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Scruffydog777 04-19-2011 06:45 PM

What were Alizee's thoughts back in 2004
Back in 2004, Alizee all but vanished from the music world. Do you think she ever contemplated retiring at this point, or was she just so happy with her new husband and soon to come baby that she didn't care about her career until maybe reality started setting in to the point where they realized hey, we may have enough money now, but we're young and we have many years ahead of us, so we better not rest on our laurels?

Are there any interviews where she discussed why she took such a long break? If it never was her intention to retire, do you think she realized how fame is fleeting and you have to capitalize on it when you're hot or you risk losing a lot of fans which she apparently did?

Un-rêve 04-19-2011 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 202607)
Are there any interviews where she discussed why she took such a long break?

It's was discussed in this interview, the part in Corsica with Alizée's Grandparents. ;)

Scruffydog777 04-19-2011 09:24 PM

So at 31 seconds of this show, we are told that Alizee chose music that is the complete opposite of what she sang before. Why? Was she not happy with the music she sang before, or was it possible that she didn't mind the music she sang before, but she felt used by MF and LB,so she wanted to go off in a completely new direction?

lefty12357 04-19-2011 09:32 PM

Alizée has said that because she is superstitious, she doesn't like to plan too much. I think she sets a few goals, but really tends to take things one day at a time, until things eventually get done. The world she comes from and the pace she is accustomed to is more laid back than what we tend to be accustomed to in the US. So for us, it may seem like her break was unusually long, but maybe it didn't seem that way to her at all.

User22 04-19-2011 09:54 PM

I think she took a break to enjoy her family (husband, kid, parents, grandparents, friends) while they are still there. Had she stayed with MF/LB or split and immediately started doing a 3rd album in 2004, before she knew it Annily would be much older, and her parents and grandparents would have slipped away more. So I think she decided that she needed to enjoy her family and private life while she could.

And I think she made the right choice in going on the "hiatus".

pepelepew 04-19-2011 10:57 PM

I think there were a number of reasons for the hiatus. Most of the reasons have been stated in interviews. I think she was unhappy with the bubble gum lyrics with Lb/Mf. Not that they weren't genius for a young Alizee. She stated in at least one interview that she wanted more mature themes almost from the start. I also think and she has eluded to the fact that she was tired of the pace of fame and needed a break. She had a new marriage and a child on the way. She has a strong bond with family and decided that was her priorities at the time and was willing to risk her music career and I think she probably considered retiring at that point, It is in her blood and after some time she wanted to get back to it. I think you are also right Lefty, that she is superstitious and lives one day at a time and at her comfortable pace. I think her lack of communication about future or even current plans are a great part of this, albeit being frustrating for fans.
;I also think Alizee loves performing and the pressures of fame got in the way of the fun. I think liking what she performs is much more important to Alizee than maintaining her fame regardless of the consequences to her singing career. I could see her getting into the computer business professionally and involving herself in fundraiser singing events like Enfoires exclusively. Though the music business wants you to sell your sole to the devil so to speak, I think Alizee has avoided going to those lengths and her time with Mf/LB really scared her. It was either sell out completely or leave and she chose the latter.

C-4 04-20-2011 08:15 AM

I feel there are many reasons why Alizée took time off. I don't believe Annily was planned for her at 20 but it happened and she engulfed herself in it, which is the right thing to do.

Staying in the light as a star is harder today then it was before the internet came along with so many people and so much music available. (Media overload) Today's audiences can be really hot for a singer, but they can also fade just as fast.

We know that Alizée wanted to break from Mylene, but one person's ideas of what they want to sing and how they want to present themselves publicly, may not always be how the audience wants to see them represented. I refer to Ricky Nelson at Madison Square Garden, where he was not well accepted because he did not sing his songs which made him famous as a TV and recording artist during Ozzie and Harriet days. It was not what the audience expected, nor desired to hear from him at the Garden.

No matter what the various reasons may be for why Alizée both took time off and went in a different direction, it still shows that she has things of her own to express and desires to do musically. I feel this is a good thing. No artist can be happy doing only what her audience expects of her, based on her first appearance as a star. We all grow, and change as we mature and find ourselves.

Still, blending some of her own work with possibly some more commercially sounding songs would not only offer her to the public as she wishes to be seen, but also satisfy the public's desire to hear her sing songs the public desires as well. A balance might need to be struck for continuing success.

My wish for Alizée is that she remains happy and finds a way to satisfy the fans who purchase her music, thereby finding a middle ground that offers her and her audience what they each want.

User22 04-20-2011 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by C-4 (Post 202630)
My wish for Alizée is that she remains happy and finds a way to satisfy the fans who purchase her music, thereby finding a middle ground that offers her and her audience what they each want.

If only she could read that right there :(

JoeNY 04-20-2011 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by C-4 (Post 202630)
I feel there are many reasons why Alizée took time off. I don't believe Annily was planned for her at 20 but it happened and she engulfed herself in it, which is the right thing to do.

I initially believed that Alizee had a shotgun wedding because Jeremy unexpectedly knocked her up much like Britney Spears and K. Federline. But my timeline was screwed up because Alizee did not have Annily until a year after her marriage. I also ran across this interview where Alizee seemed to have planned to have Annily before she was 20. Alizee basically said that her mother had her children early too, and that she wanted to have a kid so her grandparents could enjoy their grandkid(s). Alizee is just too sweet. :wub: Here's the interview:

[Part of the post removed]

Jake04 04-20-2011 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by C-4 (Post 202630)
Staying in the light as a star is harder today then it was before the internet came along with so many people and so much music available. (Media overload) Today's audiences can be really hot for a singer, but they can also fade just as fast.

Miley Cyrus is a perfect example of that as per this article.

Back to topic. I admire Alizee for choosing her family over her career. Of course, I wish she has a successful career as well. Unfortunately, she had to make that choice. It sucks for fans like us. But, I'd rather see her have a happy life than see her spiral down like Britney Spears.

warren_brown2013 04-20-2011 03:30 PM

I want to do a career like Alizee!!!!

Scruffydog777 04-20-2011 04:59 PM

I too for some reason thought Annily had been born a year earlier than she actually was but I was corrected in one of my previous threads. So if she was born in april of 2005, that means Alizee was probably first with child around august. Her last stage appearence was in may of 2004 so it was only about 3 or 4 months after that stage appearence that she became pregnant and once she found out she had a bun in the oven, any plans she had went right out the window and her career went on the back burner. Her next communication with her fans wasn't until june of 2006 where she stated she was in the studio working on her next album. So I guess that was an understandable amount of time for her to take off. Of course it's tough to measure how much harm if any was done to her career by taking that long a break.

As far as the split with Mylene, I think that decision was made early in 2004 mainly becuase the cd/dvd for En Concert was released in october of that year and where she wasn't doing any more performances at that point, you would think she would have done something in the way of interviews or something else to promote the dvd and according to the Czech data base, nothing was done.

Future Raptor Ace 04-20-2011 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 202640)
I too for some reason thought Annily had been born a year earlier than she actually was but I was corrected in one of my previous threads. So if she was born in april of 2005, that means Alizee was probably first with child around august. Her last stage appearence was in may of 2004 so it was only about 3 or 4 months after that stage appearence that she became pregnant and once she found out she had a bun in the oven, any plans she had went right out the window and her career went on the back burner. Her next communication with her fans wasn't until june of 2006 where she stated she was in the studio working on her next album. So I guess that was an understandable amount of time for her to take off. Of course it's tough to measure how much harm if any was done to her career by taking that long a break.

As far as the split with Mylene, I think that decision was made early in 2004 mainly becuase the cd/dvd for En Concert was released in october of that year and where she wasn't doing any more performances at that point, you would think she would have done something in the way of interviews or something else to promote the dvd and according to the Czech data base, nothing was done.

Alizee generally likes to spontaneous so I get the felling her hiatus was a direct result of many spontaneous events happening at once. First off I get the feeling she probably was having a little bit of friction with Mylene eventually leading to Alizee contemplating splitting and doing her own thing; but she stuck it out until the tour ended. Then she met Jeremy and things started to get more and more serious. Alizee claims that Annily WAS NOT planned and that she married Jeremy after she became pregnant. So you put all these events together and it results in Alizee taking an unplanned break to raise her child and spend some time with her new husband as well as see what direction she wants to take her career in.

Scruffydog777 04-20-2011 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace (Post 202642)
Alizee generally likes to spontaneous so I get the felling her hiatus was a direct result of many spontaneous events happening at once. First off I get the feeling she probably was having a little bit of friction with Mylene eventually leading to Alizee contemplating splitting and doing her own thing; but she stuck it out until the tour ended. Then she met Jeremy and things started to get more and more serious. Alizee claims that Annily WAS NOT planned and that she married Jeremy after she became pregnant. So you put all these events together and it results in Alizee taking an unplanned break to raise her child and spend some time with her new husband as well as see what direction she wants to take her career in.

Actually Alizee and Jeremy were married in the fall of 2003 I believe but no doubt that if Annily wasn't planned, it probably unravelled any plans she had for the near future concerning her career.

Future Raptor Ace 04-20-2011 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 202643)
Actually Alizee and Jeremy were married in the fall of 2003 I believe but no doubt that if Annily wasn't planned, it probably unravelled any plans she had for the near future concerning her career.

oh yes my bad; your right.... she was married a little while before she became pregnant
But yea she said in an interview that Annily wasn't planned... i totally forgot which one; anyone remember which one it was?

lalorocks 04-20-2011 10:16 PM

I think Alizee planned to have a baby I remember another interview that Alizee wouldn't have problem to have a baby at 20 years.

Future Raptor Ace 04-20-2011 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by lalorocks (Post 202653)
I think Alizee planned to have a baby I remember another interview that Alizee wouldn't have problem to have a baby at 20 years.

Well yea she said she wanted to have a child young like her parents did with her but Annily just happened. They warent trying according to Alizee ... the miracle of life just happened to happen when it did.

BrianO1 04-20-2011 11:07 PM

May want to take a look at this interview, the first few min. talk about this topic pretty well.

Future Raptor Ace 04-21-2011 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by BrianO1 (Post 202655)
May want to take a look at this interview, the first few min. talk about this topic pretty well.

theres the video, thanks bud
about at 2:40 she starts talking about what i was referring to

BrianO1 04-21-2011 12:37 AM

no prob! She also talks about why she took the break, and her thought process before, and during the break, so, I thought it would help out in this topic!

Scruffydog777 04-21-2011 05:47 AM

Thanks for posting that interview Brian. It really clears just about everything up. She never did contemplate retiring from singing because she said although she wasn't sure what she wanted to do with the future, she at the same time mentioned a third album, so another album was never a question mark. As far as the baby, they weren't trying to have a baby and they weren't trying not to have a baby. They just let nature take it's course and it did.

It is kind of confusing in that she said that a lot of her early performances involved dressing up into something she wasn't, but now that she's 20, she'd be able to do things that are more like herself, but then a little later on while starting to work on the new album she said we can re-become what we were before. Maybe what she meant by what we were before is being a hit and not necessarily referring to the style of music she'd be singing.

The only question remaining was when did she decide to split with Mylene? If she said that at 20 she wanted to do things that are more like herself, then it seems like it had to be 2004 that she decided to make the split. It could even have been late 2003. She may have decided that after all the concerts were done and it was time to start thinking about her next album, that she would do it without the benefit of working with MF and LB.

Euphoria 04-21-2011 04:30 PM

There's a lot of speculation that she got married to get away from MF/LB. I can understand wanting to get away from a "bubblegum" image, but I never thought thats what her music was. The themes on Mes Courant Electriques were pretty adult but I guess the sound of some of the songs was still a bit too poppy for her taste.

I also understand wanting to take a break, but 4 years is just too long. MCE didn't do nearly as well as Gourmandises and leaving the music scene for so long when she was on the downswing isn't a great idea. Can't change the past though. I really don't see the point in these threads. She has stated in multiple interviews exactly why she took such a long break, what's the point in speculating even more?

Azhiri 04-21-2011 07:38 PM

I think she was just very ready to take a break after an exhausting career. It's stressful traveling, recording, performing, interviewing, etc. as a singer and on the other hand you have the responsibility of raising a family, which we all know is equally exhausting. She just needed time to have a normal life for a while and enjoy her new child and husband.

Rev 04-22-2011 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 202668)
There's a lot of speculation that she got married to get away from MF/LB.

Now that's funny. :rolleyes:

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-22-2011 07:31 PM

well she clearly wanted to still make music. thats all that matters i think. but thats me, and i think wierd.

Scruffydog777 04-23-2011 05:41 AM

Well after much digging, I found this part of an interview where Alizee discusses the break up.

I was first very proud of having being able to close my tour through the Zénith, but I knew it was time to take a break after four years of madness. During my period of rest, I started to reflect on what I wanted to do musically. The three of us ( with Mylène and Laurent) talked about it and decided to separate. (note: it wasn't until over a year after the end of those concerts that it was sort of officially announced that they had separated and of course being 2005 everyone knew Alizée was pregnant by then. Seems like it was not an easy or quick decision to make.) I wanted to reach out to new music and take my flight!

mal 04-23-2011 03:50 PM

Her thoughts were that she realized that her promoter was jealous of her fame and she no longer wished to work for such a person. Anyone with a brain in show biz knows you dont dog the other performers or you end up like Suzanne Summers over too soon.

It’s not even a game
Get over your fame
I’m not twenty
Not even ashamed
Could we celebrate
Cause’ I’m not twenty
And life goes on and on
I go as I come
Mélodie de vie
I fly all alone
A light little stone
You get old at twenty

THIS is a huge slap in the face. What 18 year old is proud they arent twenty?

"Its not even a game get over your fame"
"your old at twenty"

That is one hundred percent an older womans opinion forced upon a beautiful 18 year old to sing. She became far more popular than her singer/promoter and she was jealous.

Shortly after this song she stopped. Why because it was contractual. I guarantee if you find the terms of her contract it coincides with the term of her break.

Also why she changes her old songs when she sings them in concert. copyright and the owners are scum.



Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 202689)
Well after much digging, I found this part of an interview where Alizee discusses the break up.

I started to reflect on what I wanted to do musically. The three of us ( with Mylène and Laurent) talked about it and decided to separate.


I started to reflect on what I wanted to do musically. =

I realized what they had me doing and I didnt like it.

The three of us ( with Mylène and Laurent) talked about it and decided to separate. =

We fought about it and they would not agree to allow me to not do what they had me doing so I quit.

Rev 04-23-2011 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by mal (Post 202701)
Her thoughts were that she realized that her promoter was jealous of her fame and she no longer wished to work for such a person.

Interesting theory.


Originally Posted by mal (Post 202701)
"Its not even a game get over your fame"
"your old at twenty"

That is one hundred percent an older womans opinion forced upon a beautiful 18 year old to sing.

Possibly.... However, this does not mean that:


Originally Posted by mal (Post 202701)
She became far more popular than her singer/promoter and she was jealous.

Mylene was VERY popular then.


Originally Posted by mal (Post 202701)
Shortly after this song she stopped. Why because it was contractual. I guarantee if you find the terms of her contract it coincides with the term of her break.


On a related note, I do believe that there was some legacy contract involved (possibly with the record company) that needed to expire, that might explain her final timing for the release of P.


Originally Posted by mal (Post 202701)
Also why she changes her old songs when she sings them in concert. copyright and the owners are scum.

Not true, on either count. She had different reasons for changing them. :)

pepelepew 04-23-2011 11:03 PM

I think the split was mutual between the three of them. Alizee was unwilling to go the way that Mylene wanted her career to go because she wasn't confortable with the direction. She wanted to do things differently musically. There was no reason to continue their colaboration. I don't think Mylene was jealous, just probably frustrated that she had lost control of Alizee.

Deepwaters 04-23-2011 11:17 PM

After all this time, it's perfectly clear that there were no bad feelings between Alizée and Mylène, that the decision to separate was mutual, that Mylène was certainly not jealous of Alizée (why should she be, when Mylène is by far the more famous and successful?), and in general it was just something whose time had come. Alizée could easily have continued performing, married or single -- at that time, Jérémy was a performer himself, so any deliberate-obscurity issues that might be present now would not have been then. She could not have done it so easily with a baby, but all the indications are that the decision to take a break came first, Annily afterward with serendipitous timing.

Honestly, I don't know why people insist on making this more complicated than it really was. Artists move past partnerships all the time. You might as well ask why the Beatles broke up, or Simon and Garfunkel, or the Eurythmics. People change, especially creative people. When Alizée says she wanted to move on to different kinds of music than she was singing, I understand that perfectly. There's no reason to look for any other explanation, because that one is surely the truth.

JoeNY 04-25-2011 02:15 AM

All of us know why Alizee and Mylene split: Mr. Yoko Ono (a.k.a. Jeremy C.) It was all downhill for our Alizee after she met 'him'. Crack cocaine, it's a helluva drug. :)

ferb96 04-25-2011 07:18 AM

Yeah I think so too.
Although it's traditional in Corsica to get married soon but ... celebities can have an exception right ?

Man she was so young then. When i first discovered that she got married at the age of 20, I felt something like ... wasted ...

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