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OGRE 10-08-2008 10:07 PM

Nous aimons Lili
With all the "suffering" going on, I thought I would start a thread for anyone to chime in some words of encouragement. Nothing fancy. Just some quick positive words for Lili. And if you have nothing positive to say, then please say nothing at all or say it in one of the other thread.

J'espère que tout se passe bien avec vous. Nous soins.

vercingetorix 10-08-2008 10:21 PM

Tday I purchased more of her stuff ''YOUPIDOU''...

JCC 10-09-2008 12:53 AM

The day she Officially returned into the limelight after being gone for 3+yrs. I still remember that night....Pure Magic!

Sometimes you need to take a look back and see where you've been...and see how far you've come, to appreciate where you are now! :D

TheBarrett 10-09-2008 12:54 AM

Dear Alizée.

Hi, good luck, call me beep me if you want to reach me?

Roman 10-09-2008 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by JCC (Post 117094)
The day she Officially returned into the limelight after being gone for 3+yrs. I still remember that night....Pure Magic!

Sometimes you need to take a look back and see where you've been...and see how far you've come, to appreciate where you are now! :D

Best days of my life back then, but I had many more great times after too. 4 months ago I was in great concerts - all Alizée.

C-4 10-09-2008 06:41 AM

Cher Alizée,
Les temps sont durs ici, mais le fait de penser à vous et le fait d'écouter votre musique fabuleuse a fait mon temps aller de loin plus facilement. J'attends le jour impatiemment que je pourrais me permettre de voler en France et vous voir au concert.

Jusque-là, vous êtes dans mes pensées toujours et mes meilleurs vœux vous sortent et votre famille pour le succès continué, la santé et le bonheur.

Merci pour tout le magnifique vous m'avez donné.
Vous êtes les meilleurs.

exile 10-09-2008 06:54 AM


Paulina 10-09-2008 10:08 AM

Vous tres formidable!

edgar93 10-09-2008 02:03 PM

Hi Alizee, I dont even know if you will read my meessages, I hope one day (Maybe you have done it, but do it once again, we dont post just once) you will see all we do just for you in this great website, just see!! we travel to countries that are far away (I havent done it yet, but I will), we buy everething about you, Roman has a a tatto of you in his back, maybe its no so big as yours, but its not her wife/girlfriend, or her mom, is you!, We try to learn French, because you are the only reason to do it,
We all do it for you. And maybe you should spend more time with those who make you what you are.
I dont know:confused:, maybe just posting : "Hi Alizeeamerica, have a good day", I mean, it is not compared with all we do for you.

Ohh yes, I almost forget it, my possitive words to you:

Mmmm, You will be always in my heart and mind:D, it doesnt matter your age or if you cancel your concerts, even if you dont read our messages:p.

Youpidou1 10-09-2008 11:47 PM

Hey Alizée you rock as a Jedi and as a singer. Might aswell throw in that The Force will be with you ALWAYS. Always know Alizée...the American fans aswell as the world fans are here for you.

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