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lapinschous 03-25-2013 05:50 AM

: [Radio] France Bleu - On repeint la musique // 24.03

Originally Posted by BrianO1 (Post 239105)
Well that makes it official then.

What did she say?

Okay, so , in the beginning she talked about her new album, she explained why she called it "5" , because it is her 5th album and that she wanted it to sound simple and universally understandable, especially for her Mexican fans . Then they started talking about Mexico, she said she's going there 3-4 times a year and that she's going back to Mexico in first week of April . She then said that she made a song in spanish in her previous album, without much success, and she preferred to stick to french in the new one.
Then they talked more in depth about the new album ;she said that she was perfectly okay with just being a singer and she talked about the songwriters she worked with. Then they went on talking about Corsica, that's it's like a big family for her.. They talked about Adrien Gallo of the BBBrunes and played Boxing Club afterwards

They quickly mentionned LE saying that "Alizée is a pillar of LE"

The interviewer then pointed out that Alizée thanked JJ Goldman in the album even though she didn't select his songs. She explained that "his songs were great" but she "wanted to be honest , telling him that his two songs didn't match the general feeling of the album" , she said that she would keep the songs for another album , and JJ Goldman perfectly understood.


Then, the journalist quoted some relationship break-up lyrics in 10 ans , ACDLA, Dans Mon Sac ..

And she actually went full private , and talked about Jérémy.
She talked about her break up, the disappointment of her relationship, "I was breaking up when I did this album and I really suffered from it." , "it took 10 years to split up with our daughter's father" , " women mature more quickly than men and 10 years later, when at last he reached maturity his woman becomes weary of him."

Then she ended up by talking about Les Enfoirés CD/Dvd

foxy 03-25-2013 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by lapinschous (Post 239160)
And she actually went full private , and talked about Jérémy.
She talked about her break up, the disappointment of her relationship, "I was breaking up when I did this album and I really suffered from it." , "it took 10 years to split up with our daughter's father" , " women mature more quickly than men and 10 years later, when he reached maturity his woman become weary of him."

sry if I'm asking but does this mean Jeremy left her or Lilly left him?

Jenny_HRO87 03-25-2013 07:22 AM

audio please? :dance:

Karin 03-25-2013 11:00 AM

hear it >>> Alizée -

BrianO1 03-25-2013 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by foxy (Post 239164)
sry if I'm asking but does this mean Jeremy left her or Lilly left him?

It sounds like she left him.

Corsaire 03-25-2013 02:10 PM

When one of the interviewers gets to Alizée’s personal life, he quotes lyrics from some of the songs and asks her to what extent it reflects on her own life, since she must have clearly (according to him) influenced the authors of the lyrics. The interviewer quotes:

From 10 ans:
“We were living in a two room apartment with my solitude
We wanted a child that we conceived without much thought
You thought that a child would do us good”

Dans mon sac:
“I put in my sighs (“mes soupirs”) when I told you I was leaving”.

Without directly confirming that this was *exactly* what did happen in her own life, Alizée did agree with the fact that the lyrics were highly influenced by what she went through. Basically, she did not contradict that this was indeed, her own story, even in the details.

People can make what they will of this information, but so far, and considering Alizée’s past silence on such topics, as far as I am concerned, this is nothing short of a bombshell!

lapinschous 03-25-2013 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Corsaire (Post 239218)
People can make what they will of this information, but so far, and considering Alizée’s past silence on such topics, as far as I am concerned, this is nothing short of a bombshell!

People will slowly start to realize how dramatically decisive on the understanding of her life this revealing piece of news is. I've always had the feeling that Lili's relationship had more downs than ups. And now with this RMC interview two hours ago, we know for sure that she didn't earned much money from her first two albums... and psychédélices was a commercial failure... Her financial situation may be trickier than once thought.

Euphoria 03-25-2013 03:06 PM

It wasn't just "highly influenced" she said the songs are autobiographical.

"Caroline: Bonjour, le titre «10 ans» est-il autobiographique?

Oui, comme d’autres titres sur cet album."


On the subject though, I feel awful for her. I haven't seen the translations of the songs, but from what people are saying, Jeremy is basically a deadbeat dad. Not entirely surprising because it's very common, but I was raised by a single mom and I saw how difficult it was for her. I'd never wish that on any woman.

Although some women are just better off without a man. Sad, but true.

Corsaire 03-25-2013 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 239229)
It wasn't just "highly influenced" she said the songs are autobiographical.

"Caroline: Bonjour, le titre «10 ans» est-il autobiographique?

Oui, comme d’autres titres sur cet album."

Well, I doubt it is that simple because Alizée doesn’t write her own lyrics.

It is clear that the songs are about her own life, that she has said plenty of times. But, so far, Alizée herself has put out different versions of how the lyrics actually came to life. In some cases, she says that she received songs (a 100 of them) and that she picked the ones that she did like or that reflected on her own life, in other cases, she says that it is her story and that she highly influenced the content. So, the question is to what extent the lyrics actually reflect on her life. Is it the general topics and feelings, or it is every single minute detail?

In the present interview, she seems to confirm that every detail (well, at least what is quoted in my last message) is from her own life experience.

Lili4ever 03-25-2013 03:15 PM

i would take it with a grain of salt. Not so long ago she said that the lyrics may sound like it's about her life, but it is not. So she is contradicting her self. She might say all this stuff just to raise the interest

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