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Scruffydog777 04-19-2010 11:30 PM

How do we thank Alizée?
Soon after returning from my trip of a lifetime to Paris, i sent a thank you note to the manager of Virgin Megastores who Docdtv first contacted. We owe so much to this guy (Docdtv too). It would have been so easy for him to drop the ball and just ignore the note, because 50 cd's isn't a huge amount (though I'm sure if we had known earlier, we would have wanted a few hundred cd's), he might not want to have bothered a star like Alizée with such a request. But he went the extra yard. I just hope he understood the thank you message I sent him in English.
Then there is the gentleman from Instatubes, who I'm sure had a lot to do with this request being passed on to Alizée. I sent him a nice thank you note to the Instatube office in Paris by regular mail last week. He spoke English very well so hopefully he appreciated how much me and this forum appreciated what he did.
But I never thought about thanking Alizée. I guess mainly because I thought so many people send her messages on myspace or facebook, how can one be really sure that she would get the message. Then there is the language barrier, I've learned 12 of her songs to varying degrees, but to listen to an interview of hers on the news, I can't understand a word she's saying, and I think that one thing this trip showed me is she is more or less in the same boat. Even though she has a very good understanding of the songs she sings in English, she really can't engage in a conversation in English. So any letter I would want to send to her, would have to be sent in French.
I have to send her a thank you note for me and for us. I and we can't go without at least making an attempt to contatct her personally for what she did for us. What is the best outlet to send it to, to make sure it gets delivered? I think maybe the gentleman from Instatubes, but hopefully some other people in here can offer some insight.

MYGOGT 04-19-2010 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 161704)
Soon after returning from my trip of a lifetime to Paris, i sent a thank you note to the manager of Virgin Megastores who Docdtv first contacted. We owe so much to this guy (Docdtv too). It would have been so easy for him to drop the ball and just ignore the note, because 50 cd's isn't a huge amount (though I'm sure if we had known earlier, we would have wanted a few hundred cd's), he might not want to have bothered a star like Alizée with such a request. But he went the extra yard. I just hope he understood the thank you message I sent him in English.
Then there is the gentleman from Instatubes, who I'm sure had a lot to do with this request being passed on to Alizée. I sent him a nice thank you note to the Instatube office in Paris by regular mail last week. He spoke English very well so hopefully he appreciated how much me and this forum appreciated what he did.
But I never thought about thanking Alizée. I guess mainly because I thought so many people send her messages on myspace or facebook, how can one be really sure that she would get the message. Then there is the language barrier, I've learned 12 of her songs to varying degrees, but to listen to an interview of hers on the news, I can't understand a word she's saying, and I think that one thing this trip showed me is she is more or less in the same boat. Even though she has a very good understanding of the songs she sings in English, she really can't engage in a conversation in English. So any letter I would want to send to her, would have to be sent in French.
I have to send her a thank you note for me and for us. I and we can't go without at least making an attempt to contatct her personally for what she did for us. What is the best outlet to send it to, to make sure it gets delivered? I think maybe the gentleman from Instatubes, but hopefully some other people in here can offer some insight.

After reading this post I thought," When we have a point of contact wouldn't it be great to have, at least, all those who received a signed cd write a short thank you?" Just my thoughts.

sumi1 04-20-2010 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by MYGOGT (Post 161710)
After reading this post I thought," When we have a point of contact wouldn't it be great to have, at least, all those who received a signed cd write a short thank you?" Just my thoughts.

I think a thank you letter from the whole forum is good idea. We can all work on the letter together and pass it on to the medium of contact. 50 letters will be too much and she may not read all of them seriously.

The major point through whom should we contact her. She must be having some managers/agents who deal with all the media persons/organizing interviews etc. We might pass on our letter to them. In my undergrad, I contacted a very famous band in India to organize their show in my university. Their manager's contact information was available from theor website. Nothing like this is there on her website though.

Deepwaters 04-20-2010 12:14 AM

Well, I already thanked her twice on Facebook, one after I heard that she was doing the special session, and the second time after I received my CD. If we want to put together a group message of thanks, that's fine, too, but I would suggest not making a huge deal about delivering it to her. The simplest way, after it's put together, is have someone who is a Facebook friend (Ben would be a logical choice) deliver it electronically.

Honestly, people think she's so inaccessible and that's just not true. Getting word to her is EASY. In fact, I can just about guarantee she'll read this thread within the next week or so.

sumi1 04-20-2010 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Deepwaters (Post 161717)
Honestly, people think she's so inaccessible and that's just not true. Getting word to her is EASY. In fact, I can just about guarantee she'll read this thread within the next week or so.

Given how she organized a special session for us shows how considerate she is for her fans. However, with all the sources of communication at our disposal, we must also ensure that we are acting in a responsible manner. If we all keep pestering her, she might be angryzee :) I don't want that. Probably Ben contacting her is a good idea.

woohoo 04-20-2010 12:27 AM

Whatever we write it should be short and sweet. I think that a consise letter of how much the entire forum and America appreciates the gesture and that's about it.

user472884 04-20-2010 02:37 AM

We can write her a letter!

Merci Alizée 04-20-2010 02:55 AM

Few thoughts
She joined the group Alizée America on facebook. We can thank her her there on behalf of Alizée America.

We can write a short letter, saying thank you.

Create a video in which we thank her and post it on her fb. She does watch videos there and I'm sure about it. Thanking in a video would be a good option. She signed for so many people and didn't see who they are. Maybe a short video would make everyone feel like we are thanking her personally. We can have different options about how to make sure that she watches that video. :)

Chuck 04-20-2010 03:01 AM

But Aaron doesn't like letters!
Oh Jalen - you Jokeur!

But yes, we could do that, and I've already got a layout we could use. (And a bunch of signatures already on it.) ;););)

(In fact, if we did want to reuse the same format, we could even make room for more sigs, and remove those of people that aren't around anymore)

So yes, a letter sounds good, and it wouldn't be too hard. Still - I'm not sure if that's what Scruffy had in mind. Maybe he's hoping we'll think of something different? Something new?

So Scruffdog, it's up to you. If you want to let the group brainstorm on it some more, great! I'm trying to think up what else we could do to say thank-you, too. Still, even if we get her her own 2-hour special on ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX, a nice letter could go along with that. :D

Late Flash from Merci Alizée - she did WHAT?!?!? WOW!!!
(And by the way, that's another great way to say thanks to Alizée: make it your screen name!)

C-4 04-20-2010 05:31 AM

I'm not very computer-savvy, but a concise letter just letting Alizée know that we appreciated her extra effort to accomodate her american fans seems to be the neat and clean way of doing this without over-doing it.

It would be quite hard to get a video of everyone, either separately or in a group, but if the signatures of all those who were lucky to have received Alizée's autopraph were included in the letter to her, I think it would make it easy for her to read it without going through 50+ letters separately, or making it difficult time-wise for her to go through it all.

It would get her the message, show her we appreciated what she did for us, and not intrude on her time in a lengthy manner.

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