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newalizeefan 01-07-2007 12:03 AM

how often do you visit this website?
in any given regular day. how much do you say you visit this website?

for me its an average of atleast 2 times. back when i first found out about her i used to be on the forums every hour but now its going down. i usually just wait for the new news and thats when i start doing my hourly website visits =)

jeroh 01-07-2007 12:04 AM

all days... all times

TurinSZ 01-07-2007 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by jeroh (Post 24041)
all days... all times

Same thing with me we are addicts:)

JCC 01-07-2007 12:15 AM

Visiting this website ranks up there w/Checking my Email...EVERYDAY..
When news of her 3rd album comes out..its gonna be a madhouse here and i'll probably be here every hour!!

HibyPrime 01-07-2007 12:16 AM

1984 times per day.

Sometimes 8 per day.

And rarely 21 times.

Gatchaman 01-07-2007 12:20 AM

About 2 times a day.

brad 01-07-2007 12:22 AM

usually several times a day.

newalizeefan 01-07-2007 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Gatchaman (Post 24048)
About 2 times a day.

omg its you again. i love your frikkin signature.

nurvonic 01-07-2007 12:36 AM

i visit this site everyday. i think i come here too damn much actually and im gonna take a break from this site. goodbye everybody!

*disclaimer* im not really gonna take a break from the site

SupaKrupa 01-07-2007 12:57 AM

Daily. And yeh, I agree with newalizeefan. Gatchaman, your sig is awesome.

cane17 01-07-2007 01:04 AM

I come on here every day.

Spartan500 01-07-2007 01:31 AM

im on here a lot

Azereus 01-07-2007 01:57 AM

Several times a day. Usually just to see if there is any recent news.

DJ_Greg 01-07-2007 02:04 AM

Several times a day...if I don't, I can't keep up with the forums! (I try to read everything)

CFHollister 01-07-2007 03:32 AM

Depends on the day. If I'm not working, I'm here quite a lot, hourly. But if I'm working, then when I get home I at least try to read everything. Sometimes I'm not actually here when it says I am... I have this nasty habit now of falling asleep while I'm still logged on :rolleyes:

Cooney 01-07-2007 08:50 AM

I'm on in the afternoons when I get up, and I come back in the mornings when I get home. I usually spend at least 2 hours a day on the sight on work days. On days when I'm not working, I'm continuously online, and it's hard to say where one visit ends and another starts... some nights I'm in and out every few minutes for 8 hours straight.

Moe 01-07-2007 09:55 AM

i never leave... :p well sometimes i need to sleep..

Mozaik 01-07-2007 11:30 AM

Many times, every day.

Amelie 01-07-2007 01:22 PM

many times, every day too...

zpa 01-07-2007 01:47 PM

Several times a day. Well, at least twice.

neoteny 01-07-2007 01:47 PM

everyday. but only for a short time. on my days off i spend the entire day reading threads. that is if I dont have other things that require my utmost attention. like when i run out of booze and i have to get some more.

aditya8617 01-07-2007 04:45 PM

Depends. Sometimes I visit it about 4 times a day(for short periods) and sometimes I forget totally about it and don't visit for 2-3 days. When the website was new as was the Alizee craze I spent hours on it watching videos.

iolaus_uk 01-07-2007 05:14 PM

Check a few times a day ,dont always sign in as not always on for long as i have a sad little list i do a few times a day
1.check here e-mails
3.another couple of alizee forums im on
4.check the offical site to see if its back(doubt it ever will though)
5.le nid d'alizée space
8.gills f.c & ac ajaccio football sites
9.back here to see whats new

But i have never fallen outta love for her & her music yet so until i do im gonna be doing this a while.
My own little addiction :D :wub: :D

jeroh 01-07-2007 06:56 PM

cmn ppl.. u only come for read the threads ? .. never think about the great that is the chatroom ?
good ppl are there like moe , away , turin and "me"....

bt_bird_90 01-07-2007 08:08 PM

Think we can experiment with some of that IRC whatnot in the chat for a while?

SupaKrupa 01-08-2007 03:28 AM Waah? I declare that from now on, whenever you sign onto these forums, you go to idle in the chatroom! As of this message, there is 0 people in the chat :( Cmon!

RMJ 01-08-2007 04:01 AM

Umm, it depends what you mean by "visit".

I have the index page open in browser 24/7. I refresh it every now and then. So if that counts as "visit" then maybe 20 to 30 times a day.

rcs 01-08-2007 04:22 AM

I Love Alizee!!! And So Do You Apparently!!!
At least twice a day I visit.

1. I like to wake up fresh to the most appealing face...Alizee. :)

2. And, I like to have the most appealing face in my mind prior to bed...Alizee :p

bt_bird_90 01-08-2007 04:35 AM

The only time I leave the site is when I absolutely need a break, like when the occasional holiday rolls around.

rwd716 01-08-2007 06:47 AM

I usually check it out every day whenever I get a break.

nate714 01-08-2007 09:49 AM

once? maybe a few more times in a day if I am just sitting here really bored.

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