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VVVACCPLPNLY 03-31-2010 02:48 PM

Other Non-Alizée Forums
So, we all know of Lilly Town, Alizée India, Alizée Forum, Alizée Latino, Alizée Germany, and all kinds of other Alizée based forums. But, at some point, we all want to go to another forum, whether to spread the word about her, or to get away from her. Why ever, that doesn't matter. I just would like to know of some other online froum sites you guys visit. This could even be an ongoing project! Just post a link to a forum you belong to, and a brief description of what it is about, whether that be music, movies, books, video games, sports, whatever. Feel free to post your name on the forum, too. But don't feel obligated. I have never been an avid forum poster before here, and it has been incredibly fun. I am not leaving! I just want to have somewhere to go on this place's slow days.

JimmyDean23 03-31-2010 03:01 PM

I'm sure all of you around here know of this one but I'll post it anyway.

If you want a detailed description of what its about, well... I'll leave that to someone more qualified/soshified than myself. But for a brief description, look down.

Also I'd like to point out that some of our members (Barrett, DJWise, Plaz, Suno, Jung, myself, and others) are writing some fanfics on Soshified. You don't need to know anything about SNSD to enjoy these, but it helps. For now, check out Street Dreams (written by all the above^) and sometime in the future Soshi's Creed(written by moi). B, don't ask when I will post Soshi's Creed because it probably won't be till May.

As for my name on there, its the same as everywhere, JimmyDean23. I'm also on Playstation Network if any one else has a PS3 and wants to play some Battlefield Bad Company 2. :D

TheBarrett 03-31-2010 03:02 PM

Oh lord JimmyDean you deserve a little "limelight" (teehee) every now and then!
You can indefinitely give the tour any other time. :D
Be confident in your Soshimana!

A little disclaimer, Soshified is a very exhausting forum to be in sometimes.
Me and Brent (SuNo/Brent) were the first to join amongst a motley crew of oddities around this and other regions.
We brought a few along with us as the days passed and it's working quite nicely.
Despite the hardships navigation help is essential, and you can grab that from any of us.

There are usually over 1000 people online at any one point in time, and a large percentage are members. 80,000 people registered and around 70,000 of those are active. Grows at about 100-200 people every day, give or take.

I found it hard at first to actually get to meet anyone and know them really well, but I was definitely wrong.
Each thread has its own lifeline of people. For example, I made a good chunk of acquaintances from the Hip Hop thread, another chunk from the Guitarists' thread, then found nearby Soshified in the California Fans Thread. Even made a fanmeet physically in real life just a few days after actually posting in the thread, and had a good fun day of Korean Barbecue and NRB. :D
Met a few GorJessica Spazzers as well in the Jung Jessica forums, and applying for staff positions gets you in contact with other people of your field.

Plus, Tiffany and Jessica often stop by our humble chatbox to say hello, give us a few prayers (that's right, them to us, how about that!), and announce a few new things, or converse with us casually. Few members have even gotten shoutouts after both of them got their sent fangifts.

Anyways, it's a wonderful place, that isn't always relevant to the topic, but i'll be damned if i've never met a more happy crowd. :p

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-15-2010 06:23 PM

Well, soshified sounds like an awesome place for fans. I have not been soshified, on account of I can only hear their music on youtube. Also, soshified is not a cell friendly site. Maybe if I get a computer. Any other forums?

djwise 04-15-2010 06:29 PM

I shall take this time to promote a wonderful place known as EverLasting Love, the international forum for the Brown Eyed Girls. It is a fairly new forum and is quite small right now. But the people there are pretty frikkin awesome! Hehe, it's quite funny cuz here it's mainly guys & a few girls. Over there, it's all girls & just 2-3 guys. But I love it. I believe I'm the only guy on staff, though. x]

But yeah, I love the place so far & it'll be awesome given enough time. Right now we only have 156 members, but one day we'll have more! :)

If you wanna check it out, then just go here:

Myself, B, & Jung are on there, though I'm the most active because I'm a mod on there. x]

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-15-2010 06:38 PM

Interesting, dj. That site is optimized for mobile. Just need to be able to hear some of their music off youtube, and maybe I will join!

djwise 04-15-2010 06:42 PM

Hehe, if you need to hear their music, I'm the perfect guy to go to. And if you can't get me, then talk to B. xD

VVVACCPLPNLY 04-15-2010 07:10 PM

Well, not til I get a computer. Thanks though, dj.

Brent 04-15-2010 09:01 PM

soshified are my favorite forums of course

Srbski-kralj 04-15-2010 09:23 PM

Brent, barrett and DJ what are ur usrnames on soshified. Im about to join, and want to add u fellas.

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