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Tomtentp 09-25-2008 05:07 PM

Alizee Shrine dot com
This webpage does not exist, yet :cool:

I have recently been scanning the forums for fan made material in all thier shapes. Drawings, musical pieces, fan videos, games, you name it. There are no end of peoples creativity when it comes to tributations for Alizée. Althou there is one problem, they are scattered across the internet with no real way to track them down.

This got me an idea.

Im thinking of making a webpage dedicated to fan creations. An Alizée shrine where you can post your creations dedicated to Alizée.

As of now, everything is devided over all these forums and communities, I think it would be great to have a place to stash everything. A common ground where language is no barrier, where you use your artistic skill and creativity to communicate your feelings.

The main goal for the layout will be simpleness.
Everyone shall be able to use this, you should not even have to know the language, even thou I plan to have it in many languages ofcourse.
Hear me out thou, this will not be another forum. This will be an interactive stash for Alizée fan material. To compare it with something familiar, YouTube is a good example of the design and functionality I have in mind. But this will be much more personal than YouTube.

Im thinking of some cool systems and features that could be applied to this website.

First, some kind of vote system where you can vote for your favourite piece in every cathegory. This would seperate the 'spam' from the 'awsome' creations and everything between. Some people put a great deal of effort into their work while others just throw something togheter without really trying. The vote system would encourage people to try harder.

Im also thinking of a relax-section where people enjoy functions like chat rooms, games and such.

As I just got this idea and haven't thought it through really, I don't have much more information to supply right now.

A half crazy idea maybe, what do you guys think?

jung_adore_ALIZEE 09-25-2008 05:28 PM

good idea bud

Idéaliser 09-25-2008 07:46 PM

very cool idea, I'd like to see what people contribute :)

mavsluver41 09-25-2008 07:50 PM

Yes, wonderful! I've secretly been hoping that someone did something like this (but the difficulty and size of the project was, frankly, intimidating). It would take months, if not years, to compile all the fan remixes, drawings, and videos. Not to mention the out-of-box, uber-creative stuff that doesn't fit into any specific category (like pics of RM's birthday cake, that one text GIF of the JEAM dance, and the numerous TASTEFUL photoshopped pics of Lili). It doesn't have to be just you, Tomtentp, this could be a community effort; we are all willing to chip in, I think. Oh, and imagine if Lili came across the site...;).

TheBarrett 09-25-2008 08:10 PM

(thumbs up*)

Spenser 09-25-2008 08:25 PM

Sounds like a great idea to me.

TheBarrett 09-25-2008 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Tomtentp
I'm Tomtentp and I approve this message

Sounds good as well.
Good luck in production. :)

Any special priviliges for your fellow brother under the weeping moon? :p

woohoo 09-25-2008 08:48 PM

great idea, you have to link the motivators page from here to the new web page.

Chommpers 09-25-2008 08:54 PM

That's a great idea, would definitely be nicer than trying to dig the forums for something you lost maybe after a hard drive failure or for any other reason. Actually just nice in general to have all this fan created stuff in one place without having to dig around for it.

I am sure if the site was made many of the forum members here would get their works on there and could spread news of the site to the other Alizée fan sites.

Geech 09-25-2008 09:03 PM

Awesome idea Tomtentp. I think you should definitely roll with it.

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