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user472884 09-02-2009 04:17 AM

The Red Lolita Dress
Is it possible for one to acquire one very similar (not pointing fingers),
or was it created specifically for the video?

TheBarrett 09-02-2009 04:19 AM

Most of her clothes were recycled from Mylène's old repertoire of fashion.
There's been an analysis here somewhere. :)

It's either custom tailored for Mylène or Mylène just found it, liked it, and bought it.
It's going to be a challenge for you to locate it though, I may say. :p

user472884 09-02-2009 06:02 AM


who's up for an Alizée America Scavenger Hunt Across France?

I'll look for the Lolita dress

who want's to look for both the shoe from the album cover and En Concert?

edgar93 09-02-2009 08:23 PM

I assume you are looking for this dress (left)?

The one on the right was/is on sale, and as Barrett said, it was worn by Mylene too, designed by Jean Paul Gaultier. I don't know about Alizée's.

user472884 09-02-2009 10:55 PM

one step closer.


Chuck 09-03-2009 01:18 PM

Another Lead!
I knew I'd seen it somewhere a few weeks ago. At the "Lili's Closet" website, of course! That dress is a total one-of-a-kind, designer original thing. I haven't tried to find where it is now, but that dress belongs in the Louvre. Or the French Smithsonian. The designer was a Yojhi Yamamoto. Real fur all over. Here's the link, scroll about halfway down the page. I don't know whether Lili gets a cut from this website, or if it's part of her empire. But I do know that we've already way exhausted my interest in fashion, so any further research I leave to others.

{Also Noteworthy is the cute pic above that dress, of young Ali in a tank that says "C'est pas ma faute!" Apparently the tank's still avail for just 25 E's! Check it out! (but I wasn't gonna copy it and carry it over here.)}

Tchaikovsky 09-03-2009 02:29 PM

Why do you want it so bad?

Forrplay 09-03-2009 02:40 PM

i dont even want to imagine what kinds of things you would do to that dress if you got your hands on it lol. Just remember she was 15 at the time when she wore it so its still pedoish

user472884 09-04-2009 07:51 AM

is it really when I'm 15 too? lol

why do I want it?

Honestly, I'd probably keep it in a box or something. If I had any money left over from getting the frock I might get a mannequin and prop it up next to my other art stuff.

yea.. let's go with that... lol

getting warmer

Chuck 09-04-2009 12:27 PM

Ooo La La De Dah !
What's it for? It's a dress!

Some of you suggest wearing the dress, some suggest defiling it. You tell me what's weirder.

You know, my opinion is nothing but my opinion, but in some ways we're a "support group" here. Working out our shared problems with our unusual musical obsession.

So if someone here wants to wear a dress, I personally have approximately zero problems with that. Even if they're a girl. ;) Because they're there. I'm here. That's that. We're not a "jury of peers", just peers. What're you wearing? To the French, you know, we're still more uptight than England. Let freedom reign.

(This is the 21st century here, right? Yes, I have some friends and coworkers who are gay. And they're my friends. And my coworkers. And me, I just happen to be non-gay. And that's that, too. Y'know, it's true what they say - people are people!)

Forrplay, re "pedoish"-- to the extent that you were joking, yes, I get it, and agree! (loq.) But to some extent you were right, some of the comments posted on this site about the teenaged Alizee can get so totally inappropriate. And so misplaced. And sometimes it makes you wonder about people. But we call that "freedom of expression" too.

Anyway, To Set The Record "Straight".........:rolleyes:

Personally, I said Alizee's pic looked "adorable", not "hawwt". I'm not "into" pictures of young girls, okay. Trust me, I'm a dad. And a music lover, which is why I'm here. That 15-year-old person no longer really exists like that anymore now, anyway, right, guys? Believe it! And, while I love her early stuff, me I'm a 10x bigger fan of Psych's. I like the Alizee of now, not past.

Okay. Nuff said.

Except for one final, semi-pertinent, semi-witticism:
I'm just glad Alizee turned 25 now, so I no longer have to think of myself as twice her age! :eek:

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