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Scruffydog777 08-24-2013 05:49 AM

Pictures and videos of Alizée's autograph session in Ajaccio 2013
Now I finally have some time to talk about this autograph session. Of course we knew her birthday was coming up at the time, but we had little notice about the autograph session. When I heard about it, I figured it be something of a more intimate nature than her other autograph seessions. A session where you'd be in much closer contact to her than you would be at a regular autograph session and it was. Still that wasn't enough to make me decide to go.

The things that pushed me near the edge was the fact that at this point, her future is uncertain and this could be the last chance to see her in such a close setting. Another factor is I wanted to find a way to thank her for the autograph session in march. I had sent a message to one of the Sony reps asking him to thank her and he said he did, but who knows for sure?
Back in 2010, there was an effort to thank Alizée for the 60 Psych cds, by contributing towards the fund for Jean Baptiste; a young boy who was battling a type of cancer. This did not end well, for us, but at least we know we contributed towards a good cause as was evidenced by the fact that the he passed away not that long ago. So I saw now an opportunity to give a thank you note on behalf of the forum and knowing she would get it.

Another consideration was that music event in New York that was a tribute to the French singer Edith Piaf, that a few of Alizée's freinds would be participating in. I thought this would be a great promotional opportunity for her. I've tried to get this message to Sony, with no luck.

Now it's very probable that she is commited to the program Dancing with the Stars and even if she isn't, it's probably too late for her to participate anyways, but at least I was able to get a message directly to her about it.
Those of you who know me sort of well, know there was a little something more than just a thank you note and there was some added incentive for her to go to NY, but that's all I'm going to say publicly on that subject.

So I saw so much that could be accomplished here, both on a personal level and on a forum level and as I mentioned, something like this might never happen again, so I decided to go for it. Still it seemed like there were so many obstacles. I fly stanby and there has to be empty seats on the plane for me to fly and this time of year there aren't many. Then the connection time between flights was very tight and if I missed one, about $500 for a non refundable hotel reservation and a regular ticket on Easy jet to get me from Corsica back to CDG would have been down the drain, not to mention the hundreds I had to pay for the standby tickets, plus the two days pay I had to give up.

But I was determined to get this done, even if it meant once I got there, I couldn't get back. What a hardship that would have been!!!!
Before I left for the autograph session, I worked Sunday night. Now I made a commitment to my brother to go fishing with him on monday and I kept that. I didn't tell him about impromptu trip. We were out there quite a while. Once I got home, I still had to pack and make reservations, so I got very little sleep before I left, then got very little sleep on the plane.

I got to my hotel about 1:30 pm. After checking in, I went right to the church where we suspected it would be. I didn't see any signs about the event, but I did find a woman who spoke some English who was sitting on the steps of the church and she did verify it was happening there at 6:30.
I went back to my hotel, then showered. I was so tired I could hardly stay awake. I wanted to get some sleep but was so afraid I'd be so tired I'd sleep through the alarm. What I wound up doing was setting 3 alarms and luckily they did wake me up.

I got there around 6. There were several people standing around. Not a large crowd by any means but still a nice turn out. They brought in a podium and a speaker. Around 6:30 I was looking in the direction I thought she'd be coming from. Now there were plenty of beautiful looking woman around of all ages, but then walking in the midst of the crowd was a peson who stood out like a beacon in the night. All you could see at that point was the upper part of her, but it was such a sight to see.

She went up to the restaurant and met with freinds and dignitaries, then she went to a table of the restaurant and started autographing these cards that they had printed up. They were the same picture that was on the cover of the album. Before long, I was able to move to within about 8 feet of her. I took several pictures and videos. I think I kind of stood out from the regulars and so I moved away after a while to give the locals some privacy.

Then she moved up on the porch of the church. A few of what I guess to be town dignitaries made some speeches. Before this I had seen Jo Jacotey off to the side, I went over to him and introduced myself. I told him I admired the many pictures of his I had seen. Alizee then got up to say a few words. Now because I had moved to talk to Jo, I was out of position to catch the first part of her short speech, but I did get most of it. After her speech, she moved to the side and the crowd started singing something which I assumed to be happy birthday. There was a young girl on the porch with Alizee. It wasn't Annily and she seemed to have some signifigance to the event, but I don't know what.

After that, Alizee returned to signing autographs. That's when I got in line. Now most of the people only had the cards she brought to autograph. A few people here and there had a cd for her to sign, so I didn't think it was fair to give her a bunch of stuff to sign, so I just gave her a few things of a personnal nature.

At the end of the autograph session, she stood around quite a while with family and freinds. I sat down on the church steps along with several other people to hopefully get one last video of her leaving. She was on the phone for a while, probably co-ordinating the rest of her birthday celebration. Most of the other people on the steps drifted off, leaving me conspicuously exposed, so I figured it was time to leave and give the family some privacy.

During the second time she sat down to sign autographs, I went up to dancerman who was standing across the street with other members of her family and freinds and tried to speak to him, but his English isn't that good,but there was a beautiful young lady who was with the family; I'm sure several of you know who she is and her English was pretty good, so I told her how we have seen numerous pictures of him in the dance studio and elsewhere with Alizee and we had a pleasent exchange.

Before that had happened, I had found myself standing right next to Annily who had dancerman beside her and I thought for a moment of trying to say hi to her but thought better. Her dad and dancerman are more or less public figures, but Annily I think is still forbidden territory for strangers to approach.
Her brother too was there, as was that othere younger guy with the tatoos who apparently is the owner of the chocolate lab if that's what it is. I also saw this guy the next day on Rue Fesch.

I decided to start a seperate thread for the pictures and videos because I didn't think it was a good idea to have the thread title in French. I had no idea what it was about and I'm sure some visitors would have the same problem, plus the fact I think it would make it difficult to search for this thread in the future.

Ray4AJ 08-24-2013 06:42 AM

Amazing write-up and photos and video! Thanks!

lefty12357 08-24-2013 10:15 AM

Thanks for sharing, Scruffy !!! Wow, you sure have compiled a great set of Alizée memories and experiences. And I'm sure everyone is very appreciative that you share them with us.

Junkmale 08-24-2013 10:23 AM

Great report Scruffy.
Thanks for sharing it with us.

ALS 08-24-2013 11:13 AM

Great report, pictures and video's Scruffydog. Now the $64K question since you saw them together are Dancerman and Alizée an item or did you get the feeling they are just good friends? Inquiring minds want to know?

Scruffydog777 08-24-2013 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 244406)
Great report, pictures and video's Scruffydog. Now the $64K question since you saw them together are Dancerman and Alizée an item or did you get the feeling they are just good friends? Inquiring minds want to know?

I'm sure nothing more than good friends.

Bigdan 08-24-2013 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 244402)

Thnaks you Scruffy !!!!!:dance:

Scruffydog777 08-24-2013 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Bigdan (Post 244408)
Thnaks you Scruffy !!!!!:dance:

Your welcome Bigdan! There will be more and much better!

SpanishFan 08-24-2013 01:16 PM

What a nice thread to read.
I don't even feel jealous for not being there, I am just happy that he is sharing his experience with us.

Rocket 08-24-2013 01:30 PM

I love those shoes! :wub:

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