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Uméesha 04-06-2010 04:57 PM

Alizée America - My Golden Dreams

Hi Guys, I have created this thread to thank the whole Alizée America Team on behalf of its huge success on promotion with Alizée in Paris. Since, from the birth of this forum till now Alizée America Dream have came true. Specially, i want to thank Mr.Brad for his foundation of this forum, Mr.Ben for managing and Interacting with the forum, Mr.Scruffydog for his big project on Alizée America Promotion which was successfully accomplished! Moderators who really supported a lot to helped out this forum to look clean and good and atlast I, want to thank for the beautiful members of Alizée America who are really part of this huge success!

Alizée America Forum is my first impression and first Alizée Forum ever I have visited and this forum satified me a lot in all the activities, some of my dreams have came true! it really made a huge difference in ma life and changed my life style, this forum made me Webmaster of Alizée India, Musician, Moderators in several forums, Singing, Graphic Designer, Web Designer and some more talents. I am really happy to say this!

"I was a Loyal Fan of Alizée, you've made me to become Royal Fan of Alizée" - Uméesha

So, for this beautiful occation I am glad to share my thoughts and my newly composed music.

I want to dedicate this Music to all Alizée Fans around the world! listen to it and proudly say that i am true fan of Alizée hehe :D
I hope you guys like this theme music, please dont hesitate and feel free to comment it, This Theme Music is lengthy one like my Dreams, so please listen to it with patience.

Thank you very much!

Uméesha - My Golden Dreams

<center><embed src="" allowfullscreen="false" flashvars="&file= oweq=false&autostart=true&repeat=false&shuffle=fal se&volume=100" height="18" width="304"></center>

AlizéeInspired 04-06-2010 05:17 PM

Pretty sweet. Nice uppidy beat and happy tune. When listening I could like see a movie playing in total dedication to Alizée, all her fans, and all the people who have made this site possible. Kinda see a slide show in my head with pictures and things of everyones efforts to make "dreams" come true. Kind of a credits feeling to it too. Kinda like saying "YEAH!!! We did it! Congratulations!" That and it seems to say "Merci beaucoup Alizée" too, ofcourse.

Good job Uméesha

Toc De Mac 04-06-2010 07:27 PM

Hey Uméesha,

What a great idea to thank this forum which has done so much for all of us. I love your composition. :o :)

sumi1 04-06-2010 08:25 PM

Great composition Umesh :) Though I have joined the forum recently, it has become an important part of my daily routine. I can understand your feelings for the forum. I feel the same too :)

wasabi622 04-06-2010 08:43 PM

Hey Uméesha, that's great!

I, like many others I'm sure, feel just the same you. This forum is what keeps my Alizée drive going. Every time we get some success, no matter how little (the victory on the tweeterwall last summer) or how big (Scruff's recent trip!), it's all because we worked together here on the forum. I can't help but feel so optimistic for this forum, and the potential future success that's out there.

Excellent theme song man! Very uplifting. :D

CFHollister 04-06-2010 11:07 PM

Very nice indeed, Uméesha. :cool:

paintballpdh19 04-06-2010 11:45 PM

it's lovely and has that sentimental feeling that i cant describe! happy and makes me actually reflect on how Alizee has changed my life. thanks

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-07-2010 01:02 AM

Anyone can post youtube link? I can't watch! :(

paintballpdh19 04-07-2010 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY (Post 158937)
Anyone can post youtube link? I can't watch! :(

its only an audio clip... which is pretty awesome i must add! i dont kno how u can listen... maybe if Uméesha would provide a download link (if u would like to because its ur creation)

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-07-2010 06:28 PM

That wouldn't work. I can't download stuff like from megaupload, sites like that. If uméesha could just put the song on a video with a black background, I could definitely watch on youtube. I suggest a black background because a video with movement would probbly have problems playing on my 2 bars... Grr...

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