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User22 12-17-2010 10:17 PM

Une Enfant Du Siecle Like/Dislike Poll
Please decide in the poll whether or not you liked Une Enfant Du Siecle. Please only take into account how the album sounded and not the fact it was considered a commercial failure. Thanks :)

this is also to clear up some stuff in other threads, most of you know what i'm talking about...

BlackAnthem 12-17-2010 10:21 PM

Well I see I'm the only one...

Azhiri 12-17-2010 10:31 PM

Love. <3

I've always been really diversely into music, I don't care what genre a song is - as long as I like a tune, I like the song. UEdS just happens to be full of songs that sound good to me. I also think the lyrics are a lot more well-written than previous albums, even though of course I can't relate to it at all. :rolleyes:

I think you either love it or you hate it.

User22 12-17-2010 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Azhiri (Post 193173)
Love. <3

I've always been really diversely into music, I don't care what genre a song is - as long as I like a tune, I like the song. UEdS just happens to be full of songs that sound good to me. I also think the lyrics are a lot more well-written than previous albums, even though of course I can't relate to it at all. :rolleyes:

I think you either love it or you hate it.

Well said Azhiri:) And in the end, this is really what matters to the majority of the fans, if it sounds good or not.

Marquis<3Alizée 12-17-2010 11:37 PM

Do I dislike or like Une Enfant Du Siecel???....I love it not just because Alizée made it. This album has a lot more meaning to it, more deeper lyrics and with a lot of feeling in the songs. I don't know why this album hasn't sold so well it's a very goo album I'll recemended it to somebody any day that this album should be an album everybody shout listen to before dying!

User22 12-17-2010 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Marquis<3Alizée (Post 193195)
Do I dislike or like Une Enfant Du Siecel???....I love it not just because Alizée made it. This album has a lot more meaning to it, more deeper lyrics and with a lot of feeling in the songs. I don't know why this album hasn't sold so well it's a very goo album I'll recemended it to somebody any day that this album should be an album everybody shout listen to before dying!

You returned, and you returned in style my man :cool: Great to here that from a guy like you :)

Edcognito 12-17-2010 11:55 PM

Meh... I like some of the music on Ueds. Some i'm not so hot on. vOv Alizee has her own style, and for the most part I like it.

Personally (not wishing for this, just sayin') I would love to see LB and Alizee get together again and do an albums worth of new material... But again, thats just me!

Deepwaters 12-18-2010 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Edcognito (Post 193210)
Meh... I like some of the music on Ueds. Some i'm not so hot on. vOv Alizee has her own style, and for the most part I like it.

Personally (not wishing for this, just sayin') I would love to see LB and Alizee get together again and do an albums worth of new material... But again, thats just me!

Huh -- just Laurent, not Mylène? Would you expect Alizée herself to write the lyrics? I don't know if she's much of a poet. (But then, I don't know that she's really tried. She's not inarticulate.)

Current signs are that the next effort will be more rock and less spacey electronica.

In answer to the poll, I love UEDS. But she can't make music just for me.

(I know she wants to. :wub: But it's just not a good career move.) :D

Edcognito 12-18-2010 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Deepwaters (Post 193251)
Huh -- just Laurent, not Mylène? Would you expect Alizée herself to write the lyrics? I don't know if she's much of a poet. (But then, I don't know that she's really tried. She's not inarticulate.)

Current signs are that the next effort will be more rock and less spacey electronica.

In answer to the poll, I love UEDS. But she can't make music just for me.

(I know she wants to. :wub: But it's just not a good career move.) :D


/me waves excitedly!

Heh, I'm not actually against Mylène, just that Laurent came to mind first, because, tbqh - I really love the stuff he did for Alizeé.

Let me be clear though, I'm *NOT* hoping for a return to Gourmandises or MCE, rather, a modern, mature effort reflecting who Alizeé is now. And yes, I do understand that is exactly what UEDS is... ;)

I would just like to see L/MF/Alizeé do another album, purely for selfish reasons! :D


user472884 12-18-2010 01:41 AM

to the two of you who know who you are,

But in all seriousness, UEdS is one of two albums where I like each and every song for their musical merit (though psychologically I love them all) and can listen to it in its entirety.

Människöpesten 12-18-2010 02:24 AM

while not exactly what i wanted, it's a nice change of pace. i like it.

User22 12-18-2010 02:50 AM

Well I never said what I thought about here we go.

I loved it musically:) Each song puts a different image of her in my head(not an actual picture of her but more of a thought of her). I like how each song is different from one another, they all compliment each other too. And the album as a whole just seemed....great :) Such a unique sound...

Scruffydog777 12-18-2010 03:06 AM

I've listened to Ueds several times now and I do enjoy listening to most of the songs, but I don't have the urge to listen to them day after day as I have done for the past 3 and 1/2 years, with the music of Alizee's first two albums.

jung_adore_ALIZEE 12-18-2010 03:24 AM

I gave it a listen through once and that was enough.



Tom 12-18-2010 06:18 AM

Favourite album! Yeah, what you gonna do?

I'm open for different kinds of music. I immediately loved UEdS when I listened to it even though I reacted on how different it was from her previous albums. When I had listened through the album the first time I was crying, mostly because Mes fantomes was the last song and it is so beautiful. I certainly do not live in any Iwillmeether world, I really think the album is truly amazing. It is the album I listen to the most nowdays and the only album where it's difficult to pick a least favourite song for me. I think I'm repeating myself from other threads here but what I want to say is: UEdS is amazing and I love it! (My opinion. If you don't like it, you're allowed to think so. :))

babyblue558 12-18-2010 09:25 AM

I went for "like" because I do like it but it's not love. It was a good concept executed reasonably well but it's just not up to the exceptional quality of her first two albums. I adore Eden, Eden and Mes Fantômes but the others are good but nothing special. I hope that for the next album she returns to something more mainstream, maybe acoustic or....


Originally Posted by Deepwaters (Post 193251)
Current signs are that the next effort will be more rock and less spacey electronica.

Something like that ^ :p

lefty12357 12-18-2010 12:13 PM

I chose "like". There is a lot to like about this album from my point of view and for my tastes. I believe it is a really good album artistically. I really like the lyrics and melodies of the songs. I admit that I might have arranged some things differently, but that's just me.

When it comes to Alizée's music, I currently listen to this album the most. Occasionally I'll put on Psych. It's been a while since I listened to the older stuff, even though I like it very much.

I'm not sure where Alizée will go next, but I believe that she will eventually hit on a style of music that suits her perfectly, and also be very marketable. I have some idea of what that might be, but I really can't be specific at this point. Anyways, I think the best is yet to come as long as she stays in the game.

BlackAnthem 12-18-2010 12:19 PM

I chose "dislike". The music wasn't as up-beat and happy. More solemn and melancholy (Not all songs. But most of them). A serious album is never a good one, in my opinion.

User22 12-18-2010 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by lefty12357 (Post 193275)
I'm not sure where Alizée will go next, but I believe that she will eventually hit on a style of music that suits her perfectly, and also be very marketable. I have some idea of what that might be, but I really can't be specific at this point. Anyways, I think the best is yet to come as long as she stays in the game.

Let's hope this happens :) Hopefully she'll be the Brett Favre of French Music and just make new albums for the next 15 or so years and be very successful in doing it. Or even she could follow Mylene's footsteps in terms of amount of albums...

BlackAnthem 12-18-2010 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 193277)
Let's hope this happens :) Hopefully she'll be the Brett Favre of French Music and just make new albums for the next 15 or so years and be very successful in doing it. Or even she could follow Mylene's footsteps in terms of amount of albums...

Let's hope she's having a Peyton Manning. A bad year, that's all.

She hasn't "retired" then "unretired" then "maybe retired" then taken a picture of her genitalia. Therefore not a Favre.

Or maybe she's pulling a Vick. She messed up now she's recovering and will come back better than ever.

Or maybe she's a Kurt Warner. She was good, but now she's kinda washed up...

Or she's a McNabb. Was hot and a respected part of the team but now is losing her momentum.


User22 12-18-2010 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by BlackAnthem (Post 193279)
1)Let's hope she's having a Peyton Manning. A bad year, that's all.

2)Or maybe she's pulling a Vick. She messed up now she's recovering and will come back better than ever.

3)Or maybe she's a Kurt Warner. She was good, but now she's kinda washed up...

4)Or she's a McNabb. Was hot and a respected part of the team but now is losing her momentum.


Let's use a 4-sided die to see where life will take her :D

wasabi622 12-23-2010 12:31 AM

Well, this is hard to answer.

As a patriotic citizen of Lilly Town: of course I do! I paid good money to get the pre-order deluxe set thingy!
But on a purely musical level: not really my style.. at all.

Can't say that I like it... but saying that I dislike it would be a lie as well.

Toc De Mac 01-21-2011 12:23 AM

As I listen to this album again, it's really a shame that this album didn't reach a larger public. :( It's so suited for after-dark, quiet hours.

Chuck 01-21-2011 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by BlackAnthem (Post 193279)
Let's hope she's having a Peyton Manning. A bad year, that's all.

She hasn't "retired" then "unretired" then "maybe retired" then taken a picture of her genitalia. Therefore not a Favre.

Or maybe she's pulling a Vick. She messed up now she's recovering and will come back better than ever.

Or maybe she's a Kurt Warner. She was good, but now she's kinda washed up...

Or she's a McNabb. Was hot and a respected part of the team but now is losing her momentum.


At least BA ruled out Favre! Of the choices, I'd vote Peyton Manning.

Hey, I like UEDS. A lot. But it's different, not normally my bag. Some parts were really cool, like the creepy, creaky lead-in music before Les Collines - I feel there should have been more of that kinda stuff. More tie-ins between songs would have made for a stronger, more cohesive "concept album".

We'll see what happens next. If it's similar, great. But I'm optimistic that the next album will be even better. :rolleyes:

severianb 01-22-2011 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by BlackAnthem (Post 193279)
Let's hope she's having a Peyton Manning. A bad year, that's all.

She hasn't "retired" then "unretired" then "maybe retired" then taken a picture of her genitalia. Therefore not a Favre.

Or maybe she's pulling a Vick. She messed up now she's recovering and will come back better than ever.

Or maybe she's a Kurt Warner. She was good, but now she's kinda washed up...

Or she's a McNabb. Was hot and a respected part of the team but now is losing her momentum.


That. Was. Awesome.

Or maybe a Tom Brady. She came out of nowhere 10 years ago, and coached by a reclusive mastermind, dominated. Made the opposite sex swoon. Hasn't had huge success for awhile, and current hairstyle is questionable. Still has everything needed for a big comeback, and can't be counted out.

pepelepew 01-22-2011 01:01 AM

I voted like because as I've said before,"Alizee could sing the phone book and I would like it." :wub:

RobandSandy 01-22-2011 02:31 PM

I already know I do not ring through as the most popular voice here on this forum. And my opinion of UEDS is alike, not the most popular view. However, I did not come here to win any popularity contests. UEDS in my humble opinion is her best work to date, Limelight, by far my favorite single by her, and the subject matter of her first concept album, Edie Sedgwick's life and early demise.......brilliant, and Alizée has not been the first to have Edie as a subjct of thier work either....... The Cult Edie [Ciao Baby] is also about Edie early demise in the Eastern Village scene of the mid to late 60s.....simply put, Alizée is the best of the best!

VVVACCPLPNLY 01-22-2011 02:35 PM

I think deciding between like'dislike is a bit of a bland question. Hard to really tell why, bt it is. It's good, and I liked it, but I don't know. I feel just saying 'I liked it' or 'I didn't like it' is kind of stiff.

Chuck 01-22-2011 09:44 PM

Sure, it's a great album in many ways, but I do find it very significant that among us, some of her biggest fans in the world, almost 1 out of 5 of us doesn't like UEDS. If it was really hot, shouldn't we all be unanimously crazy about it? If it was really that hot, would this poll even need to exist? Hmmmmm.

severianb 01-22-2011 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Chuck (Post 198136)
Sure, it's a great album in many ways, but I do find it very significant that among us, some of her biggest fans in the world, almost 1 out of 5 of us doesn't like UEDS. If it was really hot, shouldn't we all be unanimously crazy about it? If it was really that hot, would this poll even need to exist? Hmmmmm.

When you do a bunch of different stuff, not everyone will like it. And UEDS was *really* different. A brave move.

Now take a band like AC/DC, that has done the same thing for almost 40 years. If fans don't like one of their albums, it's not because it's a different style, it's because they think it's bad... because AC/DC would never do a concept album about the life of Edie Sedgwick. :p

DrSmith 01-22-2011 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by severianb (Post 198137)
AC/DC would never do a concept album about the life of Edie Sedgwick. :p

You never heard Fly on the Warhol?

MYGOGT 01-22-2011 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by RobandSandy (Post 198124)
I already know I do not ring through as the most popular voice here on this forum. And my opinion of UEDS is alike, not the most popular view. However, I did not come here to win any popularity contests. UEDS in my humble opinion is her best work to date, Limelight, by far my favorite single by her, and the subject matter of her first concept album, Edie Sedgwick's life and early demise.......brilliant, and Alizée has not been the first to have Edie as a subjct of thier work either....... The Cult Edie [Ciao Baby] is also about Edie early demise in the Eastern Village scene of the mid to late 60s.....simply put, Alizée is the best of the best!

I was unsure of Limelight until you told me to pump up the bass and give it a listen.....and that is what it took for me, as I don't usually have the bass up much. Gotta go and try the new noise canceling headphones with the vinyl picture disc. Oh, I do rather like UEDs.

severianb 01-22-2011 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by MYGOGT (Post 198141)
I was unsure of Limelight until you told me to pump up the bass and give it a listen.....and that is what it took for me, as I don't usually have the bass up much. Gotta go and try the new noise canceling headphones with the vinyl picture disc. Oh, I do rather like UEDs.

Properly reproduced bass is essential, in my humble opinion, for the complete enjoyment of most music. I just love a good, unsophisticated bumping dance song now and then... which is why I'd like Alizee to do a whole album of them! Yeah, Limelight is wonderful track to listen to on a powerful system. Moi...Lolita has a VERY exaggerated bass track that can be heard on even small systems. When you put it on a big stereo, it's a bit overdone, but a real dance tune in any case.

RobandSandy 01-27-2011 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by MYGOGT (Post 198141)
I was unsure of Limelight until you told me to pump up the bass and give it a listen.....and that is what it took for me, as I don't usually have the bass up much. Gotta go and try the new noise canceling headphones with the vinyl picture disc. Oh, I do rather like UEDs.

I blew the third set of speakers I had on my sony amp over the holidays listening to Limelight, bummer lololol I usually find another set in an abanoned apartment we are sent to paint somewhere. Ill have a fresh set to blow soon!!!!! Just put it like this, all my neighbors have heard Alizée, just not at 3AM however, those were the kinds of things we did when we were a bit younger. :D:D:D:D and I dont believe AC/DC ever did a concept album. Artists that are willing to produce concept albums have usually been cuuting edge, ahead of thier time type performers such as The Who Tommy Pink Floyd The Wall Alizée Un Enfant Du Sielce um who else has done a concept album or rock opera???? Not sure. Oh and I have those. I like concept albums, mabey just the concept of them, anyway. What would really blow my mind would be if Alizée did a concept album with a concept MOVIE like Pink Floyd The Wall. That would really ROCK!!!! Alizée ROCKS!!!! ROCK ON PEOPLE Last I saw the poll has come in at 82 to 18 percent that is, in an election, that is called a landslide,in a basketball game um thats referred to as a blowout.

pepelepew 01-28-2011 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by RobandSandy (Post 198524)
I blew the third set of speakers I had on my sony amp over the holidays listening to Limelight, bummer lololol I usually find another set in an abanoned apartment we are sent to paint somewhere. Ill have a fresh set to blow soon!!!!! Just put it like this, all my neighbors have heard Alizée, just not at 3AM however, those were the kinds of things we did when we were a bit younger. :D:D:D:D and I dont believe AC/DC ever did a concept album. Artists that are willing to produce concept albums have usually been cuuting edge, ahead of thier time type performers such as The Who Tommy Pink Floyd The Wall Alizée Un Enfant Du Sielce um who else has done a concept album or rock opera???? Not sure. Oh and I have those. I like concept albums, mabey just the concept of them, anyway. What would really blow my mind would be if Alizée did a concept album with a concept MOVIE like Pink Floyd The Wall. That would really ROCK!!!! Alizée ROCKS!!!! ROCK ON PEOPLE Last I saw the poll has come in at 82 to 18 percent that is, in an election, that is called a landslide,in a basketball game um thats referred to as a blowout.

Alice Cooper- Welcome to my nightmare I think?

RobandSandy 01-28-2011 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by pepelepew (Post 198528)
Alice Cooper- Welcome to my nightmare I think?

Yups, and that is another example Alice Cooper at his prime, extreme, the cutting edge, ahead of his time, just like Zee is today.

Euphoria 01-28-2011 09:25 AM

I like the album. La Candida and A Coeur Fendre are my favorites, followed closely by 14 decembre. The rest of the album is good, but its more relaxing and not too upbeat. Overall good album, I like the electro aspect, but not so much the retro style.

jung_adore_ALIZEE 01-28-2011 07:08 PM

I didn't realize that anyone putting out concept albums is ahead of their time :rolleyes:.

Alice Cooper was no more ahead of his time than any of the other original Rock bands were. Just as say Kamelot as a more recent example with two concept albums, "Epica" and "The Black Halo", are no more ahead of their time than say Nightwish, Epica, or any other symphonic metal band. Same goes for Alizee's newest album when compared to any other mellow electronica band out there. The only difference between them and a normal album is that all the songs tie together (which with most new albums it seems all songs go back to the same meaning throughout the whole album), doesn't make it cutting edge or ahead of their time. The actual material speaks for how cutting edge it is.

It all just comes down to if you like it, if you do you do and if not, big deal.



Azhiri 01-28-2011 09:58 PM

This album has grown on me even more recently.

During marching season, on our really long bus drives to Tennessee and other states for competitions, I'd listen to two albums: the soundtrack to Where the Wild Things Are on the way there to get me hyped up, in a good mood, and ready to perform; and UEdS on the drive back to help me sleep and mellow out after all the excitement. They both worked wonders and I associate them with some of the best memories of my life. I'm sticking to the same strategy next season. :)

lefty12357 01-28-2011 10:44 PM

I listen to UEDS a lot in the car. As a matter of fact I listened to it this afternoon.

Occasionally I have music listening nights at my house where each of my friends brings over a CD of their choice. We listen to each one without talking or any other interruptions. We take a brief intermission between each CD. Each of us tries to come up with something really interesting that the others haven't heard. Of course I've used these opportunities to play Alizée, as well as other music. It's a great way to listen to concept albums in particular. I know it probably sounds weird, but we are all musicians and we take our listening very seriously.

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