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Aragorn97 08-12-2019 11:39 AM

What does Alizée mean to you?
I accidentally clicked on "submit thread" and don't know how to delete this, so I'll finish its introduction and post it

Shepherd 08-12-2019 01:06 PM

She's like a candle lit in a dark room.

Aragorn97 08-12-2019 01:47 PM

Hi, everyone!
I know this is something you have already talked about here, but it is a question I'm also asking myself. So I'd like to discuss this with you, so that I hope we can understand better our feelings.

I apologize in advance if I'm not completely clear, but that's something I would find difficult to explain even in my mother tongue.

So, what does Alizée mean to me?

I'll start from the beginning and give some context.
I've never been in love in my lifetime. Never found a girl I wanted to even just know better. Yes, I've met a lot of girls and have some female friends but, even though some of them were cute and/or pleasant, I never really felt anything I could call love towards one of them. Maybe once I thought I was in love with one of my friend in high school, but everything came back to normal after 3 weeks.
Stayed that way until about 3/4 years ago.
Than I saw this video.

And everything changed.
I had never seen anything more beautiful than that girl. She was (is) more incredible than any human being and everything my eyes had ever seen. Her voice and eyes indescribable.
Since then, I began to search everything about her and follow her life.
Day after day, I saw what an incredible personality she had and, above all, I felt as though her singing voice was speaking directly to my heart. So I realized that she wasn't just a singer, she was someone much more important. I realized that she was part of me.
And now, after all this time, I still feel the same and that my life would be incomplete without her.
There isn't a day I don't think about her. Everything about her drives me crazy: her smile, her voice, her way to speak, her way to do everything. Sometimes I found myself thinking of her and I realize that my heartbeat is accelerated.
I've never felt anything like this toward something or someone.
Is this love? Am I in love with Alizée?
I know I've never met her and that I don't actually know how she is, but, as I was saying, she speaks directly my heart and I just don't know what is all this. Is it possible to be in love with someone you have never met?

I was thinking that this might me something really similar to what I studied about Dante Alighieri and Jaufre Rudel. They were two poets that describes a very peculiar type of love. I can't explain it really well in English (I studied this at school maybe 6 years ago), so, if you are interested, I could search some English articles about them or anyway I recommend you to read something about them.
However I can tell you that they felt love for women they can't have. Rudel fell in love with an African countess through the poems he heard about her. Dante fell in love with Beatrice: he saw her only 3 times (she was married to another man and died aged 24), but nevertheless she was his first and only love. I don't know how much you know about italian poetry, but, just to be sure you understand the importance Beatrice had for Dante, he made her the most important figure of his masterpiece (and maybe the most important work of our literature): she was his guide through Paradise in the "Divina Commedia".

I'm sorry I can't explain better their poetry, but it would be too complicated to do it in English. As I said I recommend you to read about them.

So, back to Alizée. What are my heart and mind feeling? I can't speak/look at any other girl without thinking "she is not like Alizée". That's true even if I only consider the mere aesthetic point of view: to me no top model can reach her.

I don't know if I seem weird or crazy, but I needed to tell this thing to someone.



Originally Posted by Shepherd (Post 266293)
She's like a candle lit in a dark room.

:omg: I really like this metaphor: it works better than a thousand words

CleverCowboy 08-12-2019 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Aragorn97 (Post 266295)
So, back to Alizée. What are my heart and mind feeling? I can't speak/look at any other girl without thinking "she is not like Alizée". That's true even if I only consider the mere aesthetic point of view: to me no top model can reach her.

I don't know if I seem weird or crazy, but I needed to tell this thing to someone.

No, I don't think you are weird or crazy. You got hit by a thunderbolt like Michael Corleone.

Using Alizee as a standard is setting the bar really high, but it is highly probable that you will meet women with some or many of the qualities that Alizee has. It is possible to love Alizee and be in a relationship at the same time. :)

Aragorn97 08-12-2019 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy (Post 266297)
No, I don't think you are weird or crazy.

Thanks! I really appreciate it


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy (Post 266297)
You got hit by a thunderbolt like Michael Corleone.

I don't know if I like being compared to that guy but I see what you mean :P


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy (Post 266297)
Using Alizee as a standard is setting the bar really high, but it is highly probable that you will meet women with some or many of the qualities that Alizee has. It is possible to love Alizee and be in a relationship at the same time. :)

I hope so. As you might have guessed, I have not that great experience with relationships, so I don't know what to expect neither from Alizée nor from a potential girlfriend. So let's see what life has to offer!

imverynuts 08-12-2019 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Aragorn97 (Post 266301)
I hope so. As you might have guessed, I have not that great experience with relationships, so I don't know what to expect neither from Alizée nor from a potential girlfriend. So let's see what life has to offer!

Dude trust me you're not the only one. The first time I saw this video

I was astonished. I've still never seen a more attractive female lol.. man it has been so long now too. And I too constantly compare all women to her and they fall short tbh lol. She kind of ruined me :))

I've had a few girlfriends and things but I gotta be honest I think I'd be just as happy just watching Alizee videos for the rest of my life sometimes lol

Bamagirl 08-12-2019 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Aragorn97 (Post 266295)

I was thinking that this might me something really similar to what I studied about Dante Alighieri and Jaufre Rudel. They were two poets that describes a very peculiar type of love. I can't explain it really well in English (I studied this at school maybe 6 years ago), so, if you are interested, I could search some English articles about them or anyway I recommend you to read something about them.
However I can tell you that they felt love for women they can't have. Rudel fell in love with an African countess through the poems he heard about her. Dante fell in love with Beatrice: he saw her only 3 times (she was married to another man and died aged 24), but nevertheless she was his first and only love. I don't know how much you know about italian poetry, but, just to be sure you understand the importance Beatrice had for Dante, he made her the most important figure of his masterpiece (and maybe the most important work of our literature): she was his guide through Paradise in the "Divina Commedia".

I'm sorry I can't explain better their poetry, but it would be too complicated to do it in English. As I said I recommend you to read about them.

Aragorn, what a fascinating comparison! I love Italian poetry. I only wish I spoke the language and could read it exactly as it was originally written. Dante’s “Divina Commedia” (though I have only been able to read the English version, I’m afraid) is indeed one of the all time great works of literature. I am not familiar with Jaufre Rudel, though. But I now intend to look him up. I find it incredible that such brilliant writing can be effectively translated. Have you read any of the English translations of the original Italian poetry? I would be so interested to know how much you feel is lost after the translation.

Several years ago I had a long discussion and correspondence with the college student daughter of a friend. We were discussing the different types of love there are. I wrote her a very detailed explanation of many types I believe exist, and yet I feel I. never really effectively analyzed the type of love you describe here, that you feel for Alizée. I think I included it in a broader definition—I feel as though I’d like to rewrite that.

I think the difficulty here lies in the word “love.” What we have is, I believe, a semantic problem because the language (English, at least) lacks the vocabulary to describe precisely the various complicated feelings that we lump into one word: “love.”

Thank you for your extremely deep and thought-provoking post.

And by the way, let me assure you that your English is terrific and you do a great job making yourself understood!

imverynuts 08-12-2019 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Bamagirl (Post 266303)

And by the way, let me assure you that your English is terrific and you do a great job making yourself understood!

Wait, he isn't a native English speaker? I must have missed that since I think he's so good I could tell the difference:D

Scruffydog777 08-12-2019 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Aragorn97 (Post 266295)
Hi, everyone!
I know this is something you have already talked about here, but it is a question I'm also asking myself. So I'd like to discuss this with you, so that I hope we can understand better our feelings.

I apologize in advance if I'm not completely clear, but that's something I would find difficult to explain even in my mother tongue.

So, what does Alizée mean to me?........................

I've never felt anything like this toward something or someone.
Is this love? Am I in love with Alizée?
I know I've never met her and that I don't actually know how she is, but, as I was saying, she speaks directly my heart and I just don't know what is all this. Is it possible to be in love with someone you have never met?


Originally Posted by Bamagirl (Post 266303)

And by the way, let me assure you that your English is terrific and you do a great job making yourself understood!

As Bamagirl said, your English is terrific.

As far as you being in love with her, that's hard to say. I'm in love with the performer. I would pay any price to see her sing and dance to her own songs in a 'real' concert, but one of the biggest reasons I'm in love with the performer is because of the person.

Going to the Studio last year and going to the autograph sessions was something I had to settle for. Seeing her in person in Les Enfories was a great experience, but again, I want to see a concert of 'hers'.

Meeting her at the 'private' autograph session in Paris and the Studio last year were overwhelming experiences for me because of what she has meant and done for me. She came into my life when there was a lot of depression and turned my life around.

So again I say I'm in love with the performer, but maybe I'm just fooling myself.

CleverCowboy 08-13-2019 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Aragorn97 (Post 266295)
I know I've never met her and that I don't actually know how she is, but, as I was saying, she speaks directly my heart and I just don't know what is all this. Is it possible to be in love with someone you have never met?

To answer your question more directly, I would say that the answer is yes.

Bamagirl made a good point in that the word "love" is very general and it simplifies something that is actually very complicated. You might use the word when describing your favorite foods, activities that you like to do the most, or your country. It's not the same kind of love that you have with your family and your friends, and even among those people, it varies .

So Alizee shows up in your life and stirs up strong emotions that you are inexperienced with. They are valid and there is nothing wrong with them. You will figure it out eventually, so enjoy the ride. :)

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