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rcs 07-19-2006 10:45 PM

A Day With Alizee Sweepstakes
It's fantasy hour. Let's have some fun.

Alizee is promoting her 3rd CD and takes time to grant one USA fan a visit by her for the whole day. You're the lucky winner. The catch is that she's coming to your current hometown and the event will be filmed for millions of europeans to watch:eek: .

What do you have planned for the entire day with Alizee? She's all yours.

Option A:
You are a fan. You don't mind the cameras and have her answer all your questions, sign autographs/take pics with you and friends, and visits your Alizee collection (or shrine). Afterwards, she performs her latest single in your backyard which then becomes a video.

Option B:
You feel responsible representing all the USA fans and contain your emotions/excitement since the cameras are rolling and you don't want to look like a fool. It's just you, her, and cameras only. She wants you to help produce her next video (yes, you only have 1 day so you both come up with a simple sketch, but you get the credit as producer). This time the rest of the world reads translations.

Option C:
Feel free to plan the event here. Remember the catch. This is in your current hometown, no "I'm a billionaire and we fly to the Bahamas to get married stuff".

Note: There are no wrong answers. Just curious to see how we all respond since our age groups and hometowns vary. Think before responding...cameras are rolling.

Spartan500 07-19-2006 10:57 PM

what is yours rcs? Not to mention this is really hard.

rcs 07-19-2006 11:13 PM

Give it a few moments for others to post. I've got mine ready. If you're wondering what others may think, remember there are no wrong answers because you only express your desired outcome. I mean, what if we had this opportunity and one of us won? This is only practice. We can always edit. I hope Alizee reads this for ideas in the future. Who needs a USA concert if at least one of us won? It would show she cares about us.

brad 07-19-2006 11:14 PM

1. act casual.

2. wait until she gets close.

3. grab her and run.

Spartan500 07-19-2006 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by brad
1. act casual.

2. wait until she gets close.

3. grab her and run.

Brad you will need a fast car and a getaway driver:D
sorry for getting off topic I'm still thinking of what i should say

rcs 07-19-2006 11:24 PM

Spartan 500,
It just dawned on me that there's way more guest online almost every night than there are registered members. You never know if Alizee reads english well enough to see our posts or maybe she has a translator right next to her...Not to get anybody's hopes up, but I'm being optimistic.;)

Brianh 07-19-2006 11:31 PM

Try to act cool, but will end up loosing control :), have her sign my cd's, and other things I have of hers. Do a small interview for local TV, and her Local TV. Get in the Limo she showed up in and show her around my town, with the media close behind, as well as with a few friends. Afterwards she puts on a small concert for the media with her new single, she then does a short autograph signing. Afterwards she and I get back in the limo we talk, she trys to speak some english and I try to speak some french(neither one does very well) and we laugh at that. As we pull up to the airport she writes down a number, its a special number a way that I can get in touch with her, I promise never to give it out. She kisses me on each cheek says goodbye, she has the limo driver take me home. As I"m leaving I look back in the rear window she is waving goodbye, right then and there I loose it break down and cry due to happyness and sadness at the same time. I'm such a big softy LOL

rcs 07-20-2006 12:28 AM

Bravo Brianh. Man, I like how your day turned out. you kinda combined all 3 options. For me, C was way too creative and I'd probably screw it up bad. A would be easy since you could just be a fan. Option B was a way I thought she could remember someone a little longer. I chose B because I figured if I goofed things I might get e few precious laughs out of her like in some of her interviews. I live for those. I figured her raw talent would be the main factor for another successful video, not by my account (at least I hope, LOL). Anyone else?

droggo 07-20-2006 01:06 AM


I'd just like to hang out at the beach house, grill some shrimp and whatever else the trawlers brought in that day, and maybe later in the day, when it's not so darn hot, do some kiteboarding or surfing if there are any waves.

After that, have a few margaritas, play some pool or foosball at the local tavern and just have a good time hanging out.


cybersoil 07-20-2006 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by brad
1. act casual.

2. wait until she gets close.

3. grab her and run.... [ LIKE HELL!!!! Zoooooommmmm.... ]

I vote for Brad's idea. Hey... let's have a conspiracy here.

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