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mal 07-30-2011 04:31 PM

And the mr?
Where is her husband? I never see them together. Are they still together?

Future Raptor Ace 07-30-2011 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by mal (Post 206552)
Where is her husband? I never see them together. Are they still together?

There has never really been "many" pictures of them together and one can only guess they want it that way to protect their private life.

lefty12357 07-30-2011 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by mal (Post 206552)
Where is her husband? I never see them together. Are they still together?

I suppose it's reasonable to wonder about it but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I suppose we saw more of him in the Psych era because he was involved in that album. Even then, we did not see a lot of him.

My guess is that Jérémy doesn’t accompany Alizée on some of her trips to Corse where many of the more personal photos seem to come from. Other photos taken are often related to things she’s doing relative to her career, which wouldn’t include Jérémy. Plus, I think they have gotten better at protecting their private lives.

She still has a ring on her finger and I believe she has Jérémy’s name tattooed on her wrist. If they aren’t together, fans will be the last to know anyways. Alizée doesn’t do press releases about personal issues. So until I hear otherwise, I’m assuming they are still together. If they do split, I'm sure it will come out sooner or later.

user472884 07-30-2011 05:29 PM

They're still together, happy as can be.

Bigdan 07-30-2011 05:50 PM


Deepwaters 07-30-2011 06:10 PM

Jérémy, by all accounts, is something of a recluse. He chose to stop performing and pursue a career as a songwriter for others and a studio musician, at least partly because he doesn't like fame. Because of this, we should not expect to see the two of them in public. That doesn't mean they've split up. On the other hand, if he were to be dragged willy-nilly into the limelight as her husband -- then they might.

Scruffydog777 07-30-2011 06:25 PM

One thing I wonder about where he is or maybe I should say was a singer is did he ever participate in the Les Enfoires shows? I would think Alizee would love to have him by her side?

She started her participation in that show in 2001 with Rockollection. They met in 2003. Has she participated in that show every year since then? I think there was a gap when she sort of disappeared for a while from the publc eye, in early 2004.

In 2001 there was the video made of the whole performance,

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Someone also made an edited version of the same video where they cut out all the other singers and it came out real good. I searched for it on Youtube and couldn't find it. There was a very similar video posted there, but who ever did it, did a crappy job of it. Maybe I'll upload it later if anyone would like it.

I also just found out she had sung the same song back in school. I've seen several of her school videos, but not this one where she starts out singing the same song.

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SlipshodDread 07-30-2011 06:30 PM

well both of them are fairly reclusive, in terms of publicity that is.

Of course this applies more to Jeremy than Alizée, mainly because Alizée is more involved at the "front" of music, rather than the "behind the scenes" such as songwriting etc (Most people can name songs sung by an artist, but how many can name the songwriters of those songs?).

Also I very much doubt that they are anywhere near close to that sort of thing. As is already mentioned Alizée has his name tattooed on her wrist, she stills wears her wedding ring, and she loves her family (especially Annily). Just because we don't know pretty much anything about her private life we can't assume anything whatsoever. We barely even know anything about her public side like almost silent album releases etc etc.

As they say, assumption is the mother of all f*** ups.

lefty12357 07-30-2011 07:28 PM

Yeah, I'm not sure that Jérémy was comfortable in the limelight. It sounds like he has been doing well working behind the scenes writing music. For those of you not too familiar with Jérémy's work, here's a few videos you can check out.

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Jérémy - "C'est si bien" (Is it true he wrote this for Alizée?)

Jérémy on Star à domicile:

Jérémy sings with Shania Twain:

Future Raptor Ace 07-30-2011 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 206562)
One thing I wonder about where he is or maybe I should say was a singer is did he ever participate in the Les Enfoires shows? I would think Alizee would love to have him by her side?

In terms of performing no! I do not understand her logic but Alizee has stated in many interviews that she DOES NOT want to do a duet with her husband .... she simply states there is no need to.

Deepwaters 07-30-2011 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by SlipshodDread (Post 206563)
well both of them are fairly reclusive, in terms of publicity that is.

There's a difference between private and reclusive. Alizée doesn't have the option of being a recluse. She's a performer. That's her career. If she's going to be a success at it, then she has to be famous. There's just no alternative.

Jérémy has not performed on stage or TV or any such thing in years. There's no sign that he has any desire to. In interviews, Alizée has actually stated that he doesn't. This would of course rule out his performing for Les Enfoires or anything else. She's also said that she has no interest in doing a duet with him, over and above him not wanting to perform in the first place. It's simply not going to happen.

Not only that, but if his motive is to avoid fame, then he has to play down his association with Alizée as well as far as the public is concerned. As I said, she has to be famous; there's no option, and if the public keeps getting reminded that he's her husband, then he will be famous, too, which he doesn't want. Of course everyone knows, but there's a difference between knowing and being constantly reminded.

I have a very strong suspicion bordering on certainty that this was a source of friction between them during the Psychédélices promotion, when he was a composer and co-producer for her and also helped manage the Mexico concert tour. I suspect that this is why he has had no visible role in her career since then.

Anyway, what it comes down to is that the fact that they're not photographed together or seen in public together is what we should expect, and it doesn't really mean anything.

mal 07-30-2011 08:44 PM

Nah I think they split up.

user472884 07-30-2011 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Deepwaters (Post 206561)
Jérémy, by all accounts, is something of a recluse. He chose to stop performing and pursue a career as a songwriter for others and a studio musician, at least partly because he doesn't like fame. Because of this, we should not expect to see the two of them in public.

Or as I like to think of it, Jérémy can't perform anymore because there are no instruments in the kitchen, and he's too embarrassed of being seen in the floral apron Alizée makes him wear while she's out takin' care of the family.


Originally Posted by mal (Post 206574)
Nah I think they split up.

Very intelligent assumption. Two pages of evidence and logic explaining otherwise, yet you remain oblivious.

You know, I haven't been on Youtube in a while, I'd go check it out but because I've been away for a while the website must be shut down.

Azhiri 07-30-2011 08:57 PM

We don't see too many personal photos of Alizee anyways. Just because they don't happen to be in the same place for every picture we see (or at least pose together) doesn't mean they're not together anymore. That's silly :rolleyes:

ALS 07-30-2011 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by mal (Post 206574)
Nah I think they split up.

I take it you haven't seen the pictures of the house they bought around three years ago?

I've been hearing these stories and rumors of Jeremy and Alizée's splitting up since before Annili was born. In fact it was a newspaper article back in 2007 posted on this board of their marriage being pretty much over that caused me to join.

These two are in it for the long haul. The guys with the hots for Alizée and women drooling for Jeremy are the only ones wishing for their marriage to implode. :)(:

Future Raptor Ace 07-30-2011 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by mal (Post 206574)
Nah I think they split up.

mind elaborating more on how you came to that conclusion?

edit: here; from November 3rd 2008 (I posted in the other thread, might as well post here too)

Deepwaters 07-31-2011 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 206590)
These two are in it for the long haul.

Maybe, but I wouldn't jump to that conclusion, either. Assuming they'll stay together is not as tacky and callous as assuming they won't, but it's still an intrusion into an area where they don't want the world going. They'll do as they choose, and they'll keep it private as long as they can. We should respect that. It's not something that anyone outside the relationship (not even friends or family, let alone fans) has a right to know.

Future Raptor Ace 07-31-2011 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by Deepwaters (Post 206594)
Maybe, but I wouldn't jump to that conclusion, either. Assuming they'll stay together is not as tacky and callous as assuming they won't, but it's still an intrusion into an area where they don't want the world going. They'll do as they choose, and they'll keep it private as long as they can. We should respect that. It's not something that anyone outside the relationship (not even friends or family, let alone fans) has a right to know.

I agree with you 100%. In any relationship nothing is certain

Scruffydog777 07-31-2011 03:07 AM

It seems some people think he doesn't like fame, doesn't like the limelight, then why would he become a singer in the first place? . Maybe it was just a case where he did it mainly because he had success at it but in the long run, it really wasn't what he enjoyed doing.

lefty12357 07-31-2011 10:35 AM

I get the feeling what Jérémy really enjoyed was writing, recording and producing music. He went on Star Academy to get some exposure and somehow establish himself somewhere in the music business. Maybe he was uncomfortable in the role of a singer. He probably is much happier writing, recording and producing. And he has been active in that area of the business.

On the other hand, Alizée's skills are all pointed towards being a performer. I think both of them have naturally migrated to the roles which best suit them. And that's probably just as well, as I believe it would be very difficult if both Alizée and Jérémy were in the limelight.

lalorocks 07-31-2011 11:23 AM

They are just a modern couple.
if there is something new we will know it.

Ronald 07-31-2011 12:55 PM

He ruins the duet with Shania Twain:facepalm:

Don't make a duet album. It reminds me of Yoko Ono ruining John Lennon's work:p

Topaz 07-31-2011 01:03 PM

That was a long time ago. He got much better later on .....

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Rev 07-31-2011 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Topaz (Post 206615)
That was a long time ago. He got much better later on .....

Not really...

mal 08-01-2011 11:12 PM

No I insist they broke up!!!! >:/

LOL jk

I just never seem them together. Like ever. I find it a bit odd.

Vike 08-02-2011 03:59 PM

Circumstantial evidence
There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that most fans refuse to publically recognize. Briefly: Alizee and Jeremy used to seem to enjoy being seen together and enjoyed the fans. Something happened, as reported, and it has been a different situation since. There are some obvious conclusions, but maybe only 90% accurate. Do any of you dare to reveal what you really think? I think they have a "French" relationship held together by Anilee and do not want to destroy their image with the fans.

Deepwaters 08-02-2011 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Vike (Post 206755)
There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that most fans refuse to publically recognize. Briefly: Alizee and Jeremy used to seem to enjoy being seen together and enjoyed the fans. Something happened, as reported, and it has been a different situation since. There are some obvious conclusions, but maybe only 90% accurate. Do any of you dare to reveal what you really think? I think they have a "French" relationship held together by Anilee and do not want to destroy their image with the fans.

I know the "evidence" you're talking about, but IMO the only thing that it really shows for certain is that they have reached a point where they don't work together professionally and avoid publicity for Jérémy. Maybe you're right that they have a "stay together for the kid" relationship, but that's not something we can conclude from the very little we see. Maybe you're wrong, too. And once again: What business is it of ours anyway? If I were either one of them, I would not want the whole world probing into my personal life. Let it rest!

And in accordance with that, this will be my last post in this thread.

SlipshodDread 08-02-2011 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Deepwaters (Post 206759)
I know the "evidence" you're talking about, but IMO the only thing that it really shows for certain is that they have reached a point where they don't work together professionally and avoid publicity for Jérémy. Maybe you're right that they have a "stay together for the kid" relationship, but that's not something we can conclude from the very little we see. Maybe you're wrong, too. And once again: What business is it of ours anyway? If I were either one of them, I would not want the whole world probing into my personal life. Let it rest!

And in accordance with that, this will be my last post in this thread.

Second this. It is fairly obvious they do not want everyone else to know their private life. Speculate all you want, but don't try digging.

Vike 08-02-2011 10:57 PM

Tough being famous
It must be real tough to be famous and make a mistake. Look at all the discussion on this thread. If it were me, I'd hide too.

Future Raptor Ace 08-03-2011 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Vike (Post 206772)
It must be real tough to be famous and make a mistake. Look at all the discussion on this thread. If it were me, I'd hide too.

^ you betcha, and it will only get worse as technology gets better
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