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Scruffydog777 04-19-2010 11:30 PM

How do we thank Alizée?
Soon after returning from my trip of a lifetime to Paris, i sent a thank you note to the manager of Virgin Megastores who Docdtv first contacted. We owe so much to this guy (Docdtv too). It would have been so easy for him to drop the ball and just ignore the note, because 50 cd's isn't a huge amount (though I'm sure if we had known earlier, we would have wanted a few hundred cd's), he might not want to have bothered a star like Alizée with such a request. But he went the extra yard. I just hope he understood the thank you message I sent him in English.
Then there is the gentleman from Instatubes, who I'm sure had a lot to do with this request being passed on to Alizée. I sent him a nice thank you note to the Instatube office in Paris by regular mail last week. He spoke English very well so hopefully he appreciated how much me and this forum appreciated what he did.
But I never thought about thanking Alizée. I guess mainly because I thought so many people send her messages on myspace or facebook, how can one be really sure that she would get the message. Then there is the language barrier, I've learned 12 of her songs to varying degrees, but to listen to an interview of hers on the news, I can't understand a word she's saying, and I think that one thing this trip showed me is she is more or less in the same boat. Even though she has a very good understanding of the songs she sings in English, she really can't engage in a conversation in English. So any letter I would want to send to her, would have to be sent in French.
I have to send her a thank you note for me and for us. I and we can't go without at least making an attempt to contatct her personally for what she did for us. What is the best outlet to send it to, to make sure it gets delivered? I think maybe the gentleman from Instatubes, but hopefully some other people in here can offer some insight.

MYGOGT 04-19-2010 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 161704)
Soon after returning from my trip of a lifetime to Paris, i sent a thank you note to the manager of Virgin Megastores who Docdtv first contacted. We owe so much to this guy (Docdtv too). It would have been so easy for him to drop the ball and just ignore the note, because 50 cd's isn't a huge amount (though I'm sure if we had known earlier, we would have wanted a few hundred cd's), he might not want to have bothered a star like Alizée with such a request. But he went the extra yard. I just hope he understood the thank you message I sent him in English.
Then there is the gentleman from Instatubes, who I'm sure had a lot to do with this request being passed on to Alizée. I sent him a nice thank you note to the Instatube office in Paris by regular mail last week. He spoke English very well so hopefully he appreciated how much me and this forum appreciated what he did.
But I never thought about thanking Alizée. I guess mainly because I thought so many people send her messages on myspace or facebook, how can one be really sure that she would get the message. Then there is the language barrier, I've learned 12 of her songs to varying degrees, but to listen to an interview of hers on the news, I can't understand a word she's saying, and I think that one thing this trip showed me is she is more or less in the same boat. Even though she has a very good understanding of the songs she sings in English, she really can't engage in a conversation in English. So any letter I would want to send to her, would have to be sent in French.
I have to send her a thank you note for me and for us. I and we can't go without at least making an attempt to contatct her personally for what she did for us. What is the best outlet to send it to, to make sure it gets delivered? I think maybe the gentleman from Instatubes, but hopefully some other people in here can offer some insight.

After reading this post I thought," When we have a point of contact wouldn't it be great to have, at least, all those who received a signed cd write a short thank you?" Just my thoughts.

sumi1 04-20-2010 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by MYGOGT (Post 161710)
After reading this post I thought," When we have a point of contact wouldn't it be great to have, at least, all those who received a signed cd write a short thank you?" Just my thoughts.

I think a thank you letter from the whole forum is good idea. We can all work on the letter together and pass it on to the medium of contact. 50 letters will be too much and she may not read all of them seriously.

The major point through whom should we contact her. She must be having some managers/agents who deal with all the media persons/organizing interviews etc. We might pass on our letter to them. In my undergrad, I contacted a very famous band in India to organize their show in my university. Their manager's contact information was available from theor website. Nothing like this is there on her website though.

Deepwaters 04-20-2010 12:14 AM

Well, I already thanked her twice on Facebook, one after I heard that she was doing the special session, and the second time after I received my CD. If we want to put together a group message of thanks, that's fine, too, but I would suggest not making a huge deal about delivering it to her. The simplest way, after it's put together, is have someone who is a Facebook friend (Ben would be a logical choice) deliver it electronically.

Honestly, people think she's so inaccessible and that's just not true. Getting word to her is EASY. In fact, I can just about guarantee she'll read this thread within the next week or so.

sumi1 04-20-2010 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Deepwaters (Post 161717)
Honestly, people think she's so inaccessible and that's just not true. Getting word to her is EASY. In fact, I can just about guarantee she'll read this thread within the next week or so.

Given how she organized a special session for us shows how considerate she is for her fans. However, with all the sources of communication at our disposal, we must also ensure that we are acting in a responsible manner. If we all keep pestering her, she might be angryzee :) I don't want that. Probably Ben contacting her is a good idea.

woohoo 04-20-2010 12:27 AM

Whatever we write it should be short and sweet. I think that a consise letter of how much the entire forum and America appreciates the gesture and that's about it.

user472884 04-20-2010 02:37 AM

We can write her a letter!

Merci Alizée 04-20-2010 02:55 AM

Few thoughts
She joined the group Alizée America on facebook. We can thank her her there on behalf of Alizée America.

We can write a short letter, saying thank you.

Create a video in which we thank her and post it on her fb. She does watch videos there and I'm sure about it. Thanking in a video would be a good option. She signed for so many people and didn't see who they are. Maybe a short video would make everyone feel like we are thanking her personally. We can have different options about how to make sure that she watches that video. :)

Chuck 04-20-2010 03:01 AM

But Aaron doesn't like letters!
Oh Jalen - you Jokeur!

But yes, we could do that, and I've already got a layout we could use. (And a bunch of signatures already on it.) ;););)

(In fact, if we did want to reuse the same format, we could even make room for more sigs, and remove those of people that aren't around anymore)

So yes, a letter sounds good, and it wouldn't be too hard. Still - I'm not sure if that's what Scruffy had in mind. Maybe he's hoping we'll think of something different? Something new?

So Scruffdog, it's up to you. If you want to let the group brainstorm on it some more, great! I'm trying to think up what else we could do to say thank-you, too. Still, even if we get her her own 2-hour special on ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX, a nice letter could go along with that. :D

Late Flash from Merci Alizée - she did WHAT?!?!? WOW!!!
(And by the way, that's another great way to say thanks to Alizée: make it your screen name!)

C-4 04-20-2010 05:31 AM

I'm not very computer-savvy, but a concise letter just letting Alizée know that we appreciated her extra effort to accomodate her american fans seems to be the neat and clean way of doing this without over-doing it.

It would be quite hard to get a video of everyone, either separately or in a group, but if the signatures of all those who were lucky to have received Alizée's autopraph were included in the letter to her, I think it would make it easy for her to read it without going through 50+ letters separately, or making it difficult time-wise for her to go through it all.

It would get her the message, show her we appreciated what she did for us, and not intrude on her time in a lengthy manner.

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-20-2010 06:40 AM

Not that I think the letter is a bad idea, but I wish we had something more original. But what? If we do a letter, that would be great. I am 100% sure she would read it. French or English. But, what would we say? Other than thank you, I mean. The other letter did a fairly good job of showing how people here feel about her. So a letter saying 'thank you, we admire you' would not be that different. But a simple 'thank you' might not fully show some peoples' appreciation. But what else can we do? It feels like a letter is our only, and not necessarily best, choice. I will certainly help in writing one, but I just wish we could do something more tangible.

Jess 04-20-2010 08:02 AM

This is a great idea Scruffy !! In fact it would be great if the community planned more activities like this, it would keep everyone more involved and probably keep some of us away from trouble. ;)

The letter itself could be made out of brief notes from all the participating members thanking her for her gesture in their own words, and then someone could translated it in French. We could also attach our signature at the end of each note, or just use the template that we already have. Also, even those that did not get a signed cd could participate, so that she can see that there's more then 50 members to this forum, we could add that we didn't want to bombard her with more cds.

Edit: Example of one note:
Alizée you're a great source of inspiration for all of us. Not only because of your talent in music, but also because of the unique and beautiful person that you've become. Thank you for taking the time to sign our cds, but most importantly thank you for sharing yourself with us, and enhancing the quality of our own life experience. Good continuation ☮ ♥ ♫ ~ Jess

Scruffydog777 04-20-2010 09:03 AM

I'd have to say I think something short and to the point would be best. I'm sure she read our open letter and I think it would be wrong of us to intrude more on her time when she must have tons of other messages from fans around the world. So like C4 said, concise, translated into French and delivered by Ben.

Merci Alizée 04-20-2010 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 161759)
I'd have to say I think something short and to the point would be best. I'm sure she read our open letter and I think it would be wrong of us to intrude more on her time when she must have tons of other messages from fans around the world. So like C4 said, concise, translated into French and delivered by Ben.

Then I would say that a one page letter expressing our gratitude towards her on behalf of all members of AA. Letter maybe of as short as mentioned by Jess. That would fulfill our purpose and save her precious time too. Maybe we can include few signatures if not all, as mentioned by C-4.

sumi1 04-20-2010 11:03 AM

Instead of a few signatures, why don't have it signed just as Alizee America Forum. It includes each and every one of us :)

Scruffydog777 04-20-2010 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by sumi1 (Post 161770)
Instead of a few signatures, why don't have it signed just as Alizee America Forum. It includes each and every one of us :)

That sounds like a great idea to me.

Jess 04-20-2010 12:32 PM

Very good points !! If I may add another suggestion: Scruffy why don't you allow members to post their notes here on this thread and then you can select what you want to build this letter for her, kind of what Chuck did. Except maybe you shouldn't take as long ;-)

Although to be fair, it was worth the wait. I think Chuck did an awesome job with the letter, of course Scruffy enhanced it with his presentation, and lets not forget Docdtv who initiated this meeting with her. But you know what, it was all made out of bit and pieces of all those who participated. ;)

MYGOGT 04-20-2010 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Jess (Post 161774)
Very good points !! If I may add another suggestion: Scruffy why don't you allow members to post their notes here on this thread

I think this is a good idea if you limit the "notes" to a one liner.

FanDeAliFee 04-20-2010 07:06 PM

Saying thanks to Tinkerbell

Originally Posted by sumi1 (Post 161770)
Instead of a few signatures, why don't have it signed
just as Alizee America Forum. It includes each and every one of us :)


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 161772)
That sounds like a great idea to me.


Originally Posted by Jess (Post 161774)
...Scruffy why don't you allow members to post their
notes here on this thread and then you can select what you want to build this
letter for her...

I am not exactly sure about for what you propose we collectively thank her. Is it for doing a private meeting? Holding the Open Letter on camera? Signing the 50+ CDs? Acknowledging AAm? Being Alizée? All of the above? More?

If someone is able to personally thank her for an autographed CD in a substantive way, it would be nice to do so and then drop her a note, say on her new Facebook wall, or perhaps via AAm's Facebook wall, since she is a member of the AAm Facebook group.

I said thanks by leasing the Internet subdomain and pointing it at her Goom radio station, after which I PMed her about it via her Facebook account. If you are not a techie like me, you might instead buy another Alizée album for a friend or relative and say thanks that way.

Since AAm is based on a geographical idea, I think it would be nice if any collective thank you documented the locations of the autographed CD recipients. Using a world map, which especially zoomed in on the US, one can place a teeny CD icon on each approximate location a CD was shipped. (That would also remind some disappointed people outside the US that in the end, Scruffy went the EXTRA MILE to forward some autographed CDs overseas as well.)

It is not all that difficult to turn the CD icons into hot spots, so that when you mouse over one, up pops a window which displays a written message, shows a snapshot, or even plays an audio or YouTube thank-you. But would this be gilding the Lili? It would be work.

Alternately, one could solicit personal "thank-you, Alizée!" audio files, which could be overlayed upon one another to create a short, chaotic group thank-you sound file.

Or maybe Scruffy could draft a short thank you note which each of us reads to record an audio file, from which we snip one word per person, making up a sort of audio "ransom note"? With a personal photo or AAm avatar synced with those audio clips, a video could be assembled.

Being lazy, I recommend going for the static CD destination locator map, adding a couple frames of Alizée from the "coo-coo" and "autographing" video clips to establish context, and explaining both with a single paragraph thank-you text, which is posted to the AAm Facebook account in a way which will also create a note on the Corsican girl's Facebook wall because she is a group member.

<center><hr width="50%"></center>
The sentiment of this thread inspired me to create the following for its own sake here.

<big><big><big>The 31st of March - Alizée Day in America</big></big></big>

It's almost unbelievable to hold an <i>UEdS</i> CD which Alizée herself so elaborately and artistically decorated and autographed.I don't write this to make anyone feel regret for not being able to share in this delight, but to express my sincere gratitude to ALL the people who helped make this possible.

And thank you so much, dear Alizée, for letting us feel that we're not just crazy people for adoring you and celebrating all the pleasure you have brought into our lives, some with little else to cheer the soul. It means so much that my life touched yours for a few brief seconds, even if only through the conveyance of some material goods. Princesse Lointaine, you will probably never see these words, but so many of us truly feel this way. You are something very beautiful in what is often an extremely ugly world with little hope. I'm grateful I could be alive at the same time you walked the earth and brought it delight through song and drama.

Since the day on which Alizée autographed our CDs is so special, on no one's authority at all, I am declaring the 31st of March as <i>Alizée Day in America</i>, now and forever. Perhaps other people here will embrace this as the special day which Alizée America will always celebrate.

To show my gratitude for this special day, I have fashioned the timeline below, which reviews some special events in history which transpired on the day in question. I hope it will bring a smile to those with a sense of humor - at least, perhaps, to those with one sufficiently twisted.

<center><big><big><big>It happened on<br><i>Alizée Day in America,</i><br>the 31st day of March,<br>in the year...</big></big></big></center>
<table cellpadding="10" width="720"><tr valign="top"><td><table cellpadding="5" width="400"><tr><td></td><td><big><big><big>France, including Angevin lands</big></big></big></td></tr><tr><td>1204</td><td>Death (exact date disputed) of Eleanor of Aquitaine, portrayed on film during 1968 by the late Katherine Hepburn, whom I <a href="">courteously abstained from greeting</a> at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts in the late 1970s, because I was deadly afraid jung_adore_ALIZEE would one day give me too much <a href="">grief</a> for pestering her.</td></tr><tr><td>1596</td><td>Birth of famed mathematician and philosopher René Descartes, towering French intellectual, who did NOT say "Corse, ergo sum." Farriers who instruct their animals in arithmetic so they can do circus hoof-tap addition stunts, abstain from also teaching them any Cartesian geometry, out of grave fear of putting Descartes before the horse.</td></tr><tr><td>1889</td><td>Completion of the Eiffel Tower, which was mainly constructed to provide a cool backdrop for an Alizée concert. It ALSO looks like the letter A - get it? Never mind!</td></tr></table></td><td width="290"><object width="290" height="250"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="290" height="250"></embed></object><br><big>Katharine Hepburn as Eleanor of Aquitaine in <i>The Lion in Winter</i>, asking her boys (and also the ones who post to Alizée America?) to play nice!</big></td></tr></table>

<table cellpadding="10" width="720"><tr valign="top"><td><table cellpadding="5" width="400"><tr><td></td><td><big><big><big>Outside France</big></big></big></td></tr><tr><td>1492</td><td>Spain compels its Jews to choose between religious conversion and expulsion. Some flee to the New World with Cristóbal Colón and form the <a href=" w&sa=X&oi=music_play_track&resnum=3&ct=result&cd=2 &ved=0CBEQ0wQoAjAA&q=Hip+Hop+Hoodios&usg=AFQjCNH5e f5wT4bbAbwoXk8OmkUCSVpg0A"><i>Hip Hop Hoodios</i></a> in what will become New Amsterdam, and later New York, where Edie Sedgwick will wear heavy makeup, resulting in some minor <a href="">fashion squawking</a> among Alizée fans.</td></tr><tr><td>1703</td><td>Death of Johann Christoph Bach, composer son of his more famous namesake father, after whom I really suspect Alizée's little brother may be named. Well, Jo?</td></tr><tr><td>1727</td><td>Death of Isaac Newton, venerated revolutionary physicist, but not the creator of any fig pastries, as far as I know. His apocryphal apple is the namesake of Alizée's favorite computer firm, and the object which <i>Amelie</i>-star Audrey Tautou sought with <a href="">Tom Hanks</a>.</td></tr><tr><td>1732</td><td>Birth of Joseph Haydn, celebrated musical composer, who passed away shortly after the bombardment of his Vienna neighborhood by a certain Ajaccio-born Emperor. Hint!</td></tr><tr><td>1914</td><td>Newfoundland - Tragically, seventy-eight hunters die, many crippled by frostbite, in a two-day-long storm when their sealing steamer, the <i>Newfoundland</i>, fails to pick them up due to mistaken orders. This is much too sad an event to mention in conjunction with anything Alizée, even in the "Hi, I'm a mentally-ill drug-addicted suicide!" era. </td></tr><tr><td>1917</td><td>US buys Danish West Indies and renames them the US Virgin Islands because lots of horny guys had always wanted to use the word "virgin" but had been afraid of getting into trouble for it in Victorian times. Not the reason Alizée did her Paris autograph session at the Virgin Megastore on the Champs-Élysées. Or is it?</td></tr><tr><td>1927</td><td>Birth of actor William Daniels, who, as cardiac surgeon Mark Craig, MD, in TV's <i>St. Elsewhere</i>, nearly knocked over Scruffydog in the visitor's lobby at <i>St. Eligius</i>, being distracted by having just lost the opportunity to do a high-profile transplant because of a <i>Coeur Déjà Pris</i>.</td></tr><tr><td>1943</td><td>The Rodgers and Hammerstein musical <i>Oklahoma!</i> opens on Broadway, but none of the cast members have <a href="">tattoos</a>, to the <a href="">great relief</a> of pepelepew.</td></tr><tr><td>1945</td><td>Death of diarist Anne Frank. Is this a lousy day for the Jews, or what? Also birth of Gabe Kaplan, star of TV's <i>Welcome Back, Kotter</i>, set in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, a reasonable Doppelganger of my "downmarket" childhood neighborhood, where "French" rarely refered to a Romance language.</td></tr><tr><td>1949</td><td>Newfoundland joins the Canadian Confederation. Canadians are now required by law to close the nearest door and look both ways before telling cruel "Newfie" jokes which would maybe make a sensitive teenage Alizée cry. </td></tr><tr><td>1959</td><td>Dalai Lama flees to India, helping crewcuts remain a cool US male hair-style until Alizée's beloved Fab Four arrive, yeah, yeah, yeah.</td></tr><tr><td>1995</td><td>Singer Selena meets with her fan club founder for the last time, making it MUCH harder for all future fan clubs to get private sessions with their idols.</td></tr><tr><td>2001</td><td>Demise of my physics lab instructor, Prof. Clifford Shull, born in the same city as avant-garde artist Andy Warhol. To the best of my knowledge, unlike Warhol, Shull never made any films which premiered in gay porn theaters, so maybe winning the Nobel Prize instead wasn't such a big deal after all.
</td></tr></table></td><td width="290"><object width="290" height="203"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="290" height="203"></embed></object><br><big><i>Ocho Kandelikas</i> by the <i>Hip Hop Hoodios</i>. When Alizée finally does a <a href="">Christmas album</a> in franglais, this can be her token "Spanish" song, as an homage to Jérémy's late mother, ZL. It's very NYC, and the lyrics are even easier than for <i>Les Collines</i> - although Chuck may argue that is a <a href="">disadvantage</a>.</big>

<big><big>The author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to the <a href=""><i>L'Encyclopédie Alizée</i></a>, which was extensively consulted to authenticate the information communicated here.</big></big>

Scruffydog777 04-20-2010 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by docdtv (Post 161821)
I am not exactly sure about for what you propose we collectively thank her. Is it for doing a private meeting? Holding the Open Letter on camera? Signing the 50+ CDs? Acknowledging AAm? Being Alizée? All of the above? More?

Since the day on which Alizée autographed our CDs is so special, on no one's authority at all, I am declaring the 31st of March as <i>Alizée Day in America</i>, now and forever.

I'm sorry to point this out Doc, it was on the 29th. I try not to be superstitous, but I do try and avoid the numbers 1 and 3 together in any combination and I hate to see the 31st be declared that special day if indeed it wasn't.

As far as what we are thanking her for. Well mainly for this private autograph session. One of the reasons for asking the people at the Virgin Megastore if it was okay to bring a bunch of cd's to the table was becuase we thought it would be rude, to have other people wait in line for so long. They could have easliy said, "wait til everyone has gone through, then you can bring your 50 cd's up" and everyone here would have been more than happy with that. But no, they went through the trouble of setting up this session. A great gesture on there part. Plus the fact that she used the gold pens just for us. Another great gesture that was almost lost to us.

As far as thanking her for holding the letter, I don't think we should thank her for that. It was almost kind of rude to present it to her again after it had been sent to her on more than one occassion. But I think it was a good way to make her connect that letter with our forum and letting her know that these are representatives of the forum that this very well thought out letter came from.

Presenting it to her again was like I said, maybe being a little rude, but when something like this is e-mailed to a star or even sent through the regular mail, fans have no way of knowing if it ever actually makes it to them. Could just be opened by a secretary who deems it meaningless and deep sixes it. So I've said it before, that seeing her actually hold it in her hands, I think meant a lot to the people who put it together and even the people who just read it and agreed with what it said.

Deepwaters 04-20-2010 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 161840)
Presenting it to her again was like I said, maybe being a little rude, but when something like this is e-mailed to a star or even sent through the regular mail, fans have no way of knowing if it ever actually makes it to them. Could just be opened by a secretary who deems it meaningless and deep sixes it.

In the case of Alizée, that's just not true.

I feel kind of strongly about this, so (speaking of presenting things more than once) let me repeat. She pays attention. She knows we're here. She is on-line regularly. She reads everything that's sent to her; in fact, that's even more true now than it was in the Mylène days because nobody is shielding her from communication.

She also, regretfully, doesn't have so many fans that it's impossible for her to do this.

I felt we really overdid sending the letter. She read it, I'm sure, when it was posted here on its own thread, but sending it directly by some channel or other was fine. But we sent it twice, once via Sony and once via Institubes. That was already overkill. But then, we also sent it electronically to Julien in Paris, for him to deliver. And THEN, Scruffy, you hand-delivered it to her at the signing.

That's five times. And I am completely certain she received it all five times. Can everyone agree that that was a little much, and all because people had such doubts about her receiving what is sent to her?

Have a little more confidence than that. Electronic transmission of information really, truly does work. It's actually more reliable than snail mail, not less. (Although there are some things you can't use it for.) Alizée isn't Madonna -- first off she's not a bitch like Madonna, and secondly she doesn't have nearly as many fans.

I've already thanked her for this wonderful gesture, which she certainly did not have to do for us, and I have no doubt she's received my messages. So personally, I feel no need for more. If you guys want to do something collective, that might be nice and she might appreciate it, but please: just send it once after it's finished, not multiple times. I would suggest doing it by Facebook. It's quickest, and it's quite reliable. Ben is a FB friend of hers and would be the logical choice because he's the site manager here. Or I'd volunteer if you want. Fine with me.

It's polite to say thank you for something as nice as this, but don't freak out about it. Really.

FanDeAliFee 04-20-2010 08:09 PM

Never Mind!

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 161840)
I'm sorry to point this out Doc, it was on the 29th..

<big><big><big><big>In the immortal words of <a href="">Emily Litella</a>...
<big><big>NEVER &nbsp; MIND!</big></big>

P.S. The 29th had lousy setups!

Scruffydog777 04-20-2010 08:11 PM

I think it's a great idea Doc, just make it the 29th.

FanDeAliFee 04-20-2010 08:30 PM

Plan B

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 161850)
I think it's a great idea Doc, just make it the 29th.

But if we make it the 29th, the only way I can get laughs is by squirting seltzer down my pants. But if you want to make the 29th special, go for it! :)

paintballpdh19 04-20-2010 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 161704)
Soon after returning from my trip of a lifetime to Paris, i sent a thank you note to the manager of Virgin Megastores who Docdtv first contacted. We owe so much to this guy (Docdtv too). It would have been so easy for him to drop the ball and just ignore the note, because 50 cd's isn't a huge amount (though I'm sure if we had known earlier, we would have wanted a few hundred cd's), he might not want to have bothered a star like Alizée with such a request. But he went the extra yard. I just hope he understood the thank you message I sent him in English.
Then there is the gentleman from Instatubes, who I'm sure had a lot to do with this request being passed on to Alizée. I sent him a nice thank you note to the Instatube office in Paris by regular mail last week. He spoke English very well so hopefully he appreciated how much me and this forum appreciated what he did.
But I never thought about thanking Alizée. I guess mainly because I thought so many people send her messages on myspace or facebook, how can one be really sure that she would get the message. Then there is the language barrier, I've learned 12 of her songs to varying degrees, but to listen to an interview of hers on the news, I can't understand a word she's saying, and I think that one thing this trip showed me is she is more or less in the same boat. Even though she has a very good understanding of the songs she sings in English, she really can't engage in a conversation in English. So any letter I would want to send to her, would have to be sent in French.
I have to send her a thank you note for me and for us. I and we can't go without at least making an attempt to contatct her personally for what she did for us. What is the best outlet to send it to, to make sure it gets delivered? I think maybe the gentleman from Instatubes, but hopefully some other people in here can offer some insight.

i still think the signatures of all the people who got a cd would be a good idea, it could be like a little paragraph of thanks and then the sigs at the bottom, short and sweet :)

CFHollister 04-20-2010 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by paintballpdh19 (Post 161857)
i still think the signatures of all the people who got a cd would be a good idea, it could be like a little paragraph of thanks and then the sigs at the bottom, short and sweet :)

I could get on-board with this idea.

TheBarrett 04-20-2010 08:42 PM

Grab your gear and move in.

...cause you're tired of livin' in a van down by the river. ;)

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-20-2010 10:47 PM

I agree with Deep. Though, it was somewhat satisfying to see her actually hold it in her hand. If only that had been the first time. I am sure she understands we only did it this time so we could have it on video, in a formal setting. But as satisfying as it was for me, I didn't even help write it. So for those who did, I can't imagine. But to thank her, let's not send another letter. That is my vote. But if we decide to send her one, I will by all means do what I can to help write it. I don't want her to think I don't appreciate her, so I will assist as needed/wanted. But I cast a vote for maybe video thank you's, though I understand some members don't want to/can't. So... Stuck between a rock and a hard place...

Chuck 04-20-2010 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by TheBarrett (Post 161862)
Grab your gear and move in.

...cause you're tired of livin' in a van down by the river. ;)

Love Chris Farley. He's from my town, doncha know. But what does that have to do with this thread?

I like that CFH likes this stuff.

Deepwaters, you may be totally right, she may have read it all five times you mention. (Wowee!) Or maybe she still re-reads it every night before retiring. :rolleyes: But in any case, it gave Scruffy something nice to bring along to France!

BTW, Scruff, did anybody ever ask you this:
Did customs wonder what you were doing with all those CD's? Did anyone hassle you for import taxes?

Karlalizee 04-20-2010 11:04 PM

send her a big pile of euros. :p

Människöpesten 04-20-2010 11:06 PM

we create an alizee version of the song "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH"

Rev 04-20-2010 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Jess (Post 161758)
...The letter itself could be made out of brief notes from all the participating members thanking her for her gesture in their own words, and then someone could translated it in French. We could also attach our signature at the end of each note, or just use the template that we already have. Also, even those that did not get a signed cd could participate, so that she can see that there's more then 50 members to this forum, we could add that we didn't want to bombard her with more cds.

Edit: Example of one note:
Alizée you're a great source of inspiration for all of us. Not only because of your talent in music, but also because of the unique and beautiful person that you've become. Thank you for taking the time to sign our cds, but most importantly thank you for sharing yourself with us, and enhancing the quality of our own life experience. Good continuation ☮ ♥ ♫ ~ Jess

A good idea, although I would suggest that the thank-you should just be from the 50/60.

If we do include notes from all, I would suggest each note be limited to no more than (let's say) 40 words. One possibility would be for the English to be on the left side and a French translation on the right side.

The letter could start off with some common language; the stuff all of us would say, such as thank you for signing the cds, so the 40 words could really be personal.


Originally Posted by docdtv (Post 161821)
I am not exactly sure about for what you propose we collectively thank her. Is it for doing a private meeting? Holding the Open Letter on camera? Signing the 50+ CDs? Acknowledging AAm? Being Alizée? All of the above? More?

Good questions.


Originally Posted by docdtv (Post 161821)
...Since AAm is based on a geographical idea, I think it would be nice if any collective thank you documented the locations of the autographed CD recipients. Using a world map, which especially zoomed in on the US, one can place a teeny CD icon on each approximate location a CD was shipped. (That would also remind some disappointed people outside the US that in the end, Scruffy went the EXTRA MILE to forward some autographed CDs overseas as well.)

It is not all that difficult to turn the CD icons into hot spots, so that when you mouse over one, up pops a window which displays a written message, shows a snapshot, or even plays an audio or YouTube thank-you. But would this be gilding the Lili? It would be work....

...Being lazy, I recommend going for the static CD destination locator map, adding a couple frames of Alizée from the "coo-coo" and "autographing" video clips to establish context, and explaining both with a single paragraph thank-you text, which is posted to the AAm Facebook account in a way which will also create a note on the Corsican girl's Facebook wall because she is a group member...

Interesting ideas. Also, being a techie, she might enjoy the interactive idea.


... So I've said it before, that seeing her actually hold it in her hands, I think meant a lot to the people who put it together and even the people who just read it and agreed with what it said.
Saying that, in one sentence as part of a group letter, might be a good idea. It would explain why we re-presented a letter we already knew she had received. :)

Scruffydog777 04-20-2010 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Chuck (Post 161901)

BTW, Scruff, did anybody ever ask you this:
Did customs wonder what you were doing with all those CD's? Did anyone hassle you for import taxes?

They never questioned me and I listed the value of the cd's as bein 1,300 dollars but they never mentioned anything about taxes. I honestly think they do a lot of profiling and I don't think I fit the typical smuggler, tax evader profile.

As far as what I think the letter should say, this is more or less along the idea of what I was thinking.

Dear Alizée,
I'd like to apologize for not thinking to thank you for what you did for us at the Virgin Megastore last month when I was there. I was in such a state of disbelief, never thinking this dream come true would ever take place, even up to the last minutes, that I was so ill prepared for this event, that I never thought to do the obvious of thanking you. It meant a huge amount to me personally and to this forum. There are no words that can express how grateful we are. What you did for us with this private autograph session, the gold pens, is so classy and so typical of the beautiful young French woman we all know as Alizée, that just adds another reason, to so many others, why you wil be so endeared in our hearts as no other who has come before you..
Merci beaucoup,

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-20-2010 11:23 PM

Very nice idea. For a letter. But let's make absolutely sure we try everything else, before we set our minds on a letter. But we should definitely add why you brought it to her again. That is imperative. Are we sure we should write this? I will help, but I want to try to think of other possibilities.

Rev 04-21-2010 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 161917)
They never questioned me and I listed the value of the cd's as bein 1,300 dollars but they never mentioned anything about taxes. I honestly think they do a lot of profiling and I don't think I fit the typical smuggler, tax evader profile.

As far as what I think the letter should say, this is more or less along the idea of what I was thinking.

Dear Alizée,
I'd like to apologize for not thinking to thank you for what you did for us at the Virgin Megastore last month when I was there. I was in such a state of disbelief, never thinking this dream come true would ever take place, even up to the last minutes, that I was so ill prepared for this event, that I never thought to do the obvious of thanking you. It meant a huge amount to me personally and to this forum. There are no words that can express how grateful we are. What you did for us with this private autograph session, the gold pens, is so classy and so typical of the beautiful young French woman we all know as Alizée, that just adds another reason, to so many others, why you wil be so endeared in our hearts as no other who has come before you..
Merci beaucoup,

Very nice. :)

Merci Alizée 04-21-2010 12:14 AM

If something is done through fb then I would like to bring few things to the notice. First I'm sure that she notices the posts that are made on her wall. I have been observing her reactions from start and what I found was interesting.

When she created fb account she mention that it would not be possible for her to reply to all messages, but she will read those and like the posts.
In first few days, she used to "like" anything that was posted there. That may give people the feeling that she might not read many. I don't think so. Maybe she won't get much what was posted in non-French languages, but she certainly read the posts in French. This is more evident from what happened in next few days.

She used to like every video, pic that was posted. One day someone posted a remix video. She liked it. After few minutes she went back to that post and commented on that video. That shows that she watched it.

In enthusiasm, the guy that posted that remix video, he posted the interview of Jo from Graines de Stars. She immediately removed the video from her wall. This shows that she doesn't want videos related to her family members to be posted there.

From that day, she was selective in clicking "Like". She never never liked any post of that guy from that day. It's a warning, don't try to offend her.

She now likes only those posts which are good. How do she select those, of course by reading them. That supports my idea that she reads the posts on her fb wall.

Well, it's true that she doesn't have many fans now and she really wants to communicate. Now she is more free to do that and she spends lot of time in that. How well she wants to do that, here is an example of that. Few days ago she was ol on fb at around 3 AM - 4 AM Paris time. I was socked. I mean late night web browsing. I didn't expect that from her. That's what college students do, and yeah, she is still young in her mind. There was no compulsion to do that so late. What to say about it?

It's not that she has changed after she started taking her decisions on her own. She mentioned in one of her interviews in pre-Psych era that she gets lots of messages and although it is not possible to reply all, she does read them.

That reminds me of another interesting thing. Once she was asked what was most amazing thing that a fan did for her. She replied "a 30 page love letter", wow! that was amazing.

So, fb can be considered as an option. It's easy. She will read it, like it, as she does for others, but what I hope is that she will reply too.

MYGOGT 04-21-2010 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 161917)
They never questioned me and I listed the value of the cd's as bein 1,300 dollars but they never mentioned anything about taxes. I honestly think they do a lot of profiling and I don't think I fit the typical smuggler, tax evader profile.

As far as what I think the letter should say, this is more or less along the idea of what I was thinking.

Dear Alizée,
I'd like to apologize for not thinking to thank you for what you did for us at the Virgin Megastore last month when I was there. I was in such a state of disbelief, never thinking this dream come true would ever take place, even up to the last minutes, that I was so ill prepared for this event, that I never thought to do the obvious of thanking you. It meant a huge amount to me personally and to this forum. There are no words that can express how grateful we are. What you did for us with this private autograph session, the gold pens, is so classy and so typical of the beautiful young French woman we all know as Alizée, that just adds another reason, to so many others, why you wil be so endeared in our hearts as no other who has come before you..
Merci beaucoup,

Nuf said right there. Short, sweet, and to the point. Very well done, Scruffy.

sumi1 04-21-2010 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by MYGOGT (Post 161948)
Nuf said right there. Short, sweet, and to the point. Very well done, Scruffy.

Yes Scruffy, it conveys everything we want to say. Extremely well written.


So, fb can be considered as an option. It's easy. She will read it, like it, as she does for others, but what I hope is that she will reply too.
Yes, FB is a great option. Deepwaters also suggested that FB is a good idea.

Deepwaters 04-21-2010 09:37 AM

I have another suggestion: don't do it as a private message. The thanks should be public. If it's short enough to fit on a wall message, do that. If not, clean it up, post it here, and put a link to it on a wall message.

Scruffydog777 04-21-2010 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Deepwaters (Post 161984)
I have another suggestion: don't do it as a private message. The thanks should be public. If it's short enough to fit on a wall message, do that. If not, clean it up, post it here, and put a link to it on a wall message.

I've never posted a wall message, so you'll have to edjumacate me and which wall?

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