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Rachelizee 03-14-2009 06:49 AM

You know you're an Alizée fan when...
Okay , this started life ( as all the best ideas do ) in a semi-drunken conversation last night and I thought we could all use a bit of a giggle anyway.So I want your answer to the title question , the more obscure and random the answer all the better and let's see how quickly we can get to 100.

So , you know you're an Alizée fan when...

1) you can find the accented é on your computer keyboard.
2) you get over-excited by the numbers 50 and 60.
3) you get annoyed when you see "Moi... Lolita" written without the three full stop trail.
4) you can turn absolutely any conversation onto Alizée.
e.g. " I find my studies of the ancient Japanese Shinto religion to be very eye-opening"
"You know Alizée did a Japanese advert once"
5) you start supporting the French team playing against your own country.(French fans excepted)

So over to you guys and girls.:D

Tiwaz 03-14-2009 09:52 AM

2) you get over-excited by the numbers 50 and 60.

I got rather excited once when I saw a car with the company logo "ACC". :eek:

Ruroshen 03-14-2009 09:55 AM

...your heart leaps whenever you think you hear the intro to J'en ai Marre! on the radio, then breaks a little when you realize it's actually Viva la Vida.

(Gets me every time, dammit! :mad:)

aDZ 03-14-2009 10:44 AM

Word Ruroshen!

Few weeks ago when I was eating breakfast I thought I heard J'en ai Marre on the radio for an instant, but after 2sec I realized that it was just Viva la Vida.. A few seconds after that point, to my suprise, I can clearly hear that it actually IS J'en ai Marre!, I freaked out with happiness :)

Was like a rollercoaster. Viva la Alizée !

Amigo! 03-14-2009 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Ruroshen (Post 126797)
...your heart leaps whenever you think you hear the intro to J'en ai Marre! on the radio, then breaks a little when you realize it's actually Viva la Vida.

(Gets me every time, dammit! :mad:)

I honestly do not know how you could possibly confuse the two intros :rolleyes:

Rocket 03-14-2009 12:49 PM

1) you can find the accented é on your computer keyboard.
2) you get over-excited by the numbers 50 and 60.
3) you get annoyed when you see "Moi... Lolita" written without the three full stop trail.
4) you can turn absolutely any conversation onto Alizée.
e.g. " I find my studies of the ancient Japanese Shinto religion to be very eye-opening"
"You know Alizée did a Japanese advert once"
5) you start supporting the French team playing against your own country.(French fans excepted)
6) You have a sudden desire to learn French or kick yourself for not paying attention while in French Class.

Ruroshen 03-14-2009 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Amigo! (Post 126805)
I honestly do not know how you could possibly confuse the two intros :rolleyes:

If you're actively listening and paying attention, then yes, I agree it's easy to tell them apart...but if you're just hearing the first few chords in the background while you're focusing on something else, I'd argue it's not hard to confuse them, at least for the first few seconds.

Rocket 03-14-2009 02:11 PM

WE'RE STILL ON THE FIRST PAGE AND YOU GUYS ARE ALREADY OFF THE TOPIC!! Geez guys work with Rachelizee here. :rolleyes:

mavsluver41 03-14-2009 02:23 PM

7) You catch your family members humming "Moi...Lolita" during the day. (In my case, my grandmother :eek:)
8) You seriously consider naming your daughter Alizée. (Not me, but some ;))
9) Your heart beats faster when your teacher talks about Napolean :D.

Customer1 03-14-2009 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by mavsluver41 (Post 126813)
8) You seriously consider naming your daughter Alizée. (Not me, but some ;))

LOL you know I really thought about naming my daughter that( when I do get one of course) But then I dont know if I want people to think... what was he drinking while naming her.

Junkmale 03-14-2009 03:10 PM

9/ You actually go into the tattoo parlour clutching a copy of Psych and ask how much to do the logo from the cover? (£100 if anyones interested).

LeFantôme 03-14-2009 05:12 PM

15. Your heart leaps every time you feel a strong gust of wind. :p

mavsluver41 03-14-2009 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by LeFantôme (Post 126817)
15. Your heart leaps every time you feel a strong gust of wind. :p

HAHAHA :D. That's the best one so far, LeFantôme. I wish I'd thought of that :p.

Junkmale 03-14-2009 05:57 PM

16. You covince yourself that Decollage isn't really all that bad.
17. You tell your Surgeon about her during your Barium Enema.
18. You try and convince your girlfriend/wife that her hair really would be nice like that.

ImRawdg 03-14-2009 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Tiwaz (Post 126796)
2) you get over-excited by the numbers 50 and 60.

I got rather excited once when I saw a car with the company logo "ACC". :eek:

Both of those for sure.

I also tend to not be able to get over even the slightest resemblances between some people and Alizée.

deanej 03-14-2009 07:20 PM

19. You buy "A Good Year" just because it has Moi... Lolita on it.
20. You know all the words to Moi... Lolita and can sing it yet don't know any French.

Dark Engine 03-14-2009 07:34 PM

21. You buy a whole new hard drive because all the Alizée videos and mp3's you download are well over 1gig. (I was guilty of this before youtube back in 2002)
These are more geared towards us guys:
22. You become more interested in dating French/foreign or non-local women. (the real reason I enlisted)
23. Your standards for dating women have gotten ridiculously high because of Alizée.

Junkmale 03-14-2009 07:37 PM

23. Your standards for dating women have gotten ridiculously high because of Alizée.


Srbski-kralj 03-14-2009 09:15 PM

You know ur a fan of Lili when:
24. You take ur mp3 to work, and it playes all day in ur ear. (Me) today.
25. Basting Lili out of your sterio while driving around town.
26. Nearly getting pulled over by a cop while listening to Lili's Moi...Lolita.
27. Talking about the same cop, realazing that the cop was lip singing Moi...Lolita when he was driving next to you. (happend to me last week freaked the shit out of me).
28. Actualy thinking getting a tattoe of Lili on your back.
29. trying to get a crash course in Franch.
30. Cant let a single moment go by without hearing her voice.
31. day dreaming about her while at work. (Had to say happened today at work, snaped out of it when I cut my-self on the grinder)

Amigo! 03-14-2009 09:26 PM

32. You only date women who are 5'3" :p

Srbski-kralj 03-14-2009 09:36 PM

33. Looking at Lili's picture drinking a soda, then having an idea to look around Paris through Internet trying to find the name of that place.
34. Fliping out about Lili's new Album.
35. Greatly thinking of going to mexico jsut to see Lili in person, risking geting shot, or worse. But I guess seaing her makes it all worth it :).

Shoepick 03-14-2009 09:54 PM

36. Rasterbate Alizée

KC Kcrooner 03-14-2009 11:16 PM

37. How about searching every record rack in a small California town under A, L, J, and P for princess.

38. Wishing you had dated that tiny brunette in high school:wub:

Srbski-kralj 03-14-2009 11:18 PM

39. Going overload looking at all of her music videos posted.
40. watching all interviews posted.

edgar93 03-14-2009 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Srbski-kralj (Post 126832)

27. Talking about the same cop, realazing that the cop was lip singing Moi...Lolita when he was driving next to you. (happend to me last week freaked the shit out of me).

no way, was the cop singing Moi...Lolita :eek:?


Originally Posted by Amigo!
32. You only date women who are 5'3"

lol :p

Srbski-kralj 03-14-2009 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by edgar93 (Post 126842)
no way, was the cop singing Moi...Lolita :eek:?

Hell yeha that is what threw me off, i had the music all the way up, windows down, I lookedover i see him singing it when lili started to say lo Li ta, several times. He turned his head and smiled at me and took off. You know the part in hte song where she sing it like in a slow moting type deal. i didnt believe at first but thinking back, idk waht else he could have been doing. He had his wondow down and clearly hears the song.

edgar93 03-14-2009 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Srbski-kralj (Post 126843)
Hell yeha that is what threw me off, i had the music all the way up, windows down, I lookedover i see him singing it when lili started to say lo Li ta, several times. He turned his head and smiled at me and took off.

Holy crap that must have been awesome :eek:!
Sorry for the OT :o.

Srbski-kralj 03-14-2009 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by edgar93 (Post 126844)
Holy crap that must have been awesome :eek:!
Sorry for the OT :o.

It was, nerly craped my pants lol, because i just didnt have music up loud, i was sorda speedig just a little bit, When i saw him in my head Oh shit here comes a ticket.

woohoo 03-14-2009 11:50 PM

1) you can find the accented é on your computer keyboard.- I actually still cant do that.

2) you get over-excited by the numbers 50 and 60.- There is an office building i drive past every day that says "fifty-sixtysix" and every time i see i want to subtract 6.

3) you get annoyed when you see "Moi... Lolita" written without the three full stop trail.- sometimes

4) you can turn absolutely any conversation onto Alizée.- Almost any

5) you start supporting the French team playing against your own country.(French fans excepted) Not usually, "cuase this is America"

Paenguin 03-15-2009 02:21 AM

41.) you're a female in an alizée forum :\

Srbski-kralj 03-15-2009 02:31 AM

Yeah u have to lol. But no that wasent me I believe it was Edgar93. Not sure.
42. Arguing when someone disses Lili.

RadioactiveMan 03-15-2009 02:32 AM

Very nearly all of the pop music I listen to stems from listening to Alizée- because of songs she's covered, duets, etc. Just about all of it can be traced back.

pepelepew 03-15-2009 02:48 AM

43. When your wife is jealous of the time spent watching Alizee video's and on Alizee fan websites. She calls her my little Frenchy girl. How right she is!:wub:

Youpidou1 03-15-2009 10:28 AM

I am 4/5.

All except the one where I support a French team against Italy or America.
Because I can't support another team when all my friends are in the room. They would point and laugh. I can't take that.

Thor Azrail 03-15-2009 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Rachelizee (Post 126794)
1) you can find the accented é on your computer keyboard.

Having a US keyboard I don't have an é key BUT I do the the doe memorized (its Alt+0233 if you want to know)


Shoepick 03-15-2009 12:30 PM

Also Alt + 130

Amigo! 03-15-2009 12:52 PM

44. When some people :rolleyes: can start threads about her fashion. :D

mavsluver41 03-15-2009 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Amigo! (Post 126870)
44. When some people :rolleyes: can start threads about her fashion. :D

If you want to play that way :p:

45. When you've determined what drug/tank/food Alizée would be if she were a drug/tank/food :rolleyes:.

OGRE 03-15-2009 02:11 PM

46: When you use her image as your avatar in other forums.

Amigo! 03-15-2009 02:29 PM

47. When the sight of tinkerbell makes you laugh :o

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