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Edisythe 04-19-2009 01:48 AM

Alizée crying during the Aguascalientes Show?
alizee has sung. 4 song now. She was... crying? Is this normal in her concedts?

mod edit - explanation from Julien:


Originally Posted by Julien
Juste pour rassurer tout le monde ŕ propos des rumeurs de pleurs et de problčmes durant le show d'Alizée au Mexique... Alizée n'est nullement dépressive lol, n'a pas de problčmes familiaux... Tout baigne !

Alizée a fait le voyage sans Bilitis (Sa célčbre maquilleuse ^^) et son maquillage local lui a causé une petite allergie... aux yeux.

Elle est donc trčs heureuse de son voyage et est trčs excitée, son nouvel album rentre en mixage dčs la semaine prochaine.


Just to reassure everyone about the rumors of tears and problems during the Alizée show in Mexico... Alizée is not depressed lol, no family problems... Everything's fine!

Alizée made the trip without Bilitis (her famous makeup artist ^^), and her local makeup caused a small allergy to her eyes.

She is very happy with the trip and is very excited, her new album returns to mixing next week.

Srbski-kralj 04-19-2009 01:51 AM

Crying? What happened, and not that Im awear off.

Edisythe 04-19-2009 02:03 AM

She had tears while singing the fists songs. Seems alright now though. She justsung je nai marre , in a kind of new way (dont know of she sings it like that, first time i see her)

Roman 04-19-2009 02:21 AM

Oh man. Why am I not there with my Lili? Crying? Poor Lili, what's that mean?
I guess it is the standard re-orchestration of JEAM. Watch the videos for the June concerts when you can and let us know if it's the same.
And man, y'all eat late there, like midnight!
And yes, how'd her hair get so long already? Guess it's been a while.

Alizeeinternationalfan 04-19-2009 05:34 AM

What the Heck Happened??? She cried the whole concert!
Ok folks, back in my hotel at 4am (finding a taxi back was impossible, this town is the strangest--not enough taxis and crazy crazy partying).

Headline: Alizee came out crying and pretty much cried the whole time. I have never seen anything like it. I was sending reports, but I don't see them posted. Here is the rundown:

By the time she got on stage, the crowd was fatigued by the beauty queen show, the French cabaret show, and the male singer. They actually would not serve beer, ran out of some of their liquors, and during the concert walked around and made people sit down in their chairs (we were all at tables)! The crowd was much like her Russian concert crowd as described last year: rich, older, low energy. All of the above contributed to a deflated atmosphere.

When she came on, she began with MJ. She looked darked from the start and projected a dark image thoughout. Her skirt was dark, her blouse was dark, her hair was in the boyish style, dark boots, and her makeup: very dark, too much of it and dark circles around her eyes. She looked worn out and old (though still beautiful) for Alizee. Still, she was singing MJ and it was Ok. It looked like work for her (vice fun) from the start. It was nothing like Monterrey last year.

She then spoke a few words in Spanish and her voice was trembling. I had heard her voice tremble with nervousness somewhere else before, can't remember, but it was distinctly trembling and I was suprised that this professional performer was nervous. Then, she launched into ML, and it was then that I saw the tears. And everyone saw them. The cameras were close up and their were big screens. The folks at my table were shocked and I couldn't believe it. I thought, maybe it was excessive sweat from the heat, but it wasn't really hot. Clearly, the tears were coming from out of her eyes and it was just...stunning. She was singing ML, but who was hearing it? I wasn't. When she got to the part where she throws some Madonna in there, I thought it was over and she was just going to stop. I need to see the video.

Third song was Taxi Driver and I texted to my friend, "She looks old, 3rd song now, everyone is like "whats going on", her face is soaked. She left the stage.." And so she did. Upon finishing Taxi Driver (I have no idea how good it was because of the distractions regarding her emotions), I saw a figure in a white sweatshirt come over to her on the stage (they had just blacked it out) and take her off stage; I guessed it was Jeremy. She had picked up something to dry her face as they walked off. There was a short pause and then she came back.

4th song was Sounds of Silence and this she did well. She certainly seemed to be in the mood for it. She spoke a few words before it and I think mentioned it was for her child, or made her think about her child. She got into this song and I think it was her best performance of the night. The combination of her hitting some of those notes, the rhythm, and knowing that she was going through some emotions was pretty powerful at times.

She then spoke a little more in Spanish, this time saying she was going to use a French translator. This little bit and the one before showed no voice trembling, which made that first time she spoke and her voice trembled even more noticeable to me. She introduced the band, but wow, light years away from when she introduced the band in the Alizee en Concert years. The energy just wasnt there. I just didnt get the sense she was interested in doing the concert.

5th song was JEAM. It was weak. We were standing up though and Alizee was moving around, but clearly, it seemed like effort and not fun for her. They all then took a break and the DJ guy spun a hard rock record.

She came back with Decollage for her 6th song. It was OK but it was no Monterrey. The crowd was politely listening, probably trying to figure out if the crying was normal, and Alizee didn't seem enthused.

7th song was 50/60. Hard not to get into that, but even that only had its moments.

8th song was La Isla Bonita. Gone was the Alizee that gripped the microphone and swayed her hips sexily and confidently in the video. She did try and you have to give her credit for being a professional and fighting whatever she was to give the performance, but for those that know Alizee, this wasn't her. She has changed so much if it was her!

9th song was L'effet. She sat in a chair for it, mentioned her child again and then halfway through the song, she starts tearing up again.This didn't seem to be (just) emotion for maybe missing her child. There is something definitely going on, I thought to myself.

She ended with JEAM again, this time with the fair's beauty queens all up on stage. It seemed like effort again.

In summary, this was the darkest I've ever seen Alizee. I am pretty sure my observations were correct. One guy out by the bathrooms just said it was sweat, but no way. I saw streaks of wetness on her face coming from her eyes and I saw her eyes continually welling up. You know how some people cry and its a little tear or two trickling down in its path? Not the case here..her face was soaked, she wasn't just crying, she was really crying. Can't wait to hear if others saw/felt the same. Hopefully I am wrong and just caught wrong angles or something??? :(

Weiss 04-19-2009 06:05 AM

She was crying!!! Is there any footage or videos you guys can post on this thread?

Jenny_HRO87 04-19-2009 06:15 AM

these are the worst news ever... even worser than the cancelled Grand Rex concert... she's crying!! I hope everyting is allright... that nothing bad happened to her family... to her little daughter... I cracks me up to read that she's so unhappy... :(

Roman 04-19-2009 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by HRO87 (Post 128186)
these are the worst news ever... even worser than the cancelled Grand Rex concert... she's crying!! I hope everyting is allright... that nothing bad happened to her family... to her little daughter... I cracks me up to read that she's so unhappy... :(

Yes, crying could be for various reasons, but he did make it sound like because she was unhappy. If that is what this is, then I agree. What's worse than Alizée crying from sadness? God I just wish one life, her's, never had to be touched by tears. It's Alizée. Well, we don't really know what was going on. Maybe she got stressed out from different things. They shouldn't have started her so late either.
If it was from sadness, maybe because she feels like things aren't working out and she wonders what she is doing there. She had to turn to the translator? Sounds like that was not planned and she really was stressed out about something. I hope she can find her way in the world. Seems like she's dealing with a bit too much reality here. It would be nice to find that this was a silly exaggeration of the situation. Again, I wasn't there.

M'alizee 04-19-2009 08:26 AM

poor Lilly, i hope she is not in a bad situation. it is really sad to hear that, hope the situation will be going good.

Ruroshen 04-19-2009 08:26 AM

Man, how bizarre. Like everyone else, I hope everything's OK, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Anything else I might say would be pointless speculation...I wasn't there, obviously, and even if AIF's interpretation of events is bang on, it's unlikely that we'll ever learn the underlying cause...but regardless, let's all take a moment today to send Lili some positive mental vibes/mojo/juju, huh? Sounds like she might need it.

Alizeeinternationalfan 04-19-2009 11:09 AM

Alizee crying...

Originally Posted by Edisythe (Post 128179)
She had tears while singing the fists songs. Seems alright now though. She justsung je nai marre , in a kind of new way (dont know of she sings it like that, first time i see her)

Woke up this morning to see if Edgar or AAA had posted that I was crazy and was seeing things, that I overexagerrated Alizee's tears or just got it wrong somehow. But, these posts from Edisythe seem to confirm what I was seeing too. I wonder if others saw it and if there will be any public statements from her...

lefty12357 04-19-2009 11:27 AM

I am really sad to hear this. I hope Alizée is OK. I thought this was a good opportunity for her to set a positive tone leading into her next album. I want so bad for her to have success and happiness.

Ruroshen 04-19-2009 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by lefty12357 (Post 128199)
I am really sad to hear this. I hope Alizée is OK. I thought this was a good opportunity for her to set a positive tone leading into her next album. I want so bad for her to have success and happiness.

My sentiments exactly, sir.

Here's an article that was posted by newfan over at Alizée Latino, in which Lili talks a little bit about work on the new album. (Crappy Google translation follows, until one of our Spanish-speaking friends can provide something a little more accurate. :p)


Alizée agradeció la invitación al inicio de la Feria de Ferias
Laura Verónica Molina Ramos

Lo que muchos no creyeron cuando salieron a la luz los primeros datos de la edición 2009 de la Feria de San Marcos se cumplió: la famosa cantante Alizée arribó a Aguascalientes para participar del tradicional Baile de Coronación.
Previamente a su presentación en la "Tierra de la Gente Buena" para dar realce al magno evento de apertura de la verbena abrileńa, la joven de origen francés compartió momentos con los medios de comunicación locales para hablar de su participación en la Feria de Ferias y dar detalles de sus más recientes proyectos.
Para el encuentro con la prensa, Alizée lució un serio, formal y obscuro traje sastre que a pesar de brindarle distinción, absorbió toda la frescura de la artista, y la alejó miles de ańos luz de la imagen con la que por lo menos toda América Latina la relaciona, es decir, con la sexy y provocativa joven que muestra ser en sus videos.
Cuestionada primeramente sobre sus proyectos para este ańo, Alizée comentó: "Acabó de grabar las voces de mi nuevo álbum y va a entrar al mix cuando yo regrese a Francia, entonces pueden estar seguros de que muy pronto va a salir".
En este sentido, a pesar de que dio a conocer el proceso que se está llevando para sacar un nuevo material al mercado, no quiso entrar en detalles del mismo, comentando "Soy del tipo de personas a las que les gusta dar sorpresas, así que espero que este nuevo disco le guste mucho a mi público y a mis fans".
Sobre la perspectiva que tiene de su propia evolución musical, la artista reveló a continuación: "Yo empecé cuando tenía 15 ańos y no tenía precisamente un estilo musical en mente, pero conocí personas que me presentaron el mundo del pop, ya para cuando grabé mi segundo material siento que evolucioné un poquito, pero en cambio ya en el tercero, quise hacer lo que a mí me gustaba y pude crear mi estilo personal".
Acerca de la música mexicana en su país de origen, Alizée afirmó sinceramente que en Francia no se conocen muchos artistas mexicanos sino que más bien tienen una idea global de lo que son los artistas latinoamericanos, en este sentido aseguró : "A mí me vienen a la mente cuando se habla de cantantes latinos por ejemplo a Ricky Martín o Shakira que hacen música con mucho ritmo para bailar, lo cual me gusta mucho hacer desde los cinco ańos.
Sobre su arribo a la "Tierra de la gente buena" la francesa aseguró: "Como cantante me siento muy honrada de estar en Aguascalientes, ayer llegué y todavía no he podido pasear, lo único que sé es que hace mucho calor y me gustaría volver luego para conocer más cosas y quizá vacacionar".
Finalmente, sobre su meta como artista, Alizée con su fluido hablar y su pulcro francés aseveró: "Mi objetivo principal es dar un poco de alegría y placer a la gente por medio de mi música, así que espero que al público le siga gustando mi trabajo por mucho tiempo. Me siento muy afortunada por ejemplo de poder cantar en mi idioma y que se me abran las puertas en tantos países como lo estoy constatando al venir a México".
"Alizée appreciated the invitation to the opening of the Exhibition Trade Fair
Laura Verónica Ramos Molina

What many did not believe when they came out the first data from the 2009 edition of the Feria de San Marcos was met: the famous singer Alizée arrived in Aguascalientes to participate in the traditional Coronation Ball.
Prior to his presentation in the "Land of Good People" to highlight the major event of the opening of verbena abrileńa, the couple shared moments of French origin with the local media to discuss their participation in the Exhibition and Fair give details of their latest projects.
For the meeting with the press, Alizée wore a serious, formal dark suit tailor who despite offering distinction, absorbed all the freshness of the artist, and thousands of light years away from the image with at least across America Latin related, ie, with the sexy and provocative young to be showing in their videos.
First questioned about their projects for this year, Alizée said, "just recorded the voices of my new album and will enter the mix when I return to France, then you can be sure that very soon will leave."
In this sense, even though they announced that the process is going to make a new material to market, did not want to go into details of it, commenting "I'm the type of people who love to give surprises so I hope this new album is a lot like my fans and my fans. "
On the prospect of having his own musical evolution, the artist then revealed: "I started when I was 15 years and was not exactly a musical style in mind, but I met people who showed me the world of pop, and when I recorded my second material'm changing a little bit, but instead in the third, I wanted to do what I liked and I could create my own personal style. "
About Mexican music in their home country, Alizée honestly say that in France do not know many Mexican artists, but rather have a general idea of what the Latin American artists, in this regard said: "I come to mind when talking about Latino singers such as Ricky Martin or Shakira who make music with great rhythm for dancing, which I like very much to do since age five.
On his arrival in the land of good people "French said:" As a singer I am very honored to be in Aguascalientes, arrived yesterday and I still have not been able to walk, the only thing I know is that it is hot and I would like to return Then to learn more things and maybe vacacionar.
Finally, on his goal as an artist, with his fluid Alizée speak impeccable French and said: "My main goal is to give a little joy and pleasure to people through my music, so I hope the public will continue to enjoy my work for long. I feel very fortunate to be able to sing for example in my language and that I opened the doors in so many countries as I am considering coming to Mexico. "

puffyrock2 04-19-2009 11:49 AM

Someone may have mentioned this, but it turns out there was a bad train accident close to where she performed and she felt a bit funny performing as people were suffering during that. We know she's always been an emotional type, so that was getting to her during her performance.

Have not 100% verified this, but did see a youtube vid concerning it.

Junkmale 04-19-2009 11:59 AM

Oh Dear.
This dosen't sound good at all. When she hurts.....i hurt.
I think it's pointless speculating about what the problem was until something official is announced. It could be anything? Some simple problem or something not so simple. Whatever was wrong it is very worrying.
I just hope and pray that she is ok?

mavsluver41 04-19-2009 12:11 PM

Hmmm, this is very bizarre :confused:. I hope we receive an explanation soon because it will constantly bug me until we do. Was she treated and received well at the concert?

Jenny_HRO87 04-19-2009 12:11 PM

thx Ruroshen for your translation and google translater is better than nothing... interesting what she told about her next album... maybe we will hear some new songs soon... I hope it will be out in fall...

about that train accident... I don't know... it's just a rumour... but it's better that she was crying about this instead of crying about personal problems... okay, that's sounds harsh but I feel really sorry about all that people who were involved in this...

btw - I found a lot of pics on alizee latino but I can't post the link 'cause I don't have 5 posts! gosh! - but I see Ruroshen was faster... thx ;)

Toc De Mac 04-19-2009 12:25 PM

Can we really trust Matrix? :rolleyes:

Weiss 04-19-2009 12:26 PM

Here is the video, but I don't really think that is why she was crying in the video she has different hair style then at the concert. In this video it is just a picture, some fan was probably showing Alizee's tears for the sad moment of the Mexicans that were injured during the train wreck, but who knows.

Jenny_HRO87 04-19-2009 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Toc De Mac (Post 128206)
Can we really trust Matrix? :rolleyes:

hmm... he create stranger videos before so I'm not convinced that this isn't humbug...

lefty12357 04-19-2009 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by HRO87 (Post 128205)
thx Ruroshen for your translation and google translater is better than nothing... interesting what she told about her next album... maybe we will hear some new songs soon... I hope it will be out in fall...

about that train accident... I don't know... it's just a rumour... but it's better that she was crying about this instead of crying about personal problems... okay, that's sounds harsh but I feel really sorry about all that people who were involved in this...

btw - I found a lot of pics on alizee latino but I can't post the link 'cause I don't have 5 posts! gosh! - but I see Ruroshen was faster... thx ;)

I agree, HRO87 and I understand how you feel. That interview Ruroshen posted actually cheered me up a bit. I repeat that I don’t want Alizée to be unhappy or stressed, but at least the interview sounds like she has been working on continuing her career and she has no intentions of giving up. I don’t know what caused the tears, but there is a danger that we can end up making more out of it than there really is.

I guess we all just want so strongly for Alizée to succeed that we have become fearful for her, thus we tend to focus on the negative a bit. But let us not forget to also accentuate the positive here. In spite of everything, she went to Mexico and performed. She shows every sign of continuing her career, and she showed courage in what appeared to be an emotional time for her. I hope we get some more hard information about this, but I until we do, I still think there is at least something in it all to be positive about. And I'm glad that Alizée has so many people here that care about her well-being.

puffyrock2 04-19-2009 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Toc De Mac (Post 128206)
Can we really trust Matrix? :rolleyes:

While Matrix has posted a couple bogus vids in the past, this seemed plausible to me. If Alizée was in good enough condition to perform or do an interview in the first place, how serious of a personal emergency could she have had? Hopefully we'll find out soon.

Srbski-kralj 04-19-2009 01:21 PM

Like most of u said its sad to see her cry period. Who knows why she was crying it could be many things, and not realy healthy on our side to speculate and say its this or that untill we have something solid ot link all this to. I dont care who you are but singing right after landing a long flight is rought (Jet lang and all) Im not a singer or anything but when i went back to serbia to visit my relatives, 14 some hours of flighing, and also 8 hrs of waiting in germany for our plane, When we got to my relatives i wasnt tired but when i got there I colapsed and sleept for about 10-13 hours.

Alizée,Angel of Ajaccio.. 04-19-2009 02:41 PM

Hi, guys sorry I've not posted, been a little tied up.

Alright, I hate to add to the speculation, but I must.

Personally, I do not think she was crying (at least not exactly). What I believe may have occurred was that she was overheated and perspiring profusely. While what AIF said about the temperature in the venue was correct, which was that it was fairly comfortable, I think Alizée may not have been able to enjoy the same conditions. I was able to get a good glimpse of the backstage setup and there was a separate "Hospitality" type of tent set up for the performers. I have every reason to believe that inside the tent the temps could have been much more uncomfortable. So while I can't say with 100% certainty, I think what happened was that she was simply in the tent getting overheated, then got on stage and perspired heavily. Her face was totally soaked as if she had been misted with a spray bottle. Which is another reason I don't think she was crying, because her face was wet in areas where the gravity of standing up would not have allowed.

Now we will have to get help from our beloved female forum members, but I'm pretty sure that the sweat combined with make-up could create a scenario that would make your eyes water and burn pretty badly. So what I think we had was a sort of cascading affect.

Now with regards to what AIF said about the darkness, personally I think that the house spotlights were not as hot as normal, so I think it was just a lighting issue. When you add the black dress (which I think looked good), it probably did add to the "dark" affect.
Ultimately, I think she looked great and performed well. The video cameras got some great close-ups which were shown on the three big screens. The stage had a runway down the middle that came to a T intersection. This allowed for the Angel to come out all the way to the boundary of zone A and zone B and then go pretty far to the right and left. I was, for an all too brief moment within 2 or 3 feet away of the Angel. The set up was cool as it gave many more audience members an opportunity to experience a front row effect.

I'm still not able to see any Youtube vids here, so I don't have the benefit of viewing the aforementioned yet, but I will later.

Gotta go, more later.

Alizeeinternationalfan 04-19-2009 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Alizée,Angel of Ajaccio.. (Post 128220)
Hi, guys sorry I've not posted, been a little tied up.

Alright, I hate to add to the speculation, but I must.

Personally, I do not think she was crying (at least not exactly). What I believe may have occurred was that she was overheated and perspiring profusely. While what AIF said about the temperature in the venue was correct, which was that it was fairly comfortable, I think Alizée may not have been able to enjoy the same conditions. I was able to get a good glimpse of the backstage setup and there was a separate "Hospitality" type of tent set up for the performers. I have every reason to believe that inside the tent the temps could have been much more uncomfortable. So while I can't say with 100% certainty, I think what happened was that she was simply in the tent getting overheated, then got on stage and perspired heavily. Her face was totally soaked as if she had been misted with a spray bottle. Which is another reason I don't think she was crying, because her face was wet in areas where the gravity of standing up would not have allowed.

Now we will have to get help from our beloved female forum members, but I'm pretty sure that the sweat combined with make-up could create a scenario that would make your eyes water and burn pretty badly. So what I think we had was a sort of cascading affect.

Now with regards to what AIF said about the darkness, personally I think that the house spotlights were not as hot as normal, so I think it was just a lighting issue. When you add the black dress (which I think looked good), it probably did add to the "dark" affect.
Ultimately, I think she looked great and performed well. The video cameras got some great close-ups which were shown on the three big screens. The stage had a runway down the middle that came to a T intersection. This allowed for the Angel to come out all the way to the boundary of zone A and zone B and then go pretty far to the right and left. I was, for an all too brief moment within 2 or 3 feet away of the Angel. The set up was cool as it gave many more audience members an opportunity to experience a front row effect.

I'm still not able to see any Youtube vids here, so I don't have the benefit of viewing the aforementioned yet, but I will later.

Gotta go, more later.

I sure hope you are right; I have been questioning my observations since the moment I was making them, but can't escape what I saw. I considered, even then, that it was just sweat, but it didn't seem to me like the kind of moisture that a mist or sweat would produce. Her eyes were puffy and at times glistening. Maybe its the excessive makeup (and the haircut, with the black outfit...don't like it..almost gothic). I did have a few drinks (:blink:), but others there with me saw it too and at the table, we had that stunned feeling, looking at each other, a feeling of horror watching what was going on. Could I have been wrong? Just so hard to believe. We were up close, with the big screen that had all the close-ups right in front of us. Adding to it was that I did not sense she was into it; it was not a great peformance (I mean, NOTHING like JEAM in the famous video or the ML performances, nothing like En Concert, not even like the Monterrey concert I went to). So, the combination of the tears, the lack of real energy/practiced routines, the dark, ghoulish look, the stumbling on her lyrics (I think I caught it once and someone else on the forum wrote they saw it at the end), other fans that thought she was in tears also...all of it, just makes me think what I saw, in fact, did happen. We need the close-ups of when she was in ML and the others that her face was streaked. She did seem to be at least trying to shake the sadness and perform, and there were certainly smiles and some fleeting attempts at energy (but sort of like you telling your Mom the Pozole she made for dinner was great when it sucks)...

rcs 04-19-2009 05:40 PM

I don't know what to think about the tears, but the JEAM performance, musically speaking, sounded similar to her recent performances of the same song (post MF & LB). Also, it's hard to judge without being at this performance this time and being able to "feel" the energy, or lack thereof. Only time will tell. Hopefully, more video will surface.

In the past when Lili teared up, you at least understood why. But now, this absolutely kills me not to know. Hopefully, we will get an answer. Please just let it be jet lag or something minor like mentioned earlier. :(

Jordy 04-19-2009 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by rcs (Post 128232)
In the past when Lili teared up, you at least understood why. But now, this absolutely kills me not to know.

Exactly what I feel.


Originally Posted by rcs (Post 128232)
Please just let it be jet lag or something minor like mentioned earlier. :(

We can only hope, that it is the reason, it would be the best solution in these circumstances :(

Roman 04-19-2009 08:35 PM

Well, I will say that certainly if she was feeling that way it was brave to go up and try to sing. wow. I wonder because usually if a person is crying they can hardly talk let alone sing. Maybe she was able to power through it and maintain that much control at least until she calmed down later. I suppose she can't let us know, but like everyone, I feel for Alizée and want to know what's going on though I certainly don't really expect any explanation. someone post what other people at the concert said. thank you.

mavsluver41 04-19-2009 08:37 PM

Until we hear something more, I'm going to go along with AAA's makeup-in-the-eyes theory. And by the way, Jordy your Lili-hiker sig is amazing :).

johnkim2222003 04-19-2009 10:27 PM

EVERYBODY, Cheer it up.

HGL 04-20-2009 01:01 AM

anyway, to the guys that were there: are you completely, 257% sure she was crying?

cuz, tbh, she doesnt look so sad to me on this vid
thanks to hro87 for posting it...

Future Raptor Ace 04-20-2009 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by HGL (Post 128254)
anyway, to the guys that were there: are you completely, 257% sure she was crying?

cuz, tbh, she doesnt look so sad to me on this vid
thanks to hro87 for posting it...

you can barely see her in this vid, therefore its impossible to make any judgment base on that video

JCC 04-20-2009 01:27 AM

From the pictures i've seen both here and other fansites....I see a very tired Alizee, someone who unfortunately seems to have the weight of something troubling on her mind. The dark makeup, the fake smiles, dark clothing. This isn't fun for Alizee anymore, and you can see it in her face.

I hope she's going to be ok. Cos i hate to see people in pain like that. :confused::(
Get well, Alizee....even it it means you take an extended break from Music.

Roman 04-20-2009 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by JCC (Post 128256)
From the pictures i've seen both here and other fansites....I see a very tired Alizee, someone who unfortunately seems to have the weight of something troubling on her mind. The dark makeup, the fake smiles, dark clothing. This isn't fun for Alizee anymore, and you can see it in her face.

I hope she's going to be ok. Cos i hate to see people in pain like that. :confused::(
Get well, Alizee....even it it means you take an extended break from Music.

Well, as for that, am I such a bad judge of expression or what? I think you are dreaming if you think you can tell that from this evidence you site. She looks a little flushed during certain performance photos, but that's about all I see for evidence. If the crying claim had not been made I've have no reason so far to think that anything was amiss.

HGL 04-20-2009 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace (Post 128255)
you can barely see her in this vid, therefore its impossible to make any judgment base on that video

yeah, if "she" == "her face" =\

anyway, u cant make any judgement based on the photos either
and i meant her moves on teh stage, yeah some of them do seem fake, but some just dont lol

Roman 04-20-2009 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by HGL (Post 128258)
yeah, if "she" == "her face" =\

anyway, u cant make any judgement based on the photos either
and i meant her moves on teh stage, yeah some of them do seem fake, but some just dont lol

forgive my ignorance, but her moves seem fake? what does that even mean?

HGL 04-20-2009 02:21 AM

ive no idea o_O but thats what every2 says, so i thought thats what they mean ^_^

ok, maybe it means that she does some "happy" moves while she doesnt want to, kinda acting without of having fun

Roman 04-20-2009 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by HGL (Post 128260)
ive no idea o_O but thats what every2 says, so i thought thats what they mean ^_^

ok, maybe it means that she does some "happy" moves while she doesnt want to, kinda acting without of having fun

ah, ok. maybe I kind of get the idea now.

Ruroshen 04-20-2009 02:32 AM

OK, it all adds up now.

Clearly what we're dealing with here is a sophisticated Alizée robot and/or synthoid duplicate, sent to cover for her absence while she's off fulfilling her destiny, defending Earth and its allies in the Rylan Star League from the evil Xur and the Ko-Dan Empire.

I mean, duh! It's the only rational explanation. How anybody could draw any other conclusion from all this extensive evidence we have is beyond me.

(EDIT: Or she's a Cylon. I guess that could work too...)

HGL 04-20-2009 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Ruroshen (Post 128262)
Clearly what we're dealing with here is a sophisticated Alizée robot and/or synthoid duplicate, sent to cover for her absence while she's off fulfilling her destiny, defending Earth and its allies in the Rylan Star League from the evil Xur and the Ko-Dan Empire.

"sounds like a job for Alizee!"

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