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User22 01-13-2011 09:56 AM

New Postal Address!
Okay so I've been told (thanks ALS) in another thread that it is possible to send letters to Alizee at this address through Sony Music France:

Alizée Jacotey c / o Jive Epic, Sony Music Entertainment France 20/26 rue Morel 92111 Clichy Cedex

This can be found at this link:

What I am aiming for to do is to send a professionally written letter to Alizee through this address asking if she is willing to accept CDs to be signed.

Now since probably many of us want signed CDs or something of that nature, I think we should write this in the name of all the name of AAm members. Now hopefully she is willing to accept them since I doubt she gets massive amounts of CDs these days. I think she'll be happy to know we are still backing her up:)

So I guess a good starting point is planning out what we want to be said in the letter and then translating correctly. Then putting the letter in the proper format then printing and shipping it off.

So, anyone want to help or have any input on this idea?

Naft 01-13-2011 10:02 AM

Here's what I could think of:

Hello Alizée, I am Aaronius31 (or real name) and I respresent Alizée-America, a forum dedicated to you with many members eager to find out whether or not you would be willing to accept CDs and sign them personally or not. This question has been asked frequently but a real answer has never been given, it's of our knowledge that you did this a couple of years ago, however if you now do this is on the tongue of several fans of yours. Thanks for reading, yours sincerely, Aaronius31(/real name) of Alizée-America.

It could use some tweaking now that I think of it.. Ohwell this is just a "base" I've created that I would use personally.

User22 01-13-2011 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Naft (Post 197396)
Here's what I could think of:

Hello Alizée, I am Aaronius31 (or real name) and I respresent Alizée-America, a forum dedicated to you with many members eager to find out whether or not you would be willing to accept CDs and sign them personally or not. This question has been asked frequently but a real answer has never been given, it's of our knowledge that you did this a couple of years ago, however if you now do this is on the tongue of several fans of yours. Thanks for reading, yours sincerely, Aaronius31(/real name) of Alizée-America.

It could use some tweaking now that I think of it.. Ohwell this is just a "base" I've created that I would use personally.

That is a very good base, thanks a mucho!!! My revision of yours is this:

Greetings Alizée,

I am Aaron and I respresent Alizée-America, a forum dedicated to you with many members eager to find out whether or not you would be willing to accept CDs and sign them personally or not. This question has been asked frequently but a legitimate answer can only come from you. We know you did this for fans several years ago, but we are wondering if you are willing to do this again for us. Thank you for your time.



Sound good? And thanks for the base Naft, greatly appreciated :)


Also this brings a question to my mind; do you guys think Alizee still gets fanmail?

Naft 01-13-2011 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 197399)
That is a very good base, thanks a mucho!!! My revision of yours is this:

Greetings Alizée,

I am Aaron and I respresent Alizée-America, a forum dedicated to you with many members eager to find out whether or not you would be willing to accept CDs and sign them personally or not. This question has been asked frequently but a legitimate answer can only come from you. We know you did this for fans several years ago, but we are wondering if you are willing to do this again for us. Thank you for your time.



Sound good? And thanks for the base Naft, greatly appreciated :)

Sounds better than mine, let's wait for more members input though.

User22 01-13-2011 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Naft (Post 197401)
Sounds better than mine, let's wait for more members input though.

I definitely agree. I will ask Roman, ScruffyDog777, and several others if they think there should be changes at all and some advice in sending the letter since they were the ones that translated the letter sent to her in March from the forum.

Actually to be more of a gentlemen I will do this:

Greetings Alizée,

I am Aaron and I respresent Alizée-America, a forum dedicated to you with many members eager to find out whether or not you would be willing to accept CDs and sign them personally or not. This question has been asked frequently but a legitimate answer can only come from you. We know you did this for fans several years ago, but we are wondering if you are willing to do this again for us. Thank you for your time.



P.S. Please do not feel the need to respond in English. I can translate French.

BrianO1 01-13-2011 10:45 AM

Hope you have better luck then I did, I sent something to that same address, never heard back.

Ronald 01-13-2011 11:10 AM

That address is not new, I also send a letter a year ago, and never had any response...

So I don't wanna spoil the party here, but I don't think it's worth the effort

Naft 01-13-2011 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by BrianO1 (Post 197407)
Hope you have better luck then I did, I sent something to that same address, never heard back.


Originally Posted by Ronald (Post 197408)
That address is not new, I also send a letter a year ago, and never had any response...

So I don't wanna spoil the party here, but I don't think it's worth the effort

I'll be the optimist and say that it's at least worth a try.

BrianO1 01-13-2011 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Naft (Post 197409)
I'll be the optimist and say that it's at least worth a try.

I was not trying to be negative, simply saying I hope he has better luck then I did. :)

Ofc its worth a try.

Iwillmeether 01-13-2011 12:07 PM

It sounds like a good idea, but yeah get ScruffyDog777 to help, he's good at writting and stuff, but maybe you should sign all of our names on it so that she knows it's not just 2 or 3 people :/

Scruffydog777 01-13-2011 01:33 PM

I think to get her to do something like this, there has to be something in it for her besides just maintaining her fan base, which at this point should be motive enough, but I feel unfortunately wont be the case.

So what would be in it for her. Money of course, she's in an expensive line of work and except for royalties and selling a few cds here and there, she probably doesn't have a whole lot rolling in right now, I would think.

There's two ways she can make money out of this. One is we offer to buy a set amount of cds with her autograph on them. I imagine we could find about 25 people in here who would want one. I don't know if we could find more, we'd have to start a thread and see how many people would be interested.

The other way she could make some money off this, and this would be the most attractive to her is if we asked everyone who wanted a cd, to chip in an extra let's say $15. Then we'd offer to include a check for roughly 250 euros made out to Alizee, for let's say towards Annily's college if that's not getting too personal, or for her favorite charity, or maybe just for her trouble for doing this. The last one I think being the best alternative for she herself makes money and keeps these fans loyal to her. It's a win win situation, for only a few hours of work.

As far as sending stuff over there for her to sign. That I think would be a tall order because each person in order for this not to be a burden to Lily, would have to send a self addressed, mailer with French postage already on it. Doesn't really sound like a practical way of doing this if it's being done under the name of this forum. I think the way it would have to be done is everyone would have to send what they wanted autogrpahed, cd, picture, poster or whatever to one person and they'd have to ship it out so Alizée would only have to wait for one package, instead of worrying about sorting through all her fan mail to find ones from AA, and of course including a nice check to make it all worth while to her.

EDIT: Maybe along with the letter, we could attach, if it looks impressive, pictures of everyone's Alizée's collection, so she'd realize how big a fan these people are.

Deepwaters 01-13-2011 02:46 PM

Scruffy, that has to be the worst idea I've heard in a long time. :rolleyes:

I honestly don't know how to go about this. There are two conflicting things. Alizée is good about giving out autographs and usually will do that if you ask; in the past, when asked for an autographed poster or something she would usually send one, and in this case we're talking about CDs which means you've bought her music. On the other hand, she has to be just about the worst, most paranoid celebrity on earth about responding to queries from fans with personal messages. So getting her to respond, yes, send a CD and I'll sign it, might be like pulling teeth.

My feeling is that if you just send a CD with a request for an autograph, she'll probably sign it and send it back. But that requires risking a CD. I already have her autograph on UEDS, so won't be doing this myself. Maybe if we make enough noise, she'll say something in public along the lines of how to go about doing this. ;)

Scruffydog777 01-13-2011 03:38 PM

[QUOTE=Deepwaters;197416]Scruffy, that has to be the worst idea I've heard in a long time. :rolleyes:


I couldn't help but laugh. I admit it sounds a little far fetched, but there were a lot of people who thought me offering to get a bunch of autographed cds at the autograph session last march, wasn't a good idea, but look what happened, thanks to the former Docdtv. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Maybe someone here can try sort of test with a cd. Sending her one and see if it comes back. But as I said in my earlier post. It should include a self addressed mailer that includes postage, other wise I'd say your chances of getting it back are nil.

User22 01-13-2011 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 197417)
Maybe someone here can try sort of test with a cd. Sending her one and see if it comes back. But as I said in my earlier post. It should include a self addressed mailer that includes postage, other wise I'd say your chances of getting it back are nil.

Now what do you mean when you say a "Self addressed mailer"? And sorry but I'm not volunteering one of my CDs hehe:o Maybe we could risk a picture or something since those are much less valuable.

Scruffydog777 01-13-2011 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 197418)
Now what do you mean when you say a "Self addressed mailer"? And sorry but I'm not volunteering one of my CDs hehe:o Maybe we could risk a picture or something since those are much less valuable.

Just an envelope, or some type of package that would protect a cd if that's what some one would be sending her, with their name and address and postage on it so all Alizée would have to do is autograph it, put in the envelope or what ever, seal it and drop it in the mail.

If she has to find something to wrap it in, or if she has to go to the post office to figure out how much postage your package will cost, you wont get it back.

User22 01-13-2011 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 197426)
Just an envelope, or some type of package that would protect a cd if that's what some one would be sending her, with their name and address and postage on it so all Alizée would have to do is autograph it, put in the envelope or what ever, seal it and drop it in the mail.

If she has to find something to wrap it in, or if she has to go to the post office to figure out how much postage your package will cost, you wont get it back.

Wait so lets say I mailed a PTB single I want signed. I would put it in the appropriate packaging, and the I could put postage on it for the way there and the way back? How would I go about putting postage on there for the way back? I've never heard of such a thing.

Deepwaters 01-13-2011 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 197417)
I couldn't help but laugh. I admit it sounds a little far fetched, but there were a lot of people who thought me offering to get a bunch of autographed cds at the autograph session last march, wasn't a good idea

I wasn't one of them. I thought that was a great idea. The thing wrong with this one is that it doesn't fit Alizée's motivational pattern or mind-set. You're making her out to be a mercenary who doesn't do things like this except for the money. That's just not so.

Let's review what happened with that earlier request. You originally offered to take people's CDs for signing to the regular autograph session. Then you worried that it was going to be a lot of CDs, so you asked for a limit that would be acceptable. She responded by suggesting the special half-hour before the signing in which to take care of the ones from AAm.

Did she make money from this? A little, but it's likely that most of those who bought the autographed CDs would have bought the album anyway. She mainly did it because she DOES care about fan outreach.

It's easy to misunderstand this because, as I said, she's really paranoid about personal contact with fans. She's a very private person, and it may be that her thinking is that she can't make friends with all her fans, and if she does with one or two it will cause problems in relations with the rest of them. She would have to be very sure that the interaction would remain secret. I can understand that, but do believe she takes things too far and that it sometimes interferes with her fan relations. She's trying, but it's just not natural for her, being an introvert and quite shy. To those who don't understand introversion it can look like she doesn't care. She definitely does, though.

I do think the idea of a mass mailing of CDs to sign is a good one, rather than many individual mailings, but not because of the money. I would also check with the French post office to see about prepaid postage from France to the U.S. or Canada or wherever; I'm certain it can be done.

MYGOGT 01-13-2011 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Deepwaters (Post 197448)
I do think the idea of a mass mailing of CDs to sign is a good one, rather than many individual mailings, but not because of the money. I would also check with the French post office to see about prepaid postage from France to the U.S. or Canada or wherever; I'm certain it can be done.

I don't think I would send any rare items. Those would have to get signed in person. Having/knowing the correct address first is the start.

User22 01-13-2011 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by MYGOGT (Post 197452)
I don't think I would send any rare items. Those would have to get signed in person. Having/knowing the correct address first is the start.

Yeah that's what I'm thinking. I think if I were to do this(after mailing a letter to her to see if she is willing to or not) I would send just the CDs and not the singles. Cause the CDs are replaceable; the singles, not so much :o

And thanks for the valuable input Deep :)

And in order to do this I think we should just mail off a proffessional letter asking if she is willing to do it, and if she says yes, then great. If she says no or we get no response, then such is life :)

BlackAnthem 01-13-2011 07:19 PM

Hey guys. Thanks for all the good wishes. I am doing significantly better! Aaron wanted some input by me on here so here I go:

As I recall we already sent her a letter. What was that address and is this one different? We didn't get a reply from the other one but if this address is updated then I say go for it. The letter's you have above are good because they are simple and to the point. I personally thought Chuck's was a little lengthy.

I want more than anything for her to reply.

Consider me a team player. I'm in this 100%.

Nice work Aaron.

Scruffydog777 01-13-2011 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 197435)
Wait so lets say I mailed a PTB single I want signed. I would put it in the appropriate packaging, and the I could put postage on it for the way there and the way back? How would I go about putting postage on there for the way back? I've never heard of such a thing.

I got my second good laugh today. What you do is you take a mailer, similar to the one I sent you your autographed cd in. In the box where it says "to", you print your own name and address. Then the hard part is putting postage stamps on it. Figuring how many stamps you need to put on it, you can probably do on line. The hard part is they'll have to be French stamps I believe. You then put this mailer along with whatever you are sending in another envelope, box or whatever you decide to use then ship it off to gay Paree!

I don't really think sending her a letter asking her if she'd be willing to do this for several people is a good idea, she'll have no idea how many she might recieve. Could be a ton of them and that thought might scare her off. So I'd just write a letter with a request for an autograph, just for yourself.

User22 01-13-2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 197456)
I got my second good laugh today. What you do is you take a mailer, similar to the one I sent you your autographed cd in. In the box where it says "to", you print your own name and address. Then the hard part is putting postage stamps on it. Figuring how many stamps you need to put on it, you can probably do on line. The hard part is they'll have to be French stamps I believe. You then put this mailer along with whatever you are sending in another envelope, box or whatever you decide to use then ship it off to gay Paree!

I don't really think sending her a letter asking her if she'd be willing to do this for several people is a good idea, she'll have no idea how many she might recieve. Could be a ton of them and that thought might scare her off. So I'd just write a letter with a request for an autograph, just for yourself.

Yeah, but when I request an autograph I shouldn't send the CD right? Cause that's a tad risky...and thanks for the explanation :) Schools don't teach how to mail things for some reason :mad: And they say they are preparing us for life :rolleyes:

BrianO1 01-13-2011 07:38 PM

Another thing you could do Aaron:

You know the posters I showed you, that I had made at a local printing shop? You can also have them make a postcard sized photo. Find one of those shops near you, have them make one of those postcards of your favorite Lili photo, and send it to that Sony address, and see what happens. This way, if you DONT get a reply, then you really didnt lose anything major, you could just go have the photo remade if you wanted it back. And if you DO get it back signed, then hey, now you know the address is good, and you got a signed copy of your fav. Lili pic.

User22 01-13-2011 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by BrianO1 (Post 197460)
Another thing you could do Aaron:

You know the posters I showed you, that I had made at a local printing shop? You can also have them make a postcard sized photo. Find one of those shops near you, have them make one of those postcards of your favorite Lili photo, and send it to that Sony address, and see what happens. This way, if you DONT get a reply, then you really didnt lose anything major, you could just go have the photo remade if you wanted it back. And if you DO get it back signed, then hey, now you know the address is good, and you got a signed copy of your fav. Lili pic.

Ahhh I see so its like a test run. But I would prefer to do a letter just so I don't get two autographs cause that seems a bit greedy :o I think I'll just send the letter asking her if she is willing to let me send her some CDs and for her to autograph them and be done with it. Yes, I have made my final decision :)

Merci Alizée 01-13-2011 10:07 PM

You need to subscribe to MA's exclusive "Lili Guide", :p

I won't suggest sending CD or anything like just because of the shipping problems and all that. It's better to try Brian's idea.

1) Get a postcard size photo of Lili.

2) Buy an extra envelope.

3) Ask at the post office how many IRC would be needed to send a mail from France to US. Internation reply coupon(IRC) for exchanged with stamps of any country. Buy some extra coupons. For ex - if they tell you that 12 coupons are needed then buy 15.

4) Put the extra extra envelope, photo and IRC in another larger envelope, write down the address and voila.....

5) Wait for 3 months.

Theoretically that's how it should be done. This reminds of my days few years ago when I was trying something similar.

Now about the letter :

As suggested by Scruff earlier, I think that you should ask for the autograph for yourself and your letter shouldn't be on the behalf of the forum. It's not an official mail from AAm and we have already sent a letter earlier, so it would be better if you write it as a personal fan-mail.

Just to avoid disappointment, don't expect anything from it. I mean if you get a reply then it's great, otherwise you don't loose anything.

Scruffydog777 01-13-2011 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Merci Alizée (Post 197470)
You need to subscribe to MA's exclusive "Lili Guide", :p

I won't suggest sending CD or anything like just because of the shipping problems and all that. It's better to try Brian's idea.

1) Get a postcard size photo of Lili.

2) Buy an extra envelope.

3) Ask at the post office how many IRC would be needed to send a mail from France to US. Internation reply coupon(IRC) for exchanged with stamps of any country. Buy some extra coupons. For ex - if they tell you that 12 coupons are needed then buy 15.

4) Put the extra extra envelope, photo and IRC in another larger envelope, write down the address and voila.....

5) Wait for 3 months.

Theoretically that's how it should be done. This reminds of my days few years ago when I was trying something similar.

Now about the letter :

As suggested by Scruff earlier, I think that you should ask for the autograph for yourself and your letter shouldn't be on the behalf of the forum. It's not an official mail from AAm and we have already sent a letter earlier, so it would be better if you write it as a personal fan-mail.

Just to avoid disappointment, don't expect anything from it. I mean if you get a reply then it's great, otherwise you don't loose anything.

Great advice from MA. The only thing I would change is if you're going to send a picture, I'd send one that's 8 1/2 by 11. Makes it a lot more worth while and wont cost that much extra. Don't forget to include a thin stiff piece of cardboard, like they use in a picture frame, so the picture wont get bent.

User22 01-13-2011 10:22 PM

Thanks for the input I am thinking I should just not send anything...I was hoping to get a CD signed but oh well. it seems too much to go through :( If I would want anything signed it would be an album...

lefty12357 01-13-2011 10:44 PM

For what it's worth, I also wholeheartedly agree with MA's advice.

rj.bagby 01-13-2011 11:05 PM

Well if anybody tries it, let me know. I was not included in Scruffydogs last venture to Paris for signed CDs and I definetly would like one!

Merci Alizée 01-13-2011 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 197472)
Thanks for the input I am thinking I should just not send anything...I was hoping to get a CD signed but oh well. it seems too much to go through :( If I would want anything signed it would be an album...

You know what, when something pops up in your mind and you want to do it and then instead of stepping back just because you didn't know about it earlier, you should just do it especially when there is no risk involved. At least you won't think in future that why you didn't at give it a try. Don't bother about the difficulties and the possible outcomes. ;)

User22 01-13-2011 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Merci Alizée (Post 197491)
You know what, when something pops up in your mind and you want to do it and then instead of stepping back just because you didn't know about it earlier, you should just do it especially when there is no risk involved. At least you won't think in future that why you didn't at give it a try. Don't bother about the difficulties and the possible outcomes. ;)

Man now I just look like a lost sheep that can't decide which direction to go. Ahhhh the choices, decisions, the choices!!!!

Människöpesten 01-14-2011 12:00 AM

i agree, get the forum to do another letter type thing....but...not in a binder thing. that was a bit excessive.
what's the worst that could happen? would she come and smack you in the face? probably not :P

Scruffydog777 01-14-2011 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 197492)
Man now I just look like a lost sheep that can't decide which direction to go. Ahhhh the choices, decisions, the choices!!!!

Go for it Aaron! It's worth a shot.

Naft 01-14-2011 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 197492)
Man now I just look like a lost sheep that can't decide which direction to go. Ahhhh the choices, decisions, the choices!!!!

A saying comes to my mind:
"Nothing in life that's worth having comes easy.", you got practically nothing but time to lose, while that is a big thing to lose if you truly understand the limit of time, time is often wasted by teenagers. I say go for it!

Merci Alizée 01-14-2011 02:10 AM

Either way you can only gain. If you get a reply then it's a bigger gain otherwise you get experience worth some bucks by doing it. :)

Chuck 01-14-2011 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by BlackAnthem (Post 197455)
As I recall we already sent her a letter. What was that address and is this one different? We didn't get a reply from the other one but if this address is updated then I say go for it. The letter's you have above are good because they are simple and to the point. I personally thought Chuck's was a little lengthy.
I want more than anything for her to reply.
Consider me a team player. I'm in this 100%.

Hey B.A.! Glad to hear you're improved! (and sorry that I didn't know you were ailing...)

Anyway, YES, that is the same address that worked last time. Yes, they DID get our letter, and Lilly personally got it, and no, we didn't get a WRITTEN response, but her agreeing to the private autograph session may have been a result. That was where Scruffy found out that she HAD gotten our letter already - Jean-René seemed to have indicated to Scruffy, "of course she got it when first mailed - why would we not have given it to her?"

And YES, I agree, that letter WAS lengthy. But so many of us had contributed to it, I didn't want to be the one making a lot of cuts. The final, most successful edit was Lefty's excellent handiwork (cheers, Lefty!), and that's what I (and some French friends) translated and sent. In the end, I probably wouldn't want to send a new letter that was LONGER than that, but really, I wouldn't worry too much about trying to be brief.

However, if we did a new letter that was shorter, then at least we could get more signatures on it! Last time we had about 50. If we were to go through all that again, I'd say we'd need to get at least 70, or fuggeddaboutit.

So I guess I'm saying I'm up for helping again, if a new letter from all of us is what we decide to do... :o


Originally Posted by BrianO1 (Post 197460)
Another thing you could do Aaron:
You know the posters I showed you, that I had made at a local printing shop? You can also have them make a postcard sized photo. Find one of those shops near you, have them make one of those postcards of your favorite Lili photo, and send it to that Sony address, and see what happens. This way, if you DONT get a reply, then you really didnt lose anything major, you could just go have the photo remade if you wanted it back. And if you DO get it back signed, then hey, now you know the address is good, and you got a signed copy of your fav. Lili pic.

This from Brian sounds pretty great, too. Merci Alizée and Deepwaters both gave excellent advice on this sort of thing. Sending her a stack of 8 x 10 photo-posters might (or might not) yield results, but if we don't get em back, then at least we wouldn't have lost a bunch of CDs. (Of course, getting 60 - 100 mini posters printed, shipped there-and-back, and then distributed to us all would be costly and a big hassle, too, but,)

Which brings me back to what Deep and Merci were saying, too - if someone wants to go ahead and send something/anything on his/her own (CD's, mini-posters Jalen-bears, or whatever) why not! You should do that!

So to sum up,
A) if the group decides we want to send a group letter like the last one, then yeah, I'd be on board for that. If that's what we're thinking, then it's a good time for me. I've got some free time these days to help translate and/or composite the final document. (However, if someone else wants to do the job, I sure won't be offended.) (And if this "group letter #2" idea DOESN'T get enough votes, I won't be offended either. But I personally think it would be a good way of showing that we're still unified and still got our acts together, and still can be counted on for support.)

B) I didn't write the last letter, just instigated it, and I'm not volunteering to write any new ones, neither. I'm just offering to help translate and make a final print of such a thing look purty.

C) Sending a stack of mini-posters might be (a lot) better than sending a big box of CD's. But then again, either one's going to be a lot of cost and hassle, for which I do NOT volunteer. However, if such a package were to be sent, I would still be willing to help with a cover letter.

D) If you really, really want to send a CD or postcard or whatever, hoping to get it autographed, then go ahead! I just think it would be way best that one does this on one's own. As Deepwaters and MA have suggested, as an individual your chances are probably a lot better then you think they are.


Originally Posted by Merci Alizée (Post 197491)
You know what, when something pops up in your mind and you want to do it and then instead of stepping back just because you didn't know about it earlier, you should just do it especially when there is no risk involved. At least you won't think in future that why you didn't at give it a try. Don't bother about the difficulties and the possible outcomes. ;)


Originally Posted by Naft (Post 197511)
A saying comes to my mind:
"Nothing in life that's worth having comes easy.", you got practically nothing but time to lose, while that is a big thing to lose if you truly understand the limit of time, time is often wasted by teenagers. I say go for it!

User22 01-14-2011 11:08 PM

Man Chuck that's a lot to swallow haha. Some good propositions there and thanks for the input!

But, in order to not put a bunch of hassle on Alizee and you "older" members that tend to do everything for us "younger" members, I have decided (on my own) that I will probably do this:

Send a letter to Alizee asking if she would be willing to accept one of my CDs in the mail, sign it, and return it. If she replies, then I'll keep it to myself and not spread the word so then she gets a random flood of CDs and crap and get pissed. Sort of like how there were only supposed to be 500 at the Mexico autograph session but thousands showed up.

So that's my final decision. I might not even do it since I've heard that mail takes weeks to reach France, let alone getting a reply, then getting the mail sent back haha. This just sounds like such a, oh well.

Chuck 01-15-2011 01:48 AM

And Good Luck, Aaronius! ;)

User22 01-15-2011 10:57 AM

Thanks Chuck!

Taxi Driver Aaron 10-17-2011 10:00 PM

Sorry for the bump!!!!
Okay, here it goes...

I am sending a snail mail letter to Alizée at:

Alizée Jacotey
Jive Epic Sony Music Entertainment
20-26 rue Morel
92110 Clichy Cedex

Side note: I realize that Jive Epic is going away but for now Alizee Appears to still be a part of Jive and Sony Music Entertainment.

In it is an 8x10 photo in the hopes of getting an autograph as well... the cost is approximately $65 because I am sending a flat parcel and inside it is another flat parcel that is self addressed to myself with an additional $45 in International Replay Coupons (IRC) so that she can mail it back for free. I calculated the cost at the french post site for the weight of the flat parcel coming back (I had to convert the ounces to grams)... by the way IRCs are $2.10 and they are only worth the lowest value of a stamp in the other country redeeming them so I had to buy multiple IRCs... poo!

Anyway, with the IRC's Alizee shouldn't have trouble replying to the letter. All she should have to do is lick the envelope and put it in the mail... lucky envelope... :wub: You know, many envelopes begged me to choose them for this effort knowing that it may just be another suicide mission!.. so this envelope better come back and not just be in it to get a kiss from Lilly!.. grrrrrrr!

Anyway... I also completed both customs forms to help the parcel's move along and the packages are labelled "photos, don't bend."

Lastly the letter I am sending is about half a page full.. the original version was 2 pages... but I figured she wouldn't be interested in trying to read my whole life story, but just like to know that she has fans in America that love her and her music and hope to see her tour again!...

Okay I lied about the last paragraph being "lastly"... now lastly... I am in the process of translating my letter to French... can anyone help?

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