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Shintsu 03-30-2010 09:05 PM

A true fan no more...(Long post)
Not that I'm anyone that anyone else here would even notice if I weren't here, but I must confess this to someone. To my own displeasure as well - I don't think I'm a fan of Alizee anymore. I loved the idea of Alizee as she was a couple years ago, that cute innocent young girl. The music that led me to discover Alizee was Gourmandises and Mes Courants Electriques, and this was the Alizee that I liked. The music that I enjoyed, that I listened to (And still do) so much. Was this angelic voice that of a real human being?

With Psychedelices, so much changed - she wasn't that innocent girl anymore and the music changed. Allow me to be rather straight and brash in this post as I don't care to beat around the subject - I didn't much care for Psychedelices. There were a few songs that I liked, but stuff like Decollage said too much about how she was changing. I clung to the fibers of hope that things would get better though (overall). But to me they didn't.

I loved the look Alizee has had for so long, but now with this new look - she looks kind of like Cher in ways. And I honestly hate the look, she's so naturally beautiful - all the makeup and the way she does her hair now. Please forgive this horrible comparison (because the hair is the ONLY comparison) but she looks like a dark haired version of Lady Gaga now (Sorry, I really hate Lady Gaga and she really has no right to be compared to the likes of Alizee). She got that tattoo (which I find an abomination on women in general, but especially the likes of Alizee). She's changed her look, it's not the cute stuff any more. She's trying to do more of a sexy kind of look, but again images of Cher conjure in my head and I never liked that look (Also the Cleopatra look if you rather). If this makes sense, I found Alizee sexy when she was just being naturally herself which was cute but now that she's trying to do the sexy look it's just not that appealing to me. I really feel broken now, Alizee was the angel of my dreams the one I could always say "Who needs anyone else when Alizee exists?" but now...I have no one to fill that place. The Alizee that mesmerized me I think is gone, and while you all I suppose have all transitioned to stay with her changes I just don't think I can.

Again I'm probably sharing more details than anyone here even cares about me (I mean I'm pretty much a nobody around here) but the whole way I discovered Alizee was a rather funny one. Everyone knows what World of Warcraft is, well I stumbled somehow upon videos on YouTube of people doing dance compilations using MMORPGs. One of them said where the real life dances that were in WoW came from. Low and behold, the female Night Elf dance was this amazing woman I had seen (but knew not the name of). I tracked down her name and the first full video I saw was a live performance of J'en Ai Marre. After I came down from my dazed and mesmerized state, I looked up more videos. Low and behold, I find that she went to a young girl's birthday party JUST for Then another clip, she's with a fan of hers in I think a shoe store and she's so friendly - not even like a famous person at all! They cut back and I will never forget Alizee was crying on stage recalling the video clips of where she had done those not only is she drop dead gorgeous, she has a beautiful voice and she is a great person!

For days I just kept watching videos of her live performances and showed other people at my school at the time. I actually have a large framed poster of her in my room as well. I made my best efforts to track down fan gear so I could let it be known to my classmates, but I never found any. Anything to let other people know I had found an angel. It was during this time (I think) that I discovered this forum and registered.

I used to watch every video someone would post, every song, every translation, anything related to her I wanted to see. I was even friends with a few people here on Xbox Live. But as time passed, they stopped talking to me, no more invites, then I saw they removed me (This isn't really new to me though). I became less and less interested in every little video someone would release on here. As it is now...I really don't have much interest in any videos of anything. I don't even care to watch her music videos. The news updates and stuff, all never really catch my attention. If it weren't for an email notice I had received about those signed CDs I don't know when I would have logged back on here (Nothing like thinking you realistically have a chance at something that would make you so happy only to have it stomped on by for other reasons which you had no control over, but my luck has always been bad at everything so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised).

I mean I see that so many of you on here are obsessed with Alizee (some actually quite a bit unhealthily I dare say, but I won't deny that I was unhealthily obsessed with her when I first found out about her). I mean every picture of her, someone will pour their heart out about her. Any time someone mentions anything about her people all swoop and start "fanboying" (Not really the appropriate term I guess, but you probably know what I'm getting at - just think about for example Sony fanboys on a PS3 forum raving about every update and announcement and proclaiming their utter devotion to and love for Sony). I used to be all behind that, but I find anymore if I look into myself I'm not really excited about it. I hate it, but if I have to convince myself to be excited it's just faux and there's no point in doing it.

Despite all this, I don't think it's to say that I don't like Alizee at all anymore - she is still the same person that mesmerized me a couple years ago, I just feel she is doing a lot of experimenting with her sound and look. I still think she is a great person, but I think I'm more in love with the idea of Alizee than her herself. A group which I have been a fan of for far longer and with much more certainty is Genesis, and comparatively I find great interest in hearing any news about them (But to be fair I just don't think I'm the kind of person who really cares about every little thing someone famous does unless it's autographs, special editions of stuff, tours, or other big stuff). I just think it means I'm not a true fan of Alizee anymore. I didn't actually buy Psychedelices (did listen to them all online though), but I don't plan to buy the album of it now like I originally did and I was only interested in the newest album if it had an autograph on it - I have no intention to buy one now though.

Perhaps you all can persevere and keep hopes she'll come to America, but I have my personal doubts. She's been to Mexico where her music apparently sells well (I didn't know this until I looked it up) but not even to a big US city like LA or NYC. I know if ever she did tour here she'd maybe go to the huge cities like NYC and LA, not sure where in the middle of the US she'd go but I live in Kentucky and all possible destinations are unreasonably far for someone in college like myself (Would require expensive plane tickets + hotel stay OR lots of gas to drive there + hotel stay + lots of time). Genesis came on tour (Turn it on again tour) and I was able to drive to Columbus, OH for that one - about three hour drive. Given the changes in Alizee's music and look, I can't personally justify the great expense of going that far to see her concerts if she ever even had them. Maybe you all think she cares about you, but in my head I don't think so. She's a nice person and would never say she doesn't care about any of her fans no matter where they are but some things just aren't feasible and I think a US concert is one of them. Again, maybe I'm wrong and some of you all will be able to go and enjoy it - I just don't think it will happen and if it did I honestly have to say I wouldn't go unless it were in a bordering state. If it were the Alizee I was originally infatuated with and that music - yes I would, I would find a way and a how.

On a somewhat more creepy note there do seem to be quite a bit of considerably older fans of her. It kind of seems like a 50 year old guy being crazy nuts fanboy over Hannah Montana or Justin Bleiber - it just creeps you out. I'm not going to say I think it's impossible for someone older to be a fan of someone younger, but again it does border being a little creepy. I imagine Alizee's biggest fan base is the 13-19 and 20-30 demographic, but to see people outside that demographic be infatuated fans creeps me out - no offense.

The Alizee which is immortalized in my mind as the image of perfection will always look (in my own head) something like these:

Her face combined with the way she had her hair (stunning body doesn't hurt either) just dumbfounded me - there is no better looking person than her in these photos. These pictures are at least I think pretty recent - and allow me to say the pictures of her at the autographing made me think Cher, but these pictures - does anyone watch MadTV? If you don't, look up on YouTube "Mrs. Swan". NO she still has a beautiful face, but the hair makes her look like that little lady and I never thought that lady looked good.

The makeup hurts her beauty so bad - it's like putting a big ricer wing on a Murcielago or something, the car looked great as it naturally was don't put stuff on it!

I'll end my long winded post (I find discussing this subject can't be taken lightly) by saying I still am a fan of Alizee - but not a "true" fan who wants to know all about her every moves and stuff. For me the image of Alizee was this cute young girl with a beautiful voice and fantastic body who was compassionate and kind bringing smiles to everyone she was around who was totally innocent. To me, the tattoo, now she's married, she has a kid, the makeup - it's stomping all over my personal image of Alizee, she's not that innocent young girl I was in love with in high school anymore. I would rather stop following Alizee as a true fan now and retain the high image I have of her in my head than to have it lowered and then not hold her in as high of a place as she should be.

This isn't a farewell post per say, I still will check back every few months but after reviewing several threads I don't think there's much here I could discuss with others here. This being an Alizee forum, I don't expect there to be either. I wish you all well, please take no offense at anything I've said in this post - I just needed to vent these bottled up feelings somewhere that people would at least comprehend them (perhaps not understand though). Again I'm no body so anyone who reads this has my thanks for listening (reading). It was a euphoric experience to me and I have to say having known Alizee as she was certainly has had a large impact on my life. I don't know if anything will ever top my initial discovery of her and her music (Close to the same date I went to the Genesis concert, which I've been a fan of since 5 years old - I actually was wishing at the time I was going to one of her concerts).

Au revoir forum, vous voyez autour (Forgive if I screwed this last part up, German I can speak somewhat - French, next to nothing)


Jeff 03-30-2010 09:30 PM

Yup, I'm the same way.

I don't care much at all for the new Alizee. She's destroyed her body with stupid tattoos and she doesn't perform like she use to.

I'm only a fan of her when she was 16-18.

jung_adore_ALIZEE 03-30-2010 09:31 PM

Best of luck in your endeavors to come.



P.S. Just cause you are a more quiet fella with less posts than some others, that does not make you a nobody.

Karlalizee 03-30-2010 10:00 PM

i agree with you shintsu. i liked her better during her first two albums. i was introduced to her music by a female student while i was attending college near st. louis a year ago. i loved the first two albums and three of the songs on the third album. i am not convienced yet if i want to buy the newest one.

i do not care for her new look either. the hair, too much make up and those tattoos (barf), but it is none of my business. she is going on her own and i say good luck to her. i think you are disappointed because she is getting older. i saw her pictures at the signing session and thought to myself how much she has changed since moi...lolita. ten years do take thier toll. lol

everyone changes shintsu. tastes in food, art, music, movies changes throughout your years. you said you were creeped out that older men in this forum love her. could it be that they enjoy her music without sexual undertones? just because you wanted to jump her bones when she was 16 does not mean everyone in here feels the same. :p

i can understand your feelings. i feel less and less of an alizee fan and more and more of a fan of the people on this website. sometimes it creeps me out a little that i am one of the few girls in this site while the majority of her fans in europe are girls. i am not sure how long i will last on here. the girl who introduced me to this site has long gone, and i have thought many times of leaving myself. guess we will just have to wait and see.

much love and good luck shintsu,

karla :wub:

RadioactiveMan 03-30-2010 10:20 PM

Alizée's music is not the same as it was years ago, so it's reasonable for many people to lose interest, but it is important to note some things.

She started her career by being chosen to sing a song by Mylene Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat. For the next two albums she performed the music they wrote, wearing recycled costumes from Mylene Farmer's own career. This isn't a bad thing; all three involved are wonderfully talented.

After, she gets married, has a child, commissions a large tattoo, and releases two more albums that were created in a much different manner. This time she wasn't the performer, she was in the driver's seat. Everything that has happened in that time we know was [based on] her choice, and as such offers us a window into her personality.

If we agree that she still sings beautifully, then the difference between then and now is that her efforts are much more organic and personal. That is an exciting thing for an admirer of Alizée.

VVVACCPLPNLY 03-30-2010 10:27 PM

Oh, man! This thread is depressing! Of corse you don't like the new stuff. I spent today flipping through age old threads. A year ago, there were a different group of people here. Same thing the year before that. So on. Saw this happening to people. I knew it would. In another three years or so there'll be more fans leaving again. It's inevitable. But more will come. That too is inevitable. I like the new stuff. I can see myself staying quite a while. True, MCÉ is the best of Alizée, but that isn't to say UEdS isn't good at all. Well, to me. She is still beautiful. And she still has the best voice to ever grace my ears. I guess I just like her differently than you. I find myself believing more active current members will not stay around. They won't. Even ben recently sad he will not be with this site forever. But I feel that, for me, Alizée is finally that one singer that I shall always love. I am lucky to have found her. so lucky! But you are just moving from a temporary love of her. That has happened many times. And will keep happening. It's perfectally normal, please don't excuse yourself for it. We understand. I haven't been around as long as ben, brad, or other mods, but they surely have seen a million fans just like you. You do love Alizée, just not UEdS Alizée. I admit that Gourmandises Alizée was cuter, but that's how nearly everyone sees it. MCÉ Alizée was the most attractive. Psychédélices Alizée was hottest. This new UEdS s most mysterious and intriguing. Just read the everything changes thread. No, she's not 'Lolita' anymore, but do you really think she could or even wants to? After all, if she was still making the same music for ten years, she would be as forgettable as Brittney Spears, or in your words, Lady god-forsaken Gaga. Be true to yourself, don't pretend you like her if you don't, but keep your favorite Alizée closest to your heart. If this is what you need to do to continue liking Alizée at all, then do it. Leave, and remember her as the Lolita/goldfish that stole you heart.

lefty12357 03-30-2010 10:32 PM

Shintsu, it seems odd you would pick what is probably the most exciting and uplifting moment in this forum's history to "rain on the parade" so to speak. Maybe you aren't as unlucky as you think, and it's more of a matter of your own choice of timing in life. But I believe the feelings you expressed are honest and sincere.

Regardless, I understand completely what you're saying and I know there's nothing anyone can say or do to change how you really feel. You have to do what you have to do. Like Karla said, tastes change, things change. And lines that once converged or crossed can end up going separate ways. It's no fault of yours, or Alizée's for that matter. I'm well aware that someday I could be in your shoes. But for now I'm enjoying Alizée and her music. Trust me, this won't be the last time in your life this happens. It's completely normal and happens more often than we'd like sometimes.

Good luck to you, Shintsu.

@Karla, It would be sad to see you leave here. A lot of this really is about the people.

TheBarrett 03-30-2010 10:32 PM

Just know sir Shintsu you are not alone.
I, and many included, understand perfectly, point to every point.

This forum, is like a school, a classroom, a university of sorts.
You come, and you learn, you absorb, and you will never stay forever. You leave with the partial gains of the institution, positive or negative, and fly Into the New World.

She was your cradle, and was the cradle for many of us...
...and for many of us that cradle can no longer fit.

Best regards, and should you decide to appear yet again, it doesn't hurt to say an active hello to some of us in the Chatbox. :)
Your opinion matters not only a good amount, but it matters at a high priority.

sumi1 03-30-2010 10:33 PM

I think there are a lot of people who think like Shintsu. They all adored the teen "image" of Alizee. So as she matured, they lost interest as she was not the same girl they used to love. Even I was forst introduced to Alizee of MCE era. But slowly, as I came to know about her, I became a fan of Alizee the person. As discussed in other thread by Deepwaters, she may not be the best singer out there, she may not be the most beautiful woman out there, but certainly, she is among the most wonderful human beings I have seen in my life. So, I am cool with her choices. Atleast she does what she wants to do. I like this a lot:)

Brent 03-30-2010 10:36 PM

it happened to me. i wish her no harm and if good things come they do.

but i went from true fan on/off the music scene to a straight music fan. i do not know her in real life obviously, so ill leave it at that.

User22 03-30-2010 10:47 PM

Wow...someone please shoot me. AAA day was amazing...and now this....

VVVACCPLPNLY 03-30-2010 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 156891)
Wow...someone please shoot me. AAA day was amazing...and now this....

Really, what is the third a in AAA day? It went over my freaking head!

User22 03-30-2010 10:58 PM

Alizée America Awareness Day:D

Edcognito 03-30-2010 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by lefty12357 (Post 156884)

Trust me, this won't be the last time in your life this happens. It's completely normal and happens more often than we'd like sometimes.

Good luck to you, Shintsu.

@Karla, It would be sad to see you leave here. A lot of this really is about the people.

I agree w/Lefty - on all three of his above points! It really *is* all about the people.

I guess i would be one of those "older guys" your talking about... Have to admit, when I first discovered this young lady, I was distinctly uncomfortable about admitting it to any of my friends, co-workers, or contemporaries... Uncomfortable about "what they might think of me..." :o

However, as time went on, its not that I cared less about them, rather, when I could sing along to the music (remember, I don't speak French... at all...), they realized that I actually did like the music... :blink:

Am I not aware of Alizée's appearance?

Of course I am! But let me let you in on a little secret... As a man, you will *never* (so far as I'm aware) ever *not* be aware of women who are attractive to you... It may be an uncomfortable thought to you - but someday you will by my age, and women will not stop being attractive just because *you've* aged by 30 years...

However, how you approach and think of women *will* change. Let me ask you a question, is your discomfort about us "older" fans at least partially based in your own feelings? ;) I have no problem admitting I find Alizée immensely attractive... Do I want to have carnal relations with her?

Nope. Then why do I buy her albums? Is it possible that I can actually find something in her music <GASP!> worthwhile? Yep.

As others have said (and your going through now)((and I've gone through, and everyone else will go through)) - attitudes, perceptions and feelings change with time. Its nothing you should feel guilty about (for that is what I got from some of your post).

I wish you all the best in the world, m8, and hope you will forgive an old(er) man his foibles...:D



Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 156899)
WHAT!!! Ed I have talked to you for ages and just noticed your up there! 49!! Man you are very computer literate! Hey need me to assist you walking across the street?jkjk love ya man:D

I'll take you up on that someday... And Jung & Barrett will run us over... :P

woohoo 03-30-2010 11:09 PM

I think that a lot of us understand where you are coming from. I discovered alizee like many just wandering on YouTube and happened to click on that wow dance video truely by chance. I was watching it when who do I see but alizee. I wanted to see more but there was no other videos with her linked that one that day. So I went on a search with the only info being her face and the words top of the pops. Which had no meaning to me. This search gave me a strong connection with her. I found out that she had a new album coming out, pych, and wanted to get her earlier albums first. I listened to them so many times and loved them. Then I heard pych. Something radicaly different. I did not know how to take it so I looked around as to reasons why. I found this site and learned her whole story. I then understood that getting married, having a child, and her expirences in those four years changed her but I was ok with this because the only thing that we know will happen is that things will change. So I made friends on this site and their influence helped me stay with alizee through the years. They also expanded my view of music and artists. Alizee is an amazing person but she will change and we will change. All I hope is that we enjoy her and support her. It is sad to see anyone go but it will happen so I say to you good luck in your future endevors, good bye y adiós.

User22 03-30-2010 11:11 PM

WHAT!!! Ed I have talked to you for ages and just noticed your up there! 49!! Man you are very computer literate! Hey need me to assist you walking across the street?jkjk love ya man:D

MYGOGT 03-30-2010 11:15 PM

One older guy's perspective
I do feel your pain. And we don't take it lightly I can assure you. And I am one of the older men that "creeps" you out.
Understand that us older guys, at least this one, can relate to Alizee as more of a daughter than a "hottie". I feel a sense of pride in this young lady like I do in my own two daughters, each with their own accomplishments. She is a beautiful woman; to that we all can agree. That may catch our eyes at first, but it is her inner person that captures our hearts. The pride in me grows greater the more I learn about her. That said I hope it takes some of the old guy creepiness out of it for you.
The forums are about people with a common interest coming together. Some of which will make lifelong bonds. It is true that interest will ebb and flow just as sure as the tides.
I am not a man of words so I think I'll leave it at that.
Good luck to you, and do stop in now and again.

paintballpdh19 03-30-2010 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by MYGOGT (Post 156904)
Understand that us older guys, at least this one, can relate to Alizee as more of a daughter than a "hottie". I feel a sense of pride in this young lady like I do in my own two daughters, each with their own accomplishments. She is a beautiful woman; to that we all can agree. That may catch our eyes at first, but it is her inner person that captures our hearts. The pride in me grows greater the more I learn about her.

yes exactly, Alizee, to most of us isn't just a sex symbol. take me for example, i am a teenager. so remember all my hormones are going crazy, but i still don't see Alizee just a sex symbol and couldn't imagine disgracing her like that. i like her for the person she is and what she has accomplished. so it is not "creepy" at all that an older person likes her. its nothing sexual, just liking her for her talent of music.

Vil 03-30-2010 11:38 PM

I must admit I was feeling the same way as the OP. A lot of contributing factors has led to this decision, since I too was really into Alizee.

I'll preface this by saying I admire Alizee's talent: her natural ability to dance and her singing.

that being said, every album, from debut to latest, is a learning experience, an experimentation. Alizee is no exception to this. Her career started with Mylene etc, whom were already successful in the music industry, and knew what worked and what didn't. Call the style trashy/whatever, but it worked. Alizee was launched into stardom, and proved she could sing, and dance. This winning formula was repeated on MCE, where just one performance was able to expose her to many many different countries, including Mexico, where she now has a market.

But then she left the producers with the winning formula. While I agree that every artist should take a hands-on approach to their work, I feel, at the time she departed, she had still not matured musically. This was evident in her Psychedelices album, where she experimented with many different types of music, and using not-so-top producers. She was only able to score two singles off that album, and they both did not chart high enough to put her back on the radar after her hiatus.

Another thing absent (I know I'll get the tomatoes for this one from you all, but here me out XD) is her sensuality. Lets all face the reality: sex sells. It's entertainment. It's just another way to market an album. You can be sensual in your dress style, dance style, but still have moral values and not be a slut or a sex fiend. A perfect example of this is Selena. I'm not sure if many of you knew her, but she was a natural performer, very much like Alizee. She started her career when she was 9, and by 16 she was using outfits to "entertain". Nothing too revealing, just those sparkly bras and jeans. People loved her. When she married at age 20, she continued to wear these types of outfits, and nobody thought any less of her. It's just a fashion, entertainment. If you surf many of the Selena sites, many will say she had a hot bod, and she was sexy, but NEVER that she was slutty or was a slut or unfaithful to her husband by the way she dressed. I sometimes wonder if Alizee is afraid of being labeled as a slut. Because she certainly would not be, at least not in my eyes. You can be sexy without being a slut.

Yet in her Psychedelices album, she writes songs with mature themes, but her image is that of Miley Cyrus in her early Hannah Montanah days -- Tinkerbell, pastel colors, cute tween stuff.

Then she disappears again for almost a year, after giving lackluster performances.

And now she is back, with a completely new style. In this aspect she reminds me of Salvador Dali a bit :D He was always reinventing himself. I am hoping she finds herself with this album, as it sounds promising. If she does shows in Mexico, I will probably go.

I do not, however, hold out for any serious shows here in the USA. It's not that I don't think she can make it here, because I do think she has a good chance: IF she made some serious changes. First and foremost, she would have to, have to, have to be fluent in English. The US market is brutal. She would have to sing songs in English, because our country is not as accepting of foreign languages as is in Europe or even Latin America, where there is exposure to different languages all the time. She could include a couple of French songs on an album, but it would have to be primarily English. Just think of Shakira, or Paulina Rubio with their "crossover" albums. They both had 2-3 tracks in Spanish, with the rest being in English. Another sad aspect of the US market: sex sex and more sex. There is more focus on sex appeal than actual talent (hi Britney Spears and Lady Gaga). I'm not sure if Alizee would ever go this route again. At least, not at the level that would be required of her from US producers. That being said, I'm not exactly wanting to throw her into the pit like that and watch her be torn apart by the US media, which can be very brutal at times. I'd rather her enjoy her success, at her level, where she is in Europe and in Mexico. I'm sure she's considered all this and maybe its why she hasn't taken the US route seriously. Fame in the US is not the same as fame in abroad. Fame in the US means you're hounded in every country in the world, papparazzi following you everywhere and stalking you. Maybe this is also why she has not considered a debut in the states.

But with all that being said, I do enjoy her new album. And I look forward to seeing what she does with this artistically, and hope she doesn't decide to go some crazy route (like Tinkerbell tattoo -_-). Oh, and before someone can say I'm just wanting to jump her bones, I'm female :D:D


wasabi622 03-30-2010 11:46 PM

Shintsu, you wrote what I've been worried about(in terms of how I feel.)

There's no denying how much Alizée has changed. For the better or worse... well, that's a judgment call that's made personally.

As much as I'm excited and eager for this new and upcoming Alizée, my first obsession(aka unhealthy interest :p) was the good ol' Gourmandises/MCE era Alizée.

It was then when she was the most beautiful, adorable, and probably the most active as well. As I've said before, I wouldn't be terribly upset if she never broke off with Mylene and Boutonnat. I love the Pschedelices album(Freaking love Lilly town and 50/60)!!

So I can understand how you feel.

I haven't seen you around much in the forums, but hey, that sure as hell doesn't make you a nobody. :D

AlizéeInspired 03-31-2010 12:20 AM

The music

Yes, her early days were great and are over but things can't always last forever :( - especially great things. Infact, I'm kinda glad that she has changed up her style over time as I can find the same thing over and over with some artists displeasing to me (not that I think this would happen to me with Alizée). There isn't a song of hers that I don't like to listen to (I do like some more than others but only a little :p). I love all her albums and really like the new album but that could just be my different taste in music.
I like a variety of music from all kinds of rock to techno/trance/rave to some pop music, a little rap/hiphop (mostly oldskool - yeeeah boy! lol)... Don't much care for country or too much of the newer stuff out there and I don't like a lot of rap. Anyway... this said, my input on my love of ALL of Alizée's music may not really count for much but hey whatever man lol.
Myself, beside Alizée, I mostly listen to rock and stuff. I love Metallica! Thats my sh** ya kno lol.

The looks

Yes, her looks have definately changed and I think its pretty safe to say that we all realize that. This is just another one of those personal taste things if you like what she has become or not. Once again, I love all of Alizée's looks but this could just be because I'm still in that beginning stage where I am still somewhat a new fan as I only discovered her this last summer and really got into her recently. The tatoos don't bother me much but I wouldn't much like it if she were to get many more. When I first seen her tatoos I was all like "Why Alizée? Why? You have such natural beauty..." But I grew to accept them I guess. I myself wouldn't even mind a tatoo or two myself. Her hair and clothes ... I think she looks great at whatever she does. She can rock any hair style or outfit and I'll think "Wow. I didn't think that could look good on someone but it does on her" I am definately a biased party lol. But then the make-up... I am not a big fan of make-up but whatever I guess. I still think she looks good. No matter what she does or looks like I find that I can still find "that beauty" in her. The looks though I see as only a temporary thing as she has changed her look for every album and I'm gonna stay positive and say there will be more to come :D

The person

No matter what she looks like and no matter what music she creates I say she is still a great person and that is all that really matters. Alizée has such great inner and outer beauty to share and I'm all for however she wants to share it. I don't ever see myself quit being a fan of Alizée mostly because of how great of a person she is. Her current album may scare a few fans off but you've got to remember that she is kind of playing another character for this album. The album is a little darker but we've all got dark sides. I can't see her getting darker than this so it can only get better from here. It could be worse like she could be singin about killing babys and what not ... Anyway...

I say just stay positive and stick with whatever Alizée makes you happy.I don't see myself going down the path you have chosen but who knows. Shintsu, I am sorry that you feel this way but I understand you. Definately check in from time to time as maybe one day she will win your heart back:). Glad you got this off your chest. And I hope your "bad" luck gets better sometime soon:) Well, good luck bro.

VVVACCPLPNLY 03-31-2010 12:32 AM

I agree with most of Vil's reply (EXCEPT what she said on Psychédélices), about the US Market. Americans probably aren't ready for an 80% French album. I have said before that I hate lady gaga, but her one song with some French lyrics may get the early teen girl crowd excited about French in general.

jmaca 03-31-2010 01:26 AM

I sort of agree. I very much preferred the Lolita image of Alizée more than the Psych and post Psych era Alizée. I enjoyed the Psych album alot, but it didn't grasp my attention as much as Gour or MCE did. I'm still on the wall about UEDS, but overall I'm still happy with Alizée's career as it is even though I may not be as into it as I used to be.

sumi1 03-31-2010 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by paintballpdh19 (Post 156907)
yes exactly, Alizee, to most of us isn't just a sex symbol. take me for example, i am a teenager. so remember all my hormones are going crazy, but i still don't see Alizee just a sex symbol and couldn't imagine disgracing her like that. i like her for the person she is and what she has accomplished. so it is not "creepy" at all that an older person likes her. its nothing sexual, just liking her for her talent of music.

Exactly what I feel!:)

pepelepew 03-31-2010 01:59 AM

I'm one of those creepy older guys Shintsu. The truth is that any time I have to justify something I shouldn't be doing it. With Alizee there is nothing to justify. She is a beautiful person inside and out. I love her unique voice, smile, personal integrity, big heart. I like all of her music to date. I don't have any preconcieved notions about her musical career path except hopeful that she obtains the success she desires and deserves.

The things that some other fans complain about like her change in attire, musical style, hairstyle, general appearance are a big part of what keeps me interested.

Alizee is a positive force and not a train wreck like so many other musicians/artists.

I hate tattoo's and don't like techno generally. I don't let these trivialities get in the way of all the wonderful things about Alizee. Life is too short and too long to ignore.:) I hope your luck changes Shintsu. If you have to justify hanging out here or being an Alizee fan maybe you were never one. If you need to justify not being a fan or why you need to leave here, maybe you should rethink that as well. I support you in your struggle.:confused:

Vil 03-31-2010 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY (Post 156919)
I agree with most of Vil's reply (EXCEPT what she said on Psychédélices), about the US Market. Americans probably aren't ready for an 80% French album. I have said before that I hate lady gaga, but her one song with some French lyrics may get the early teen girl crowd excited about French in general.

Haha, I was trying to give an objective view on what was happening in the Alizee chain from a casual, or even new viewer perspective. I myself actually liked the album, but for obvious reasons, I could see how it was a hard sell to the mainstream masses.

About Lady Gaga's song, I doubt it'll make much waves in terms of getting people into French too much. I mean Madonna's tried it with Spanish (Who's that Girl) and many other artists that I can't think of off the top of my head. It's mostly for unique shock value.

That being said, our best hope of French exposure, at least to the language, would come from our lovely folk up in the north, them Quebecois. If only Celine Dion snuck more French songs onto her English cds, then we'd have a winner! Haha I kid, but it would be great...

another_alizee_fan 03-31-2010 03:00 AM


I won't go into great detail but I agree with you wholeheartedly. I've been a big Alizée fan since 2005 but noticed her style and interests changed since that date. I hate to say it but the music that she now performs (most of it, anyway) sucks and I do believe that her best musical years are behind her. She shouldn't have listened to her husband who no doubt told her to drop Mylène and do her own thing.

I too loved the sweet innocent girl who sang angelically, danced like a devil, and looked like a modern Helen of Troy but when I read her interview saying that "It was only a role" and that the Alizée we all knew and loved wasn't the real her, it about killed me inside. When she said she kept absolutely nothing from those years except the awards it showed me that the Alizée I loved so much never really existed and that she was trying to run away from the image she had portrayed. After reading that, I cried and cried all day long. You see, I've always been proud of being a strong man that nothing or nobody could effect; nothing ever bothered me no matter how bad the situation was. But on that day, saying what she did, Alizée plunged a dagger deep into my heart and left a gaping wound that I know will never heal.

Although I will always have a small corner of what is left of my heart reserved for Alizée, it will never be as before. Although I do know that Alizée will grow and change I do wish that she would have not so obviously and blatantly killed my dream of her.

Anyway, I could say more but that's enough. And if most fans were honest and admit it to themselves I do think that they would also agree with you too.

user472884 03-31-2010 03:19 AM

Well, I'm sorry what we both have the same opinion, Shintsu.

However, I overlook all the backwards steps she's taken knowing that that teddy bear-burying, strawberry-eating, sailor suit-dancing, Lolita... is still there, under all those tattoos and layers of make-up.... however dormant or repressed, she's still there.


I'd hate for you to turn off Alizée in entire, you could do what I did for 6 months following my discovery of Psychédélices that had been released pre-Alizée-discovery (for me, at least)....

You could just entirely ignore Psychédélices and UEdS, pretend they never existed, and bury yourself in Gourmandises and Mes Courants Électriques as I had for 6 months straight.


But also, remember, the entire image and Alizée was orchestrated by Myléne. As we've quite obviously seen, she doesn't voluntarily choose to wear dangerously short clothing on her own terms or act as tantalizingly attractive (she just naturally is) which would leave us to find that those aspects were a part of Myléne's grand scheme.

Psychédélices, Une Enfant du Siècle, and albums to come... these show the true Alizée, her true tastes, her true vision of art.

awkward Turtle 03-31-2010 04:18 AM

This is sad but inevitable when artists change their style. Everybody's tastes are different and at least there is some part of Alizée that you still like, so hold onto that and enjoy the music you want to enjoy, not what other people say you should.

Luckily for me, I love the new stuff, but I knew it would be a possibility that i would not like the new album because she said it would be really different. The important thing is just taking it all in stride and realizing that her music is not for everybody.

HelixSix 03-31-2010 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by another_alizee_fan (Post 156935)
but when I read her interview saying that "It was only a role" and that the Alizée we all knew and loved wasn't the real her, it about killed me inside. When she said she kept absolutely nothing from those years except the awards it showed me that the Alizée I loved so much never really existed and that she was trying to run away from the image she had portrayed.

I guess if her saying that hurts you or anybody else it detracts from what kind of fan you were. She was a puppet that Mylene knew exactly what to do with. If you thought that image and style was the real Alizée then you were probably blinded by sex appeal as most guys were. Just like some on here actually think her big smile at the end of JPVA on July 4th 2003 was genuine. It was clearly a forced smile, but it did it's job just as planned. Mylene isn't stupid and neither is Alizée, they both helped each other immensely during that time. It is no different than most artists, they create an image and hope it sells. Some know what they are doing and some don't. But to enter the market they more often than not have to be less of themselves.

Personally I admire her for leaving the pin up image behind and becoming more true to herself. If you want her to be something she is not then that is very selfish in my opinion. People still want her to go back to the lolita image and that is just being selfish too. What hasn't changed however is that she still is a good person. You can't fake that. And once again she is a person, not an image. If you can't get over an image then that's your fault, she is a person and has moved on.

You have problems if you think Jeremy told her to drop Mylene and do her own thing. Once again her image was that of a lolita. "I'm not twenty" tells the same story. It's like me acting like I'm a teenager, I'm 26 for crying out loud. She will be 26 later this year, but guys like you still want her to cater to your needs. Do you think girls as smart and level headed as her want to be objectified their entire lives? Heck even if Jeremy did tell her to drop Mylene it would have been the right thing to do. It's still messed up that you'd think he'd have forced her into it though, maybe jealousy has something to do with that though.

lowbeam 03-31-2010 07:06 AM

MYGOGT expressed this better than I could, and I also have two daughters :)

Originally Posted by MYGOGT (Post 156904)
I do feel your pain. And we don't take it lightly I can assure you. And I am one of the older men that "creeps" you out.
Understand that us older guys, at least this one, can relate to Alizee as more of a daughter than a "hottie". I feel a sense of pride in this young lady like I do in my own two daughters, each with their own accomplishments. She is a beautiful woman; to that we all can agree. That may catch our eyes at first, but it is her inner person that captures our hearts. The pride in me grows greater the more I learn about her. That said I hope it takes some of the old guy creepiness out of it for you.
The forums are about people with a common interest coming together. Some of which will make lifelong bonds. It is true that interest will ebb and flow just as sure as the tides.
I am not a man of words so I think I'll leave it at that.
Good luck to you, and do stop in now and again.

For me the experience is more than Alizée, it's the other fans and the places she leads me. How did an old fart like me wind up jammed in a car with the Mexican Fan Club racing around Monterrey singing Décollage at the top of our lungs? How did I wind up in Paris surrounded by friends from all over the world?

The people I have met through her - Reho, Sir Wood, Roman, Jenny, RMJ, Scruffy and many others, are decent, good people and I am so glad that I have the honor of making their acquaintance.


Originally Posted by lefty12357 (Post 156884)

@Karla, It would be sad to see you leave here. A lot of this really is about the people.

Don't leave Karla, we need more ladies here. We (the male forum population) should do everything we can to make our female members comfortable. They are precious, like Alizée.

thekidEm 03-31-2010 07:39 AM

this thread is depressing :( but somehow it's understandable that people come and go in this situation, when an artist "changes" or put out a new release. Things change. It's inevitable.

I basically agree with what HelixSix said regarding the Mylene era. Everything was pretty much "manufactured", image and music. I personally was not fond of that "lolita" image :p I'm happy that "Lolita" image gave her recognition & success though.
But one thing that hasn't changed is her personality. As a new fan, I've spent a lot of time lately watching every interview I can find online. In my opinion, I think she is still the same person she was 10 years ago. She certainly has grown up, mature, has changed her style & looks but the essence is still there. It's her personality that has has won me over to become a fan of hers, regardless of the kind of music she makes. Of course, I like her music (electro/techno/dance are not the type that I listen to) but music alone won't make me a fan of someone.
It's rare these days when you've become a superstar (the momentum of Alizée may have slowed down now, but I believe she was one from 2000-2004), you can still remain grounded and unaffected by the glamourous showbiz life.

The only thing I don't like about Alizée is those tattooes, which I still don't get the fascination :p but I can get pass that, no big deal, though the tattooes kind of destroy her beauty. Like some said, it may be part of her culture.

I'm glad that she is taking risks in her music career, becoming a genuine artist and true to heself. I think she is still at this stage experimenting different sounds, finding one which she belongs with.

VVVACCPLPNLY 03-31-2010 01:41 PM

Well, I have never lied to anybody about my thoughs of Alizée. I honestly believe the MCÉ era Alizée was most attractive. I would honestly say that to her, could I meet her. I love that music the best. I do. And Gourmandises Alizée is my second favorite. That is my second favorite disc. I would tell her that, too. Psychédélices Alizée is my third favorite. That is my least favorite disc. UEdS is my least favorite Alizée. UEdS is a very, very close third favorite album. Ther are no lies when it comes to me and Alizée. Do I think leaving Myléne (can someone correct my accent mark?) was a bad move? Not at all. I think leaving her (who cares whose idea it was?) was an amazing career move. It broadened her horizons. It allowed her to make more than pop for the sake of pop. As for her image: who gives? She isn't trying to look pretty for you. The tattoos are no problem for me, but my grandfather (on my mom's side) and father have quite a few, ten or so each. I personally want one or two. With the make up, no way does she wear it on a daily basis. With the hair, do you think she wore that ÀCC at home? If not for the fact the current hair is so simple, she probably wouldn't wear it, either. That ponytail? No way. I think all of it is immensly attractive. From eating strawberries, to playing in a fish tank, to dancing in a pretend fashion show, to, well, however you would reference the LC mv. Not much action in that one. Anyways, this is my complete and honest opinion. You are all just as entitled to yours'. But please don't think I am dishonest about liking UEdS. I honestly thought I wouldn't. I don't get why people like Mes Fantômes so much. It is good, but not spectacular. I disagree with many points with many people. But I won't ever lie to you. I'll tell you the honest-to-goodness truth. Ask me anything, and you'll get a straight answer. And shintsu, you are one of many fans here who is not a *true fan. There are plenty like you still here. They could probably be your best friends. Drop by the chatbox!

Tiwaz 03-31-2010 02:46 PM

I'm an Alizée fan, not a Myléne fan. Yea, just like everybody else i fell for the lolita, but I realize she grew up and continues to evolve and Im not gonna try to hang on to something that is in past now.
I rather enjoy watching her break free from the past. If what she's doing defines her own personality, and not to something she don't want to be, I say go for it, be it new hairstyle, tattoos, different music.

And +1 on what pepelepew said.


Originally Posted by pepelepew (Post 156925)
She is a beautiful person inside and out. I love her unique voice, smile, personal integrity, big heart. I like all of her music to date. I don't have any preconcieved notions about her musical career path except hopeful that she obtains the success she desires and deserves.

The things that some other fans complain about like her change in attire, musical style, hairstyle, general appearance are a big part of what keeps me interested.

Alizee is a positive force and not a train wreck like so many other musicians/artists.

Brent 03-31-2010 03:54 PM

you guys are making me have a yoonyul attack by the minute

Tchaikovsky 03-31-2010 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Karlalizee (Post 156880)
i can understand your feelings. i feel less and less of an alizee fan and more and more of a fan of the people on this website. sometimes it creeps me out a little that i am one of the few girls in this site while the majority of her fans in europe are girls. i am not sure how long i will last on here. the girl who introduced me to this site has long gone, and i have thought many times of leaving myself. guess we will just have to wait and see.

much love and good luck shintsu,

karla :wub:

No, don't go Karla! :(:(:(:(

stephenfalken 03-31-2010 04:31 PM

Shintsu: "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all".

Most of us have never met Lili and never will, so we necessarily love an ideal in place of the real person. I've always found it intriguing that in art, the approach of an ideal can be a very specific, personal matter.

I had a few moments of your feeling during the Psychedelices years, but maybe it's easier for me, being older (47). I sort of looked at Alizee as a child anyway, and I was able to escape most of that lolita attraction. But man, that sailor outfit almost drove us ALL crazy, lol.

At any rate, your points are valid, if not too forgiving. She is going to change, just like you and me. What will you do with your new self? Hopefully something good and loving. I feel good and loving when I support someone I admire, like Alizee.

She's going through a lot inside herself right now, which is why I think she's exploring the Edie Sedgwick angle to such an extent. I've decided to stick with her process and see where she goes. I like her and hope she does well.

Just like you, we all feel the loss and regret of precious things we must leave behind in time and space. It's one of the hallmarks of humanity, one of our eternal griefs and greatest strengths. If you will, go back to the beginning of this message now, and re-read that quote from Tennyson. Good luck, fellow seeker.

puffyrock2 03-31-2010 04:44 PM

The old music and old videos will always be there for us to watch. The 2003 Alizee is the one i fell in love with too, but female performers change their looks/music at a rapid pace (like Alizee's idol Madonna). Although the old Alizee will always be closer to my heart, i'm still along for the ride for whatever the future holds.

another_alizee_fan 03-31-2010 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by HelixSix (Post 156957)
I guess if her saying that hurts you or anybody else it detracts from what kind of fan you were. She was a puppet that Mylene knew exactly what to do with. If you thought that image and style was the real Alizée then you were probably blinded by sex appeal as most guys were.

No, it's not over sex appeal, it has absolutely nothing to do with sex at all and if you think that then you really have no idea of what I'm talking about. I know that there are fans out there that know exactly what I mean and how I feel, it goes beyond fandom. It's not that she's changing, time inevitably changes all, but it's that how she so blatantly and apathetically killed Lolita, the girl that many of us loved so much. To me, it felt like Alizée died and it hurt so much that she didn't seem to either know or care about how it affected some fans.

Of course, I'm not going to drop Alizée like a hot rock because I can't. Like many of you I fell in love with Alizée (Mylène's Lolita Alizée) years ago and she still tugs on my heartstrings to this very day. And I know she will be there forever because I still think of her everyday. I truly believe that a woman like Alizée, or at least my image/memory of her, comes around only once in a great while. I'm only happy to know that I've seen at least one of them in my lifetime. Nuff said.

Deepwaters 03-31-2010 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Shintsu
On a somewhat more creepy note there do seem to be quite a bit of considerably older fans of her. It kind of seems like a 50 year old guy being crazy nuts fanboy over Hannah Montana or Justin Bleiber - it just creeps you out. I'm not going to say I think it's impossible for someone older to be a fan of someone younger, but again it does border being a little creepy. I imagine Alizee's biggest fan base is the 13-19 and 20-30 demographic, but to see people outside that demographic be infatuated fans creeps me out - no offense.

As another older guy here, I'm going to respond to this, and then I'll have something general to say about people who are no longer fans.

Shintsu, as Alizée herself continues to mature, it becomes increasingly less and less true that her biggest fan base is among younger people. She appealed primarily to teenagers when she was herself a teenager. Today, she presents a much more centered, mature, serious, focused, artistic, and creative side, which appeals more to older people -- by that I really mean "adults," of course, not just middle-aged people -- than to kids. And by the same token, this new image appeals less to teenagers, so we should naturally expect teens that find old videos of the Gourmandises-era Alizée really appealing would not like the new Alizée. She's getting older, and so is her fan base.

Now fans of Alizée, especially grown-up ones, aren't hitting on her when we express appreciation for her music or her performances. That would be ridiculous. We've never met her. Or, if some of us have met her, it was in a tightly-controlled celebrity-fan situation where real one-on-one interaction leading to friendship, let alone romance, was impossible. She's a lovely woman, certainly, but from our point of view she is mainly an artist and a splendid human being. We love her work, and we wish her well.

I will not join MYGOGT in saying that I think of her as a "daughter." We are not related. She is not my daughter, she has a father in Ajaccio and I am certainly not going to imagine myself usurping his role in her life. I think of her as an artist I respect and admire, and as a person I like and would, should circumstances permit, befriend.

That said, I also want to point out that one becomes less concerned about age differences as one matures. The creepy thing about one of us hitting on Alizée, if that were going on which it isn't, really has nothing to do with the age difference IMO, but rather with the fact that obsessing over and chasing after celebrities when you don't know them personally is pretty creepy, regardless of relative age. That kind of thing scares people. But an attraction between people with 20 years or even more between them is not uncommon, and as long as both are adults I see nothing wrong with it.

(Probably you'll "get" this the first time you, in your 20s, draw the attention of an older but still very attractive woman. ):D

About the fact that you, or anyone else, no longer consider yourself her fan, that happens. She's changing. She appeals today to a different audience than the Alizée of 16 did. If you're not in the group she appeals to, then you're just not. You don't owe her your loyalty as a fan. Either you like what she's doing or you don't. I suggest you listen to the music you want to hear, and not make a bid deal out of it. :cool:

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