm wondering how many of these so call men who make disparaging comments against her and say they will never work with her again saw that Corsican side of her because of "their" actions not hers.

I wonder how many of these guys got their butt chewed out for thinking she was an easy piece of tail.

If you notice she only hangs alone, with her girl friends and obviously gay Dancerman. There have been no straight guys that we have seen in her life over the last eight or so months, WHY? I betting she is taking a break from guys for the near future because of a lot of bad situations in the past with men.

I've met lesbians and gays that use to be straight before having a total psycho come into their life, resulting in them switching sides as they say.

Fralizee 08-08-2012 07:50 PM

Alizee started to focus on her own style and wanted to show her own ideas, which as we all know is a hit or miss. Most artists stick to the style that sells and in concert play one of their own creations in between the well known numbers.
Alizee lost a large audience with her own style songs. I still only listen to the ols tunes , which bring out her talented voice much better.

Aldighieri 08-08-2012 07:51 PM

Simply radios don't sounds her songs..that's what went wrong..

Un-rêve 08-08-2012 10:29 PM

Well at the end of the day every great artist has their classics.

Alizée's 5th album is coming and that's nothing to sneeze at.. back in 2001 when I discovered her I thought she might just be a shooting star. Well I
knew she was special but I never thought she would still be selling albums 10 years on and I never thought I would be frequenting forums dedicated to her 10 years on either.

Well it's 2012 and we're here still discussing Alizée.. I think that's pretty amazing in itself!!! :D

ALS 08-08-2012 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Un-rêve (Post 230832)
Well I knew she was special but I never thought she would still be selling albums 10 years on and I never thought I would be frequenting forums dedicated to her 10 years on either.

Well it's 2012 and we're here still discussing Alizée.. I think that's pretty amazing in itself!!! :D

And how many different fan boards are there all around the world supporting this woman ten years later? It isn't just you or the members on this board who understand that she is one very special lady.

mzracing76 08-09-2012 12:34 AM

Alizee's greatest gift is her - Voice, Personality, and Charisma !!!

Thats why she still famous today. We love her the way she is.

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