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Scruffydog777 10-08-2010 02:03 PM

Promoting Alizée, focusing on women.
Well I've been thinking about this for a while but have been so busy I have had little time to work on it. There was a thread or maybe it was a post where someone asked how can we target more females in our efforts in out attempts to promote Alizee.

Well I think I have one way. With men it's easy, you have Alizee's beauty which is a tremendous help in targeting them, but with woman, how do you approach them. Well women love to dance and I think this is something we can focus on by targetting dance schools. I think the bigger majority of people who run and teach at and go to dance schools are females, so I believe we can target them by showing the uniqueness of Alizee's dances.

I think a lot of them would be very interested by the dances of J'ai pas vingt ans, J'en ai marre, Moi Lolita and Youpidoo. So what I would like to do is make a dvd, with these particular performances on it and send it to them. My dvds would first have these performances in French because I think they sound the most beautiful, but I would also include the English versions

I would include a letter that would briefly explain in one paragraph what we are doing and if they are interested, the following paragraphs would contain a much more lengthy explanation of Alizee, how she got started in dance, then in show biz. Explain how MF and LB discovered her. Explain how it was MF who choreographed these dances and what an incredible talent she is.

It was MF who choreographed these dances and not somebody hired by her, wasn't it?

I usually go ahead with my ideas, then post the results afterwards, but I've been so busy at home and at work, and will be very busy there again in the next couple of weeks, not to mention my other ongoing promotion efforts, that I haven't had time to work on it. So I figured I'd go ahead and post my idea now and get some input. There is a lot more that I would explain to them in a letter, but I'm pressed for time, so I can't detail it all here.

I will post a rough idea of what the dvd would look like.

Of course the dvd would have the name Alizee on it with a list of the songs.

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Junkmale 10-08-2010 02:08 PM

Why not?
Go for it. It won't do any harm.
Good luck with it and let us know of any reactions.

SaintÀlizee 10-08-2010 02:14 PM

Yeah, it's tough. Maybe a few female fans from the forum can put in there 2 cents. I'll admit, at first I was physically attracted to her looks. I decided to dive deeper, and only then did I actually consider myself a fan. Men have that gateway that women don't have, I suppose.

BrianO1 10-08-2010 03:09 PM

Well all the women I have ever shown Lili to love her style/fashion. They always want to see more pictures of her cool clothes and such, not so much her performances.

But thats jut from my personal experience.

wasabi622 10-17-2010 03:51 AM

Here's my thought about her dances, especially JEAM and JPVA.. I've shown it to some of my girl friends, and they just saw it as being sexual for the sake of being sexy. Especially the "baam bada bum bum" in JEAM and the "la la la la" part in JPVA.

The other dances though, like Youpidou or JBG though, I think are nothing like that at all.

So the key would be to show that she isn't just trying to be sexy and provocative.

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