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User22 01-20-2012 03:53 AM

The Importance Of Maintaining A Digital Alizée Collection
As most of you may know, SOPA/PIPA has been gaining some traction with the entertainment industry and its federal guardians. More importantly, was taken down by the FBI (Federal Bloomin' Idiots) earlier today. MegaUpload has proven to be a very reliable and widely-used Alizée Video-hosting site in the past and due to the events of today, many primary download links broke in front of our eyes today.

Although it is very unlikely and would take some time, we should expect the worst and prepare ourselves for a very hard future on the internet in terms of sharing Alizée-related content.

So, brothers and sisters of the AlizéeAmerica and international community, I propose each and every one of you maintain a healthy digital collection of Alizée videos and pictures while we enter a time of great uncertainty. Fight for your future Alizée fans and guarantee a bright future filled with the psychological safety of them knowing that there are harddrives sitting in closets with a healthy dose of Alizée on them that if the internet re-opens its doors to file-sharing, that there may be a very extensive and near-complete digital Alizée collection ready to go online and be shared with everyone.

For information and tips on how you can guarantee a safe future for Alizée media and its future viewers, feel free to message me or start downloading Alizée videos like they're gold from the Alizée DC++ Hub.

No, I am not asking we go into Mormon-Mode...

Taxi Driver Aaron 01-20-2012 06:31 AM

The hacking group known as, "Anonymous," claimed responsibility for a retaliation that took place minutes after the site was taken down. The retaliation included crashing the Department of Justice website (, Universal Music Group (, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) site, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) site, the US Copyright Office and the Utah Chiefs of Police Association...

Word has it that is next...


Karin 01-20-2012 06:55 AM

thanks god for hackers :dance:

WhiteFeather 01-20-2012 09:11 AM

Two comments:

1. What is mormon mode?

2. In addition to maintaining a digital collection, I think that if you truly feel this is an unjust act, do something about it. Theoretically, Congress is run by representatives of us, so if enough people oppose this, they will have to do something about it. So yes, prepare for the worst, but that doesn't mean we should sit back and let it happen.


"Unjust laws have to be fought ideologically; they cannot be fought or corrected by means of mere disobedience and futile martyrdom."
-Ayn Rand

Aldighieri 01-20-2012 12:33 PM

I am sorry I can't do much about this, we have same trouble with government in Italy.Berlusconi (his gov. fall down, but his media empire still alive..) Is trying to cut the web access cos that's the only way to have political indipendent news in Italy.Same way by the music and media corporations. My Alizee collection is religiously preserved on three backup hard disks anyway..

Tiwaz 01-20-2012 02:19 PM

Tape trading

"Tape trading is an unofficial method of distribution of demo tapes encompassing musical genres such as punk, hardcore, and extreme metal. The practice which was most prevalent during the 1980s and 1990s, also saw people distribute recordings of live music shows. Tape trading was a postal system reliant, penfriend style nature of an underground network that relied heavily on the cooperation of fans of different musical genres worldwide as well as the acts being promoted this way themselves eschewing any copyright in order to further spread their notoriety. Acts that gained a following through this might land a record deal.

The ad-hoc system relied on a system of trust, meaning that tapes were swapped in a kind of honor system; those who did not subscribe to this ethos and received tapes without returning the favour accordingly would become known as 'rip-offs' or 'rip-off traders' and were regarded with scorn. Flyers advertising gigs, recordings and other merchandises for sale were often swapped in conjunction with tape trading. Music that had been licensed to record companies (therefore subject to copyright) and released in the format of Vinyl records, CD and MC (musicassette) was also pirated onto blank compact cassette medium and traded, although this was in infringement of both unofficial 'rules' of the network and actual copyright law itself."

Taxi Driver Aaron 01-20-2012 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Tiwaz (Post 217102)
Tape trading

Yes... and?...

ptjmwa 01-20-2012 06:18 PM

This made me have a good laugh. (while we enter a time of great uncertainty. and Federal Bloomin' Idiots). haha.

User22 01-20-2012 06:46 PM

WhiteFeather, the majority of Mormon churches encourage their members to maintain a food and water supply that can last them 2 full years...and I know people that have sheds, pantries, and basements filled with such a supply...they do this just to be prepared for anything, like a worldwide government failure...

And that's Mormon Mode :D

Taxi Driver Aaron 01-20-2012 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 217112)
WhiteFeather, the majority of Mormon churches encourage their members to maintain a food and water supply that can last them 2 full years...and I know people that have sheds, pantries, and basements filled with such a supply...they do this just to be prepared for anything, like a worldwide government failure...

And that's Mormon Mode :D

The United States Government was made by the people for the people... and a lot of the time the Government needs to be reminded about that!!!! That is why gun laws are bullsh*t! ...

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