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User22 09-28-2010 08:04 PM

Alizée VOM-October '10
Ok so even though the Alizee VOM for September hasn't been posted up yet(it is ready for posting, woohoo just needs to put it in the thread), I am going to get the ball rolling on what ideas we should do for the Alizee VOM for October.

Here are some suggestions, please tell me what you think, I will take all comments into consideration and keep you updated on what I will put in the video:

------------another Alizee picture of the month poll of course

------------information, pictures, and videos from the Muzik'elles festival Alizee performed in with BB Brunes, singing Laisse tomber les filles.

------------updates on how the progress of several Alizee promotions by fans are going.

------------updates on what Alizee is doing(if there is anything that will come up within the next month).

Also, you can start posting pictures that you think should make the poll for the Alizee picture of the month now....

Thanks Woohoo for the Alizee VOM for September, it was a great start to a great program:D

If there are any other ways you want to help....please post here!

MarkL 09-28-2010 09:40 PM

I can get some music done if you want :D? No video juust an audio clip of me and Alizee for over top...I owe woohoo as well!

User22 09-28-2010 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by MarkL (Post 181939)
I can get some music done if you want :D? No video juust an audio clip of me and Alizee for over top...I owe woohoo as well!

Yes I saw that you owed him a song so yah I'll put that in:D Cause your covers have been all the rage lately:DI feel honored to put you and your musical talent into this video:)

MarkL 09-28-2010 10:09 PM

Pick me a song and Ill do ma best

severianb 09-28-2010 10:11 PM

This is great. I just got Gourmandies, Les Courant Electrics (forgive spelling) and Child of the Century albums in the mail, and I am going to my screening room to listen to them for the rest of the night. When I wake up from my Youpido sweet dreams, I'll hopefully have some ideas for this thread.

User22 09-28-2010 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by MarkL (Post 181943)
Pick me a song and Ill do ma best

Mes was voted best song on UEDS on a poll on this forum earlier.
Plus it's my favorite:)

Eden Eden 16 16.00%
Grand Central 12 12.00%
Limelight 4 4.00%
La Candida 5 5.00%
Les Collines 17 17.00%
14 Decembre 3 3.00%
A Coeur Fendre 10 10.00%
Factory Girl 10 10.00%
Une Fille Difficile 4 4.00%
Mes Fantomes 19 19.00%


MarkL 09-28-2010 10:13 PM

Kk Ill try just hopefully I can get my guitar to fit in properly with first few weeks are busy so Can I get this done by like Oct 22nd or so or is that a little late?

User22 09-28-2010 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by MarkL (Post 181946)
Kk Ill try just hopefully I can get my guitar to fit in properly with first few weeks are busy so Can I get this done by like Oct 22nd or so or is that a little late?

Not late at all....and even if you just play the chords really softly, that would be enough:) Thankyou:)

MarkL 09-28-2010 10:18 PM

Alrighjt Ill try my best :D

User22 09-28-2010 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by MarkL (Post 181948)
Alrighjt Ill try my best :D

Thanks:) And whenever you are done you can just upload it to rapidshare and send the link to me, or you can send it to my email at

MarkL 09-28-2010 11:00 PM

OMG dude this is by far the HARDEST song I have ever had to learn by her, for some reason the chords are disguising themselves and I cant figure them out ahahahaha gimme a bit here to get some progress

User22 09-28-2010 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by MarkL (Post 181962)
OMG dude this is by far the HARDEST song I have ever had to learn by her, for some reason the chords are disguising themselves and I cant figure them out ahahahaha gimme a bit here to get some progress

Do you have a keyboard? Cause if you do you can figure out the piano notes and translate it to guitar chords...might be easier...dunno. Take your time:)

MarkL 09-28-2010 11:51 PM

Well I figured out the chords, took a good hour just to figure them out (The Longest its every taken me). A lot of em were outta their root positions, had to translate notes up and down, figure out suspendend chords and augmented chords but in the end it worked out. Its a very smooth rendition I got going on here.

Like pretty much it is what it is, Im not gonna try to impress with this cover in terms of talent but rather lul and soothe the listener with slow arpegiated chords + a Slow smooth solo during the mid Break of the lead melody line translated onto the guitar. I have decided to leave the opening electric piano arpegios out of the guitar because they won't give that same feeling to it.

But anyways some of you may not have any idea what Im talking about lol but hopefully you will once I cover the song. Im looking at this one to be fairly musical, like Im gonna showcase my playing here like i said through slow smooth chords. Im working at a way to make them sleepyish kind of...Im thinking of a minor phase buuuut Ill gotta see how that works out tomorrow.

So ANYWAYS I think thats the end of this post, gotta get ready for bed turn my guitar off etc. See you tomorrow night (I finish at 6:00 PM)

User22 09-29-2010 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by MarkL (Post 181986)
Well I figured out the chords, took a good hour just to figure them out (The Longest its every taken me). A lot of em were outta their root positions, had to translate notes up and down, figure out suspendend chords and augmented chords but in the end it worked out. Its a very smooth rendition I got going on here.

Like pretty much it is what it is, Im not gonna try to impress with this cover in terms of talent but rather lul and soothe the listener with slow arpegiated chords + a Slow smooth solo during the mid Break of the lead melody line translated onto the guitar. I have decided to leave the opening electric piano arpegios out of the guitar because they won't give that same feeling to it.

But anyways some of you may not have any idea what Im talking about lol but hopefully you will once I cover the song. Im looking at this one to be fairly musical, like Im gonna showcase my playing here like i said through slow smooth chords. Im working at a way to make them sleepyish kind of...Im thinking of a minor phase buuuut Ill gotta see how that works out tomorrow.

So ANYWAYS I think thats the end of this post, gotta get ready for bed turn my guitar off etc. See you tomorrow night (I finish at 6:00 PM)

I know what you are saying;) But yah man thanks so much for having it figured out so quickly! Yah sleepyish is definitely a good thing to go for. Because I like this song to be soothing and helps listeining to it after a long day:)

MarkL 09-29-2010 07:38 PM

Some time if its possible, Id like for you and me to go into the AlizeeAmerica Ventrilo or Chat and you can listen to me play it, of course the reocrding will be better quality but you can get a taste of what it sounds like and tell me If I gotta change anything and such.

User22 09-29-2010 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by MarkL (Post 182077)
Some time if its possible, Id like for you and me to go into the AlizeeAmerica Ventrilo or Chat and you can listen to me play it, of course the reocrding will be better quality but you can get a taste of what it sounds like and tell me If I gotta change anything and such.

Yes we can do that. I'll reinstall Ventrilo and get the info on there and ready to go for whenever you have time to since I am usually free and on when you are on. Haha I usually uninstall Ventrilo after every chat session just cause it takes up space hahaha.

woohoo 10-03-2010 09:35 PM

Its like 50mb that seems like a waste of time. Send me a message when you practice on vent if you havent already.

MarkL 10-03-2010 10:30 PM

I already did play it on vent, I am going to be practicing it tomorrow as well as it is my day off, so we can maybe arrange something thru chat and you can listen to it!~

User22 10-04-2010 10:52 PM

Tinychat works perfectly fine and you don't have to install anything. Just need a mic and a camera if your really want. Sounded good to me Mark :D


Bump....start posting pictures people! 25 days til this thing needs to be completed hahaha.

User22 10-08-2010 07:56 PM


The picture with the most votes will be shown as the winner on the Alizee Video of the Month at the end of October!

AlizéeInspired 10-08-2010 08:38 PM

I love all the pictures, of course :rolleyes:, but I had to go with the first one because it's October. That darker look with those skulls, it seems to fit the month a little more with Halloween and all that.

User22 10-08-2010 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by AlizéeInspired (Post 183089)
I love all the pictures, of course :rolleyes:, but I had to go with the first one because it's October. That darker look with those skulls, it seems to fit the month a little more with Halloween and all that.

I guess knowing that it was october, i guess i sub-conciously picked darker pictures. I had to go with the last one. She looks like a true artist in it:)

DrSmith 10-08-2010 08:51 PM

My decision was between 1, 4, & 5. I decided to go with number 1 because you can see her face better than in the other two.

aditya8617 10-09-2010 12:19 AM

The 1st one for me. You know, she could kill with that look!

woohoo 10-09-2010 12:26 AM

I went with #3 , she justs looks so happy there. If #4 was the one where she was sitting on the chair singing the sound of silence I would have voted for that.


Hey this blog seems to have some up to date and interesting stuff. Check it out.

Tom 10-09-2010 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by aditya8617 (Post 183109)
The 1st one for me. You know, she could kill with that look!

Yah, easy choice for me #1. :)

User22 10-09-2010 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by woohoo (Post 183110)
I went with #3 , she justs looks so happy there. If #4 was the one where she was sitting on the chair singing the sound of silence I would have voted for that.

Yah sorry I only had it in 600x500:( I was going to put it up though...

Zeerre 10-09-2010 08:08 PM

I voted for #2.


Originally Posted by woohoo (Post 183110)
If #4 was the one where she was sitting on the chair singing the sound of silence I would have voted for that.

Yup, me too.

User22 10-11-2010 11:03 AM

Bumping this just to get more people to vote haha.

And also if anyone else has any ideas for the video, please tell me your ideas!

So far this is what will be in the video:

-News and video of Alizee's performance at Muzik-elles
-Alizee Picture of the Month winner
-A segment of the cover of Veni Vedi Vici done by MarkL playing to a nice little picture compilation.
-News of Upcoming Alizee events going on
-New pictures of Alizee?

And the rest you guys can decide:D

Edcognito 10-13-2010 11:57 PM

Like what you guys have going here :). Yeah, I'm still around, and yeah, I'm still "funny" about Alizeé.

Just had to re-burn copies of Gourmandises and Mes Courants Électriques... I think those are numbers 8 and 9 respectively since Oct. 2006...

Psych I'm still on the first one, and number two on Une Enfant du Siècle (first one died when I had to hit "EMERGENCY STOP! ALL BACK FULL! When a deer jumped out in front of me, and coffee went all over everything in my car).

Tchaikovsky 10-14-2010 01:19 AM

#3 because I think it's cool.

wasabi622 10-14-2010 09:55 AM

The first picture!

She makes a very hot disc jockey. :p :wub:

User22 10-14-2010 06:10 PM

I just noticed I did two JEAM pics....woops:D:p

Zeerre 10-14-2010 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 183922)
I just noticed I did two JEAM pics....woops:D:p

That's why it was so difficult to choose a picture.:p

User22 10-14-2010 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Zeerre (Post 183928)
That's why it was so difficult to choose a picture.:p

Ahhh I see, well I am glad to see that people's minds are adapting to the beauty she has right now. And this just shows that her efforts to show her fans that she won't dance in the JEAM suit or anything too revealing anymore is working. It is nice to see that people can see her matured beauty:):wub: She is more beautiful than ever in this UEDS era...

Zeerre 10-14-2010 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 183935)
Ahhh I see, well I am glad to see that people's minds are adapting to the beauty she has right now. And this just shows that her efforts to show her fans that she won't dance in the JEAM suit or anything too revealing anymore is working. It is nice to see that people can see her matured beauty:):wub: She is more beautiful than ever in this UEDS era...

Psychédélices did it for me.:wub:

wasabi622 10-14-2010 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 183935)
Ahhh I see, well I am glad to see that people's minds are adapting to the beauty she has right now. And this just shows that her efforts to show her fans that she won't dance in the JEAM suit or anything too revealing anymore is working. It is nice to see that people can see her matured beauty:):wub: She is more beautiful than ever in this UEDS era...

What the heck are you smoking??

User22 10-14-2010 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by wasabi622 (Post 183952)
What the heck are you smoking??

No, Alizee is the one that is smoking...smoking hot that is:D:wub:

Tom 10-15-2010 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 183960)
No, Alizee is the one that is smoking...smoking hot that is:D:wub:

Hey, you are the best! :)

I don't want to go too off topic but i have always wondered how do you people picture Alizée? How does the first Alizée look like that shows up in your head? Gourm, MCÈ, En Concert, Psych, UEdS? Which era?


DrSmith 10-15-2010 04:31 AM

I tend to think of her current look. IMO she looks prettier now than ever. :)

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